Ln (bili a ies neat aA pong a SP ses a 29--Automobiles For Sale TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL... 725-6553 14 Albert St. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 1957 HILLMAN, 4door sedan, new clvich, satrter, coil. In good shape, $495 or best offer. Phone 728-9677 between 7 and 9 p.m. 1957 BUICK hardtop, in good condition, 34--Lost and Found * 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 29, 1964 29 '" |LOST -- West Brooklin area, smell black white te "P dog. Answers. ft Three year old girl keeps calling it. FABRICATING SHOP |S ----__-- Saas Hellyer, Harkness Argue Defence including Pp hote or separate |white and brown. Enfield ares. bie. OTTAWA (CP) --_ Defence easona bt cata Phone collect Grosart Metal Products - Minister Hellyer and former Conservative defence minister 1062 NELSON ST. 725-1545 |36--Legal Douglas Harkness argued i HAVE A SECRET : 4 "y PAY MORE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Peo ae 3 OF THE ROMAN 146 BROCK ST. NORTH pep ts Be sage CATHOLIC SEPARATE Aare nro Rexel, site! pprioness, 2" SCHOOL SCHOOL SECTION Valley Creek Furniture | NUMBER ONE FOR THE ngs A erg "Poo sthclensy of TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY [start Poet integrated defence Mr, Harkness said in the Com- mons defence committee that the new command structure will SMALL VAUXHALL wanted, Must be in| 1642 BOND W. 728-4401 be more complicated and slower top condition. Phone 725-2987. 1 SALE ee er renee 8 145 CARS WANTED "| CONSOLE CABINET TAKE NOTICE that the above-mentioned Board on /than the present chiefs of staff committee. Sell ea Pa ered For Ic with any regular pric- radio, automatic, one owner, $600, Tele- ed automatic sewing mach- the 11th of May 1964 pas- sed a By-low No. 2 to au | 11 would be slower because the single chief of defence staff Talk "Cash" to the N ; js phone 723-2694. Cor Dealer and "SAVE! vi ine, Trade-ins accepted, 190 HALF-TON Chevrolet with '51 engine OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE thorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale roald tb ay evar thing instead of three chiefs of Best offer or will trade, Telephone Hamp- TED CAMPIN MOTORS 329 SIMCOE S. of its debentures in the prin- the services as now. alow, | 728-2391 cipal amount of $107,000.00. Besides, Mr. Harkness added, ten, Ree 723-4494. Res. 725-5574 | --- KELLY DISNEY LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars|WINCHESTER, semi-automatic 22 with 1, The money is to be bor- rowed for the purpose of it would be better if four mili- tary -experts--the chairman of f 'ecking. ane strap; $26" USED CAR LTD. Wentworth "Goat Masten mt PMS 2 |Facer. "Telephone 7282. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auh 5 | 13 WHITBY -- 668-5891 7s Neleen $tteet, want ee cians role nent bate' ee Cars bought and sold paying the cost of build- ing " equipping @ school for site pure |the chiefs of staff committee chase and improvements. and the three service chiefs-- advised the defence minister in- stead of one. ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4225. _|cellent condition, Private, 668-5152. Liens paid off LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan! Cars/smaLL DESK with book case and chair, Trade up or down i . The amount to be bor- rowed is $107,000.00, SEES IMPROVEMENT Mr. Hellyer, testifying on a fe king, High id. ish ius ae Nonteat yh bl a paid. a i ese rotisserie. Call SPOT CASH and the security therefor shall be the debentures bill which would create a single defence chief, said the new sys- 32--Articles for Sale Complete Equipment For SMALL SHEET METAL 29--<Automobiles For Sale 1957 PONTIAC, 2door, radio, standard, l|windshield washers. Apply 88 Westmount. 1957 METEOR convertible, new motor, standard transmission, Good shape. Eve- nings, 5 to 7, telephone 728-1909. 30--Automobiles Wanted $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we aoe up or down, Liens paid off. - 27--Real Estate For Sale Propery For Sale Rosemere, Quebec Three miles from new Gen- eral on ae speaking residential area, room stone ond clapboard home, Nicely located on uni- que shaped 15,000 sq. ft. property. 4 bedrooms. 12 bathroom, living room with raised fireplace, Dining room sunporch, extra large kitchen Heated garage with en- trance to basement. Sale Price $19,900 with Low Down Payment Must Sell, WwW. EASTWOOD 424 Landsdowne Ave. CARD OF THANKS |x Rosemere, Quebec _ Modern i large living room and kitchen. Half acre lot is well landscaped with plantation planting and roses. Located at Newton- vile only 20 minutes from GM _ south plant, Asking $13,500, McGill Real Estate IN MEMORIAM JACKSON -- In loving N. Jackson, who memory of passed away tem will be such an improve- ment that it will be a great re- lief for those who have "'suf- fered" under the present ar- rangement, He said the positions of the three chiefs will be abolished as well as the naval board, army council and air' council. But the three services' would continue as legal entities, Mr. Harkness said each serv- Ice needed a man at the top to speak for it. Mr. Hellyer said that under the proposed system, there would be greater co-ordination of defence programs, Under the prsent system, the -chiefs of staff committee didn't present intgrated programs to the min- ister but individual projects for the services. Rugello Loses Plea Against Jail Sentence TORONTO (CP) --Joseph Augello, 36, of Buffalo, three times