Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Apr 1964, p. 14

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Pigs is esl ie 3 ; aa ' ie = -- -- et R DS IEE Ey BEG BEI Tl RSE RG PERC De : . fe p ' ene @ $ pat soe ears 'Iplates. to dampen the flance'sitice does not sult the govern-jnim # little more heavily, such/the original amount trying to)the telephone book, She wanted|number delisted in self-defence, woos 0 * wink bane eee: og yee et eae § BAe -- ef ot get back $100 lent by a Mont-|to get back the orchestra job Un derdog occasionally is nderdog's res s , ' | s do. ; | j ; : 'twisted the dentist's arm with|card in Russia but did not re-jings. Occasionally, Underdog real woman ws Miami Beach from which she had been dis-stumped hefore it starts, One lthreats of publicizing his mal-|port any successes and, for one|wheels up a sound iruck and storekeeper. It's still trying. -- |missed, but Underdog on inves-jletter came from a woman in |practice and, after counter -|reason or another, has not been|broadcasts its case at his place' Though his calling is not cal-|tigation concluded this would|West Berlin, written on the threats to sue for libel, he even-jheard from lately. of work or home. culated to stir up warm friend-|have been an injustice against back of a Utrillo print, It asked |tually straightened out the girl's) "They're ~a strange breed,"| 'We are," says its director, pre se with ". get ts the audiences. She rang his Underdog to get nid of the Ber- lteeth and love life. The Cowli-|says Cowlishaw, in perhaps an|"unorthodox, though not uneth-°"@W Says he hasnt Seenihome so often that he had the lin Wall. 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 18, 1964 Underdog Lead By Cosmic Robin Hood TORONTO (CP) -- An indig-| 'Injustice is everywhere," heyinterfere unduly with the nant young man who still/says. 'In every country people wheels of Underdog-type justice smarts from getting elbowediare denied their basic rights,jand, infact, she and David bun- out of tips as an undersized and|swindled, discriminated against,/dled the five that were around unpaid baggage hustler presides fired from jobs without reason,|last summer into a delivery Over a home-grown court of/sometimes held in prison un-|truck converted into a caravan appeal from the world's injus-| justly, deceived and wronged in/for a 17,000-mile wrong-rectify- tices, ; jas many ways as there are ing tour of Canada and_ the Brisk and self-confident Da- loopholes for the slick, and for United States that inciuded an . yid Cowlishaw now drops his /¢rror, in today's social fabric." appearance on the NBC - TV own briefcase on the toes of PAID FOR APPEAL show Today and some meddl- government or corporations or A first-hand example of the ing in a couple of southern mur- individuals in his self-appointed fact that justice can be beyond der cases. ce : mission, which is straightening the purchasing power of the! Currently, the firn's major out things for people who are Wronged led to the formation cause is an attempt to revise being pushed around, of Underdog. Cowlishaw was'the course of Mexican justice He and 1,200 associates in 12 running a help-the-reader col- in the case of Dykes, A. Sim- countries around the pore umn for the Toronto Telegram mons, Jr., a crane operator of make up Underdog. an great 1961 when he got a standard/Fort Worth, Texas, who has atio oF npaid 4 t sehr "I am innocent" letter from a been under death sentence off zation of unpaid volunteers who)... convicted of receiving sto- and. on--at present, on--since ridé tothe rescue of such un-|™2" convicted of receiving © : § h of fortunates as an Ameri wp. len goods but lacking the price 1961 at Monterrey for the mur- ai, a Petia ' der of three members of a rently awaiting a date with a fa" appeal. i ; Monteivey' tails Mexican firing squad or a Ken-_,CoWlishaw became convinced Prominent ° . ae tucky belle whose botched false Of his innocence, put up $350 Of simpgwn IN JAIL teeth threw her engagement off Nis own money bed sul + then Simmons' appeal for help the rails. mvitval <n « appeal an oat turned up last September in the Since he conceived and incor-\threw up his job to see what Underdog mail at Box 123, 'Ter- porated Underdog in Ontario asj%€ man could do about reducing) a" Toronto, where Cow- a charitable institution in 1961,"& the total of the world's i taws' classified adver- the 28-year-old former news- sabi re : tisements tell mistreated peo paper man says, the informai _ Tealized ' at justice * 5 ple to write for free help. Cow civil. rights organization has)man's birthright," he said It's! lishaw borrowed a friend's cat handled 4,000 cases of mistreat- "Ot something you can put UP for a trip to Monterrey and ment of