Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1964, p. 12

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© RC ARR i TELEVISION LOG CHCR-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TY Channet 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Bullaie WBEN-TV Channel 4--Bulfalo WEBW-TV Chasnel 7--Buffaio WRUC-TV Channel $--Rochester | CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronte .. CKVR-TY Channel 3--Barrie erent @RIDAT BVENING $00 Pm, Fractured Flickers 1: PIA. $-2--International bhowtime 1--Destry 6--On The Scene The Grea? Adventure 7--Burke's Law 63--The Defenders 4--Route 66 9:00 P.M. V--Jamboree 9--Jack Benny 7:90 PLM. Vi--Petticoat Junction 't--Let's Sing Out €-2---That- Was The Week 7--Price is Right 6-1_Telescope 4--Twilight Zone 10:00 P.M. 11--Steve Allen nsmoke 6-2--Jack Paar 'ses oe Hitehesck Hour 3--The Untouchables 11:00 P.M, 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather Sports 19:18 P.M, Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 2-2--News and Sports 1:90 P.M, 7-4--Late Show 130 P.M. i--Lete Show %--The Bést of Berton 6--Premiere Theatre t-Movie 4-Fun To Learn 1:30 A.M. am pod Presents teertoon Capers 10:00 A.M. Voniiues anryy tend ba Nector Hestncote T--Heckie and Jeckie 4--Quick Draw McGraw 10:30 AM. 11--Capt. Andy Show 9%--Toastmaster Junior Auction 8-2--Firebalt Xi-6 7--Magic Allakazam 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 A.M, 9--Cartoon Party @2--Dennis The Menace 7---Cartoons 6--Cousin Bill 4-Rin Tin Tin 1:38 A.M, l1~ Secret World 9--~Sea Hawk T--Matty's Funnies 4--Roy Rogers 2--Fury 12:09 NOON li--Hewkeye 9--1 Wish You Were Here 8-2--B0llwinkie 7--Bugs Bunny 6--Robin Hood 4--Sky King 12130 P.M, Ni--John Bradshaw 9----Theatre 8-2--Mr, Wizard 7--American Bandstand 6--Mr. Magoo 4--Cartoons 1:00 P.M. Hobby Time With Jane Gray §-2--B'wana Don 6-3--Wrestling 1:30 PLM. #-2_NBC Baseball 7--Roller Derby 4--Baseball Game of The Week 2:00 P.M. 1--Matines. 63--World of Sport 2:30 PLM. 7--Top Star Bowling 2--Cleveland at Detroit 3:08PM. 9--Wrestling 63--Wor'd Sports 3:30 PLM, 1i--Sir Lancelot 7--Wrestling 4:00 P.M, 11--Wrestling Ui poral 63--Forest vad : Sansone, 5:00 PMA, William 2--Telesports Digest 5:30 PLM, 9--Alter Four 63--Cartoons 4-Ted Mack Amateur SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M, 1--Cinema Races = pe Courier Expressions 6: Pim. McMaster University Presents 4~A Song For You ipeora %--Billiard Champions 6:43 PLM. 9-64%--Newss Weathers Sports 7: P.M, ensbg mena e ary aae cata aeatenasetect ot =" CRP Pe| EBD 10:00 A.M. N--OHA Junior "A" Hockey ic Service Us i 4---Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Social Christianity 10:30 A.M. 4-Uncle Jerry's Club 2--This is The Life 1:00 A.M. y----Mete Presents im id The Life rane, fe 730 AM. 9--Spectrum 2--Thy Bible Today 4~Adventurous Missions 2--Gatari {2:99 NOON uv ang ion %--Italiar Journal 7--Piayhouse 7 é--Live and Learn 4--News; Weether The Answer 1015 Pom, - 1 Snorene 12:30 P.M. liLet's Talk With Father Meenan SRS tos . Lawrence | 4--Bowling Championships) 4--CBS Sports Family Playhouse = | 1:00 PLM. | 9--Sot. Biko Rev, Oral Roberts 6---Keynotes 9--Platform 1--Wrestling 43--Country Ca 4--Film Feature 2:00 P.M. Tl--Movie Showcase Theatre 2:98 P.M, 8-2--Major League Base- bail . 