Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1964, p. 7

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A DOUBL This happy twosome' are elebrating their , birthdays his week. Robert John will be e year old tomorrow and his ig sister, Nancy Ellen, turn- two years old on Thursday st. They are the children of . and Mrs. Robert S. Sim- be, Oshawa. Their grandpar- E CELEBRATION ents are Mr. and Mrs, John Simcoe, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. John Sesterak Jr., Perth Amboy, New Jersey. They have: Mrs. Josephine Orosz, Hungary; Mrs. Julia Kubik; and Mrs, John Sesterak, Perth Amboy, as their great-grand- mothers. --Photo by Hornsby IN THE FOREGROUND is felicious fresh strawberry .ice m, behind are a creamy 4 jotrawberry Time Is Here Again' Make The Most Of June's Rubies - Our modern Canadian straw- rry is almost as French as lashion itself. It all began when French army officer brought ack to France some wild straw- try plants from South Amer- : a. They were crossed with|berries gently and quickly in| e variety already being cul- smooth sherbet and a party parfait both frosted with jewel red strawberries. {sorted berries in the refrigera- jtor in a covered bowl or moist- ure proof bag. Be sure to use them as soon as possible since they spoil rapidly. Just before serving, wash the | }cold water. Do not soak in | |A bouffant lace overskirt was | |back by a white rose to reveal '\sheath dress of gold peau de Giuseppe Iantomasi Takes As His Bride Rosa Mastrangelo Rosa Mastrangelo, daughter of Mrs. Esilia Mastrangelo of Oshawa and the late Flavino Mastrangelo, was united in mar- riage to Giuseppe lIantomasi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro Iantomasi in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. Monsignor Paul Dwyer offi- iciated and the bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Samuel Mastrangelo. The bride was attired in a full- length gown of bridal lace over taffeta with a scalloped neckline and lily-point sleeves. caught up at the front and the net over taffeta underskirt. A pearl and Crystal coronet held her chapel veil and she carried white roses and carnations. Mrs. Flaviano Iantomasi in a soie and carrying a cascade of yellow carnations, was the ma- tron of honor. The bridesmaids Miss Suleina and Miss Leonora Masina were in blue dresses of nylon organza with white ac- cessories and carried white and blue-tinted carnations. Mr. Flaviano lantomasi was) best man and ushering were Ga- {como Mastrangelo and Michele Flaminio. | A reception was held in the} |Ukrainian National Federation) Hall and the newlyweds are} making their home at 643 Car- tier avenue. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Peter Vander- ley, Whitby, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, | Ann, to Gordon Oosterveld, son \of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ooster- |velt, Moorefield. The marriage lis to take place Saturday, June 1/20, 1964, at 3.30 p.m, in the Emmanuel Reformed Church, | Whitby. MARRIAGE The marriage is announced of Carol Elizabeth, daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. J. Saylor Nixon, Scarborough, to Mr. Norris Wil- liam Hoag, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C, Hoag, Oshawa. The | ceremony took place on Friday, May 8, 1964, in Washington United Church, Scarborough,} with Dr, S. J. Mathers offi-| | ciating. | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler, Oshawa, wish to announce the} forthcoming marriage of their} daughter, Barbara Ann, to Wil- fred J. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, Bathurst, New |Brunswick. The wedding is to} take place Saturday, June 27, 1964, at 11.00 a.m. in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, This happy young lad is Allan W. Crook, Olive av- Joel Grant Crook, who be- enue. His grandparents are came one-year-old last month, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. King street west. Rhubarb Delight 4 egg whites \Y% teaspoon salt \% cup sugar Cook rhubarb, % cup sugar jand 2 tablespoons water for A Clean Dessert After Rich Meal five minutes. Soak gelatin in cold water and then dissolve in For a taste of spring, serve boiling water, Stir in % cup fresh rhubarb, one of Ontario's|sugar, orange juice and _ rind, earliest. fruits. When purchas-|cooked rhubarb and _ vanilla. ing rhubarb, buy crisp, tender|Chill this mixture by placing stalks which gre not too IntG0l toe aninater, pr treerer ies 8 or stringy. Store in a cool dry) yoanwhile whip egg whites place and use as soon as poS-|and salt until stiff; add 14 cup sible. Extra rhubarb may be/sugar gradually, beating con- satisfactorily frozen ang brings|Stantly, When rhubarb mixture welcome zest to winter meals.|is chilled, whip until frothy and This recipe for Rhubarb De-| he" fold in- meringue, blending light from the Foods Depart-| nly until it is tue Dyes ment at Macdonald Institute, |PoUr nto peaige ainealirs : Guelph, makes a simple chilled| Ul firm. About six servings. dessert which can be prepared) Rhubarb delight is a light well in advance of the meal. |tangy dessert, perfect after a hearty main course. Crisp 2 cups $ Z rhu-| ; eee ee rhu |ginger cookies are an _ excel- "inch pieces).| ent accompaniment. % cup sugar hci ieetpentecheiin heats eee ae UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 30, 1964 J, NAMED TO COUNCIL Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and: « 7TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. Th 7th Oshawa Scout Group Auxiliary held its fina: meet- ing for the season at the home of Mrs. Nicholas Lakas, Church street. A buffet dinner preceded a short business meeting and s0- cial evening. Mrs. Howard Vice, president, introduced the wives of 7th Oshawa Leaders who were guests of honor at the dinner The Auxiliary will serve Com- munion breakfast at St. George's Church on Sunday, June 7, to be convened by Mrs. James Smart, Troop Leader George Lakas showed colored slides of the 1963. World's Scout Jamboree held in Greece. Games, conducted by Mrs. | Richard Donald, were enjoyed and the winners were Mrs. Fred Ongley, Mrs, Charles Col- lard, Mrs. Leverne Arnold, and Mts. George Bartlett. KING STREET UCW Mrs. Laurence Allen opened ?'the May meeting of King Street "| United 'Church Women, with a reading "What is a Christian Home?" and welcomed Miss Millicent Luke, who was intro- duced by Mrs, Gordon Pirie. Miss Luke's subject "was "Leadership." ; Too few members were doing too much. The UCW should use everyone's talents, making sure that every member shaed in UCW activities. The church leannot get along without its jwomen, she said. | Sympathy was extended to 1 SMART WOMEN... i have their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Wey DURACLEAN 728-8518 FOR tablespoon unflavored gelatin cup cold water cup boiling water cup sugar tablespoon orange juice tablespoon orange rind (grated) teaspoon vanilla , : " 4 ' PORTRAIT 1 FLOWER MARKET Flower-growing for the whole-| sale market was a flourishing industry in several European countries up to the outbreak of the Second World War. Greland. 