Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 May 1964, p. 16

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_1G_THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 16, 1964 THERE WERE TROPHIES FOR =. SENIOR BOYS Champions (General Auto Shippers) in Junior League, are shown here, Left- to-night, they are: John Tuck- ETEETERP LORE EPSREEPEEE? EHPERERO REET JUNIOR GIRLS Champions above, are, (Canadian Corps), shown Terry Parkin, left-to-right: Lola Norton, EVERYBODY Plaza's Junior 5-Pin 1 Bowling League Ends Season With Banquet The Plaza (Oshawa Shopping Centre) junior 5-Pin Bowling League, wound up a vwrey suc- cessful 1963-64 season, with a banquet and trophy presenta- tion, held at the UAW Hall, last) Saturday. | President Jack Smith acted as Master of ceremonies for the numerous presentations -- with every bowler taking home a tro- phy. In addition, alleys manager "Buddy"? Bagnato also presented gifts to the parents who had looked after the scoresheets, throughout the season. the team Sponsors and also thanked the UAW Ladies' Aux- iliary, for their banquet efforts Following are the list of team honored: Canadian Corps (Junior Girl Champions) received their tro phies, presented by Stan Smith These members inclided T. Par- kin, L. Norton, L. Watt, C Hobbs, K. Sandford and I. Mc- Master. UAWA (Bantam Girls Cham- pions) were presented by Frank Mackin. Players were Peebles, J. Novak, W. Barteaux, J. Carr, A. Edwards and J. Hutchison. champions) were presented by) the idea that Parliament 'ommy Goch. They were D. ilazier, L. Glazier, D. Tate, G. IcCormack, R. Thomas and M.} Certainly, there is. to. docu- tobertson. J. V. Aviation (Junior Boys champions) were presented by George Smith, Players were W. creamer, C. Gilroy, R. Gordon, R. Flagel, A. Anderson and S. Peebles. General-Auto Shippers (Senior Boys Champions) were present- ed by Erv. Estabrooks. Mem- bers were R. Selleck, G. Ross, R. Burns, Mike Mothersill Ross. Bowling er, Jim Clark, Robert Burns, and Gerry Chairman Jack Smith voiced the league's appreciation to all Goch Supertest (Bantam Boys|Tucker and J. Clarke. To Deliver Today 'Santa Claus' Has LONDON (CP) -- With the/England with Lady Granard's WHAT ABOUT RUSSIA? Wants Hockey Named Our 'National Game' | | M.° Mothersill, J./there is no record that Parlia- | | SPORTS BRIEFS TAKE TENNIS LEAD BELGRADE (A) -- Yugo- slavia won both opening single matches Thursday for a 2-0 lead over Argentina in their second- } | OTTAWA (CP)=It looks as once declared lacrosse to be Canada's national game is a myth, mentary support for the asser- tion in Menke's Enayclopedia of Sports that 1867 "saw the formal adoption by Parliament as the national game of Can- ada." A research study carried out for Jack Roxburgh, Liberal MP ident of the Canadian Amateur) Hockey Association shows! chance that in the early days! of Confederation Canadian laws might be reported in it, There is no mention of lacrosse in the Statues of would appear if a bill were en- acted into law. STARTED BY BOOK that the lacrosse "myth"' origin- ated in a book, Lacrosse, the National Game of Canada, writ- ten by William George Beers; for Norfolk and former pres-|and published in 1869. Canada where it The whole siudy indeates Montreal lacrosse throughout the whole Domi and was copied intéO many the public papers. . . . "On the day which created the greater part of British North America a dominion, the game of larrosse was : as the national game, ., ." FORMED ASSOCIATION Possibly what really hap- pened was summed up in 1873 by William K. MeNaught, @ former president of the National Mr. Beers wrote: "T pelieve I was the first to ipropose the game of lacrosse : jas the rational game of Canada claring lacrosse to be the COUN in 1859; and a few. months pre- try's\ natfonal game. ceding the proclamation of Her The study covered the Jour-|Majesty uniting the provinces nals of the House of Commons,|of Canada, Nova Scotia and the Tegal record of proveedings.