Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1964, p. 8

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GUESTS AT ONT The Ontario County South Regional Catholic Women's League annual meeting was held at St. Gregory's Audi- torium last Thursday eve- 3 Be ee ARIO SOUTH ning, The meeting concluded with a pot-luck supper, the first time the Regional CWL has had such a supper. Guests attended. from Uxbridge, Port Perry, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Rosebank. Among the head table guests were, from the left: Mrs. Gregory Carter, chairman; The Reverend N. J. .Gignac; The Reverend Gerald Green, REGIONAL CWL POT-LUCK SUPPER Director, Toronto, Arch- diocesan CWL Council; and Mrs. Clifford Noble, vice-pres- ident, Toronto Archdiocesan CWL Council. --Oshawa Times Photo Brownie Debbie Curtin model the newly designed Girl Guide and Brownie uniforms which will gradually become New: Guide, Brownie Uniforms | Vnicent Massey Home and School Association elected its 1964-65 executive at its annual meeting recently. The new exec- utive is as follows: president, Mrs. Gordon Garrison; 2nd-yice- president, Mrs. Gerald Hudson; recording secretary, Mrs. Keith Smith; coresponding secretary, Mrs. Ross Porteous; social chairman, Mrs. Arthur Stone; membership chairman, Mrs. Russell Elliott; publicatoions chairman, Mrs. Harold Meades; and room representative chair- man, Mrs. Rae Rundle. The two offices of treasurer and Ist vice- president remained vacant so the membership gave the exec- utive power to appoint two members fo these offices. The new executive will be installed in September. The president, Mrs. N. V. Roe presided and following a report by Mrs. Gerald Hudson on audit- ing the treasurer's books, the; annual treasurer's report was) given. The: other annual reports in| printed form were handed out to) the members for their attention prior to the meeting and they were accepted. Mr. Gerald Harper, Principal, announced kindergarten regis- tration on April 29 and 30. Mrs. Robert Peacock, family life chairman, was in charge of the meeting and introduced the two speakers for the évening-- Mr. Cecil Jensen, Director of Technical Education, McLaugh- lin Collegiate, and Mr. John Hutton, Director of Commercial Education at the same school: The theme of their remarks was "Guidance" which is a problem in the minds of many of the parents of Grade 8 stu- dents at this time of year. Mr. Jensen outlined the courses now available in the secondary the standard uniform for Ca- nadian Girl Guides. Three years have been allowed for the complete w&hange-over. --Oshawa Times Photo Vincent Massey H and S Elects) Mrs. Gordon Garrison, President purpose of each course and how it would benefit the pupils in- volved. Mr. Hutton outlined the courses available in the com- mercial education field, most of which would be of particular in- terest to the girls now in Grade 8. Questions from the parents present were answered in detail by the two teachers who were thanked by Mrs. Gerald Hudson for their informative discussion. At this time of year, many par- ents are bewildered by the var- iety of courses available to the Grade 8 students and this eve- ning's program cleared up many of their questions. Wheamen Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 27, 1964 Mrs. Ernest Hilts was elected president of the Conant Home and School Association at its annual meeting held recently in the school. The other members of the executive elected are as follows: 1st vice-president, Mrs. Eric Foshay; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Elwood Buckler; record- inging 'secretary, Mrs. Jack Shearer; treasurer, Mrs. T. B. Kidd; corresponding secretary, Ms. Roy F. Bowerman; publi- cations chairman, Mrs. Eli T. Lamb; membership chairman, (Mrs. Leslie Bowers; historian, Mrs. Joseph Carr; fund raising) chairman, Mrs. Jack Corry. Mrs. William Tymchuk pre-| sided and the annual reports were heard from all commit- tees. Mrs. Eric Foshay- gave a report of the most interesting topics of concern to the par- ents from the convention in To- ronto, which she attended with Mrs. Jack Shearer. Mrs. R. D. Peel announced that next year, classes will be held at the school for the par- ents of Grade 7 to help learn the new way of mathematics. Mrs. William Tymehuk = an- The following committees jwere