4 \§ Make Your Appointment Today | STUDIO 21 ATHOL ST, W. 723-3680 > Hi vated in French gardens, The|Water since they will lose aj' tcome was the smaller, rich- r flavored berry we enjoy to- ay. Canada's Food Guide, the j msible pattern to good eating, commends a daily food source vitamin C for every Cana- jan. Did you know that fresh trawberries are high in this great deal of their original food value and become water logged Hull the berries after washing. Drain thoroughly in a colander ;Or- on several thicknesses of |paper towelling. The home economists of the Consumer Section, Canada De- jpartment of Agriculture -- offer tnportant yitamin -- five large|three cool and tempting des- perries will supply all of this itamin that you need ina day. To get the best value for your (od dollar, look for these faints, Choose berries that are eight red in color, firm, and ell formied. Be sure that the een hulls are attached. Ber ves that are soft and show ecay spots deteriorate rapidly lemember, flavor depends on ye variety of berry and the agree of maturity, not on the ze. To store, empty the berries refully from the box, pick em over removing any that Hee soft or deeayed, place the | UNITS, GROUPS -- AUXILIARIES HUMORESQUE CLUB \The Humoresque Club of the 'nd met in the CRA recently jth Miss Vera Siblock presid- g Six-year-old Dennis Ome- mchuck, Wilson road south en- grained on his accordion, with Blue Bells of Scotland', "Your ty True Love", 'Drink To Me ly With Thine Eyes', "Oh here Has My Little Dog ne?" Mrs mvener, was assisted in the mes by Mrs. Howard Elliott Mrs. Jack Johnston. Visi- s from the Advisory Board pre Mrs, A Parkhill, Mrs S'S. Myers mVinners of the games were: fA}loon race, Miss Vera Sib- ek; buzz 50, Mrs. Reginald ike, Mr, Lester Davies; box, Mrs. Dennis Mochna- mut; paper roil, Mrs. Arthur pakely; musical chairs, Mrs. miugias Armstead, Miss Freda pnite; lucky name, Mr sins: length of string cil Oakes Refreshments ettes, Mrs. Edwin Wellman s. Peter Andrey and Miss | ce Sleeman J Mrs were served by } r Murray Chute, social| mys-| serts featuring these June ru- bies. STRAWBERRY PARFAIT 1 pint box strawberries 2/3 cup sugar % cup water egg whites | % teaspoon salt % pin cups) Wash and hull strawberries, then ¢rush and press through a sieve. Combine su and water and. boil to ead (230 to 234 deg. F.) Meanwhile combine egg whites and salt, and beat until stiff but not dry. Pour hot syrup slowly over egg whites, beating constantly, then continue to beat until mixture is cool. Fold in sieved strawber- ries. Whip the cream and fold jinto egg mixture. Turn into freezer trays or parfait glasses and freeze until firm. Let stand jat room temperature 10 to 15 ;minutes before serving, 6 to 8 servings. whipping cream (1% the stage STRAWBERRY SHERBET cups washed and hulled strawberries %4 cup sugar ¥% teaspoon salt | %cup hot water tablespoon Jemon juice envelope gelatin (1 tbsp.) % cup.cold water egg white tablespoons 1 1 2 sugar Crush and sievé Add sugar, salt lemon juice, Spak in cold water for five minutes, then dissolve over hot water. Add to strawberry mixture, combine! |thoroughly and chill. Pour into freezer trays and freeze rather finm mush. Make jmeringue of {he egg white and remaining sugar. Turn' straw- berry mixture into hilled bow], '«rust then beat i) tary fold in meringue. Quickly return to freezer trays and freeze until firm 6 to & servines rawberries and vith a fork for minute tk and one ' beater mmediatels FESTIVAL In the Interest of Civie Pride, International and Cultural Understanding Plans for a mammoth celebration of Dominion Day, July 1, 1964, with all organ- OSHAWA FOLK izations in the city taking part, are now in the final stages, From a modest beginning in 1961, this year's all-day festival has expanded to in- clude an official track and field meet, athletics, demonstrations and displays as well as the popular international songs and dances, Hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators are expected for 'the huge and interesting festivities in Alexandra Park. YOU, OR YOUR GROUP MAY PARTICIPATE ... and here's how: 1) Ethnic song, dance or play groups, to perform on stage, 2) Enter a float in the mammoth parade, individually or with a group of friends, 3) Exhibit your handicrafts, artwork, antiques, clothing, or anything you may consider interesting. 