convicted of possession of $57,600 worth of heroin for the purpose of trafficking, lost an appeal Thursday aga: his 10- year prison sentence rejecting the plea for a reduced sentence, said the evidence indicates Au- gello was part of a narcotics- peddling ring operating across Va Canada-United States bor- "A Augello and Michael Tascar- ella, 42, also of Buffalo, were arrested June 5, 1062, when they stopped in Augello's car on a sideroad in West Flamboro Township, near Hamilton. Tascarella got out and picked up an eight-ounce package with a 78-per-cent mixture of heroin, --- a F igagow had 'discov- red earlier an ried to RCMP -- vellance when the ANguls toe lance when lo car Sng mten | after the arrest Au- le! any knowledge of fe narcotics. if . Augello and Tascarella were both convicted and sentenced to 15 years in penitentiary in Sep- ' r, 1962. They won @ new trial but the second jury again convicted them in May, , and they were sentenced to 14 years. Augello won a third trial but was convicted last Jan. 20 and given the current 10-year sen- tence, Mr, Justice Roach said the pt ee ae Bed her- in for ie drug a the United States. sn: at Hospital. A baby Jayne and Patti, '|--Always remembered by ,| sister-in-law Betty and sister Rete. YUILL -- In memory of a dear father and grandfather, who passed away May Psa ned © cheery oS eee way, A helping hand fo ail he knew, He was $0 kind, $0 generous and true. and proud gr ' . and Mrs. A. LeBlanc and Mr, and Mrs. D. Fudge. Many thanks to Dr, Stan- ley and 4th floor staff. grandchildren. HARRIS -- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harris wish to announce the arrival of their + Cheryl Anne, 6 Ibs. 15 oz8., on Saturday, May 23, at the Oshawa * General Hospital. A sister for Terry-Lee. Thanks to Dr. Anderson and Dr. Ross. -- The' family of the late Christopher Cover wish to extend per r incere thanks and gratitude to their fives, friends and itmgstch ad pet Broker. 728-4285. acts of Kindness, mass cards 2 $13,900. -- NEW BRICK split , Fr. MC split-level bun- tributes, sage 4 Saaes Fis iry,|galows. See our salesmen on site every 5 Funeral Home and pallbeer-jevening until dark. Follow Park Road " 'aving 'husband and|south to Phillip Murray Avenue and our bg office. Joseph. Bosco, Realtor, 728-| FOR SALE -- Modern three-bedroom brick bungalow, Brooklin. For informa- |tlon, phone 655-3157. ATTRACTIVE money making duplexes. Brand new and now under way. three-bedroom and one two-bedroom apartments. Full price $17,950. See sales- men on site, Follow Park Road South to Phillip Murray Avenue and our office. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, CHOICE building lot in East Whitby. 100 feet x 214 feet, water available, $2,200 or nearest offer. Cash or terms. Telephone 723-7701. DUPLEX, eight rooms. Good location. Close to bus. Good condition. Write Box 10, Oshawa Times. 10-ACRE lots, level, ever-flowing stream. Located at Hampton on new highway. Full price $4,500. with terms. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. TWO-STO! brick, Rossland West, near schools transportation. Telephone 725-5135. FURNISHED room, suitable for two brothers, friends or one single gentle man, No excessive drinking. Call 728-6387 EXCEPTIONALLY clean and large four- bedroom brick home. Completely finish- ed basement with extra bathroom. Ga- rage and paved drive, The real big mod- ern kitchen would delight any woman. Quiet street and nice grounds. Make this home a real gem. Only $15,900, with terms. Elmer Fredin, 725-2753. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. EULALIE AVENUE -- Five-room bunga- jow for sale. No agents. Telephone 723- 2875. BEAUTIFUL ravine lot, six-room solla brick bungalow. Four years old. Patio. 6 per cent NHA mortgage, $2,000 down. Phone 723-9017. ONE THOUSAND down, six-room brick, oi! heating $9,800. Burk Street. Spotless) condition, deep lot, garage, good value. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207 Keith Peters Realtor. §iX building lots, facing Bloor and Wil- son. Suitable for apartments. Water, sew- ers, sidewalks. Apply 448 Ritson Road psa maaan | Whitby 668-2344, S1X-ROOM brick home, also two finish-| oo Pe ray eager ene ag eed ed rooms In attic, oak floors. In excellent LA ho four-ton International, Phone condition. Apply 244 Bruce Siréel.__|iss7 CHEVROLET deluxe, six cylind -- =) 195 deluxe, six cylinder LOT 75 x patil Moy Thickson| standard transmission, new fires and Road, $4000. Telephone 725-0759. ____lbrakes, body perfect, immaculate Inter- 3% ACRES at Newtonville epee jor, $775, Telephone 725-8885. fronting highway No. 2 and 401. Calll iss) GU DSMOBILE, $75 or best offer. 