set. up for jevents: field day, Mrs. Kenneth |Forbes, Mrs. Gerald Hudson, |Mrs. Basil Tkaczuk; field day juniforms, Mrs. Ross Porteous, Mrs. Harold Meades, Mrs. Jack Dewell; laundering uniforms, Mrs, James Smales, Mrs. Geraid Hudson, Mrs. Everett Wilson, Mrs. Basil Tkaczuk; Grade 8 banquet, Mrs. Robert Peacock, Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Mrs. Donald McNaughton, Mrs. | Vance Cooper. | Mrs. Roe ahnounced the May |meeting would be a social eve- ining only, with a potluck sup- per to be followed by a program of slides and commentary on Africa" by Mrs. Gordon Garri- json, The attention of the mem- |bers was drawn to the conven- tion reports from the four dele-) gates which had been printed and attached to the annual re- ports, | Refreshments were served by the afternoon kindergarten mothers under Grade Mother Mrs. Bruce Lidster and social! convener Mrs. B. A. McCarl. Bowmanville Pair upcoming | | RE-ELECTED Mrs. Leonard Haigh, above, was recently re-elected to the post of president of Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association at its annual meeting and will serve for the 1964-65 season. home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother received, wear- ing a semi-formal aqua sheath with white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a blue taffeta semi- formal sheath with beige acces- sories and a corsage of yellow carnations. For a honeymoon: in Niagara f jlater since, -imonth, you e Mrs. Emest Hilts Is Elected President Of ConantH and S nounced that Dr. C. M. Elliott will be speaking at the E. A. Lovell School on April 28 on the subject of the new .mathematics system. The attendance banner was won by Mr. R. D. Peel's class. Mrs. Elwood Buckler. intro- duced the guest speaker, Mr. Thomas Bouckley, who showed a number of. interesting slides of the history of Oshawa. With each picture Mr, Thomas Bouckley told the history and dates, connected with it. Mrs. Ioan Smale thanked Mr. Thom- as Bouckley on behalf of the Conanat Home and School. THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A day in which you will do better at routine tasks than you will at new enterprises -- with one exception: New ideas or methods for simplifying the aforesaid routine should work out well; also relieve monotony. Don't brush off unusual suggés- tions from: others. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next year will be one of the best you have had in a long time and that you should there- fore, capigalize on every avail- able opportunity if you would gain all the benefits possible, not only between now and. De- cember of this year, but even as of early this ngered an excel- lent 12-year cycie on all counts, For 1964, specifically, where both job and financial interests are concerned, look for fine gains between now and late Oc- tober. Consolidate them during November and December and be prepared to expand again next January. Despite this ex- cellent outlook, however, do avoid extravagance in June, mid-July and the first week of October or you could offset * |profits. You can look forward to hap- |piness in personal relationships and creative interests, too In the latter connection, you will have a generally fine year, with most notable periods occurring between now and the end of May (an all-around good period for all Taureans), in October and November Best cycles for romance: Be- tween now and the end of May, August, September, late Octo- ber and late December Look for help from influential sources in May, September and October September will be especially propitious for making new and valuable contacts A child born on this day will be highly intelligent, original in his thinking and unusually ideal- dent, = SEs OS NR Eg MRS. HARTLEY DELANEY (Retiring) Dr. Robert Thornton H And $ Celebrates 28th Anniversary Candies on the 28th anniver-|further action on tunics would sary cake at the Dr. Robertibe left over until the Septem- | Thornton Home and School As lber meeting, Mr. Michael Kar- MRS, ARTHUR JOYNT (Elected) | sexes. (D. 8. Kerr; membership, Mrs. George Wall; grade. represen- tative, Mrs' Cyril Campbell; ci a Guests present and introduced by Mrs. Delaney, were Mrs. Richard Donald, vice-president of Home and School Council and Mrs. George Lofthouse, a past president of' the association. A panel of