wri ay wospenlenniotnigge at sc ; pleat arioun d Pe ESS Og he ARE EY LGT RIVLE IE I 0 sey OS ae ae es a ( \ | 30 _THEOSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 5, 1964 ' - Call The Direct Classified Nusiidiee 723-3492 -- . -.. + x se » 8-a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 12--Articles Wanted 17---Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wonted mn BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTO RY Ty Py ES | Security Guard | Sey Station ind tals, "etc. bought. pen Star ail day, Phone FOR OSHAWA ing an iA -2311--89 BLOOR E. Se pan ETRE eye ' = mre -- sna wie. gow «| Dependable Men |eavestroughing, carpentry work, an \ : PAKAMA CANAL = ; : : Siam cess, service | NEED MONEY? SO ees eee cee S| ; avs; 310 Drew 'street, 723.9%24,| OUTBOARD MOTORS 10 See NOUR -- BUILT WifKouf "a 3848. f To be empl as secur- CLASSIFIED ABYERINGS new aes Tsou tee ae oe ca, POWER MOWERS TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? ONG satis SUNS WANTED -- Old antique, Phone! ity guards. Applicants BOX 834 |A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? . "-- F sie TSN She. | REP Aeeae. | . seers Ral) muni 30. arom | og tm \ y , . A i) ¢.|JONN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Oh Immediate Free Pick-up and path pg without = AMANKS ' ulteble fer" colons. guca conten wil hysical condition, speak pnd Fj ; 2 ' gation, your financing plans: ™ : ti y On. Pp ! : awa, ~, Pocmygy =) rates. Fully! Delivery in Oshawa and Whitby Ouk 10. to: 15 Year slong geen a y) pai $25. ae 5 p.m., 728-3078, English fluently id Bock: Fl RST CLASS term mortgage with low = backyard gym i f MASTER MARINE | term 2nd mortgo tee ' sel, consiats of swings, sildes, ete. Tele] ground will be thoroughly STATIONARY xing AND MOWER miey prove mle eoner for -- investigated. A clear rec- ENGINEER ING -- Ladies, childregs - | Quality 4 WACK HOAR) your budget. ad . i ; Henry Whitby oibeagee Yow may Lives $ 13--Business_ Opportunities ord essential. Uniform Henry Street, Whitby, 668-8463. Taunton Rd, West at Garrard A . } Apply: eer WERE SAVED 1M THE me Tei AY RESTAURANT for sale. Good downtown : . j ERPERIENCED, despot, Sat ait 725-4994 CORONATION \ ee incton Newr tur Sone tea cep| and equipment will be | PERSONNEL MANAGER 'and- alterations. Mrs. Harding, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. BOX PLANTS INVESTMENT Cl cisauten WIDESPREAD USE. AS gpuant other intrest Appi Mr Eli Ele supplied. Apply in person. | Goodyear Tire and | EVIL SPIRITS FROM OF SULFA DRUGS AnD DOES HOT | Rest t. Telephone 723-43 Gardening and Supplies CO; LTD. ducal ceesmosaa wv 1 aitiniotics & REACH lou Rubber Co. of Canada NOW READY i ¢ Wf, FULL STRENGTH @ Canadian Public Company FIERCE LOOKING EFFIGIES* A FULL SIRENG ©|FOR SALE? Rent? or Exchange? 9 FLOOR LTD. iflow ABoutf 1,500,000. | UNTIL, ABouT 3: , FERTILIZERS ¢ , Cauliflower, Brussel In Oshawa area call CLO? tel NEARS OF AGEs nein Aer M. Colley 8 a sens Bowmanville, Ontario T abbage ls . Collis, 78 King $i t . Sprout, Red Cabbage, Astors, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. a West, oawee. 725-0532)" after six, Hd 15 TORONTO ST. CHARTERED Accountants office Te FOR EVERY NEED Petunias. : ; 360 King St. West 9210 TORONTO 1 ONTARIO quires Stutente, srecentiy snrohed te BULK GARDEN SEEDS | 3 Boxes $1.00 & Up {723.2265 (otter hours,:728-3376) Le egted g AE S a Grade 18, Apply 'Brill Moore and corm PAWN SEED. =| «HARRY & MARY |nerent torr tian 2---Personal 7--Trailers aa ag IR ; i ee SO-GREEN TOWNSEND eth te "aire LEN PULLAN | EVERYTHING |earssrcnp-acrieraxsae:| © SALESMEN -- ite--Mole or Female ea a elie GREENHOUSES -- [Musical Services ENGLISH TAILOR FOR TRAILERS --[vsins"ane"scupment ony. "esers| 4 