Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1964, p. 23

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Track Meet Results At Ajax High School AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax High School held its annual track and field day last Thursday. With the aid of the regular teachers, good weather and keen partici- pation 'several records of the school were broken at the meet. Following are the results of the girls' competition: JUVENILE The high jump was won by Alyson Morley with a jump of 4 feet one. The running broad jump was. won by Marilyn Cant with 12 feet three inches. The standing broad jump was won by Fiona Robertson with six feet s'x inches. Fiona also won the obstacle race in 18 minutes and four seconds as well as the 60 yard sprint in 8.5 seconds and the 100 yard sprint in 13.7 sec- onds. Jne Benson won the softball throw with a toss of 130 feet. The basketball relay for +the grade niners was won by the team of Hazel Newhook, Bar- bara Barr, Charleen Carthew ard Judy Handry. The Grade 9 baton relav was won by Janice Kellen, Denise Morrison, Fiona Rebertson and | Bunny Wood. The Juveni'e girls' champion was Fiona Robertson. | JUNIOR Diana Humernuick won high jump with four feet three inches, Ame'ia Wilson picked up top honors with her running the | broad jump of 14 feet two inches. Lynda Smith won the standing broad jump in her divi- sion with six feet nine inches. Wendy Stark won the softball | toss with 122 feet, two inches | while the obstacle race was by Mary Watley with 18.4 sec: | onds. The 60 yard sprint was} won by Amelia Wilson in 8.4 | seconds while the 100 yards was | captured by Ruth Houghton in 14 seconds flat. The basketbal! relay was won by Linda Smith, Diana Hume- | nuick, Susan Dunphy and Linda | Allen. The baton relay was cap- tured by the team of Linda Allen, Linda. Smith, Diana Humeniuck nd Amelia Wilson in the time of 56.1 seconds. INTERMEDIATE . The high jump in this division was won by Diana Orland in four feet flat. The running broad jump was taken by Wendy Rob- ertson with 13 feet three inches. The standing broad jump was captured by Jennifer Elkington and Janet Grisach with jumps, of six feet nine. The softball was thrown 147 fset 11 inches by Cathy Rogers for honors in that division while the obstacle course was trav- ersed by Marilyn McMahon in| 18.7 seconds. The 60 yard sprint was won by Pauline Kipping in 8.3 seconds while Ingrid Licklar won the 100 yards in 13.3 sec- onds. The Grade 11 basketball relay was won by Bonnie Marshall, Jean Ferguson, Carol Haish and. Cathy Rogers in 43 seconds flat while the baton relay was cap- tured bv Wendy Robertson, Lynda McCord, Donna Greggs and Sylvia Koohn in 57 seconds. SENIOR * The high jump in this event was won by Marsha Collins with four feet one inch. The running broad jump was won by Chris- tine Wilson with 13 feet two inches and the standing broad jump was won by. Marsha Col- lins with six feet nine. The senior softball throw was captured by Connie Voyde with a heave of 104 feet six inches whi'e the obstacle race was won by Jane Ravey in 18.4 seconds. The 50 yard sprint was taken by Christine Wilson in 7.9 sec- onds while the 100 yard dash was won by Sylvia Krohn in 12.8 seconds. The Grade 12 basketball relay was won by Terry Thompson, Joanne Wills, Christine Wilson and Diana Sutherland. The baton relay was captured by the team of Terry Thompson, Jo- anne Wi'ls, Christine Wilson and Laura Horton. Christine W"son was the senior girls champion. BOYS' RESULTS | Two classes of intermediates | were introduced this .year be-}| €} | | | | people in'that class. The i-*ter- mediates were run in 15 and 16 year old classés. | JUVENILE Jim McCord won the. Juvenile Championship with wins in the 100 yard sprint in 12.1 s:conds, the high jump with four feet | che i 'seven inches and Peter Savin | | put the shot 35 feet eight-inches. | eight inches, the broad jump with 16 feet four inches, the hon- step and jump with 30 feet eight inches 'and javelin throw with a 109 foot seven inch toss: Steve Hewitt won the 220 yards in 27.4 seconds, the 440 in 62.9 seconds, the 880 yards in 2 minutes 42 seconds and the shot put with 34 feet_four inches. Bill Hunter won the mile in 6 minutes 25 seconds: Doug Hep- burn won the pole vault with five feet six inches and Roy Peterson won-the discus throw with a toss of 74 feet one inch. JUNIOR Brian Boyd was junior cham- pion when he won the 100 yard dash in 11.6 seconds, the 229 feet: and Robbie Nisbet tossed the javelin 113 feet eight inches. INTERMEDIATE 15 John Wojnicz won the 15-year- old intermediate class when he compiled points winning the 220 yards in 25.4 seconds, the broad jump, with 19 feet nine inches, the hop, sten and jump with 39 feet five inches and the javelin throw with 129 feet 11 inches. Bill Robinson won