|New Brunswick, into one Domi- It took in the weekly Canada/nion, a letter headed Lacrosse Gazette in which all laws|-- our National Field Game, passed by Parliament 'are re-|published by me in the Mont- ported, It went further, into|real Daily News, in April, 1867, Britain's London Gazette on the!was printed off and distributed ment ever enacted a law de- jround European zone Davis Cup} English Derby 'less than three! weeks away, it's beginning to look as though all Ireland be-| lieves in Santa Claus. | Stacks of money are accumu- lating on the English-bred bay colt with the Christmassy name, and if the betting binge contin-| us he' go to the post at Ep- som Juhe 3 one of the warmest choices in years. | For months, Santa Claus has headed the future-book list, hov- ering around the 12-to-1 mark. This week a 'ton of money" forced the price down to 7-to-1. Without Santa Claus even mov- ing an equine whisker, the book- ies are predicting he'll wind up $-to-1 favorite by race day. There's one big if, Santa Claus's genial reputation rests on one remarkable race last season, Ail the inspired betting of the last few days is based on stable whispers. Now Santa Claus has to deliver the pack- age, in his first race of 1964 scheduled for Saturday. |, This is the Irish Two Thou- sand Guineas, a one-miler to be run at the Curragh near Dublin jagainst some fairly hot sopho- |more racers, If he fails, his sup- f | porters will feel about Santa \Claus the way kids do when) \they find out there isn't one. | | Chris Hobbs, Karen Sandford, | TRAINED IN IRELAND Lynne Watt and Ina MeMas- | ter. --Oshawa Times Photos | The colt is trained in Ireland| by John (Mick) Rogers, and OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Loss To Italy Is Little Surprise A ~/tlg ed af " 6 E34 or Bkiee tees game whieh did credit to neither | LONDON Although _ six|side. @hanges were made from the| The line-up to meet Portugal! team which made such a dismaljis as follows: Banks (Leices- ghowing against Uruguay at|ter); Cohen (Fulham); and Wembley, the English League|Wilson (Huddersfield); Milne select team failed to show any|(Liverpool): Norman (Totten- fimprovement and lost to an|ham) and Moore (West Ham.) Ttalian League side by the only| captain; Thompson (Liverpool); @eal of the game. ; |Greaves (Tottenham); Byrne The failure was again mostly|(West Ham.); Eastham (Ars- in the forward line, which could|enal) and Chariton (Manches- not penetrate the retreating|ter United). Italian defence plan, and sent) After the game with Portugal, most of its passes to the feet|the English team will play Eire of their opponents. It was a poor| in Dublin, and then fly to New start to the post-season tour of| York to meet a United States the pick of England's soccer|all-star team before going to layers. |Brazil to take part in a tourna- With the next game of the nn - tour to be played in Lisbon, against Portugual, the team has bben changed around again.| Terry Paine, Southampton wing-| er, has heen dropped from the) side, and his place given to) Thompson, Liverpoo| left winger, the most successful forward against Italy, but who has been switched over to the| right wing. The rest of the} 'SMOKING WAS FATAL | At one time, the smoking @f tobacco was punishable by death in parts of Germany, Persia and. Russia. | NOW YOU CAN AFFORD TW YOU PAY ONLY 55) pown B52 weeny FREE DEMONSTRATION Come in and see these Color TV Shows ot Ne Obligation. EVERY MONDAY AT 7:30 P.M. IN COLOR "bMondey Night At The Movies" EVERY WED. AT 7:30 P.M. IN COLOR "The Virginian" EVERY FRIDAY AT 8:30 P.M, IN COLOR "The Bob Hope Show" OY FURNITURE team is the same as that which won 2-1 against Uruguay in 'a !! HOUSES ! ! We need house listings NOW !YURGENT!! !!URGENT!! Call Mr. Rey Jones ' Day or Night PHONE 668-4003 RAE R. JONES Real Estate Broker APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 ment Portugal and England. with Brazil, Argentine, |that seems to be enough for the Pourparler. | C h The English - trained colts,|tennis series. Bora Jovanovic} thorouglily disgraced in the first}overcame a bad start and beat) two classics, are headed by Sir|Argentina's Eduardo Soriano) Humphrey de Tratfford's lion-|3-6, 6-4, 6-1, 6-3. Then Nikola hearted at 12-to-1, a price hardly |Picic won from Roberto Aubone | justified by performance. Show-|6-3, 6-1, 6-2. | down, Balustrade, Oncidium, In-| diana and Con Brio are hopes| CAPTAIN NAMED oy for the home side, with the) VANCOUVER (CP) -- Ellis! French relying on Croaf IV and|Tarshis of Montreal has been) Baldric Il winner of the Eng-|named non-playing captain of lish Two Thousand Guineas. |Canada's 1964 Davis Cup tennis | Four Ont. Drivers | In 600-Mile Rally SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-- Four top Canadian rallyists from Ontario are entered in a pack of 20 cars scheduled to start the annual 600-mile Loyal- ist Rally of the New Brunswick Sporting Car Club here tonight. John Wilson of Toronto, 1962 national rally champion, will navigate a Corvair for driver Martin Chenhall, also from Tor- team, the Canadian Lawn Ten- nis Association announced here Thursday. The Canadian team meets Australia in the first round at Montreal July 17-19. It was also announced the 1964 Canadian tennis championships will be held at the Monkland Tennis Club, Montreal, Aug. 3-9.) FENCING TEST SET MONTREAL (CP) -- A tour- nament will be staged at the Palestre Nationale Saturday and Sunday to select a three- man fencing team to represent MEXICAN YOUNGSTER HOT MAJOR LEAGUE PROSPECT MONTERREY (AP)--Back in 1957 this Mexican city won the Little League world cham- pionship. The team was led by 12- year-old Angel Macias, who pitched the only perfect game in Little League World Series History. ; Now 19-year-old Angel Ma- cias is playing centre field for Leon, Guanajuato, Giants of the Class A Central League and is organized baseball's leading home-run hitter. The 160 - pound switch-hit- ter blasted 2 homers in his first 50 games and his bat and carried the Broncos--a_ Los Angeles Angels' farm club--to the league lead. Cesar L. Faz, the man who Canada at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Events will be staged lin the three Olympic categories, foils, epee and sabre. bestia Bite MATTHEWS SOUGHT LIGHTNING HALTS GOLF || TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) --|City is negotiating with Stanley) The first round of the $40,000| Mathows to spend part of the Oklahoma City Open golf tour-|season in the Eastern Canada| nament was _ cancelled | onto. Bruce Simpson and John Dowding, both from Hamilton, will drive a Volkswagen 1500 in| the 20-hour event | late| Professional Soccer League.| Thursday because of lightning) The wizard of dribble, as he is and rain, Play in the fitst round| known, is now 49 years old, but) over Quail Creek country club's|he is still an effective player.| \Irish who had already won one lof this year's classic races in 7,042-yard, par-72 course was|In the English League Division scheduled to resume today. {I he plays for Stoke City. { envoy SMALL WONDER | } BY GENERAL MOTORS Ibete buy than eve ~ RIGHT NOW during Trade'N Travel Time! HERE'S WHAT IT IS: Epic is a totally new budget car, built by General Motors, and backed by the service facilities of Canada's largest network of dealers, It's the small car that gives you the reominess, comfort, power, luggage space, economy and yalue that you've always wanted in a car of this size. HERE'S WHAT IT HAS: 1, FULL-SIZED HEATER, Tested in 40-below weather. 2, REAL LEGROOM, Epic actually iz: more legroom than many so-called 'big' cars: 3. ROOM FOR FOUR ADULTS, Easy entry into the back seat. 4, FAMILY-SIZE TRUNK. 10.76 cubic feet of load-toting ability! 