Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1964, p. 10

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'1Q > THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 21, 1964 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' 2-1 Lead In Final Series TORONTO (CP) -- Waterloo) |Siskins took advantage of Tor- onto Weston penalties in the STANLEY CUP playoffs has got to be the prime sports event of the moment. Ourrently, there are almost as many people, much more concerned, wth the Stanley Cup playoff results than are with the early stages of the American and National baseball leagues. Coach "Punch" Imiach is in a precarious position. He is the head of what is rated as the pest team in the NHI--the team that should be a cinch to the Stanley Cup -- but do you know what -- the one guy isn't sute of that fact is "Punchy" Imiach. Honestly, the Leafs have too many horses for the Detroit We think Leafs can win it, maybe in two more if they have to play the 7th game on their own Be you know what? Imlach isn't nearly as sure as t of us. And personally, we're sure of this -- if "Red" Kelly retires -- and we think he will -- and if Bower decides to quit -- and he might -- then the Leafs are "nothing"'. And if that happens -- then that's when Mr. Imiach really. should start to worry! P.S.--Wantta bet Red Wings don't win ee = Pee PS YS =~ ¢ ee en you wantta bet? » Ee x x HOCKEY is holding the spotlight around our Canadian eports circles these days but, just to change the subject, have you taken a look at the baseball situation lately? Last year's World Series teams are having trouble. Bluntly, that's really an understatement. Yogi Berra's Yankees dropped a . 40 decision to Boston Red Sox yesterday, to leave them- selves on the bottom of the American League race and at the same time, the Dodgers lost a 7-1 decision to Milwaukee Braves, for their sixth-straight loss. The complete failure of these two clubs, to come up to their 1964 expectations, has got all the experts hanging on the ropes. It's hard to be- lieve -- but it just could be that this season, the National League pennant-winners could be decided before July 4th -- and jong before! x x x x SPORTS BRIEF: -- Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball As- sociation officers should take note -- the Scarboro Baseball Association (contact, Joe Keenan) is organizing a league and could likely accommodate a Junior or Juvenile team from Oshawa. .. . WORD IS OUT -- the "A and W" drive-in refreshment centre in North Oshawa, will likely sponsor & team in the Oshawa City and District Major League softball schedule, this summer. They could prove a welcome spon- sor -- since some of the service provided in the last couple of years, has been somewhat less than adequate... . OSH- AWA City and District Softball Association, bulwark and pride of the OASA, has announced that their annual Junior All- Ontario tournament will be held on Saturday, July 11. Mark this down as a banner softball attraction for Oshawa. GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile pace for 4+ year-olds and up. Purse $800 (8), S-Jean Third, Gelsel Jr 13.60 5.00 3.00 DNegiey Hel, Thibaudeau 16.00 5.80 (7 veg Volo, bgp an 2.00 t good, won driving. 'hie Ran in orser: Full Swing, Har- y_ Chips, Guinea Mite, Chief Canuck, "a "arother Dillon S. NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile FIRST poor gl --7 Fi ad for # }Double Symbol, Geisel Start. good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Dean Svitan * Revel, Auction Time, Thunder Bars, Royal Oa! it will take every step within \first period Monday to defeat \the Dodgers 54 and take a 2-1 lead in their Ontario Hockey As- sociation Junior B best-of-seven finals. The Siskins, who scored three times in the opening. period with the opposition shorthanded, will be at home Wednesday for the fourth game. Art Bacon fired the winning goal early in the third period and the Siskins held off a de- termined Dodgers offensive for the remainder of the game. Ba- con drew a holding penalty with Jess than two minutes to go and although Weston pulled net- minder Stu Chapman in favor of an extra attacker, the Sis- kins managde to hold on for the victory. Larry Dietrich scored twice} for the Siskins with Gary Phil-| lips and Ron Smith adding the others. Bob Collins, Jim John- Hamilton Man Ends Third In Marathon Race BOSTON (CP-AP) -- Elfin- like Aurele Van den Driessche of Belgium won his " éver" marathon Monday and stamped himself one of the top candidates for an Olympic medal. It was a repeat victory for the Belgian in the annual Pat- riots Day marathon here. (Pat- riots Day is a legal holiday pe- culiar to Massachusetts, and commemorates the midnight ride of Paul Revere in 1775.) Van den Driessche