569 725-6256. Lakeview Avenue, Phone 725-3622. SIX-ROOM house, $2000 down, 1959 CHEVROLET, coach, 8-cylinder, area, near schools and shopping. T°, {|standard, radio and whitewails, Call after spect call John : 5 p.m., 723-2540, jen Real Estate Ltd. a 1959 METEOR station wagon, V-8, auto- 28--Real Estate WwW matic, good condition. Telephone 728-1468, ee ae 1955 CHEVROLET, two-door sedan black WANTED good two and three-bedroom bungalows for cash buyer, also buyer with standard 6. Good condition, Phone Ajax substantial cash for two-storey home. 942-0706. Please phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133,/FUEL OIL -- Register for the free evenings 725-0243. Cal Olsen, Realtor, 299|money-saving guarantee. All in the price King Street West, Oshawa. of oil. Call Western Oil Company 725-1212. COVER DEATHS BAJOREK, Andrew Entered into rest in Oshawa, Ontario, on bret Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Andrew Bajorek, beloved son of Mrs. Victoria Ba , Oshawa, brother of Mrs. George Bialecki (Angela) Dunbarton, Mrs. Frank Bialy (Veronica) Ajax, Miss Mary Bajorek, Jan, both of Oshawa, Michael, Alberta; in his 33rd year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with High Requiem Mass in St. Hedwig's Church Saturday, May 30 at 9 a.m. In ferment Resurreciton Cemetery. (Pray- ers will be held at the Funeral Home, Friday, 8.30 p.m.) 32--Articles for Sale FOR SALE Complete Stock of H. D. WILSON HARDWARE 23 KING ST, WEST PHONE 723-3622 Until 6'p.m. ofter 6 p.m. call 725-4367 WATER SKIIS Laminated, reg. $29.95 To clear pr. $15.00 20 PAIRS ONLY ALUMINUM SKI FINS Reg, $3.95 Now $1.50 98 WILSON RD. SOUTH ____ 725-0520 after 6 p.m. i PLYWOOD BOAT, 35 HP Evinrude and trailer. in good condition, Must sell by weekend. Apply 506 Malan Avenue, Oshawa, OUTBOARD motor, 1951 Johnson 4cylin-/Phone Oshawa /25-8163. der 32 hp, $75 or best offer. Telephone | MAN'S blue sult, size 38, and shoes, both 720-1206. |worn once. Will exchange same for re i HP JOHNSON completely serviced, arhaeraion: Teepnene Ry lull warranty for 30 days. Private. $350|Congoleum, Armstrong, Quaker, all on or best cash offer. 725-5555, sale. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street TENT trailer, well equipped, sleeps five; DINETTE suite, extension table, four Folksinger guitar and case; also girl's|chairs, two arm chairs, upholstered, dark bicycle and boy's bicycle. 725-3744, brown finish. Good condition. Must CANOE -- 16 ff, red, one year oid, be seen to be appreciated. Apply 918 36-inch beam, 55 Ibs, New $208, asking|King Street East. $140. Also Porter Cable -skill saw, 714|14° 9" MOULDED plywood boat, forward, inch heavy duty, new $90, asking $50. it k. T hon: 3 One. yaar ui, Cal TOME. centre and rear dec! elephone 723-449: One year OM, 680 TC before 5 p.m. 13 FT. Fiberglass boat and trailer for|Six 900-20 tires; five-speed General Mo- si $175. Good condition. Apply 309 Col- borne Street East. 728-2805. tors ransmission, 668-5268, Ajax 942-0543. 18 FT. inboard cabin cruiser, home made, 4 cylinder Austin motor, $150 or nearest offer. Telephone 725-0118. TOW TRUCK Crane for %4 ton truck. Lifts three ton. Cable and hook, $100. Tele phone Whitby 668-2797. FOR SALE: Allis-Chalmers tractor, 1949 model, in good condition. Price $400. Tele- phone Brooklin 655-3517. PHILCO combination automatic washer and dryer; chrome bird cage and stand; both nearly new. Telephone 723-1393. MOFFAT pe r |CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies, PAID FOR which shall be a charge |Complete service. Free estimates. No waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. upon the school house property and premises PLYWOOD cabin riailer, good size, sleeps two or three people, Dial Whitby 668-8135, yey aw toes SALES i pa le ER 4 PARK RD, SOUTH and any r real or per- sonal property vested in 723-9421 upon 1999 VAUXHALL Cresta, sedan. Excellent the said board and condition. Low mileage. Telephone! the Separate School rates. 728-8749, . The debentures are to be dated June 15th, 1964, are to be in ina- tions of not less than $500.00 each and are to be repayable in, varying . instalments of principal on December 15th in the years 1965 to 1984 inclu- sive. The debentures mo- turing in the years 1965 to 1974 inclusive beor in- terest at 534% per an- num; the debentures mo- turing in the yeor 1975 to 1984 inclusive bear in- tefest ot the rate of 6% per annum, The first pay- ment of interest shall be made on the 15th day of December 1965, to cover the 18 month period from June 15th, 1964; there- ofter, interest shall be payable annually on the 15th day of December during the currency of the debentures, with the og- gregate amount of prin-i- pal and interest payoble i from in each yeor varying $9,263.75 to $9,991.25. Published by Order of the Board by Messrs. Cooth & O'Connell, 306 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontorio, its Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF CHARLES EDWARD KNIGHT All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Edward Knight, late of the 127--Real Estate for Sale ee METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 COUNTRY RANCH Early possession with attached garage on a large well land- scoped lot (This lot will pass under V.L.A.) Three large bed- rooms, family sized dining room and kitchen with loads of cupboards, a large living room suitable for large ga- thering. Most. attractive rec. room with natural stone fire- place and bar,.and a smoll den or 4th bedroom. This home is 2 blocks from city bus, close to public school and has a beautiful view. See this gem today. 4 BEDROOMS $1,500. down and balance on one open mortgage. Large 8 room family home on large treed lot, plus sunroom and double garage. Home in ex- cellent shape. WILSON RD. N. _ Just listed -- most attroctive 3 bedroom bungalow with Hollywood kitchen, large liv- ing room, finished rec, room, basement divided, home taste- fully decorated, well land- scoped lot. Asking $14,300. with $2,000. down, DOWNSVIEW PARK Let us show you these attrac- tive 5, 6 ond 7 room electri- cally heated homes, some with carports, some with go- rages, on. prepaid serviced lots. Price range from $16,- 900. to $19,500. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 McKEEN'S Furniture, new and used, 426 Simcoe Street South. Refrigerators, stoves, bedroom suites. Telephone 725-5181. ONE PAIR of French doors with beveled glass, 24" x 6'7", Call 728-8546, TRAILER: Home-made Silverliner type trailer, 12 ft. x 6 ft. 4 in, Electrical out- let, ice box, sleeps four, Apply 462 Fair- lawn Street, Oshawa, |21" TELEVISION set, $45; GE washing machine, full skirt, $30; both in very good condition. Phone 728-1742. FIRE DOOR and track, 80" x 35¥2", $15. Phone 728-9677 between 7 and 9 p.m. |1959 CEDARSTRIP boat, motor, traller, | 4 Hfe jackets, windshields, steering wheel, controls, paddle. $525, 67 West Beach, Bowmanville, 623-2252, RUNABOUT, 14% ft. moulded plywood, |with 35 HP Johnson electric start, A-1 |condition, Fully: equipped. Phone 723-9955) jaftér 5 p.m. | |BOAT, 11'4 ff. all purpose plywood, with) 14 HP Evinrude. Phone 725 t |WE MOVED! Now Bill Hamilton Office Equipment, Raglan (just north of Osh- awa). Free pick up and delivery, Low overhead, low prices. New and used. |Large stock. One year guarantee, Terms. Profiteers Play Cat And Mouse On Metro Mart TORONTO (CP) -- Profit-tak- ers played a caf - and - mouse game Thursday as the stock market ran into a series of strong buying and spurts of sell- ing. Trading was active with 8,540,000 shares changing hands compared with 9,186,000 shares Wednesday. Western oils probably had most of the game. At one point the index was up 2.22 to 103.02, but it closed with a 1.01 gain at 101.81. Home B gained 1% 4 Fs after selling at a high of BYERS, Annie Miriam After a prolonged iliness at the Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Annie Miriam Conneli, of 323 Kent Street, Whitby, beloved wife of the late Roy Byers, dear mother of James C. of Whitby, dear sister of Mrs. A. S. Cle land (Bessie) of Peterborough and Miss Margaret Connell of Spencerville in her 82nd year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service In the Chapel on Saturday, May 30 at 2 p.m. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Minister the Rev W. J. $. Me Clure. Visitors commencing 7.30 p.m. Thursday. 1941 CORVAIR for sae, radio, heate itewalls, 2-door coupe, in good shape. Call 728-2065, ' r| 1961 CHEVROLET convertible 6-cylinder, power steering, radio, white walls, $2200 Bowmanville 623-3463. 1955 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, automatic. Good condition, $300 or best offer. Tele- phone 723-4971. | 19%1 CHEVROLET BeiAir sedan V8, power steering and brakes, custom radio, whitewalls. Top condition, A good ser- viceable car at a reasonbale price. Tele- phone 728-3317. | 1956 METEOR, two-door hardtop, wheel) tisct, radio, A-l condition, $395. 728-7959) and DAWSON, Robert Lioyd (Bud) Entered into rest in Toronto General Hos- pital on Friday, May 29, 1964, Robert Lieyd (Bud) Dawson, beloved husband of Elizabeth Gertrude (Betty) father of Wendy, Robert, Michael and Kevin; in his 4ist year. Resting af the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. (For further particulars call the Funeral Home 728-5173.) 1957 METEOR, green and "white, two- door, V-8, standard, radio, white walls. $300 or best offer. Call 725-0118. 1954 METEOR stationwagon, with rebuilt motor, fifteen thousand miles, automatic, Requires some body work. Best offer. Brooklin 655-3109. GUN WANTED -- Old antique. Tele 1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, four-door standard, radio, mechanically good, body fair, Must sell by weekend, Apply 109 Agnes Street. 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- top, automatic, new paint and tires. Tele phone after 6 p.m., 725-8502. 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 26,000 miles on motor. Standard floor shift. New dual exhaust, New tires, radio, mechanically Al. Phone 728-7902. 1955 PONTIAC V8, floor shifi, posi-trac- tion rear end body spotless, One owner. GAY, Millie L. Entered into rest in the family residence, Courtice, Ont., on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, Millie L. Jackson, beloved wife of Russell R. Gay and mother of ss Velme Gay of Bowmanville, Bernice of Toronto, Jean and Harry of Courtice, and Speculative. issues opened with a bang, but interest waned as the session wore on, Best performer was MacDonald which turned over nt tf manvilie, Leslie of Roy of Stouffville, in her 76th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Funeral Service 'in the Chapel Saturday, May 30 at 11 a.m. In- ferment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. shares and gained five cents td) 35. cents. Paramque traded ac- tively in gaining 144 cents to 27 cents. But many recent favor- ites did not fare so well. Belle- terre fell nine cents to 75 cents, Marchant 10 cents to $1.25, Rowan 2% cents to 25 cents and Kirkland Minerals five cents to 40 cents . Industrials received some scattered support. Oshawa Wholesale A jumped 2% to 57% while Dosco added 1% to 19%. Interprovincial Pipe Line and Algoma--which at one time was down %--each gained $1 to 84% and 69% respectively. JARDINE, Ada Florence Jane Entered into rest on Thursday, May 28, 1964, Ada Florence Jane Ward, beloved wite of Albert Frederick Jardine and mo- ther of Mrs. Richard Smith (Phyllis) and John Jardine both of Oshawa In 67th year. Resting at the Armstrong Fu- neral Home, Oshawa, with funeral ser- vice. in the Chapel on Saturday, May 30 at3 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. (Friends ere asked not to call at the Funeral Home before Friday af- ternoon). TRADE in bargains! Ideal for cottages, two-piece chesterfield suite, $19; odd ches- terfield chairs, $6; three-piece bedroom suit, $35; five-piece kitchen set, $15; two- piece sofa bed set, $29; kitchen cabinet, $10, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, FLOOR coverings by the roll, thousands of yards, bright cheerful patterns. All reduced . . . from 23 cents per foot. Brand name floor coverings. Sandran, c Armstrong Quaker, all on Furniture, 20 Church In_ good A f sale. Wilson's | Street. |35 GALE electric motor, excellent condi- |tion, $395, best offer. 