E ANYTHING YOU An unidentified passerby dis- tastefully eyes one of many overloaded trash receptacles in downtown Vancouver as a Brooklin Mothers Debate Value Of School Uniforms By MRS, R. HOLMAN BROOKLIN -- "Are You in|phreys, Uniforms?" anne Milner, Diane Woods, Fra- ser Mackenzie, Grant Roberts, | for the April meeting of the|/Steven Ablett, and Edward Favor of School was the theme of the program Brooklin Home and School Asso- ciation. Joan Nicholson, Shawn Hum Linda Pilkey, Mary. Holman. A questionnaire will be sent A panel of mothers present-|home to all parents to find out HOE PIS ee er Ss BAe FE Nok ei SE, ' nce 'et DOG SHOT IN NOSE BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Because a dog took something from a garbage can, a 20-year- old farmer shot it through the nose, Bowmanville magistrate's court learned Tuesday. Thomas Simpson; Brown's School road, Newcastle, ob served the dog taking something from the garbage can behind his house and went into the house for his rifle, Constable K. 1 Dryden told the court. - He came out with the gun and as the dog was running away, fired at it. He hit it on the nose, and the bullet came through its nostrils. CRAWLED HOME Cnstable Dryden said that after the dog was shot it crawl- ed home and his owner, Mrs. R. Crowells, RR 2 Newcastle, called police. It was also made known in Youth Finds Beer Costly BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- 4|A 17-year-old Orono youth was = |\fined $100 and costs or 30 days "lof drinking under age since January. Donald Ramsbury, evidence showed, had been found in the reforestration area at Orono with three full* bottles of beer in the back seat of his car and a part bottle open on the front |seat, | Magistrate R. B. Baxter told lthe youth that parliament con- | lsiders drinking, under the age LIKE ? strike by 1,500 civic outside workers, including garbage collectors, neared the end of its second week. If the Van- couver strike continues that city may well be known as "Trash Town'. --CP Photo | Award Prizes To Curlers | At Blackstock By MRS. OLGA HILE~ |team of Bob Wheeler, Harold BLACKSTOCK -- -The Keith|McLaughlin and Vernon Assel- Van Camp curling foursome | stine. Third prize of chip and lwere awarded kitchen stools|dip bowls was presented to the |Saturday as first prize win- | om of Ernie Swain, composed hy ' ! N-'of Murray Byers, Jim Swain |the age is lowered it remains so. |\'"Therefore, I am fining you |$100 or 30 days in jail as a de- |terrent not as a punishment." j{in jail Tuesday when he was} "| convicted of his second offence lof 21 years, an offence and until ( court that the area aroynd Simpson's farm is over-run with about 30 dogs and they chase and worry his cattle. Constable Dryden also said Simpsen had asked him if he should shoot the dog and bury it before police arrived. "We have a lot of trouble with dogs in and around our farm," Simpson said on his own be- half, "and we just shoot them. *T had been told by others that this particular dog chased our cattle on other occasions, so I shot it." Magistrate Tells Farmer To Request Control Bylaw Magistrate R. B. Baxter told Simpson he didn't understand his attitude. He wondered how he could go get a gun and shoot a dog. "IT am going to tell you to} make a survey of the farmers in your area and to take a deputa- tion to the next township meet-| ing for the setting-up of a bylaw to confrol dogs. "IT am going to adjourn this matter for two months,'"' Simpson was also ordered to pay the veterinarian's fee for treatment to the dog. Charge Driver Fatal Accident BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A 23-year-old Toronto man was sentenced' to seven days in jail Tuesday after being convicted \of drunk driving by Magistrate \R. B. Baxter. | Harlan Bedour, from Downs- view, had been stopped April 14 lon Highway 401 by. Corp. K. |Nimigon, Bowmanville OPP. Corp. Nimigon testified he re- ceived a radio call telling him to be on the look out for a 1956 black model car. | "I saw the car coming and as jhe went past me he swerved jand the whole car left the road. | "I gave chase to him and at jtimes we were travelling at} speeds in excess of 90 miles per hour, When I finally stop- a ignition and told him to get ONE LOOK ENOUGH "I took ome look and told him he was under arrest for drunk driving. Bedour said he had been to a wedding the night re and had only one hour of sleep on April 14. He also said that he had re- quested a blood test and also a breathalizer test. Constable Nimigon had told the court earlier that when | STORE BODIES | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Bodies .. ofy at least four city residents" are being stored at funeral _ homes pending settlement of a -- strike by the city's 1,500 civic » outside workers, Grave diggers at the city - owned Mountain View Cemetery were among the workers who went on strike April 23 to back up wage de- « mands after union and city ne- gotiations broke down. Badour was told he would have to pay for the tests, the accused made no move to get one. In addition to spending the next seven days in jail, Bedour's licence was suspend- ded for six months and his car impounded for three months. PRODUCTION ROSE Manitoba's mineral produc-' tion increased in value to $171,- ped him, I. took the keys from 000,000 in 1963, compared with] F. Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or fee) ill-at- loose, false teeth. PF, 'a, alka- line (non-acid) powder, on gour Plates hoids them lee! more comfortable _ Avoid embar~ rassment caused by lonse plates. Get ASTEETSH today a\ $159,000,000 in 1962. any drug counter. ¢ RED \ SHORT RIB Si 4 MATCH=LESS SAVINGS STEINBERG SPARKLING VALUES BRAND BEEF ROASTS CHOICE QUALITY LB. naturally aged tenderness PRIME RIB © NOTIC! OUR q: BETTER TRIM FRESH-LEAN-TASTY ONLY FRESH-FROZEN-VACUUM PACKED <GROUND BOILING ON GROUND | BQ: | BSHINS ~39: ee ee Le | ed some of the pro's and con's/(1) if they would be in favor ofjners during -- the of school uniforms for both/uniforms for (a) girls, (b) boys, girls and boys. Speaking on be-|and if so, (2) what type, (3) half of the pro's were Mrs. V.|what color (s). Vernon Asselstine, past -presi-| The annual bonspiel trophy Wilson, Mrs. J. Bailey; for the) Mrs. D. Andrews, chairman|dent of the club, during the|was presented to Ralph Lar- con's, Mrs. C, Johnston, Mrs./of the nomination committee,|annual banquet in the parish|mer's team of Bill Ferguson, 8. Nolan. presented the proposed slate of|hall. Merlin Suggitt also present-|John Carnaghan and Art Van- Mrs. Lawson, president oflofficers for the 1964-65 year.led the Suggitt trophy to the|Camp by Bob Wheeler, Colborne Street Home and/The following executive was/team. | Chieken draws were won by School Association, W hitb y,|duly elected: | Other members of the four-|Harold McLaughlin, Ed Harris, Mrs, Mathews anq their daugh-\Npw EXECUTIVE some are Harold Swain, Stuart|Courtney Graham, Bob Wheel- ters were present to tell why| president, Mrs. R Holman; |Dovrill and Harvey Graham.jer, Gerald Kelly, Bert Bowers, they are in favor of school uni-| 4p vice-presiglent " 'Mes R,|The St. John's WA served a|Ralph Swain, Vernon Asselstine forms and why