ambitious men wie iv EVERGREEN 2% miles north of Whitby PIANO, reed, pips and alecionie- saan store, 16° by 50' with full basement. All : 'i Tag-A-Long C ing Trailers TURF SPECIAL on Highway 12 East Side. tuning and repair, insiruments'sporsizge,| _ Suits--Dresses--Alterations nw Gcles and Rentals, (Waar TONG of TTOT teaser Game] -. $0-ountit Weahiage in the Weld' OSHAWA GARDEN SPECIAL 655 - 4845 A, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, Invisible Mending MILLER'S Realtor. Must be nett and willing to oor, oo ieieg CROSS TOWN Painting and Decorating | 10 Prince St. 728-5311 9 TUDOR ST. om iyi tinhaae, BEAUTY As OSs HAVE your painting done 'now. Interlor,|STUDENT would like ride to Toronto, via|__AJAX 942-3491. [Phone 725-030. Good starting salary and a exterior, wor! juaran' . ree P i lo Ante ceaee bane ies] INSECTICIDES SOD i, te Sie HS Carn in fase Tia, "FOR RENT -- eters &t|14_--Employment Wanted | cenon."Trersserenon p- | SUPPLY CLINIC SWA Ba ai beohadh8 ¢ rin jem, . All . won lied. Apply i son, Money '0 loan. Henry Block, 26% Kina] FUNGICIDES Rolled, Fertilized, cut |PAiNyIn6 ond. Secsring "ty espe |Bax Sox, Whitey or call Wssusc'" """lceril tansy bauth: vale horter and toatl tect ke hae Tle erie| Pied: Apply In person 15 KING STREET EAST re Garithng tee Bie potdecir fresh daily. with each clipe al Jasper' Bork on oer, 333 SIMCOE ST. S. ' GREER AND KELLY, Borristers, Soll- Since 1909 725-850. A Plumbing and Heating 3--Pets & Livestock 45 Francis Street, Lindsay, ible sth Gk ee Daw Nomen Phone 728-1651 OSHAWA: Sali Cee To Ea ren Reet. | Diss ALU TYPES of repairs and remodelling,| PUREBRED poodle puppies, white, Reg- able rates. Telephone 668-5317, one be, 753308; jely, BA BCL, Cooper Smith Co. CEDAR TREES new and: used materials, Reasonable oment, Caner as ausee: Excellent temper-/9__ Summer Properties FULLY experionced clerk typist, adept Requires 3. part-time ra * wh 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 = eatueneltigel eae iicabialelgs Pg gg yearoid quei|_. For Sale or Rent Haalras. Rermnebe oattian li onmrnes | | HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- ; \ : Pia = rl . desires. permanent posit in; Oshawa, salesmen BAM, Gees Sekecn, fo yo FOR HEDGES ALL des gy dyed and posting. supplies. vt ta mannered. Phone Hampton RICE LAKE, Cedar Cove Telephone 723-9578 evenings. GRAPHIC R B sek a eswornen z 4 Se y H i Telephone 725-3521, Harol |. Stark, Lid, : Cae tt ' x MAN wil fi t F | in j j ger 9 boa ac, w_ Acree! JOHN BROUWER | Ficeaihcne" Sioned, |etnmng, Neu Eine | rw REGISTERED Tous oahinna,| COMGGE. Bedroom, ll con- |MAN i i ds fue ao . | ip. Bowmanville, Whitby, BA, LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. ; a a Simcoe Street South. el ae small standard, red, one, 1-years and ; . d ! type of cartage to or from anywhere, and Oshawa to call on Office: 725-1177; Residence: 728-4326, 725- ING Posts all sizes. : YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Special-|0Ne, six months. One black and tan| spacious grounds. $50 weekly Bay Ridges 839-4191. 4604, Whitby 668-2761. NHA end other LANDSCAP CALL. 723-1303 izing repairs, remodeling, Reasonable| Male, children's pet. Priced to clear.| $60 weekly with boot, Off- BRUNO'S student requires job as sham- beauty salons, Appl b mortgage funds available. F landscape designs ond. |------_--_--__--____--_ rates. Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South. |O/a!_623-3400. : season May 8 to June 27, [p00 girl, Thursday, Friday nights, all day| Due to further exponsion vo- - "\pply by THOMAS Ht. GREER, - Barrister, sunrvintas Fen an sod pole L AWN M OWE R 728-1731, PEKINGESE ;PUPPIES yotorable pets, Aug. 22 to Oct. 15, with boat |Saturday. Write Oshawa Times, Box 48 or! cancies exist for high school letter stating experience Building, 06 King Street ast, 7e4m.