teachers answered a variety of written questions on school matters submitted by the parents and were thanked by Mrs. D. S. Kerr. Birthday cake and coffee were served by kindergarten grade mothers Mrs. Leonard Dalby and Mrs. John Wood. The attendance plaque was won by Miss Marie Koster's room. & d MOSTLY BY HAND Early-in the 19th century, vir- tually the only labor-saving de- vices in North American house- , holds were spinning wheels and spice mills. WART INCIDENCE Girls are four or five times more: likely to have warts than boys, but in adults the incidence is about the same for both 4 SMART WOMEN ... have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned "The Safe Wey' * by DURACLEAN 728-8518 RENT-A-CAR sociation meeting of April 15). PH _|piak, principal, announced that Were hiown ous by Se eee Junior Red Cross monies col- lected amounted to $128.00. | president of the association, | Tie slate of officers for the Mrs. D. S. Kerr slated ae year, as presented by Paes wpe oes Be 4M /the nominating committee, were oot rs ome ge sp) MisS| elected. They will be installed at dialed tenis 'hale ate se a ben aang rie Rad are ; ' ui aig et 1/28 follows: president, Mrs, Ar- hsuleey ~ , Joynt| thar rad i ate ee ' ' . |Mrs. C. M. Sheffield; 2nd vice-| and Mrs. Donald Wood reported! president, Mrs. Robert Stewart; | ee cae g trecording secretary, Mrs. Don- month at the Royal York Hotel.|tiatierscarreononding sennc, April 28 will' be the next open tury Mrs HM. S neh meeting of Home and School "i8 z fi 98 rg ' Council at which Dr. Charles|" inmen re family life, Mrs Elliot will speak on the new) mathematics course. | Bruce Brydges, a Grade 7) student, entertained with two) piano solos -- "On Wings of| Song". and "Alley Cat". was, thanked by Mrs. Nick Kennedy. Mrs. F. M. Sandy of| the teaching staff presented| books to the winners of the re-/} cent essay contest sponsored by) the association. In Grade 7 it was a tie between Marilyn Wood and Heather Kerr. In Grade 8 Janice Wood placed first and) Gail Stewart second. | Mrs. Joynt stated that any! MERCURY TAXI comes 7 29"47 7 1 eee OSHAWA'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN TAX! AND U-DRIVE--OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE! $1.00 A DAY PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE GEO. RUTHERFORD (Oshawa) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST. Designed For Style And Utility _ As a result of continued re- quests for an up-to-date uniform for Brownies, and Guides, the Provincial Girl Guide Design of golden maple leaves, which fits neatly under the shirt col- lar and is worn loosely knotted. The new uniforms have been available since March of this Committee was 'fortunate in be- yeat. There will be a change-| ing able to secure the services|over period of not less than . of Jean Miller, Toronto, Can-|three years, during' which old! ada's top fashion artist and Elen/or new style uniforms may be Henderson of Toronto, Canada's|worn. The changes. are rot so foremost designer of children's|great that a girl wearing the schools; where the former three courses have now broadened into seven. He described the Exchange Vows In St. Joseph's ! Hilda Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril I. Leddy, be- + |came the bride of Albert Glenn -- |Quinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. '| Albert E. Quinney, all of Bow- jmanville,«® recently in St. |Joseph's Roman _ Catholic} Church. wear. Mrs. Miller and Mrs, Henderson were asked to bear in mind style, practicability, durability of color and material and selling cost. Finally all was ready and the new uniforms were modelled at the Annual meeting in Saskatoon May 30, 1963. The new uniforms are in the familiar blue and brown colors with such slight differences in shade that new and old uni- forms may be worn together Both Brownié and Guide uni form. are in two pieces, design ed to look like one-piece dresses, | - the blouse neatly tailored but} feminine with soft collar, and plenty of tuck-in alowance and room for action. The Guide cu- lotte is well cut to allow freedom of movement ang still look most attractive. The uniforms. wil be as suitabe for church as well as for company meetings. Hid- den pockets in the side seams replace the bulky patch pockéts of the present uniform. A nar- row matching