was al- ways in front and won by 250 yards. His time for the 26 miles, 385 yards was two hours, 19 minutes and 59 seconds. Last year he set the Boston record of 2:18:58, but the weather that day was much kinder than Mon- day's cold drizzle. Tinho Salakka of Finland was second in 2:20.48 and Ron Wal- lingford, 27-year-old physical ed- ucation teacher at McMaster University, Hamilton, in his first Boston marathon start, was third, just five yards be- hind Salakka. His time was 2:20:51. ston, Archie Yurkiw and Mike | Pender scored for the losers. } 'Soccer Players | 'Oppose Charges By Newspaper | LONDON (AP)--Three soccer jplayers angrily denied charges |Monday that they took bribes |to fix gathes as Britain's worst |soccer scatidal bubbled to boil- ling point. | The three are among nine [players named in a series of jarticles in The People, a Sun- |day newspaper. It alleges they | accepted bribes to throw matches and help in big betting coups, Peter Wrage, acting captain of Fourth Division Bradfo City, asked for a meeting with \the club's directors and told jnewemen ; | "Never in my football career! have I been involved in any- thing of this nature. I love the sport and would not even think of taking part in such activi- ties. "IT want my name cleared and my power to see that it is done."' Wragg was alleged to have taken a bribe while playing for'| York City in 1961. Denials were also made by Bert Linnecor, Lincoln City, and | the Five Canadian runners fin- ished in the first 12. Besides =| Wallingford they were Dave EI- lis, 26, of Tororito Olympic Club, sixth in 2:22:49, Paul Hoffman, \23, Toronto Olympic, ninth in 2:28:07; William Allen, 32, of Toronto East York Track Club, 10th in 2:28:19, and Charles | Pou, 2, of Toronto Olympic, \19th in 2:20:53, Managed Cards To World Title In '46 Series HOUSTON (AP)--Eddie Dyer, 63, who managed the 1946 world champion St. Louis Cardinals, died Monday. He had suffered a stroke Jan, 2, 1963. After 23: years as a player, manager, and coach, Dyer re- Td\turned to Houston in 1948 and was successful with business in- terests that included insurance, oil, and real éstate. Dyer's Cardinals won world championship by defeat- ing Boston Red Sox the first 1948 tract. A lefthanded _ pitcher, 3-0, starting assignment. wing half of Third Division Wal. He r ¢, gall. Li it and Brenda Dillard. | pr | veloping a sore arm. Je eg EG SRL Canada Has 3 Horses In Irish Derby LONDON (CP)-Three Cana- dian-owned horses are among the 225 entries still eligible for the Irish Sweeps Derby to be run June 27 at The Curragh racecourse near Dublin They are Never Be Sure, owned by Max Bell of Calgary; Escutcheon from the barn of E. P, Taylor of Toronto; 'and Indian Arrow owned by Murray Fleming of Toronto. Never Be Sure, a colt by Never Say Die out 'of My Treas- ure, did not get to the races in 1963 but trainer Paddy Prender- gast passed along a tip that "this is a real good racehorse in the making." Escutcheon, by Espalier out of Toronto Rose, was unplaced in a middle-distance race at Newbury April 16 after showing early speed. Indian Arrow, a colt by the good stayer French Beige, has also failed in one The second half started very { a slowly as both teams exhibited outing this year, a tenacious checking game, All three must. be regarded|which gave few opportunities as extreme outsiders, Prize}, good shots. Jim Rowden, an money for the. Irish Pry' -y outstanding player throughout Derby will be about 000.'the series, got Moderns rolling making it one of the richest! iin some long jump shots races in Europe. "a : Simcoe Hall Major was decided at the Boys' , East- view Park. The third and de- ciding game was won by Rockets over the Moderns by the score of 53 to 45. The game was brilliantly played and un- decided wntil the final minutes. In the first half, the score "see-sawed" back and forth with both teams having their turn out in iront, Chuck Way- ling of the Rockets put on a tremendous show with a one- handed jump shot, which put almost every shot in for two points. He totalled 14 points in this half. For the Moderns, Male Longley thiew in six points with good work around the basket in a relatively short time, as he was ejected from the game late in the first half for arguing too vigorously with the referee, The half time score had the Rockets ahead 26 to 26. . Against Ottawa| jpounded Montagnards toward |ing feature in this half was the Rockets Capture Championship which dropped right in the Woodstock A's inspired play of Marcel Boivin, 8 Np Fe OEE RS I as scored 12 points andj,' Bo as consistently as any- one on the floor. With the score still in doubt, fan the|Rockets opened up an offensive | rene drive which shot them to a 13- point lead at one time. Pin-point passing, with a fast-break attack, led by Bill Jepman and Marcel "Boivin, iy broke down the Moderns' top de- fensive duo of Tom Dejong and Jim Rowden, agg the game out of the reach of the losers. The members of the winning club are -- Bill Jepma, Marcel Boivin, Chuck Wayling, Gilj..: Graham, Bob McHugh, Jim Longley and playing coach Jim Brady. The Major League this year was the strongest it has) rweo anes - ane $1800. ever been and was certainly the!ing for maiden three end four-year best league operating in the city/§.