individuals. Another 809 for sale came back in March convinced are going through the works at 5° Underdog--the name came o¢ gimmons' innocence. any given time. Appeals for Ut of a headline in the news " «nvies Simmons is innovent help are running to 1,000 af the day Cowlishaw quit-- ang has been badly served by month, of which an average 38 Charges no fees and accepts NO yj, own State department," per cent prove valid. They or donations from people it helps says Cowlishaw, who claims iginate in any corner of the The founder tossed in aboutine American was "framed" globe. pak pp gn Agger Pod through misidentification while STUDENT JAILED rent expenses of around 10,000 ao far from the oe Pardes hast ts EP age pork nol Br sagas th Simmons's conviction was re reports of Underdog's head to from well-wishers plus a whirl . * ila lRa his field men: of free - lance wing broad-| Versed a by the Mexican ap- "In Durban, South Africa; we\cast appearances and. lecture peal courts, but the original spent $400 to win $150 for a tours trial judge tried the case again chauffeur not paid for three ies and convicted him again. A new weeks because he resisted his GETS 'BIG BANG' appeal is before the Mexican boss's 'homosexual advances What's in it for him? Supreme Court _ A servicemen's club in Wel- "It gives me a big bang to Cowlishaw staged a_ sitdown lington, N.Z. reinstated a ca- pull up someone who's been in the American's cell but the shier after we proved he had trampled on by some other hu- guards carted him out of the not stolen the club's 28 trophy man anxious to gain a cheap calabozo and he admits he cups. . . . In Georgetown, Brit- advantage sd hasn't. made much progress ish Guiana, we freed a youth He is abetted entiusiastica!ly with Simmons aside from get jailed six months for crificizing by his 26-year-old wife Toni, a ting his vow to become a Ca- the regime in a school essay." dark-haired and necessarily im- nadian when and if he is better The man who has taken on perturbable girl from Vancou- fixed to do this this improbable role of cosmic\ver who- does what Underdog But life isn't always so grim Robin Hood is an intense and Chores she can spare time for with Underdog. One of the di fluent Englishman from Wolver- while bringing up six daughters rector's favorite case histories hampton with.an acute aware-|between the ages of. seveniis that of the Kentucky belle ness of man's injustice to man. years and five months and the false teeth. As Cowli- Getting shoved around by more "It's a front - row seat at shaw tells it, she had become muscular tip - chasers at Lon- something marvellous," says engaged to.a hillbilly swain her don's King's Cross railway sta- Toni, the daughter of a lively family considered beneath their tion a dozen years ago, he says, West Coast newspaper man, station. She was getting store planted a slow burn that: hasn't/Everett (Red) Graeme, now in teeth for the event, and the cooled now that he's got height) California. family paid the dentist to fit and muscle of his own. Toni says the broud doesn't/her out with snag gl e-tooth + day Foatines.. Monday and Tus APRIL 20* x 215 ONLY sa Gold Seal parchment MARGARINE shaws later got a card announc-\unconscious self - portrait. "l/ical." ing her first-born. suppose they've always wanted' 1; js also persistent, One man Associates like the one into do something like this | but! who gypped a 63-year-old Cal- Kentucky are the base of the|never had the opportunity. gary woman of $193 with a use- Underdog pyramid, though) Underdog takes on most anyjiess arthritis treatment was Cowlishaw handles many cases kind of personal mistreatment,|trailed to Halifax, New York personally. Anyone can sign up;|though it doesn't deal in cases|and finally Florida, wnere Un- all it confers is the right tojof pure hard luck. It used to/derdog got his latest employer pitch in and help, at his or her/stay out of the field of domestic'to make him disgorge. own, expense, Periodically, non-|strife but found it can tackle in- Cases remain open until a sa- producers are winnowed out.|justice there. Once, even, 1 tictactory ending is reached. Recently, 300 were dropped. averted the execution of a lit-\tjnderdog has spent a couple of The list ranges through the|eral underdog--A German shep-i\vears and perhaps more than professions from lawyers--21 in)herd unjustly condemned for ~-------- CRRA sae Canada and the U.S.