723-9750 or 728-9936. ELECTRIC stencil duplicating machine, complete with stand and supplies used. Telephone Pickering 942-1802. SENECO, Norma Maude Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, May 29, 1964, Norme Maude Knaggs, beloved wife of Stanley ind mother of ores ia jessie stove, 4burner; Locomotive dryer, $40; two gray rugs and pads, 12x9 and 9x9; one pair drapes, 7 ft. long, 13 ft. width; two pair drapes 72" long, 54° width; blue shower drapes. Apply 108 Joe Maga Dick Borriage Ken Hann Bob Johnston VALLEAU, James Kenneth Entered Into rest In the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, May 77, 1964, James Kenneth Valleau ,beloved of Carrie Stinson; father of Mrs. Ralph Wallace (Marie) of Oshewa and Mrs. ivan Wallace (Ila) of Burlington, brother of Mrs. 1. Nightingale (Dora) Roy and Arnold all of Belleville, in his 77th yeer. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral service in the Chap- el Saturday, May 30, at 2 p.m. Inter- ferment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements a floral requirements for all occasions. < OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Jack Osborne TWO.BEDROOM home required in Grier- son - Mary - Masson area, Buyer would room home for same. Schofield-Aker Ltd. OPEN HOUSE Kingsmere Gardens THIS WEEK-END 1 p.m, to 6 p.m. Spacious 6 room brick bunga- low. Complete $16,055. Less $500. winter works bonus. Modern design Built by H Construction. Directions -- East on King Street to Missionary College, south 2 blocks to Thorncliffe and Lisgor. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR Real Estate (723-2265). CASH BUYER looking moderate 'ee-bedroom, two-storey family home \with fireplace, in Mary - Masson district. |Phone 723-4975. for consider exchanging present three-bed- | 048: 1955 MONARCH hardtop, good clean con- dition, all power, $195. Telephone 728 3. i957 TRIUMPH TR3, never been raced, hardtop, overdrive, wire wheels, new con- vertible top, tonneau cover. 723-4268. OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto electric service. 222 King West, 728-0817. 29--Automobiles For Sale e KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS -- Trans- missions are our only business. 1038 Sim- coe North. Phone 728-7339. 1962 GLAXIE hardtop, Chestnut and white, with matching Interior. Full power, low mileage. 723-3236 after 5. 1962 CHEVROLET, two-door, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, 17,000 miles. New condition, $1,700 cash. 725-8916. 1969 GMC '% ton pickup with propane equipped aluminum camper. Will sell separately. Apply 328 Hilicroft Street. 1957 TRIUMPH TR3, new top, Interior redone, overdrive, heater, new tires. Blue finish. Ti 725-0432. 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, auto matic 6, power steering, radio, seat belts, 378 Rossland Road West or 725-6327. 1956 AUSTIN, green in color. Good condi- tion. Telephone 728-6756. 1960 FORD convertible, r Laracor Avenue. WRINGER washer, good condition; form rocker. Apply 812 Gordon Street. 15-FOOT BOAT 76" 418 Juliana Drive. BICYCLE, lady's, bicycle, Telephone Brooklin 655-3738. € CLASS Hydro runabout, with all con- p.m. 725-7818. 17" TELEVISION, 21" television, consoles, 7-piece chrome set, electric heater with fan, folding wood door, Cole man lantern, electric deep fryer, 200 ft. of furnace pipe, wood and aluminum windows, hall tree,. juke box with 500 records, 36 ft. ladder, lawn roller, several pictures, hand saws, large tool box, 5 men's sults, size 38 to 40, 2 reversible top coats, 1955 Plymouth station wagon. Apply 1279 Minden Street. Telephone 728-2061. FULL LENGTH organza wedding gown, *|size 12, $50, Call after 5.30 p.m. 723-1678. 2 piece bed chesterfield set; one red plat- beam, steering wheel, windshield, convertible roof and trailer, used only 12 times. $700 or best offer. 28; also boy's 26" trols, $130 or best offer. Call after 4.30 both WATER HEATER, 22 gal. Suitable for a cottage. Apply 88 Westmount, HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli- ances, Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines, Your author- ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West. 726-9191. BARGAINS for baby! New 1964 metal body carriages, $38; playpens, $8.88; 1964 Lloyd strollers, $12.88; large, full panel cribs, $19.88. Rockers, walkers, kinder garfen sets, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. 18 FT. Larson boat, 75 HP Evinrude, push button controls and traller, Apply 133 Labrador Drive. SELLING OUT 11 rooms household fur- nishings, 3 chesterfields, 3 refrigerators, heavy duty range and rangettes, lamps, tables, beds, dressers, rugs, mirrors, tea wagon, numerous other household items. Reasonable. Apply 271 Simcoe. Street North. 