5. GOOD VISIBILITY ALL ROUND. Thanks to generous, window space, you see all four corners of the car with ease, 6. SUPERB ROAD. HOLDING. Epic handles like an expensive sports car! 7, 50-HP HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINE. The peppiest in its class. Gives spirited acceleration and high cruising speeds. 8. SMOOTH-RIDING INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION. Soaks up the bumps. 9, EASY STEERING, FAST HANDLING, Wheels you around curves like nobody's business. 10. FINGER-TIP-LIGHT 4-SPEED STICK. Makes all your shifts within a four-inch square. Fully synchronized. 11, SURE STOPPING POWER, Big 8" drum brakes. 12. INTEGRAL BODY-CHASSIS. Combines low weight with taught Macias the rudiments of baseball and who man- aged that Monterrey Little League team, says he thinks Angel will some day become | a major leaguer, Fax is an executive for a local television station and a fulltime scout for the Angels. "El Flaco (the Thin One) is doing pretty good at Leon," he said, "but our head scout wants to keep him there through this séason instead of bringing him up to Reynosa (Class AA Mexican League)." Macias played in the Mexi- can League a while last year. "Against Mexico City he tripled in the fourth inning to ruin a no-hit bid," Faz re- lated. "'On his next trip Angel was dusted with a high, fast one.. He got up and blasted another triple to the same spot," Fax estimates it will take El Fiaco about three, maybe four more years, but he will one day be wearing a major league unifirm. Lacrosse A iation of Canada, in Lacrosse and How to Play It. "On the day when the prov- inces united to form one great Dominion, the patriotic youth of Canada adopted lacrosse as the national game of 'heir na- tive country, This game has on account of its own intrinsic metits been adopted by~ young Canada as the national game of our rising Dominion." ' Another likely factor in the lacrosse belief is that the Na- tional Lacrosse Association of Canada was formed in 1667. Why Mr. Roxburgh's special interest? : He plans to introduce a bill in Parliament to declare hockey Canada's national sport and he wanted to be sure a measure about lacrosse would not stand in his way. USED ELEPHANTS The Mongol conqueror Tam- erlane (1336-1405) imported 95 elephants from India to carry materials in the building of Samarkand. Plan Home Redecorating the easy way-- INTRODUCED IN 1903 | Since barbiturates were intro-| duced into medicine in 1903,| more than 2,500 various kinds have been synthesized and of these some 50 have been mar- CONTINENTAL STEAM BATH 16A Ontario St. Oshewa Finnish Seune Ph, 728-2460 keted. great strength and rigidity. "Suggested maximum retail . de- livered price of a standard 2-door sede" 'vith heater and defroster at HERE'S WHAT IT COSTS! * , OSHAWA-WHITBY Price quoted includes delivery and handling charges, Federal Sales and Excise taxes. Provincial and local taxes are not included, envoy 7 Manufactured for General Motors Products of Canada, Limited by Vauxhall Motors Limited, Luton, England. Parts and Service from Coast to Coast, See Your Chevrolet / Oldsmobile,/ Envoy Dealer EP-7648 Ne Ontario Motor Sales Lid. 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 725-6501 ance ST. E. ct TOWNLINE.... .. 728-4658 Harry Donald Limited 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 New Alcan Sidi polours...won't require pain any kind for years...ups the resale value of your - home. It's made specifically for the Canadian climate and it's the only siding in Canada that is double- guaranteed: Alcan guarantees the quality of the siding...we guarantee the installation. Improve your home now with new Alcan Siding--- call us for free estimate, DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS LTD. 333 SIMCOE ST. ng comes in white and all popular ting or maintenance of Str TEL; 728-1651. 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