--to stee-| viciousness, Astory plejacks, including some) wothods vary with the case policemen. Almost half are\once investigation has shown) } momen. One, is a, tevenrold/hat an injustice actualy ex : lists. § imes "villain" -- associate ironed out a man's|s ine offender {s cules in Un- job trouble and then married) qerdog files--listens to reason. a. : ica : There are associates in every SOMERS: Underdog jeans. _ Canadian province, in 32 of the; United States, the United King- dom, South Africa, India, Aus- tralia, Belgium, Hong Kong and the West Indies A resolute citizen recently wrote for an associate's card from authoritarian. Ghana where the courts themselves can be overturned if their jus- You Never Know What They're Doing M Pronara Gorden Presentation ar nano Wy Le ADULT ENTERTAINMENT threatened with much v and, in fact, finds what he calls his own shyness a greater de- i r terrent than any physical, sales SATURDAY | resistance, In Mexico, a couple t of armed men searched his ho- Cove ot Bs Doriee | : tel room while he feigned sleep. | Eg pele meso iccrpecdlb | Old Time - Modern A pair of men once came' to BOB MINNS ADMISSION--$1.25 eo his apartment door and warned and his orchestra got his job back but nothing!§) Couples only - Dencing 9 'till 12 happened, Ul Reservetions 723-2143 725-1348 'A suppliant chased him out of} against getting a dismissed worker reinstated. The worker OPENS TUES. THRU MAY 2 NATIONAL BALLET OF CANADA COMPANY OF 140 FULL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA THAT BLCINS WHERE OTHERS LEAVE OFF DISTRIBUTED BY BECKMAN FILM CORP, Today & Sunday IS COMING TO THE PLAZA THEATRE SOON ADMITTANCE R 10 Ta 6 YEARSOF AGE OF OVER "GET" THIS WEEK UNITARIAN at the DISCOUNT HOUSE SPEAKER: Mr a noted lecturer White OF OSHAWA C.R.A. BUILDING, 100 GIBB ST. MR, WM. WHITE, Toronto some aspects of race relations C.R.A. BUILDING 100 GIBB ST. You are invited to attend GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE 1.50 to 5.00 BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. SPONSORED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF TORONTO FELLOWSHIP TE), ATTRACTION OF ALL TIME AT SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES! WINNER OF FOUR ACADEMY AWARDS! TWO SHOWS DAILY « MATINEES 2 P.M, EVENINGS 8 P, Box Office Opens 1 P.M. and 7 P.M. NO SEATS RESERVED Every Ticket Holder Guaranteed A Seat and choral leader, will discuss THE Whydid fir: : COUNTDOWNS 75c NON-MEMBERS 50c MEMBERS DRESS -- SHIRT AND TIE Stanley Kubrick's A NEW WORLD OF SWORD AND SPECTACLE! JACK LEMMON CAROL LYNLEY EDIE ADAMS IMOGENE COCA leo want ten women.for eachnan?- Ne ge : Dr. Strange or. How | Learned Te Stop Werrying And Love The Bomb nn 4 Columbia Pictures Release mn W sanesday! L<OPATRA COLOR BY DE LUXE 20. ENTERTAINMENT -- ADULT ere 8 > ADMISSION MAT. $1.00 EVE. $1.25 BUY ADVANCE TICKETS NOW FOR ALL EVE. PERFORMANCES love 5 EVENINGS OF EXCITING THEATRE APRIL 21 TO 25 OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE "SIEGE OF THE SAXONS" in COLOR with JANETTE SCOTT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RONALD LEWIS BILTMORE 5° _PHONE 725-5833 "UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE" IN YUMMY COLOR Continuous SAT. & SUN. From 1:30 P.M. . Mon.-Fri. DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. Block East of Liverpool Road. Ph, 668-2692 i> DRIVE OUT -* TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! THE KIDDIES IRWIN ALLEN'S proton ot MOST HONORED JULES VERNE'S PETER O'TOOLE AAALAA Ad Ade ded dh SHOW STARTS NIGHTLY 7:30 TONIGHT - HELD OVER - DON'T MISS NOW AT.REGULAR PRICES "LAWRENCE OF ARABIA" WINNER OF 7 ACADEMY AWARDS IN COLOR presents a ld Juno and the Paycock by SEAN O'CASEY Directed by HARRY CHAPMAN in McLaughlin Library Theatre Curtain Time 8:30 p.m. @ ©0006080 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Tickets now on sale at Henderson's Book Store APRIL 18-----9:00.6:00 APRIL 20-----4:30-7:00 At Library Theatre April 21-25 7:00 p.m. on GENERAL ADMISSION $1.25 4 FIGTURE OF Abs TIMES--1:30---3:30--5:35--7:40--9:25 CHIPPING OUT A ALEC GUINNESS FREE IN CAR HEATER! OOO OSOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOE® | TECHNICOLOR! CINEMASCOPE! STARRING BUTTONS FABIAN ALSO "Young Guns of Texas" With ; @ JODY McCREA ALL COLOR SHOW FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY/ BOX OFFICE OPENS. 6:30 FIRST SHOW 7:00 ADULTS ONLY 75¢ -- KIDS UNDER 12 FREE _ FREE all this weekend FREE COMIC BOOKS FOR THE KIDS! ON THORNTON RD, JUST SOUTH OF THE NEW CIVIC AUDITORIUM, PHONE -- 723-4972 BARBARA JAMES MITCHUM COMING NOTE: ,,5, CHICKEN VILLA 295 SIMCOE ST. S. CHICKEN VILLA AT MCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA WAAAY OPEN 1:30 SUNDAY TOM COURTENAY.. PHONE 728-9487 with JULIE CHRISTIE - ANOTHER "Leeberleoboeboobecbebdestoobovbooboobeobecbooodonbosbosbosbeodesdoodondoofoobooonfoofon fesse fonfonfosBosBosBobeBeorfoedooBoofoo. sofeofoofecfesfoafoefoofoofecfeofefeoofoufoofooboofeofeofeobotosdoobee SOON. . LAST TIME "THE VICTORS" ADULT

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