725-0575. ; GARDEN TRACTOR, "Simplicity", 3 HP with 24' reel type lawnmower, plough, disc, cultivator, harrow, wheel weights, plus front weight. $150 i TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, installed $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. Call 725-1669. DELUXE TAPPAN Holiday 32" gas stove. In first class condition, Telephone City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 18th doy of March, 1964, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 30th doy of July, 1964 full particulars of their claims, ofter which date the Estate will be distributed heving regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 27th day of May, 1964. HUMPHREYS BOYCHYN & HILLMAN, 36% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, Russell Dodsley Humphreys, Ruby Mary Ada Brown and Lela Sarah Elizabeth Knight. 16%. metals .10 to 64.51. Among mining issues, Leitch gaineq 85 cents to $4.35 while its running mate Highland-Bell gained 40 cents to $6. In senior issues, Inco jumped $1 to 86%, but Craigmount slipped $1 to On index, industrials were up .35 to 156.36, and the exchange Index .33 to 146.19. Golds were down .21 to 134.99 and base De Valera Still Hopes For Union Government Aims Attack On Housing WASHINGTON (CP) -- Pres . dent Eamon de Valera of Ire- land expressed hope Thursday that Britain one day will stand aside and allow the Irish Re- public and the six northern counties to be reunited under national parliament, The 81 + year « old statesman who rebelled against British rule a half-century ago told a Press conference he never had Whitby 668-4202. DRAPES, scenic pattern, full. size; 30 gal. water heater; also new bathroom sink. Telephone 728-0374. RUNABOUT, 15 ft. plywood. complete No down payment. Discounts for cash.|with steering wheel, windshield, con Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. and tarp. 35 HP Johnson; also 1,000 Ib. a'! __|Tee-Nee trailer, $800. Teiephone Whitby REFRIGERATOR, stove, table, 72 HP| 448.4604. NOTICE Tenders for Fuel Oil--Light Industrial or Domestic approx. 18,000 gallons will be re- ceived up to June 8th. Please include specifications -- the bly States to bring ressure on to co-oper- ate in reunity. " 3 But the Irish government. al- ways had sought an expressi: from Britain that she phe m4 Exclusive agent 728-7377 OTTAWA (CP) -- The gov- ernment is introducing National Housing Act amendments to make a concerted attack on im- proving living conditions for low- income groups, Postmaster- General Nicholson said. in the TENTS, trallers, sleeping bags, stoves,| picnic jugs and coolers. Best prices.) Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West . THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $298.50. power steering and brakes. In good condition. Telephone after 5 p.m. 725- le 1964 CORVAIR Monza, red with black in- terior, tr 110 "HP engine, very low mileage. Many extras. Call 723-2655. 1957 DODGE V-8, standard tr body fair, one owner. Will accept best Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME | Chota PLAN | LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE, 728-6226 MONUMENTS -- MARKERS -- IM MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. HA' WA OFFICE EVENINGS | 723-1002 728-6627 IN MEMORIAM CRIDGE -- in loving memory of @ dear mother, Susan Cridge, who apssed away May 29, 1960. God knows how much we miss her, Never shall her memory fade, Loving thought shall ever wander ve the spot where she is laid. ed by Doris, Nellie, Mildred and Violet. HENDERSON -- In loving memory of ®@ dear friend, Mrs. Bessie Henderson, who passed away gd 29, 1963. by Mrs. L.- Clapp HENDERSON -- In loving memory of 'our mother, Bessie Henderson, who pass- ed away May 29, 1963. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by we miss you more, Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. --Gordon and May. IRWIN -- In affectionate remembrance of my darling little grandson, Wesley (Robbie), who passed away sud- denly in Sick Children's Hospital, To ronto, on May 29, 1962. Two little hands are resting, A little heart is still, Our little Robbie is waiting For us just over the hill, ~-Sadly missed by Grandma trwin, Church, JACKSON -- In loving memory of @ dear father and grandfather, Charies N. Jackson, who passed away May 29,' 1952. Just @ spray of beutiful memories Tied with all our love, Memories to cherish forever Of one we so dearly loved. --€Ever remembered by daughtr. Clara and family. 198 JACKSON -- In Charles N. Jackson, May 29, 1952. --Remembered by son Ken, family, loving memory of who passed away Joan and Robert) George Blyleven | REALTOR Phone 623-5300 Maple Grove 4 bedroom family home, nicely decorct- ed, hot water heating on 34 ocre of lond. Asking price $10,500. 3 bedroom bungalow on ten acres of land, Suitable for V.L.A. Asking price $15,800. 10 acres vacant land, good lo- cation. Priced ot $4800. 50 ACRES of bush land in Calvin Town- ship $3,500. to sell. of ex- change for other property in or outside of Oshawa. Terms can be arranged. Reply to; - Classifed Box 9 ___Oshawa Times _ WELL CARED for five-room brick galow, enclosed verandah. Smail room in bai Two extra Low taxes and heating costs, $1,500. down ,and balance on one mor gage to suit purchaser. Phone 725-1468. $1,500 DOWN buys this spacious five) ~~ rant. cab beeen recited Whitby on Byron|1956 PONTIAC hardtop, stick shift; also price,| 1957 Oldsmobile hardtop, automatic. $650) IO room dweiling in Street South. Only $11,900 full Doug Skinner, 726-4900 or 728-7377, seph Bosco, Realtor. bun- rec . rooms possible upstairs. Oil furnace, TV tower, double garage. Near schools and parks, 10 minutes' walk from centre of city. $9,500; 24 HOUR SPECIAL! | | 1962 CORVAIR | MONZA SPORTS COUPE | 900 with all equipment poss- ible, Black with red interior. One owner. Just like new. Original price $3250. Sale Price $1695 RUDY 728-6007 MOTORS | 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1963 METEOR, A-1 condition, radio, windshield washers. One owner. $1,750 or yen offer. Call 728-6702. 