Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1964, p. 8

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THE SHELTERED terrace lured some of the visitors out into the sunshine. Some even strolled on to the lawn, but a mean wind twitched at flow- ery hats and most found' the drawing room more to their liking. This group who tried Friends of Hospital Auxiliary Enjoy 'Get-Acquainted Tea' Members, associate members and friends of the Women's Auxiliary Oshawa General! Hos- pital gathered at a delightful "Get-Acquainted Tea" in Ade- laide House on Wednesday afternoon. The president of the auxiliary and chairman of the evening chapter, Mrs. C. D. Russell and Mrs. Stephen Heney, received the visitors who took tea in the ing room and strolled on the terrace beyond. A conversation piece, the table was decorated with twin arrangements of white and yel- low blossoms in graduated ped- estal bowls in pyramid forma- tion, Pouring tea at intervals were Mrs. J. G. Carter, Mrs, A. W. Armstrong, Mrs. Eric Suther- land and Mrs, Gordon Curley. Tea table assistants included Mrs. C. M. Elliott, Mrs. Neil Felt, Mrs..W. F. Marshall, Mrs. E. F, Cuthbertson, Mrs. Max Crozier, Mrs. James McCansh, Mrs, B. A. Bicknell, Mrs. C. A. Root, Mrs. Henry Bickle, Mrs. Bruce Affleck, Mrs. Earl Mat- thews, Mrs. C. R. Lunn and Mrs. James Hepburn. Mrs. Harry Taylor was in charge of the guest book and Mrs. Keith Claxton-Oldfield, the ticket table. Mrs. Garth Gil- lespie and Mrs, R. J. Tumey spent a busy session typing name tags for members and guests on arrival. Mrs. R. W. Bassett convened the committee in charge com- posed of Mrs. Harry Kerr, Mrs. Elmer Dixon, Mrs. Harry Tay- lor, Mrs. Stephen Heney, Mrs Eric Sutherland, Mrs. Garth Gillespie and Mrs. Keith Clax- ton-Oldfield. Annie Mitchell. fe the terrace includes from the left, Mrs. Lorne Taylor, Whit- by; Mrs. Murray Rosebrugh, Whitby; Mrs. W. J. Lang- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 29, 1964 Miss Beverley Joan Bright has been honored at many showers prior to her wedding tomorrow to Mark James Thompson, Dun- barton, Mrs. Bruce Bright entertain- ed at a trousseau tea for her daughter and was assisted by Mrs. Herbert Thompson, the uture bridegroom's mother. Pouring tea were Mrs. How- ard Grills, Mrs. Richard Manns, Mrs. Gerald Simpson and Mrs. Lorne Parrott. Mrs. Robert Jones and Mrs. Kenneth Bright were in charge maid, Oshawa, and Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Whitby. --Oshawa Times Photo LODGES AND SOCIETIES of shower gifts. Miss Joy Cooper displayed the wedding gifts and |Miss Betty Gunter showed the \future bride's trousseau and DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The regular meeting of the Daughters of England, Lodge 2%, was held in the Orange Temple on Tuesday evening. Worthy president, Sister Kate Glover presided with vice-presi- dent, Sister Nan Murrall assist- ing. Lodge opened with the offi- cers' march, scripture reading and prayers were tiven by Sis- ter Doreen Ladd. Sister Sarah Vandewalker re- ported on sick members, Sister Nan Kirkbride is in the hospi- tal. The secretary, Sister Doris McDonald, read correspondence and committee reports were given. There will be a church serv- ice at King Street United Church Sunday, May 31. Members were asked to be at the church at 10.45 a.m. The draw prizes were won by Sisters Gertrude Logan and MAUREEN LEE AND ALAYNE ELLIOTT Sth Co. Presents All-Round Cords To Two Guides Photo --Oshawa Times Nora Lea Flegg Becomes 'Bride of Richard Benson a | tigated thoroughly. Control Following the meeting a so-\items she had saved. cial time was spent, Sister) Those serving were Miss Doreen Ladd convened the re-| Penny Bright, Miss Marilyn freshments. |Graham, and Miss Jean Bright. The next regular meeting will|Assisting were Mrs. Vance be held Tuesday, June 2. Cooper, Mrs. Jack Bright and) BETA SIGMA PHI Mrs. Jack Graham. sees | i ight wore a sleeveless) (Ontario Gamma _ Epsilon) Landi : | Teas, Showers And Parties Honor Miss Beverley Bright blue linen dress and black ac- cessories with a corsage of pink carnations and lily of the valley. Her mother: chose a_ beige sheath with a corsage of yellow carnations and lilies of the val- ley and the prospective bride- groom's mother wore a tur- quoise lace sueath with a cor- sage of pink and white carna- tions and lily of the valley. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Vance Cooper assisted by her daugh- ter, Miss Joy Cooper. It was attended by friends and former neighbors. A kitchen and linen shower |was held at the home of Mrs. |Howard Grills, an aunt of the bride-to-be. Mrs. Robert Jones and Mrs. Kenneth Bright assist- ed. A large number of friends and relatives attended. A miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Richard Manns and Mrs. Lorne Parrott, aunts of the future bride, at the home of the latter, was attended by many friends and relatives. Mrs. Lloyd Weir held a mis- cellaneous shower at her home for the immediate neighbors. Mrs. Claude Glassford assisted. The girls at Northern Canada Mrs. Harold Ball, president, presided over the business meet- Carol Ann Parker ing gh Ontario Gamma Ep- silon apter of Beta Sigma Phi recently at the home of Is Honored Mrs. Calm Moulds, Gifford . street, Whitby. | At Showers, Parties «Plans are underway for a ; e barbecue to be held some time ote mee day atides in the month of June. This is|) 5. heen entertained at a num- to be a mixed party. ner The social committee are also prior to her marriage to Fred-| planning a "Girl's Night Out") o.ick Albert Cockerton. | to the Port-of-Calls restaurant in| |,' ,itchen and pantry shower \Toronto sometime in June. | was held at the home of the| | The members were reminded|tyture bride's sister, Mrs. Doug-| that the last meeting of theljas year would be held at Westmin-lacsisted by Mrs. Norman str Church in the form of aj parker. | pot lack supper. The winner for) 4 personal shower was held) the best program presented dur-| ot the home of Mrs Daniel} Ing the year will be announced|Cockerton, Switzer drive, with] that evening. |Mrs. John Carey, Mrs. Robert| Mrs. Murray Fraser was|parker, Miss J. Spence and speaker of the evening, having) Miss M. Riggley. the cultural program theme| A miscellaneous shower was Make an Art of Living'. In)pelg at Sunnyside Clubhouse. her talk, Mrs, Fraser said the|The hostess was Mrs. David art of living means srowing|Brown, Jr., and assisting her more mature, a never ending} process. Maturity is a process| yay i gg on Rome y pagal One sever | Seeley, and Mrs. Bernard Law-| wartane:. | : * "/ton, all aunts of the bride-to-be. : | Friends, neighbors and relatives Mrs. Robert MacLean, Ber-| attended. gaan held a! 'The bride-elect was entertain- en Var Mees sripichica in Toronto, at the Town and ae bas *§/Country Club and other points of Heather Thomas were given the} friends, Mrs. .\interest by her eee Tao Chapter | Luke White, Miss V. Halik, Miss| J. i Mrs. I. Good- The new executive was also o_o -- Installed. Several games were! Following the rehearsal to- played and refreshments round-| night, the bridal party will be| ed out an enjoyabyle evening. | enteriained at the home of the) |prospective bridegroom's bro-| THE STARS SAY Supply Ltd., where the future of showers and parties,|/bride was employed, held a PET-| vers, sonal shower at the home of Miss Bonnie Heard. A miscellaneous shower was given by. Mrs. Donald Pearl, a ; isister of the prospective bride-| Hircock, Taylor avenue,|>ro9m, at her home in West) Rouge. Before leaving NCS, the staff presented Miss Bright with a lovely clothes hamper. Following the rehearsal to- night, the wedding party will be entertained 'by the future bridegroom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert E. Thompson at the home of Mrs. Donald Pearl! in West Rouge. WIFE PRESERVER To feed an egg to a baby who) dislikes them, beat egg into six ounces of orange juice with a half teaspoon of sugar. | ther, Mr .and Mrs, Daniel Cock-) By ESTRELLITA | erton. | FOR TOMORROW This is a good period for launching new projects--espe- cially if you have given them careful thought and have inves- | emotions, however, and don't "ga overboard" on what seems to be a promising romance. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, | At three o'clock last Satur- day afternoon in Christ Memo, rial Church,Cathryn Elaine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Cecil Stephenson, be- came the bride of Darnyl Cur- tis McMaster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMaster, all of Oshawa. The officiating clergyman was Archdeacon H. D. Clever- don and Mrs. Ronald Scott, Bowmanville, played the wed- ding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal gown of white peau de soie fea- turing a fitted bodice, a skirt with slight gathers and re- leased dart pleats, and an McMaster-Stephenson Rites Solemnized In Christ Church PRESSES FOR CONTROL. VICTORIA (CP)--The Assocl- ation of Women Electors here is conducting an intensive cam- paign for a provincial crack- down on air pollution, It wants strict province-wide standards. LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Sclons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR y HOME APPOINTMENTS a corsage of deep gold carna- tions. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing pale blue lace over taffeta, blue accessories and a corsage of pink carna- tions. As the couple left on a honey- moon to an unknown destina- tion, the bride was wearing a two-piece pink wool boucle suit, a pink, black and white flower- ed hat, and black accessories. A corsage of white carnations and pink roses completed her ensemble. On their return the couple will reside in the Sunset Gar- PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. den Court Apartments, Simcoe street, Oshawa. 728-93 1 7 above-waist length bolero jack- et with bracelet-length sleeves. Her headdtess was a crystal tiara holding a shoulder-length bouffant veil. She carried a cas- cade of white carnations, ste- phanotis and gold roses. The maid of honor was Miss Donna-Rae McMaster, sister of the bridegroom. She wore a semi-formal gown styled the same as the bride's in spring- leaf green peau de soie. Her headdress was a matching self wedding band and veil; She car- ried a nosegay of yellow and white chrysanthemums. | The best man was Mr, Wil- liam Farndale and the ushers were Mr. T, E. Clark and Mr. Robert Stephenson, all of Oshawa. For the reception at Adelaide House, the bride's mother re- ceived wearing a_ three-piece ensemble of pale gold silk shan- tung, matching accessories and SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston Vance, Bowmanville, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Carol Ann, to Mr. Larry Allan Chinn, son of Mr. and Harold Chinn, Oshawa. |The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 20, 1964, at 2.00 p.m. in St. John's Anglican |Church, Bowmanville, C~herney's | 80 KING ST, E. -- OSHAWA SELL-OUT ENTIRE INVENTORY Spring Bros. Furniture SATURDAY | LAST DAY Further Reductions - Big Savings ! ! eee es ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godfrey wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Helen Ilene, to Mr. Michael Edward Roome, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Roome, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 27, 1964, at 4.00 p.m. in Centre Street United Church. TEA AT HOME WINNIPEG (CP)--Manitoba division of the Cnadian Mental Health Association used a make-believe tea in its spring membership drive. More than 30,000 invitations were mailed out to Winnipeg residents ask- ing them to enjoy the "'tea"' in their dwn homes, think about CMHA's work and then send in $1 for a 1964 membership. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | CHIROPRACTOR | Hay Fever Back Pains 100 King St. E. 728-5156 DRAPERY MATERIAL 98° yard and up Compore et $1.98 yard M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies SHOPPING CAN BE EASY! Ki ~ READ © AND USE TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS CALL THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 723-3492 Ed tee ae ee cand epapengecs spe ee 8% Hee Fay t* |your horoscope indicates a | pleasant outlook for most well- 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 A special presentation cere-| Nora Lea. dau | } ' ghter of Mr.|chrysanthemums and rosebuds. mony -was held recently by the! Su GirlGuide Compaty to and Mrs, George James Flegg,| Mr. Robert Benson was his! planned and cleverly managed Y »/and Richard Nelson Benson, son|brother's best man and MTr.| affaj ially t 2 gee the ago of Pon of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henry| Weston Bonneville ushered page cat J bg recy ords to two guides, | ane 'amily interest; Maureen -Lee and Alayne Benson, all of Oshawa, _were| A reception was held at the| also creative pursuits. Elliott. junited in marriage at 12 o'clock| Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, Avoid speculation, however. Mrs, F. S. Wotton, Southdal noon last Saturday. _ |Bowmanville. To receive, the| No dramatic rise in your finan- Mrs. F. S. Wotton, Southda'e) The ceremony took place in|pride's mother wore peacock|cial status is promised for this District Commissioner, in mak-|St. Mary of the People Roman|pjue brocaded silk with match-| year. On the contrary, gains ing