the 100 yard dash in 11 seconds as well as the shot put with 32 feet 10 inches and the discus throw with 99 feet three inches. Ken O'Brien won the 440 yards in 57.6 seconds, the 880 in 2 min- utes 18:seconds and the mile in 5 minutes 15 seconds. Jim Han- cock won the high jump. with five feet wh"e Tan Macrea won the po'e vault at nine feet three inches. INTERMEDIATE 16 Wavne Cookson won the 16- year-o'd intermediate champion- ship when he won in the 100 yard dash. 10% seconds, the 220 jvards with 239 seconds, the i bread jvmv with 18 feet one 99 feet three inches. Syin Krenc won the mile in 5 minus 52 seconds, the pole vault with ei*ht fest six inches |cause of the great number 0! and the javelin throw with 136 | feet-nine inches. | Paul Cloutier won the 440 in| |56.4 seconds, Wayne Barefoot | took the 880 yards in 2 minutes | 21 seconds, Greg Welch won the | high jumnv with five feet eight |inches, Roger Horton won the hop, step and 'jump with' 37 feet | | SENIOR | Bob Marsha'l won the Ajax | High School senior champion- ship yesterday when he won the | 880 yards.in 2 minutes 14. sec- , onds and the mile in 5 minutes 29 seconds. Dave Shechan won the 100 | yard dash in 10.9 seconds, the 220 yards in- 24.5 seconds and the 440 in 55.3, seconds. Mickey Flynn won the, pole: vault with Nine feet three inches. and the | javelin throw wi-h 137 feet. nine inches. Peter Miller won the high jump with five feet six inches. | Eric Peterson won the broad in 26.9 seconds, the broad jump jump with .19 feet nine inches, inch and the discus throw with with 16 feet nine inches,t he shot | Hando Told win the hop-step put with 39 feet seven inches / and jump with 42 feet, Norman | and the discus with 131 feet one | inch, Sandy Ferguson won the 889 yards in 2 minutes 27 seconds and the mile in 5 minutes 44 seconds. Malcolm Crowe won the 440 in 64.6 seconds, Garry Emmel won the high jump with four feet 10 inches. Rodney | Willmot. hop-stepp:d and jumped-to win: with 34 feet three inches while Brian Andrew won the pole vault with eight ¢ THE BAREFOOT METHOD | Burndahl won the shot put: with | 35 feet and Brian Copping threw the discus 116 feet two inches. Ball Game Money For Equipment ST. JOSEPH'S NEWS For the following: year, little j;has been mentioned in the amount of equipment, -which will be supplied for students' "sports activities. The boys want- ing to make sure that some sort of program will be ready, have deciced to raise money to buy the necessary gym equipment. It was suggested that a public baseball game be he!d. But this changed to a baseball game with Good Guys of CKEY. The game is scheduled at 6.30 p.m. on Friday;- June 5 at Park. ONLY 50 CENTS at 50 cents are now available. They can be obtained from ar, student from St. Joseph's High School or elsewhere. Also, tick- ets can be bought at the park before the game or contact one of the follwing: Bob Lambe, 8-9617; Tde Marks, Henry Valks, 8-5049. Alexandra Tickets sold by the students | THE OSHAWA TICS, Tuesday, Mey 26, 1964 - § LONDON (CP) -- A British construction firm has taken out licence. rights in Britain and Canada for a monorail ~system developed by a Freneh consor- tium. : A. J. Hill, chairman of Tay- lor Woodrew Construction Lim- ited, said a start could be made on an overhead railway within a year and that the system could be finished within two years. - He estimated the building cost at about £1,000,000 ($3,- 000,000) a mile, Carriages car- rying 150 passengers each would be capable of speeds of 75 miles an hour. No monorail has been defin- itely planned for Britain al- though a system linking Lon- don Airport with the centre of the city often has been men- tioned. Hii said London transport and British railways. have been approached and are 'definitely interested." 'One-Track Minds Look Metro Over A spokesman for the firm says Toronto would likely be the site for Canada's first monorail. "Toronto has an exploding population like Londow and en- gineers in our offices there are keen on the system," he said. He added that Canada has fewer Jand problems than Brit- ain and construetion there would probably be cheaper and faster, The verges of boulevards of fourlane highways would make excellent paths for monorail tracks. The only public monorail now operating was built in Germany in 1901. A second was specially installed for the Seattle World's Fair. PROGRAM ON PLUMMER A two-part program on Cana- dian actor Christopher Plum- mer, filmed in Europe, likely will be seen on OBC-TV's Tele- scope series next fall. YOUNG ADULT DATE DIME PLACE: = 3-4325; FASHION COUNCIL presents an exciting FREE ADMISSION SATURDAY -- MAY 30ih U.A.W. HALL, BOND ST. E. : | WIALKER'S Spring and Summer FASHION PRESENTATION e Beauty Counselling © Door Prizes © Entertainment CENTRE

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