1957 CHEVROLET, 2-door coach, 6-cylin- |\der, standard transmission, radio, white- jwall tires, wheel discs, excellent condi- |tion, very clean. $657. Telephone 728-7005. 1983 PONTIAC in very good [BUYING OR SELLING ~ _| TED CAMPIN offer. Telephone anytime 728-9191. 1963 CHEVY || Super Sport hardtop, bucket seats, automatic on floor, power jsteering, radio, whitewall tires, padded |dash, window washers, 8,500 miles, Tele- phone 725-4871. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2door hard- top, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, |radio, one owner. Phone 725-3638. |1960 AUSTIN sedan, 4<dopr; one owner, garage protected, radio, com- outboard motor, various other items. Suitable for home or cottage. 236 Park Road North. TYPEWRITER, portable; one standard; also 1BM electric. typewriter, two-total sonable. 723-4434. WE BUY, sell and cash register, adding machine. Very rea- used furni- DINING room suite, 9 pieces; one set bed springs; three small tables. Cail after 4.30 p.m. 728-3186. USED car parts, wheels, spindles, to maxe trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street East. After 4 723-2281. BUY and sell, gooa used furniture and 10 s ture or anything you have. Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, , 723-1671. jpact, excellent condition, 728-1310. |i958 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard, |radio, $795, Good condition, Apply 1376 | Simcoe North, TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- ture, including all channel antenna, in- stalled and guaranteed by experts with 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television. 728-5143. 11960 PONTIAC convertible, Parisienne. |Excellent condition. Very low mileage. One owner, Telephone 725-5518. 1959 PONTIAC Strato Chief, sedan, lovely black paint, whitewall tires. Excellent 6 LAWN MOWER |} ters -- New The City ne location only. Pretty' Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. STOVE -- Moffat range, tc Moffat range, four-burner. Call 725-0820. BUYING or selling furniture or appli- ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. BUY and sell, good used furniture and One location only. Pretty's and used, 2-cycle, 4-cycle electric or gas- Tire Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271, oline from $15 up. Terms. D Store, 48 Bond Street West. MeCLARY Easy dryer, like new. Boal |cylinder motor, custom radio, |washers, etc. $825. Terms. Telephone 728-274) |1958 PONTIAC, American, 4door hard- top, automatic, radio, 4 new tires. Good condition. $900. Telephone 728-7204 after px dase eats Sean De Mee CBee |1956 PONTIAC, American, V-8, standard shift, good condition, Call Bowmanville 623-7058. PRIVATELY owned, 1953 Pontiac, me chanically very good. Good rubber. Tele phone 728-1534. trailer, 2,000 Ibs. Telephone 725-2898. BOAT strip, equipped wit 35 HP 14 ft. cedarstrip, equipped with electric Johnson motor. Many extras. Must be seen. Phone 728-9867, ' MERCURY Mark 10 HP ir, 1959 model, A-1 condition and home made boat trailer. Whitby 668-8144, © ic, 40-inch, large RANGE, Moffatt electri utility drawers. Perfect condition. 46 Wel- lington Street; Bowmanville, 623-5643. HOUSEBOAT, 28 ff. long, completely i $1,200. --|1951 MORRIS Minor, very good condition, low mileage, paint like new. After 5.30 call 728-0238. i963 CHEVROLET Chryler Crown engine. Phone 7250742. 1000 FT. of ceiling tile. ideal for recrea- tion room, $50. Telephone Whitby 668-3769, 21" WEST impala Supersport 327 engine, V-8, power i ' radio, seat belts. Call 728-9059. 1956 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, custom radio, good condition. Reasonable at $425. 723-2932. |with stand, good condition. Ideal for rec- reation room, cottage. $20. Telephone 728-1917. CABIN CRUISER and trailer. White oa mechanically and body. Good tires. $150 or. best offer. Call after % or all day Saturday. Whitby, 668-3419. 1984 CHEVROLET convertible, gree Al New licen Telephone 725-7404. 1959 PONTIAC sedan, 88, automatic, radio, whitewalls. One owner. Telephone between 10 and 5 p.m. 725-4400, te for both cars or best offer. 725-8602. Telephone IPRIVATE SALB: 3-bedroom brick bun- galéw; walk-out basement. For informa- tion call 725-7583. i959 CHEVROLET 8- cylinder automatic sedan. Very clean condition, $1100. After 6.30 telephone Bowmanville 623-7079. Ask '\for Wayne. 'li962 METEOR standard, 1953 Ford auto- matic. Your choice, $99. 1956 Ford stan- dard. Good transportation, $125. New Ii- cences. Apply 509 Bloor Eas' 1948 MERCURY coupe, body and mech- 189" length, 8" depht, 4' width. Needs minor repairs. $150. Street, Whitby. offer over $25 takes It. Telephone after 6 p.m. 668-5984. 1# SAIL BOAT, international class. Sloop and trailer. $625. Telephone 668-5604 any- time. BOAT aluminum 17 ft., also trailer. New. Apply Solena Road and No. 2 Highway, M-least of Oshawa. dard tr . 723-7492. 1960 PONTIAC, 4door sedan 5 p.m. or écylinder, new tires, Excellent: condition. 