3) By serving food, typical of your country, in one of the rent-free booths. DEADLINE FOR PARTICIPANTS SATURDAY, JUNE to aj; al Show Chairmen OREST SALMERS Phone Bus. 723-1070 Res. 728-2985 beac dé ' si "x Peer v 6th, CALL A CHAIRMAN .. . NOW Exhibits Cheirman LLOYD CORSON Phone Bus, 723-1121 Res. 723-2537 Perede Chairmen TOM SIMMONS Phone 725-2178 Concession Chairman JOHN WACKO Phone 728-7472 725-1821 I "| GUIDE REALTY + Mrs, William Medland and Mrs. Wellington Trainer, in the loss of their brother, the late Mr. Walter Hockin. The devotion period was in the charge of the Faithful Unit (2) under Mrs. John Coleman, leader, whose subject was "Family Life." Mrs. William Mitchell and Mrs. John Cole- man gave readings. Mrs. Leighton Souch read the scrip- ture from. Proverbs 31 and from one of the books of John. Mrs. Theodore Wilkins accom- panied the singing of the hymns, Mrs, Douglas Redpath spoke on the new Sunday school cur- riculum, taught in the modern way. It was announced that the United Church Convention would be held in Belleville, July 20. to 23 and that the next meeting would be June 11 at 00 p.m, Refreshments were served by Unit 7 (Cheerful Givers Unit) under the leader, Mrs. How- ard Brown, OTTAWA (CP) -- Three Mrs. Annette LaSalle - Leduc, appointments to the Canada|Vidlinist, and art eigen en Council were announced Friday Montreal. con. 'They. are Douglas V. Le. Ronald W, Bilsky, D.0. CHIROPRACTOR Pan, a former diplomat and Hay Fever now principal designate of Uni- versity College in the Univer- Back Pains 100 King St. E. 728-5156 sity of Toronto; Kathleen M Richardson of Winnipeg, well known for her work with the ATTENTION BROWN'S BIBLE and BOOKSTORE RETIRING FROM. BUSINESS All Merchandise to be Sold | at 20% DISCOUNT !! F MR. BUSINESSMA} THERE'S. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IN THE MAKING I FOR YOU In The Brand New PPING PLAZA KING ST, EAST OLIVE AVE. WINDSOR PLAZA 4 we CRERAR ST. n TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL . In Th READ HERE ABOUT EXPANSION ... is Rapidly Expanding Area THESE LOCATION @ Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ®@ Barbershop ARE NOW LEASED @ Ladies Wear Shop OCCUPANCY AUG. 1, 1964 end of course the market now available. This site wes carefully chosen to be certain of on excellent trading @rea, now ond in the future. At present the site has an excellent market erea . . . close to « huge settled resi- dentiol area, « pair of blocks eway from beth high school public schoo! and separate school . . . end expansion now under wey includes @ large housing devel @ new church, 2 apartment developments now being con- templated, AND THIS SHOPPING PLAZA right in the thick of this aree, CHECK THESE FEATURES © Solid brick and coment block - firepreet and seund- proof, © Ample perking et both front and reer of store area. 12-STORE DEVELOPMENT (3-Now Rented) Perfect location for eny of the suggested business, Store area's mostly 950 sq, ft FOOD STORE (4,000 sq. ft plus full basement) RESTAURANTS @ DRUGS' @ SHOES APPLIANCES @ DRY CLEANER CHILDREN'S WEAR @ MEN'S WEAR @ SHOE REPAIR BEAUTY SALON REMEMBER , . . OCCUPANCY AUG. Ist--Act Quickly! @ FIREPROOF @ EXCELLENT VIEW 1-B APARTMENTS onc §6'TO RENT SHOPPING PLAZA 19 one bedroom apartments ore now being leosed for August Ist occupancy. Each apartment will be « complete unit with refrigerator, range ond hot woter . . .. free parking supplied in area that will not conflict with shoppers, Reserve your apart- ment now... 4 now rented. @ SOUNDPROOF @ RIGHT ON BUS LINE EDROOM APARTMENTS .. . $100 MONTHLY © AUGUST OCCUPANCY @ EXCLUSI 16 Simcoe St. South Phone Anthony "Sibby" Siblock--725-4362 VE AGENTS i 1D 723-1f21 wand sa re REALTORS

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