¢, as far as good basketball "s concerned. sae The players and executives of oan the league are grateful to Mr.|' Norm aay end' Chae! A. G. Nelson of the Boys' Club) wwitetoot. Z who was instrumental in the|winner, ch 4, 3, Primate -- Mise Lynn.) league operating this year. TS gag Siatanes, MODERNS--J. Rowden 10, M. Longley 6, T. Dejong 9, J. Crozier 4, B. Hanewich 8 and B. Babe 8. ROCKETS -- B. Jepma 13, C. Wayling 19, M. Boivin 14, G, Graham 5, B. McHugh 2 and J. Brady. Ctaim- Olds, 9.9% 24.20 12.20 6.80 6. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $1900, Claim- ing maiden two-year-old fillies, 44 Fur- tongs (11). 5-War Puff, Rogers 19.00 8.10 5.80 8-Social Jewel, Parsons 34.00 13.00 Seveeon, walsh 5.00 Start won driving ine Rant Admiral's Gift, Sail Ahead, Sly Eyes, Chief's Lady, Smart and Lucky, peal Laughter, Lucky Bean and Andrea basket. However, the outstand- Grab 3-0 Lead OTTAWA (CP) -- Before Mon- day night's game, Ottawa Mon- tagnards had hoped the bigger tee surface here would baffle Woodstock Athletics, It didn't. And for the third successive game, the Athletics TORONTO (CP)--For the sec- ond time in as many Eastern Canada Memorial Cup semi- final games 'North Bay Trap- pers took an early one-goal lead over Toronto Marlboros and, in turn were elepped hard for their efforts. The Marlboros, paced by the Gary Dineen-Andre Champagne- élimination from the Allan Cup hunt. Monday night's score was 6-2 'Toronto Marlboros Wallop N.B. Again winner, mb or br ft, Ricci Puff. Trainer & Pool 36,774, PFI lta atensky. three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs (5). 4Speedy Lament, S'son 26.30 ve 2.0 \Cecelia Binder, Hale 4.90 4 at ona pr 2 tart won Also Ran: Linda's Love and Tevy Bive. UINELLA, 4 AND 1, PAID '996.90 wins eh 4, Nearce Jr. -- Fleet Song. tops with four goals and two as- sists. Leftwinger Champagne had a goal and five assists while rightwinger Carleton had a goal and one assist. SEILING SCORES TWO Rod Seiling, another Olympic star, now the property of New York Rangers of the National For Expert Building driving | Also Ran: Relic lag rood Right Chiet, FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2200. Claiming the year he was & major league manager. He quit baseball after season when Fred Saigh, then Cardinal owner, of- fered him only a one-year con- Dyer jumped from the Rice Univer- sity campus to the Cardinals in |1925 and blanked Chicago Cubs in his first major league d with the Cardi- nal onganization throughout his said he ional career, becoming a sito ~ a libel suit against The/farm team manager after de- People. DAILY DOUBLE, . AND 6, PAID $28.90 THIRD RACE--7 Furiong Purse ®. 1-Pembrew Bill, Quinien 7.4 ye 2 POURTH Dog lige lag saalagal Wyeerclds and up. Purss $600 (7) ety Violet Direct, H'ard 7.10 4.20 3.00 Brook, 5.10 3.10 and Neoge Jester. Lote can., Lee Direct BD. FIFTH RACE -- 7 Furlong pece for + year-olds and up. Purse $4600 on &Miss Judy Bars, Feagen 9.20 5.00 3.00 7-MacClen'n Boy Grat'n, Waples 6.30 re 1Flieety Riddell, Sheldon . Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Glendale Joe, Port Hope's Boy, Billy Sunday H, Sputnik and Tennessee Riley. SIXTH RACE -- 1. Mile $700 jart good, won handily. ; Alse Ran in Order: Gay Robert, Hal's y » Biers Haven, Mountain Way, and) |) © QUINELLA, 6 AND 4, PAID $65.70 SEVENTH pt 1 Mile gece for 4- year-olds and 4+Jineny Beinn, Bu i lew Champ, Reid Sooide Bigin W., Start ayes. hay! "orivi fing. Also in Order: Maeriene R, Vesta Direct, Fis Hat, Scrapper Chief, and Romen Dillard. j Remember When?... By THE CANADIAN PRESS Portage la Prairie Ter- riers won the Memorial Cup 22 years ago tonight at Win- nipeg by defeating Oshawa Generals 8-2. Lin Bend and Jack MacDonald each scored three goals in Bog deciding game of the best oftive series. Terriers took the first two games 5-1 and 8-7, with oo winning the third 8-4. JET DIRECT gateway to Europe and "4 fi G2 cific FARING / TRUCKS / SHIPS /PLONES /HOTELS/ TELECOMMUNICATIONS » WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEm Rome, eterna Middle East economy fare, - minimum stay 14 days, Choose a low cost Canadian Pacific tour. Plan now. For period of fare applicability, see your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office Century