| trained landscaper. 100% Rug-Upholstery Service |e Donberin sora, 1" SENN) SAT weekly, Wyeekcerd 2 day [prone 227 ue $m Sporenthip boss "Plesomt | in products to abo funds available. guarantee given on all plants, | SHARPENING AND REPAIRS BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for} $14.4 Siow! Aled boo, 116 le Help Wanted opprentiship basis. Pleasont | (n products to above ad- Also inquire about Spring SHEARS SHARPENED OSHAWA training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. ble Bg ig sah age 00 1 Female Help Wante working conditions, technical Aten "J clean-ups, fertilizing, raking, PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Broad, 114°Elgin East. IB. Fridker. te tee 0 training facilities, oll _com- : 7@-7336, Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar| Pruning, sodding, seeding, 480 Phillip Murray CLEANERS Sid, $50. oF bent oiler Telcehhe een | Phone 4R4.." teeta GIRLS ape esietind ishnigl POR Ee F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson.) extra trees, additional ever- 728-6879 Rug ond Upholstery caiiove . lab Pariaaemcaeadly ie hay Gea DM ore rma men ture. EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season, Sm TTT ye fy - puppies, white, s = it 5 : ' tual EREIGNTON DRYNAN AND MURDOCH,! greens, fruit trees, shrubs, Cleaning. At Our Store, old, purebred' Telephone Brosklin,|cently built, heater an Pech tr REQUIRED Fer Appointment Telephone Bowmanville €03-25m7, ae tors, Natori, ~-- < seed flowers: Free delivery. LAWN SPRAYING or at your. home. 655-0071. Boat, sandy beach, near Minden. $60 per 723 9233 Treibal, Mearns Avenue. ' 725-9961 BEAUTIFUL Siamese kittens for sale, For fine assembly work. * ACCORDIAN AND GUITAR" teachers; Commerce Suliding, 5 Simcoe 1 .m. fi North, Oshawa, 723-3446; 7. K. Between 6 p.m, and 10 p.m: piel week. Telephone Whitby. 668-5447, or residences: G. K. seven weeks old. Reasonable price, Apply/BALSAM LAKE -- Rosedale, . two-bed- Soldering and wiring exper- as Ra oy Per nee 72% 1G. ac, CALL 728-6392 Your LOCAL m CHESTERFIELDS reupnoitereda7ra|517 Bloor East. room cottage and -- gl ed os Said. Pina ailinnaie' See cue nan All . Season or monthiy,| jence on Electronic Compo- orapw p._manaan cc---sarine| Now Is The Time | A. STOCK = iia recta ain Uohtri|rerne "show aa ato ite MBe emg Shown Rk] nents preferred, CARPET LAYER |30--Room ond Boord Money Office, 3 606 Gilbert W., Whi raid national Champion stock. Papers provid-|' » Ontario. é P = Sree East, Orhewe, PAE oa : 668-5 Yas CUSTOMCRAFT'S Upholstering Departed. Afigr 6 evenings, 725-9754.- CANAL LAKE, furnished cottage, two Foe ehorintnent ALSO TILE ing share. Lonchespadsed Telephone Street ment. Experts in recovering, restyling. '9 Prepare Your Lawns 2 Chrome choirs. Free estimates. T20-727.| or SUR, inet yee ec eS eer yim north of Whitby, TELEPHONE INSTALLER Building Trades and Flower Beds ee ing. 10 al maken cy and repair. |Re-UPHOLSTERING by experis. Estab-|Clippers. Telephone 720-2663 after 7 p.m.|by 668-2473. Ajax 942-2120 with sheet goods exper- pe aged Sore hone pM yoni with topsoil by machine. Quick service. 720-9217, ||!shed 17 years. Complete range of m&-lpUREBRED German Shepherd, nine|EXTRA LARGE summer cottage and < 9 Per | ionches packed. Car" parking. Apply ' terials. Workmanship guaranteed 5 years.|months old, house trained. Gentle with|boathouse for sale or rent, on View Lake. ience. Permanent Position. |above address. ed LA mixed with or without manure. |pREsTo SPRAY SERVICES » Your|Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses . Appl: ED NGLOIS focal lawn weed experts. Crab grass,|re-bullt. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa peng a a $35. Apply 228 Verdun Paine ee along mec STARK Top wages. Apply in per- oe < gE ys Feceg Bie home, + fenced. 728-3142. 'arking. ply shawa Bivd. South, Telephone 728-0236. etc. knotweed, etc. Driveway spraying, Indus-|Upholstering Company, 1) Bond West, "HOME BUILDER" WILLIAM KUZIK ig and get BS tay Spraying also. Phone|725-0311. 5--Farmer's Column FOR RENT large, private lakefront ELECTRONIC On, = itby us today. 871, REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furni- Cottage east of Buckhorn, fully equipped, ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, will 5-8450. FOR DRIVEWAY GRAVEL) pil run gra-|ture by J. and J, Custom Furniture. Free|ONE ALLIS-CHALMERS tractor, fraller,|safe shore, boat. Available anytime. ex- ing to share. Telephone 72! 173 ALBERT STREET 668-3906 or 668-3981 -- |vei, sand fili and brick sand, top soll, 44"lestimates, Whiiby. 660-5376 or 668-5753.|power side rake, one two furrow tractor|cept fire! twe wea August, After 5, Instruments Ltd. ANGUS GRAYDON 728-4169 stone, V2" stone, roofer stone. 728-4920. |cHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|Plough. Telephone Whitby . 668-3834, call 728-8196. Ajax, Ontario CARPET COMPANY 21--Room & Board Wanted MANURE, mixed, $3 per yard. Top soil,|covered like new. Get the best for less|CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid cort, Fe ; : ~ SPECIALIZING IN aera ad Gone A yard, Delivered, Telephone|at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South.|/for dead and crippled farm stock, Tele- Lake Ga hil cone Bersted HAIRDRESSER 282 KING WEST ewer week, nor ergo prterred abeys 8 * CONCRETE FOUNDATION ' -- will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. schaner Ciuetth. Cee ae baa ae dir Excavating, lots levelled. Instruction Sales and Service FARMERS! Need tires? Call BINI",|cellent swimming and fishing, 'Terms. to APPRENTICE GOOD DISTRICTS AVAILABLE to "**:|22---Offices, Stores, Storage " Loaders. Trucks for hire. D Tire repr 725-|suit. Many extras. Write or phone, Dale Brosperous firm. FREE ESTIMATES!! TUNE-UP SPECIAL All sewing _ma-/YOu" Dominion Tee reer ees. Ret rie, Sactase etter. Bi per cent to sell oametice, culinaries, do-| STORE, cn eal A easofiable rent, ~ O O locat! CT new rebu roofl EA T T | A cleaners repaired. p antenna : tt mestics; SI poe gpk d pelle Ba. ye 4 B Y HAU GE NTARI Fag a Hag sl Sewing "Contre, GARDEN to rent on shares. Located on|CEDAR Nook, Shadow Lake; pickerel,| or Junior Licenced operator. ' imple case, Wlaton ron Re Peet 725-2156 VIN pail esa dds ee a ks neoriee Rend Eee, Tenet. = leeatoant cae tock Ee dna ee Mheek chemistry. c'dat renee ITO, Dect, Or Fis se STOR co 1) fi, NOU Fi Reeeonetie ba -------- room " jus y running Fy FY ', not sa . a . a fe = . 5 , FOR ALL YOUR carpentry work, new | DRI G WINDOW cleaners. Complete storm bag WANTED TO YS Boe tin water, sand beach, launch ramp, snack finite asset. For interview. Hubert, Banbneel. rent. Immediate occupancy. Dial 725-5445, °* end alterations. Cup-/TOP SOIL loam, manure, rockery stone, dow service. Wall washing Doug Brady,/Pony tractor plo a bar. $40-$55 wkly, Write €, Sutherland, Telephone boards @ specialty. Wm Vroom, 76 Mead-|fiag stone, sod, reasonable rate, 728-6656. SCHOOL 234 Gibb. Street. Call 728-7057. for plow. 7 Whitby 668-8583. RR 1, Coboconk, 454-2431, ~ = GENERAL Lawn Spray Service. We kill GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer\WANTED -- four cheap ponies nae FOR RENT -- Furnished two and five. CREATIVE pt ALL TYPES of building repairs, roofing, iawn weeds fast! Also driveway spraying.