3:00 P.M. 6 4---Film Festure 5:00 P.M, Ni--Famiy tneatre 5:0 P.M, 6-2--Major League Base- ball B-Birections '64 6--Time of Your Life 4--Cameo Theatre non 4-Armehair Aventure 4:00 9A. 63--American Musical Theatre 18-2--GE College Sow! 11--Rawhide My. Three Song easy of Ed 2--Pic-A-Polka 7:00 PLM, 9--Danny Thomas 63--Hares 4--Lassie 1:30 PM, 1i--Special Movie S-Mr, Novak $-2--Disney's World of 4 bed fam | re pe 4--My Favorite Martian 6:00 P.M, $43--8a. Suiliven 6:30 P.M, 9-7--Arrest aad Trigl $2 indi 9:00 P.M. 8-6-3-2--Bonanze 4--The Celebrity Game 9:30 P.M. 1i--The Sil) Qane Show 4--Brenner 10:00 P.M, 11--Richard Boone 9--The Hourglass $-4---Dupont Show of the Week 6-3--Beveriy Hillbillies 4--UB Round Table Panel 2--Dragnet 1:30 P.M. N--Polka Party %--77 Sunset Strip §-2--The Lieutenant 7--Hootenanny |. 6--The Saint 4~--Jackie Gleason 3--Zero One 8:00 PLM. N--Club Eleven Dance Party 9:30 P.M, 9--Movie 8-2--Joey Bishop 7----Lawrence Welk Show 63--Great Movies 4--The Defenders 9:00 P.M, 8-2--Movie 9:30 P.M, 11--Wrestling 7--Hollywood Palace 4--New Phil Silvers Show 10:00 P.M. | 9--Breaking Point 4--Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M. | 11---Biockbuster | 7--Ensign O'Toole | 6--Jullette 11:00 P.M, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather: Sports 1:18 PM. Answering Service §-2--Saturday Night a? The Movie. Nighi Metro 3--Movie 11:20 PLM, bo te Sow 11:30 P.M. Ni--Blockbuster Movie 6--Fred Astaire Theatre 12:30 A.M, 6~--Tiaht Rope SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. 4--Popeye's Playnouse 2--Cartoons 9:30 AM, li-En France 7--The Christophers CROSSWORD, 4. Records 5. Affirmative reply 6, Bitter vetch 7. Molds again 8. Top 9. Bational 10. Views 18, Subside 19, Cobalt: ~ AOROSS line plentiful degree 6. Rub out 11. To disguise 12, Reimburse 13. An alloy of copper and zinc 44. Setting 15. Dispatched sym. 20. Australian animal 21. Linen vestment: Eecl. 22. Varying weight: India 28. Greek letter 80. Brazilian vehicle GeOko Bciceinicty Piel] ee "42, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 22, 1964 W he errs weet Daeewe Stu i IC] ir] ists eats Yesterday's Answer | 41. Project- in is end of a ehureh 42, Hastened 44. Cunning 45. Harem room palm tree 1 je | 14 Y 81, Dnglish ei 33. Blunder (2 34. Series ' of six Y 36. Sand dune: ( 39. The. Y Morman state 43. Armadillos 45. Giraffe- like animal 46, Merry- making 47. Thick 48, Poverty- stricken 49, Inquired DOWN 1, Warp- yarns 2. Sheer 8. "THAT'S td Vig Pte iy oe "ia Cog ES i es Wy Vit 1 4 4 6Q0F wy! PRESH CEMENT! "LE CANADA AYN HOMME CAPABLE COMME GOUVERNEUR MAIS |MALHEUREUSEMENT VAIN ET AGRESSIF:" bap ate 4d ONY MIVA ¥ KIBLYTIN, YOSHI LAD wn MY BONBIAD? YI Sv SVH YOWRYD yeM z= "4 593090 031490 KO MIBYW 5,191 ~ OBL 7SONS FR HAM UNE TROUPE DE 50 iil 'AIS ET 200 ABENAKIG TRAVERSE LE NEW SUR UNE DISTANCE DE S00 MILLES, SOW 9D OVIONS SHiLY T's \ SEALE CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER {Top record-holder in | 4 ee fe ee a ee 2 ee ed TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with West hand at Four North leads the five of You win the nine i Hisiis Bh play the hand? K10 West hand at Three North leads the queen monds, The contract éan made regardless of how. the to assure nine tricks? tH a 1. There is