the presentation, spoke of|Catholic Church. The Reverend|ing accessories and the bride-|possible in July, August and the hard work, along with the) J. oe ne and said) -room's mother, a coat and next January could be offset if co-operation of fellow guides an wre ons Yair' of e, soloist,| dress ensemble of aqua linen| 70th rg Po agra _and_ plan their leaders, necessary fo earn| vine the bridegroom's uncle with white accessories. Each] ¥! e future in mind. Begin- ; s : groom's uncle.) wore a corsage: of pink rose-|"ing with April of next year, these awards sang Panis Angelicus, Benedic-| } 1,4. however, you can' look for an Mrs. Wotton presented the|tus, Hail Holy Queen and Ave Mr. a Mr Bens upsurge in monetary matters. ¢ords to Mrs. Jack Lee and|/Maria and was accompanied by ts eax tad Mrs. enson are) The aspects are good where Mrs. Alyn Elliott, who in turn|Mrs. Philip Lesley. tS Ang) Personal relationships are con-| placed them on their daughters') Given in marriage by her fa- wilson avenue -- = iene cerned, so you should find the) ee ther, the bride wore a full-| view, Ontario. As they left shale 6 ROnLDS Dene ee Mrs. Wotton also extended|jength sheath gown of white,/pride was wearing a coat' and cuillvating new APO, (3100) thanks to Miss Beverley Bull./pure silk organza over cordedidress ensemble of soft yellow| Fspeciall ger ge henge oe) retiring captain for her work] crystal faille. The jacket fea-! woo) poucle with 'black acces-| aperally coee panies. sae with the company and intro-itured a bateau neckline, embroi-| <ories S-|these lines: July, October_and duced Miss Lorraine Dean wh0ldered with daisies and elbow- pare POG lle SE Ueda is to be the company's new CaP-|jength, trumpet sleeves. Her tain. Special congratulations were|chapel veil of French tulle, extended --to Linda Hutcheon/edged in lace and her bouquet who received her Religion and composed of white Fiji e Badge, a very difficult! rysamthemums, white rose-| a sy oe sid |buds and trailing ivy. } ' Gifts were presented to Mrs. Weston. Bonneville and : |Miss Jean Elizabeth Britton, Maureen and Alayne from the\ noth of 'Toronto, formerly of peg bona we leaders of Oshawa, were matron and maid) Gordon McQuaid on behaitlof honor. They were gowned of the Parents' Committee. jalike in semi-formal sheath Refreciments inckadin adresses of aqua organza over res ' 8 taffeta with bodices fashioned beautifully decorated cake were|after that of the bride. They supplied and served by the Par-|wore matching headdresses and ents' Committee carried yellow bouquets of Fijii a! D RA PES ESTIMATES BROADLOOM SLIP COVERS BY HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Breeeenreenen ieee procvese OF CHATEAU-GAI WINES LiMiTED wineaea PRAAB CARAOR $I Qrcome CANADA'S WINES OF DISTINCTION ALUMINUM SHAWA FREE PARKING daisy-embroidered crown held a| : ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCH ENCLOSURES OLD FASHIONED VALUE WITH THE MODERN LOOK The Cary is the latest addition to our line of beautifully styled ladies' frames. Th soft luxurious colors blending from dark to light in the pei Seite, simiad wi the flattering matching stones makes it a joy to behold--a thrill to wear STORM-SCREEN SINGLE VISION DOORS. WINDOWS ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE $ | | PRIME WINDOWS ~ . COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM CMHC AGCEPTED If the Cary does not happen to be your "dish-of-tea" Complete with lenses frames and case OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FARMERS MARKET OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NOON UNTIL 9 P.M. FRUIT -- VEGETABLES FLOWERS -- PLANTS HONEY & FRESH EGGS then you may choose les from our extensive FLEXALUM assortment of 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES & COLORS, SIDING We are sure we can please you. JALOUSIES NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ALUMATOPS FOR PICK-UP TRUCKS BIFOCALS IT. 9 a.m. to 5:p.m. Daily Complete with Tenses bend Closed All Day Wed. 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 WE FILL ALL P.S.I., OCULISTS' AND OPTOMETRISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES NOW ON DISPLAY AT 4 « "DECORATING IDEAS" NASH ALUMINUM ~ 17 Bond Street Showroom & Factory PHONE 728-1633 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT. See King and Save 725-3144 in Many Principal Cities of Canada and US --Founded 1904 m

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