wrapped in Old World charm. The only direct service is on a Canadian Pacific Super DC-8, Rome is a favorite connecting point to Europe's great cities and to Syria, Israel, Greece, Egypt. Round trip 21-day . lly young and gay, the 20th Toronto-Rome, only $498.90 --which means that in the three ne so far Woodstock has out- Ottawa 23-5--and the to 47. Monties managed 28. After the 'bigger rink, began burnin: Wayné Carleton Line, walloped the. Trappers 11-4 Monday to take a 2-0 lead in their best-of- Hockey League, chipped in a pair of goals. Barry Watson, who suffered a charley horse when he collided with North DEMOLITION SMALL JOBS--BIG JOBS 161 Mill St. - Oshawa foot game Wednesday could end the best-of-seven Eastern Canada final series unless there is a fantastic reversal of form. In the third period Monday, with Athletics in a comfortable lead, they fired 22 shots at Ot- tava goaltender Gerry Fleury, bringing the total for the game opening period, when the teams battled to.a 1-1 saw-off, there was little doubt about the outcome. The Athle- tics, far from feeling list in the 2 wp the ice in the middle period, and rapped in four goals in the process, While the teams set- tled for a 1-1 goal swap in the final frame, there was no doubt about the best team on the ice. seven seriés. The set resumes in North Bay Wednesday and Friday. The winner of this series will go against Montreal NDG Mon- archs in a best-offive set for the Eastern Canada Memorial Cup championship. Trappers opened Sunday's first game by taking a 1-0 lead early in the first period. They were shellacked 13-3. Monday North Bay surprised by holding a 2-1 edge after the first period. From then on it was no contest as Marlboros rapped in six un- answered goals in the second The Dineen Champagne- Carleton trio sparked the vic- tory, accounting for six goals and eight assists. Former Olym- pic star Dineen, a centre, was Bay's Matt Oreskevich in the third period, also fired two goals. Grant Moore had other. a ® There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN & soe - or for @ pee re aad om pen' use eee e P definite advantages whe e Bul CK en ong SS cee tam, te seilaaba One rete ao Sebadoh «| "Phone or come MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 266 KING ST. WEST -- To Build Your New Oshawa Wood Products not exectly es illustreted 12' x 20' ERECTED . "$775. not exactly es illustrated THE TIME IS LOOK AT _ THESE FEATURES: = ARAG PROTECTION Winner, hy Chop dettes. Trainer yf w Hardy. Pool 46,994 Total Pool 329,537 Berna. 6.30/ Attendance 4,685 9.80! KILLED THOUSANDS Cancer, second greatest killer of Canadians, claimed 24,518 tee in 1963. LANDSCAPING Van Belle Gardens 3 Miles Eest of Oshawe on Highway Ne. 2 Coll 623-5757 Now Sheaffer quality Ina +4 cartridge and ADDED VALUE To Your Home... with an O0.W.P. Quality Garage For Your Car... DRILL FOR SAMPLES HULL, England (CP)--A five- member' scientific team from Hull University aboard a chart- ered trawler is drilling for geo- logical core samples from the bottom of the North Sea. A grant of £16,522 was made for the survey. WHITBY, DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE 668-3304 Youre TIRED | 1 OTHE TIME then " ud me be | tired-out" Ieelings Shape net. | 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH lr OSHAWA MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441 i F FE i f § i 3 a rf Sieee (OSHAWA) LTD. For Personalized Travel Arrangements -- Call FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. EAST 728-6201 14' x 22' ERECTED NO DOWN PAYMENT NO PAYMENT 'TIL SEPTEMBER '64 On Our Deferred Payment Plaz Head Office and Showroom COURTICE 728-1611 © Gable or Cottage Roof with 210-lb. asphalt shingles. @ Studding ot 16" centres. Marwille asbestos siding. @ Window; eettage slider 44' x 31" with permanent screen, @ Slide door complete with frame ond hardwore, @ 9'0" x 7'0' Solid Overhead Door, YOU DEAL WITH THE BEST OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS @ BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU @ SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU Pre-Stain ranchwall siding with option of bevel, cove or Johne- It has an 4 iridium tip 3 times costlier than gold! SHEAFFER @ ERECTED . . . On Your Property @ -- e@ 4" Concrete Floating slab with reinforced mesh @ Many other plans to choose from, SAYWELL'S LEATHER GOODS 14 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 728-8821 AND YOU GET THE BEST! KARN'S DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING ST. E., OSHAWA PHONE 723-4621 Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-1617 Mitchell's Drugs (Oshawa) Ltd. 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 723-3431

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