elasticized belt with.a small metal. buckle bear- ing the Girl Guide trefoi] re- places the leather belt. The crisp nylon scarf of the, Guides is a white square band-| ed with blueW@pd printed with red maple leaves. The Brownies have a crisp nylon oblong scarf, old style uniform with the new scarf will feel self-conscious, HOUSEHOLD HINT Stockings should be washed out after each wearing to pre- vent perspiration damage and to give longer wear ahd no-sag fit. HOUSEHOLD HINT When making children's toys, stuff them with discarded nylon stockings and they'll wash and dry in a wink won't lump and are non-allergenic, WIFE PRESER To clean and feed dark wood furniture, use a mixture of equal parts boiled linseed oil, turpentine and vinegar, applied with a soft cloth. Remove ex- cess with fresh cloth and rub. Treat once a month for best printed with an over-all pattern results. | i$ Give M 'i ZB om Your $T. W. FO MOTHER'S DAY Make Your Appointment Now 723-3680 7} : nn --41 5 R He, ty, ty CONVENER Mrs. Bernard Morrison, above is the general convener of the Hadassah Bazaar, be- ing held Tuesday, May 5, at the Beth Zion Congregation, King street east at 2 o'clock. The bazaar is sponsored by the Piyah Chapter of Hadassah. -- --Photo by Hornsby Upholste Authoriz Genuine Machine Rug Dye OSHAW. Why Take | as | OSHAWA LTD. Mothproofing and Deodorizing Approved by the Nationaj Institute of Rug VISITORS WELCOME The Reverend F. K. Malane jofficiated and Mrs. Clifford |Lucas, Oshawa, was the soloist, jaccompanied by her daughter, |Miss Connie Lucas. | Given in marriage by her |father, the bride wore a street- \length sheath of peau de soie \styled with 'three-quarter sleeves jand a scoop neckline. Her head- |dress was of peau de soie trim- |med with a bow and holding .a \shoulderlength veil. She carried| a tear-drop bouquet of red roses jand stephanotis. Miss Margaret Cowan, Bow-|: jmanville, was maid of honor land wore a Street-length gown lof aqua silk chiffon, fashioned |with cap sleeves and a bouffant |skirt, accented at the waist by a cummerbund. Her headdress |was a self crown with matching |veil and she carried a tear-drop |bouquet of yellow and bronze |chrysanthemums. | Mr, Paul Leddy, Bowman- |ville, was the.best man. For the reception held at the ry Cleaning -- Home or Plant ed Filter Queen Sales & Service Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Binding, Serging, Fringing ing A'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Cleaners Falls and the United States the bride chose for travelling, a pink istic floral satin sheath, a green| wy bouclet coat lined with the dress material, matching picture hat) WIN A and black accessories with a/ corsage of pink' roses. On their) ' R E return they will reside in Bow-) manville. SEALY TICKETS AT WILSON'S WIN A FREE TRIP TO MEXICO TICKETS AT WILSON'S You're Always a WINNER WHEN YOU SHOP AT & Draperies 4 CELINA STREET WILSON'S HONE 723-7827 FURNITURE DRAPERY MATERIAL 98° yard and up Compare at $1.96 yard M. & C. Dry Geods You're in love, you're engaged, and you couldn't be happier . . gowns from our heaven! weddings. Come in, ch happiest day of until you see divinely beautiful bridal array for Spring and Summer se your preference .. . for the all_Efegant fashions for, every member of the wedding, too, 64 SIMCOE ST. NORTE. OF OSHAWA i'w y a4 v% We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities A ITALIAN STYLE NOODLES Vita-Mac count 4 We PES 12. PKGS. SAVE 55¢ € PKG. €5 _LYONS SOUPS Chicken, Alphabet, Chicken Noodle TUES. "WED. s ONLY OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY -- SATURDAY UNTIL 6 SPECIALS Va PRICE SALE STATIONERY GIFT SPECIAL 45°" COMPARE AT 1.00 Ladies' & Girls' WHITE SNEAKERS vn 144 Adults Only Allowed Specials jt Corduroy AT 24¢ 'PENMAN'S" MEN'S PENMAN'S T-SHIRTS Slight Irr. 2 «1.00 WNW <5" { <> \ A T-SHIRTS : Slight irr. 2 ~ 1.00 BOYS' DELSEY TOILET TISSUE by the makers of Kleenex -- 2 ply Compare of 2/35c. While they fast. 2 « 25° Guaranteed 1 DEEP FRYERS 6.qt. Roto-Broil TUES. and WED, 10.77 2: year. For Price Sake It's No Where Else $ OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE ' 038 King At Garrard Rd. St. W. / Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery LIKI PEW $ LZZ == <> Pana = SK > NAN W Zi\

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