367 Sharon Avenue. BUILDING jot 61 ff. x 281 ft. trees lining $1,800. one side, Taunton Road West, Phone 728-3033. THREE-BEDROOM --Split-level . home, stone fireplace and large lot, close to separate and Dutc! brie schools,. northwest section. Telephone|top, r chimney, |* 1962 ACADIAN convertible, radio, white- wall tires, automatic transmission, buck- let seats, excellent shape. Reasonably | oriced. For information call 723-2874 "! MSMORBILE, fewly hj automatic transmission, 193 MERCURY COMET convertibid, radio, automatic, A-1 condition. $2400 or best offer. 728-9747. | 1963 CHEVY || Nova two-door hardtop, jutomatic transmission, whitewal) tires, Palomar red. 1,116 miles, $2,300. Phone overhauled, | two-door hard: 'adio, four new tires. One owner. Apply 116 Adelaide West, 957 FORD sedan, automatic, motor over- jauled, interior clean, new paint job, transmission good, $475, Phone 725-8503, MOTOROLA. Television, 21", two-piece chesterfield suite Sklar, rangette, five- |piece chrome set, GE steam iron, Tele- phon 725-8132. RANGETTE, good condition, $15; bird cage, $2; Apply 787 Gordon Street. Dial 728-8409. |¥a¥q FT. Peterboro boat and Johnson 35 etectrie start motor, and new Tee-Nee jtraller- complete with cushions and tar |paviin. Can arrange financing, Telephone 726-1903 after 5, warming and baking ovens, two large! : TV, table model! Kk | 210 ~Henry|----- PIANO, ideal for recreation room. Best 33--Market Basket CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take orders for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 3 to 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each, Deliveries on jorders of 10 of more. Call Oshawa 728-5291. |ASPARAGUS -- Excellent fr Mi jety, $2.50 for eleven quarts. $1.50 for {ev quarts. Ralph Hills. Enniskillen. | 263-2448. |34--Lost And Found LOST -- Bive Budgie, answers to "Joey" | Dufferin Street area, Whitby. Tele- jphone Whitby 668-5482. LOST: Siamese caf, Monday, vicinity Courtice or Whitby, red leather strap on neck, Telephone 728-8921. LOST: Wrist watch, Bulova, white gold, |) vieinily of shopping centre. Reward \Telephone Whitby 668-8119. and mail tenders to: Y.W.C.A._199 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontorio, The lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted, Commons 'Thursday night: He spoke on the preliminary resolution leading to NHA amendments but did not com- plete his speech before adjourn- ae |36--Legal MONEY MADE Selling Things through Oshawa Times Classified Ads" Call 723-3492 Place your order TODAY to be done in July,, 1964. 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. will be réceived for the redecorating of * four rooms ot the COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, PORT PERRY; such work | Further particulars regarding same may be obtained by contact- ing the Superintendent at the hospital between the hours of Tenders to be closed on June 8th, 1964 Address all tenders to the Secreetary of the Community Mem- | ment. He will resume Monday. Mr, Nicholson said that since taking over responsibility for housing from the late John Gar- out attack on substandard dwel- lings. "There are still far too many Canadians living in desperately inadequate and overcrowded houses," Mr. Nicholson said, A half-million families are living in shared housing units, and one - fifth of Canadian houses lacked hot and cold running water. The NHA amendments will provide a new framework for federal - provincial co-operation on public housing, continuing per cent federal, 25 per cent provincial and municipal. Under the amendments, the cost of renovating structures for public housing and of build- ing subsidized rental units to be owned by municipalities will be eligible for NHA financing. POPE TAKES PART ROME (AP) -- Pope Paul carried the eucharist Thursday night in a Corpus Christi pro- cession, first Pontiff in 100 years to walk with a consecrated communion wafer outside the Vatican. The pope passed at sunset through the Circus Max- imus; a long, flat area between Rome's Palatine and Aventine hills, with thousands of Roman Catholic laymen, seminarians, orial Hospital Board, Port Perry, Ontario, { priests and prelates. 3 land, revenue minister who died March 14, he has been im- pressed by the need for an all- longer interested in mainten- ance of the partition between the Irish people and he be- lieved that American sons of Ireland probably also were try- ing independently to convince maga of the need to co-oper- ate. Some day Britain will co-oper- ate, De Valera said, and, as he had told a joint session of Con- gress earlier in the day. "The last source of enmity between Ireland and Britain will disap- pear and then we can be truly friends." j He was given a rousing five. minute ovation following a noon speech to a joint session of Con- gress. De Valera, who came here to confer with President Johnson, -- to Canada during the week- end. . the present division of costs: 75 Rights Inquiry Investigates Ont. Race Bar SARNIA "(C).-- P Borah Laskin, 'a Toronto' will preside today at a public board of inquiry, being held under the Ontario Human Rights Code, into an alleged case of discrim- ination against Negro children in a resort area last summer. The complaint was lodged .by William McKegney, of London, against Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Haist, of Detroit, owners of a number of summer cottages at Huron Heighis, in Plympton Township, 14 miles east of Sar- nia.