a by taking a club finesse, but there is also the possibility of going down by taking the elub finesse. This could occur, for example, if South had the queen spades, teed 100 per cent by entering dummy with a diamond and re- turning a low spade. Assume that South follows low and you play the ten. Even if the ten loses to the queen the contract is still safe. Let's say that North wins with the queen and reterns a club. Go up with the ace and lead another spade. The king will presumably lose to the ane, |but the jack in dummy now takes care of the potential club loser. The most you ean inte with this method of play is @ heart and two spades, 2. Win the diamond in either follows low, This safety play assures the ean- to the jack. It is impossible ta give North - South any le holding that would permit to cash four spade trieks at this point. You cannet lose more than three spades and @ club with this method of play. - If you heglected to finesse the nine of elubs, you id be de feated by going up with the king if South had some such holding as: DRIVE A GOOD BARGAIN 19 =~ AT = OSHAWA BEST BUYS NOW for your SUMMER DRIVING The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 260 KING ST. WEST 723-4634 | wAG YI975 $78 &I873 You would have o; eight sure tricks, and if Bog es ed to establish an extra trick | by giving up a club, South would jtake the jack and return a low | Spade, whereupon the defense }could cash four spades to de- |feat the contract one trick. $0,DIRECT IT TO PASS THROUGH THAT HARMLESS-LOOKING CLOUD IS THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED, HAIRY-BREASTED GINZBIRD/Y Aa Caw THE LONE RANGER ig © King Features Syadicats, tne, 1964. World ME TO BECAUSE tele DONALD DUCK LS NOTHING LIKE A LITTLE SURPRISE GIFT TO KEEP A GIRL HAPPY! or ten MUGGS AND SKEETER phe / _ONLY QUALIFY MAL WAY! JANPSOME: WITH HARRIET-- SHE DIDN'T 4 ANSWER M LAST LETTER NOW, You 1% DON'T MEAN TO HURT FEELINGS, BUT YO [ @ Kae Peenmree Spetiontm ima, (906. Word rights renerwed WELL MIGHT AS WELL START WORKIN! ON THE OTHER HALF / END HERE WHO ACTUALLY JOLTED MEOUT OF My CASTLE COMPLEX, ARTHUR, AFTER, I PRBAN TO THIN Wasa AND Riches BUT ON GIT GLUMLY WAITING TO weer HERE, YOU INTRODUCED TO SOMEONE TO SRE I ONCE KNEW SO WELL tL» CURRY RESIGNS MONTREAL (CP) -- Fioya Curry, coach of Quebec Aces in the season just finished, an- nounced Wednesday his resig- nation from the American Hockey League club for busi- ness reasons. Curry, president of a Montreal oil company, said he has decided he must spend more time with his. e business, but added "IT have been offered a position ip hockey with the Montreal Cana- diens." Under Curry, the finished first in the AHL season, only to lose out in finals to Cleveland Barons, SALLY'S SALLIES 728- PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING ST. £. THAT DOESN'T EXCUSE HARRIET ie EVERY TIME Hi ee TO READ THE INGTRUCTIONG/, HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Ha 2. You are declarer with the 1.7 possibility of winning the rest of the tricks ra 0 ay awe 4 of clubs and North the A-Q of . The contract can be guaran- hand, cash the ace of clubs, and . then play a low club. If South - finesse the nine. - tract even though the nine loses -.

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