Cn Sy oye aap i ce Ne Bah es Bs ac 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 8, 1964 _ 2 ' merce show Canada's auto j Auto Makers -- ta eet Stat | | ant Break Records |r 'se yeu' : | | "TORONTO (CP)--Latest fig-|and nad Wrecks compared with 233,- ures released by the Canadian|202 units produced during Automobile DRIVE-IN GARDEN CENTRE 'BROWNS' BREAD \ J "Vs ANNIVERSARY Bi | ff --~€©, spo Zee" NT FRIDAY and SATURDAY- MAY 8-9th hol celebrate its impressive 75 year history of | ' pamermized service with. the finest, 'bekety Rene M. Thiebaud and Marc E. Thibeaud, proprietors of rn LAWN ogc gained patie me OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE, extend a special invitation to m ' to everyone to attend their gigantic 12th ANNIVERSARY OPEN- . _ 75 PRIZ sam 12 wee ING EVENT. GARDEN | | Supplies ONE $2,500.00 GRAND PRIZE at end of contest AND | aan Vi COMPLETE PLANT FOOD 14 CASH PRIZES OF $25.00 * TOTAL 975 CASH PRIZES | on FOR EVERYTHING YOU GROW HERE IS ALL YOU DO--Every loaf of bread will | ej have ene end label with the words. 75th ANNIVER- | SscesS=Ze2 11S COMING TO TOWN wztcrn: wees: oe to BROWNS' BREAD, Postal Station "G", | mulations custom-made to °°? °° based on extensive plant match the feeding habits of eevuning siecn, ceed mettle es ea ee ed ing problems . . . see him all day FRIDAY and SATUR- Canada's most popular fawn os ep ny ghar --_ Weekly contests close . each Renker nt o'clock | DAY this week-end. a nae eedenmping soil to re _ ga noon, Late entries go i lowing week's contest. plantings. soil fertility Fe yeer after yeer. : | } " GOLDEN VIGORO ie sa Contains « balance ' 3 é LAWN FOOD ' of ol! the nutrients ' i elements for healthy ween roses need to grow baal ew growth, vigor- INA nyse gaa healthier and strong- ve fe] our root develop- vr. . + promotes big- ment ond rich green Send as many entries as you wish each week, Put | them all in one envelope. Be sure you have correct To answer all your questions on your lawn and garden- es | ger biccme coloring. re vg i od Sovertng Beng are me Patios. te yr sr vnle conteet 'gt BU id WINNERS Coil woek THAN MOST LAWN FOODS_-A WHOLE SUMMER : To contro! white grubs and other lawn insects use Golden Vigore with Dieldrin (END-OF-PEST). Only one application needed. MR. A. W. CORNISH, 33 Mineve Ave., Toronto 13 emdeaecieal Sellewing 74 memes each win $1.00 I Presigd dy 8 ' Mrs, K, Blonchette, 4417 Thepoere Ave. 1 ; ee 'ie $75.06 PRIZE WINNER Ricky Farr, Shepperd Ave., RR. AJAX Mrs, BD, Mecrae, 48 Burcher Reed ae 1 0% D i S C 0 1 BY T FOR CRABGRASS CONTROL GOOKSVILL a te Mg gs a Be HOW TO RECOGNIZE CRABGRASS oe «18 Quen | On All Cash Purchases Fri. and Sat. NEW! Exclusive Formula dor sere th sot a rs. mani ieks, enn ve. Clayton Stones, 6 Welter Ave. leaves and seed-bearing Qanvit LE ae = = ee tops. The blades are brighter is S. Walter, 67 Washington Ave ae ial te 'ti: Saal a ad ame ie bad bad aw green, broader and hang oinawa e ground more than do finer- Mr. G. f. Fuller, 227 King. 91. w nt tens te, wo BE A LUCKY WINNER - Samed tr pase you 't stop crabgross Mrs, Jeon Sher 658 Jesmin aa ee cry the seo, when Mrs, Wm. Binlons, 393 Nier Ave. WITH DACTHAL W-50 it's still light green or cast- RICHMOND HILL Be Y take ais ing @ purple shade, it will Sure You Enter A Winner Each Day | Fri, & Sat. Prevents Crabgrass crowd out the other grass, Mrs. E. Fraser, 380 Bent Cres. Mrs, F. L. Smart, 237 Beachy Dr. and tum an unsightly brown, TORONTO Wes. Beinn Realty "Are, regan 8 es 3-ft. KOSTER BLUE SPRUCE m without Burning Grass ie) nom before the mower. When Mrs. @, Boucher, 1088 Logan Ave., Toronto 6 Mrs. $, E, Boyd, 161 Lawson Road, West Hill . . f, brain 38 Tietrhoden Sr Seertere HE praw Witt BE MADE EACH NIGHT APPROximaTeLY 9pm. f= poeconsnag hell aay root where it fall The am swer to crabgrass is RID. Mrs, 0. M. Brooks, 69 Nordin gy Teronte 1" rs, R, Ff / ie & pears enamel, Ne Nee Bare Neee lee eee eee Aare. @ IT IS HARMLESS TO PETS AND PEOPLE @ Cenning, 620 Merton St. 4 ould, "45 Willowhurst Cres., Searbore Connell, 2437 Dufferin St., Toronte 19 » RB, Coyle, $ Fencton Dr. Don Mills M, Donaghy, 106 Snowdon Ave., Toronte 12 pei 4, FB oll bad 3s are, Toronto 6 J) Merger! Toronto 14 * = . itr & Well, 208 "orth Islington Voit rS Moines Vieteria Ave., Terente + i tt 7 sti aH an. 'tthe Holmes, -- 4 +56 hag a, Toronto 18 ia . Covers, 3s Uphill Ave., Weston CATALTA ire t rage Rexieigh mts : ie, i APPLE RED MAPLE WEEPING ELM WEGELIA CRIMSON KING MAPLE A i | Be Pdi 7. BARTLETT PEAR UMBRELLA TREE FLOWERING ALMOND CRAB APPLE = Centennio! Tree MOCK ORANGE GOLDEN LOCUST GOLDEN WEEPING FRAGRANT SNOWBALL GOLDEN NINEBARK Mn, We Oni, 48 Avis Grn, Toronto to Ns See haiy LINDEN TREE JAPANESE RED MAPLE SILVER DOGWOOD rae TALIAN PRUNE CLUMPS WHITE BIRCH SMOKE BUSH PURPLE PLUM BEAUTY BUSH = Mes. J. Osborne, 127 Euclid Ave., Wi . GREEN ASH Mr, Tine Ph 43 Wilmer Reed, Beret \ All in @ good variety selection All in @ good variety selection Best Selection Now! All in @ good variety sefection and many mere SILVER MAPLE MOUNTAIN ASH ee We. Ivy ca aries (Mod Toronte 4 GERMAN PRUNE em fe ee SX. "tere GOLDEN PLUM . Moreet, 29 Cherri ; PEACH vis, Manley, 5 P spy > Mn Li ayoren 339 othe yo APRICOT WEEPING BIRCH PURPLE BEECH GOLDEN ELDER GOLDEN DROP Mrs. W. Pound, Jones Ave., Toronte & aia SEEDS - PEAT MOSS -TOP SOIL --- MANURE - EVERGREENS ~ SOD ie -- af Levinton 00 mene || NO |OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE| 2: | PARKING DRIVE-IN GARDEN CENTRE _ 8am."419 pom. | enone §| PROBLEM | 4259 SIMCOE ST.N. 723-3222 | *visren" he NEE