| Learn to Drive 1964 Models [washers and) ranges. Free estimates, Call squarvest, seer 6 p.m., phone Port! oo, cottages, gas and hydro, on Rideau somes gh ag iy PICK-UP SERVICE ncn Dextor, Burnham Street, Cobourg, Ont." STYLING OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS laces, Perth, Ontario. Write Mrs. Gordon May, grass, fertilizing. Residential, Industrial 5 WELDING -- 'Ail metal fabrication Sern Bewrarcite "orueu,| ROAD TESTS ARRANGED | Surveyors 6--Auction BROTHERSTONE'S Cottages, _conven- re-|or Generat Wetting Service, maeiea™™'|Purt Hope arse. Phone: Oshawa 728-474 Dual Control Cars H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Onfario Land fences, Chemong Lake, | Peterborough. BY JOHN PRINTED PATTERN ° * $00, lity, dell Rea LICENSED INSTRUCTOR Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. On E < : ' Y . Mave vast shctonal iting "finances lectinatt. Telephone TEeasst ce 72990| Automatic and Standard | 725i. A watentiou? Love 728-0951 v; SLACKS and SHORTS OF : Call 728-6451, Free estimates. phone collect, Hampton 263-2721, Marg- ized, heavy duty wiring, 3 bedrooms, Have your additional wi Ada th 2 Go A -- Bed estimates. Grandview Electric, NEVAN .AND- FLEISCHMANN, WATERFRONT LOTS for sale on Non- Grenview South, pansies, GIGARDENS plowed with Gravely. "Roto 569 Ridgeway Ave Onteris Land Surveyor. Commercial blue quon River, minutés by boat from Lake : in plow. Brooklin 655-3104. rints, intario Street, % Scugog, % mile off paved road at Sea- PRO: HONE ANG OOUIES imerovements RelTREUS, Sliver Birch, IF, aio Marie] Oshawa 728-6934 ie chico FARM STOCK AND ___|orave. Treed lots $120, 10 per cant down, EXPERIEN CED , ee al vooUng:\and Spruce, planted. T: 1492. TV--Radio Repairs > palace. ¥ years. ms Sere Toa ee ne gar | LEARN TO DRIVE | ST a ORRITURE (cae tds: sme. Sree ry Ga DRESSMAKER bi ¥ Loca! MN Cleaner. _ - RAW wa. Days call 725- 3 evenings 668- say but ond ees ge Wings re SOD--Now cutting. No. 1 Kentucky Blue. at the TV TOWERS Fj sits aan seU660-"lename tandere lakaniunt tale stalied, furnaces Pick up and save. We also deliver and Oshawa Driving School , 4 'ah : mates. 723-2997. lay. Telephone 668-4965 after 6 o'clock. reasonable rates, standard and THE PROPERTY OF Met Bas ey Lok "te Guar Oh Bord For alterations on Seal Gane Economy and Perry on 7A Highway. Turn left to Con- cession 1E, then turn right to farm better garments OF ; Professional Instructors. Deluxe opposite Sunrise Beach. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 728-0091 at Wee. FEEL Game gebeee eae we ae acpi Priced t it your budget 25 WORD MINIMUM , ___ OSHAWA AND WHITBY devi telly hy bp Lot 20, Con. 6, Whitby twp. front cottage, five rooms, completely fur- BOX 29 TERMS ARRANGED 1 ¥ i nished, flush toilet, safe beach, good Ya mile east of Brooklin on |ivimming., Call Whitby 668-5264, Oshowa Times "Classified" Better describea offers get faster results. QUINTE : te se tae on a ee Ks PEON OSHAWA TV Moy 9 "20'heod of seeker & 11--Articles For Rent LADY 6 Consecutive days, original copy . . For prompt, courteous, service, fat steers, yearlings and 2 yr. $4. ' 1! } : 3 Consecutive days, original copy 25 al! new cars SUPPLY, LIMITED olds (Herford & Shorthorn), dus Gilsn - lun General Office Duties ial, fi bbreviation .as one word, 1800 bales of hay, 400 bales : ee ee DIA! -- 725-8305 361 GIBBONS ST. of skew, Rand parsunon trac- Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Part-time,-ages 25-45 APPLIES. Coffee "f NCCU ASSIFIED BOX NUMBER COR REPLIES: 15¢ ' PB a cela hi MASTIN 728-81 80 tor, Ferguson equipment, Oli- Tables - Chairs - Linens Write Classified ; : MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing ver bailer, Case mower (nearly | Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets Box 944 While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box | School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, new), full line of machinery : mumbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no iba Kindergarten, Fridays, Satur- hoa plone toond \ Sargeant's Rantate Oshawa Times liability in respect of loss or damage sileged to arise through |43¥8« Masonic Temple, 723-7253, TV SERVICE Oihec foriture. "hake pviies ep ; Seg = either failure ot delay in forwarding such replies, however caused ena sehen eigg ghd, tee DAY OP EVENING No 'pesshve. "Tarine coi. wale 463 Ritson S. \ Dental Assista t whether by negligence or otherwise. Sshawn Staiie Ca ntroe fscte 728-5286 ot 1:30 p.m. CHAIRS. card and banguet Tables, church n Professional listings only, 3 lines per month .. 8.50 PRIVATE TEACHER, student counsel- Reg Johnson, Seeaa irene North. ae ies Woman age 20-45 to assist Each additional line, per munth ... 1.60 lor, 15 years' experience. By interview OSHAWA Auctioneer MINK STOLES Tor rent Sergeants Rent| full time in dental office, Pre- (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements). only. Act now. 725-1054, ; - Hee teas aey vious training not. essential, Mortgages ELECTRONICS 7--Trailers WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, pel thee dca, Tews, sdb kb nd par- DEAD L | N ES TV TOWE RS ara Canale Woteeee malt come hid' Rentals, 105: Beatrice, fF rages' ticuiars. 4 * WA " 1, »S K na x < ze SSS <K & AE . ~> a2 WORD ADS . ... 5 p.m. Doy Previous. |»: | Mortgage Money pany. 1437 King, Street East, Oshawa./eNTERTAINING fifty to one hundred|WOMAN for Avallabl and taathbon tt ie people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|person in familys We Ins gee 'home| . A \ Cord of Thonks 5 p.m. Day Previous vallabie * PLYWOOD cabin trailer, g size.|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries.| References required. Write Box 261, Bow. q y LM or gy Beall ai * Soe te boca Antenna Repair Sleeps two or three people. Cell Whitby|Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking. Rea-lmanville. : li - Lost and Found 9:30 Bey of Publication: Low Interest pe ie -------- otice wiht Tarewh cette at * . ry . wi 5 Births ond. Deoths :30 Day of Publication. TRIO id 9--Summer Properties 9--Summer Properties ness routine. Duties inched Bast pas EASY SAMPI ER 24 Lote Deaths... . 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3). Valuations Arranged TELEVISION. |For Sale or Rent For Sale or Rent payrolls typing ie, telephone, | Perma. ~ 1. x CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: RESIDENTIAL ee Tine. ° awa By ALICE BROOKS fap 2 Column or Larger ....... 10 0.m, Day Pievious CITY AND DISTRICT 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA COOK GENERAL Fab galt in 1 Column Space ...... ++ 4 p.m. Day Previous SUMMER : PROPERTIES 728-5143 Kent, 382 Simcoe Street 'Nori, Cali be:| What every baby must have WAIST tween noon and 6 p.m. 725-3098. -- sampler of his (or her) owe sam VACANT LAND SATURDAYS: LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, 'antennae, the Aw, HOURS a day will really pay] birth. Easy stitchery. SIZED TO YOU! . Word Ad 12 Noon For Monday Members Ontari 529 Emeraid Avenue. 728-5804. the Avon way, so write PO Box S12 Gste Classified seeeceeeees. 1O AM, For Monday Mirtosae: Brcaes Naini LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv- ON LAKE SCUGOG awa, or telephone 728-5883, ae Happy birthday reminder -- . ¥ ice, 184 King Street West. Telephone PART-TIME help needed fe 4 ; 728-6879. Lotthouse Pattern company 'cia gitice.| mom, dad will thank you every By ANNE ADAMS : CANCELLATIONS AND 'CORRECTIONS SUMMERLAND | iWon prtting--Disgine WATERFRONT LOTS AVAILABLE NOW [ri ira ss ha tiene they leh at Wis eniegler| Sesepicesd Mi oli iaee . or bi : P 3 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION SECURITIES we = 9 MODEL COTTAGES FOR IMMEDIATE __ [light nousewore" white mamait 8nd.