they supported Humphreys; sécond vice-presi- beef dinner to 42 members,|and Harold Martyn. the program when it was pro- dent. Mrs + Bailey; recording wives and friends. | The turkey draw was won by} posed for their schools, secretary, Mrs. B Marshall: Second prize, travel alarm| Wallace Marlow, who showed! Mrs. VanDeuren, Colborne} oy ding secretary Mrs. clocks, was presented by. Herb|some of his pictures to the stub | Street Home Economics teach-/¢ stevenson; treasurer, Mrs | Swain, vice-president, to the'after a short business meeting. | L.. Gray. le Committee chairmen: pro- Cartwright! ' Curling €lub season, jand Wally Hogg, by Neil Werry. The prizes were presented by|BONSPIEL TROPHY SCORE" A TRIP 10 LONDON. FOR TWO BY panel followed by a "fashion show of uniforms." These clothes repre- sented some of the styles end colors which are available. gram, Mrs. D. Wilson; publi- cations, Mrs, W. Croxail; miem- bership, Mrs. A. Fraser; special events, Mrs. R. Dingman; room representatives, Mrs. R. Ablett. A ONE PINT CONTAINER OF ICE CASTLE INSTANT... jor COFFEE VALLEY FARMS FROZEN FANCY FRENCH FRIED POTATOES + ASSORTED ICE FLAVOURS WITH THE PURCHASE OF A FRESH STEINBERG It was also noted that all mate- tials were washable. ; YOUNG MODELS The young models were -- Patti. Brown, Sharon Corliek, The attendance plaque. was won by Mr. Walker's room. Lunch was' served by the grade mothers of Mr. Phillip's and Mr. Walker's rooms. feed MEAT MARKET 46 arncer n. @ 725-3564 «STEAKS APPLIANCES EVERY DAY MON.-FRi. 1-1.30P.M. AND 1240p. on GET YOUR FREE LUCKY SCORE CARD AT STEINBERG?S ORCHARD KING Fancy TOMATO «.. in. Ss eee STEINBERG FROZEN MEAT ser ICE BEEF & KIDNEY PIES CHICKEN 12 oz. ¢ TURKEY pkg. MERE SOS AM SG LE lll Say als WATERMELONS " 89: 69: 99: ip 2 ey ¢ Flotida Grown Canada No.| grade 1 % Stalks fresh green large size - Stafford MELLO GOLD TRIPLE: CITRUS MARMALADE We began with the richest, Sm sun-ripened, juiciest oranges, ; blended golden grapefruit and lemon, added the sweet Stafford's touch and made a superb marmalade, Mach serving is a sharp, nutritious, vitamin-rich delight. Try some. RED BRAND--BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST FRESH, LEAN, BONELESS LOIN OF | C PORK ROASTS 65 "sor, COOKED MEATS ; dp we dante Colifornia's Finest ICEBERG LETTUCE a 29 Golden Ripe -- Cabanita BANANAS 2 iw 21° GOOD. SIZE EA. hh. Hd a2 California's Finest, Sweet, Juicy ORANGES 3>- Produce of U.S.A.,fresh green Crisp BROCCOLI sorss tuner" First Quality jo Grown fancy grade ¥ 5 Ib. cello bag or Fertilizer if MICRO MESH $ 15 denier 400 NEEDLE SPRING SHADES 'WITH THis COUPON AND PUKCHASE OF TU ENCYCLOPEDIA 99 coven swam ase as S. STUFFED MANZANILA ATL OF 100 RAvER OLIVES 35¢ COUPON mIPMRES MAY 13/64 'ie $ MAC. & CHEESE LOAF MOCK CHICKEN PICKLE & PIMENTO DUTCH LOAF DEVON, RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON BOLOGNA BABY POWDER FREE LOTION DEAL We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities ! NO DEALERS mreaecy rere wTritine FRI. TO 9 P.M. DUNDAS STREET WHITBY SHOPPING PLAZA AJAX ISLAND ROAD ROUGE HILL COUPON ExryRes may 13/64 Stafford's |S GREAT! vy of 9°UNd, s d s : Prea +h) 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ACTN.OF 6--10 OZ. BTS. COLA $ Groe 4% PLUS DEPOSIT COUPON EXPIRES MAY 9/64 1-LB, PKG. 53° uw. 30° 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 3-12 or. OF. JARS OF McLARENS. RELISH 3:0°89¢ CRISPIE SWEET, HOT DOG, HAMBURG COUPON EXPIRES MAY 9/64 AND. oF 4--4% O% JARS OF GERBER'S STRAINED 44% APPLESAUCE, APRICOTS, PEARS, BANANAS, AGH, PINK 2 FOR 65¢ WHITE COUPON EXPIRES MAY 9 /64 $ bh