¢o] Pattern 7252: transfer 12 x 16- true Mattery in slacks ind Concellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. imine op moneh Hie, Ww. Ward, 204 Chestnut After 4 p.m. phone 728-6889. inch; color chart; 59 names. vere a * sage SHORT (5'3" and » a . 4 reel fest, iby, = or a . Deadline will be processed for the following day's poper. J TON WELL DRIKOING me POSSESSION week. Thursday" or Prday "preferred| THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)| under); AVERAGE (5° to FULTON WELL DRILLING. Reason- 112 Simcoe St, North able prices. Honest workmanship, Hamp- Telephone 725-8032. 5°6"):, TALL (5'7" and wu WOMAN WANTED Towing tour IE for this pattern (no stamps, My ( id up). REGULATIONS ton 263-2790 i ; : aoe : ; GU na : Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 |!" Architect-designed dren. Two school-age, two pre-school. 8)Please) to Alice Brooks, care Printed Pattern 4554: Misses* The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- 1--Women's Column Plumbing and Wiring * am. to 4. pm. fiveday week. Mylo 'The Oshawa Times, Needle- eo ae 26, 28, 30, 32. .. , roportion: at. ts submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more thon ------ -- ------_--- Street district. 725-0186, Si nig lh cag engl isn gg all oak ial MORTGAGE PERMANENTE on specie, "Pape Wale Roads, Registered Plan DEPENDABLE young women for_cean| craft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario] FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins price charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement in which : 725-5363. 310.4 pimn Telephone yoscave"'**Y*! Ontario residents add ic. sales|(no stamps, please) for this pats error occurs. ' ' Me ew wae eae ne LOANS S . Seraai DIRECTIONS:--North through Port Perry to Sea- tax. Print plainly PATTERN|tern. Ontario residents add 2e ™~ o a oe aes" classi ertising ieee oe 74 mortgages grave, follow the signs to BALL POINT. 17--Male Help Wanted NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS: ee Pa" Nal Lp gin ope ] In the cose of display advertisements, The Times wili not be | Open Mortgages pri ae," igs ey a TAXI DRIVERS | 26 HANDICRAFT HITS --|NUMBER. held fo og ed been ae Be condbagel pa ote bo he charge for valuations Foe Caro eines Boe ne Preferably between 25-40 "i ener bang Tomy Boseg Tae Caters Te hee pet Hy, but assume no liability of advertisement lortgages and Agreements ' : ° its -- crochet, knit, sew, em- , Pate go gs cuhenttug apoen form. ore contained therein. ¢ purchased 4 sab _-- dotes for appoint- NORTH SHORE REALTY CO). LTD, Top samings. Apply broider, quilt. Send 25c. tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, | Moneys for second mortgages. sah 112 Si SN. Osh : DO YOU KNOW HOW TO For Classified Service. | Fast sotvies ELECTROLYSIS imcoe St. N., Oshawa MERCURY TAXI | somernne new -- BIGGET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE. Telephone the Direct to Classified : ; = . SWARTZ 723-4641 725-4771 DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16)LY yawned pe sa ord:r a | Yn Ki 7 ao crea nenemne | pion nae Sea is EC R : our Spring-Summer C in- espinal pr ne : } Giicon Crab lot Maton cae pronet smaiing, | FOR APPOINTMENT CALL [SALESMEW, tis or part time tor fuel eit engur ig bageea yp cinding FREE COUPON. - mn Other Deportments, imes Switchboard, | ' |fidential. , i a i 2 ' company. Excellent remuneration. Nojand applique, for beginners, ex- "desi =e a 723-4697" og Te ee 725-3568 days, 668-8042 evenings SESS ES Lit MON ets, Send Ole. now. send Se thay. ees ee