RTE Oe THE EIGHTEENTH Edinburgh Inter National Festival will be held from August 16 to September 5, 1964. The Festival is promoted by Edinburgh Festival Society Ltd. in association with the Corporation of the City of Edinburgh, the Scottish Committee of the Arts Council of Great Britain, and the British Council, and is accepted as the leading artistic event of its kind in the world. The programme for the Eighteenth Festival will include presentations of opera, dance, drama, symphony con- certs, chamber music, recitals and art exhibitions. A spectacular military tattoo will be staged within the pre- cincts of historic Edinburgh Castle, which will be floodlit for the occasion. Canadian participation in;this year's " Festival" includes Lee Johnson, who presents the works of Eugene Delacroix; Joseph Rouleau, bass; and the British Columbia Highland Lassies of Vaticouver. The Festival will be opened with a Service of Praise and Thanksgiving in St Giles' Cathedral on Sunday, August 16, at 3 p.m. OPERA OF THE NATIONAL THEATRE, PRAGUE Chief Conductor: JAROSLAV KROMBHOLC Casts will- sagiude: LIBUSE DOM. [ARTA KRASOVA, ALENA MIKOVA. YSIL, 'VANA MIXO MI hd Rigs ova BBNO. B PO AND ALI EO) SR Au + aa has been one of the meee enrtiats rope since Mozart Giovann non i, theat fase as we now a product oo the Nationallat movement of a century ago. Since h composers as ker spd have: maintained a tradition Twhiel makes he host Prague pital of one of t genuinely aden countries of Europe. Jaroslay Krombhole Smetana: DALIBOR Conductor: JAROSLAV spoMenoLe Producer: VACLAV KASI Designer: JOSEF Svotope In his own country Smetana is as well known for his serious operatic works as abroad for comedies like "The Bartered Bride." ** Dali- bor," with a Fidelio motif for. plot and music that thrusts with the melodic gusto of "I Trovatore," is perhaps the best known and was for long a favourite of Bruno Walter's. Dvorak: RUSALKA Conductor JAN HUSs T Producer: VACLAV KASHIK Des igner: JOSEF SVOBO " Rusalka," with Its Aoi hice nies. is all romantic sweetness, and is generally accepted as the best of the nine operas Dvorak wrote. Its charm and graceful singing roles mak t a favourite with Czech audiences next only to " Dalibor" and "The Bartered Bride Janacek; KATYA KABANOVA Conductor: "Y KROMBHOLC Producer: THE Des igner: SVOBODA Janacek's masterpiece, which in the last ten ears has started to take root at Sadler's ells, is based on 4,0 ay by Ostrovsky. one of the greatest of Russian dramatists Its theme of middle-class family oppression in the late nineteenth century, its heroine's desperate passion for another man and her confession and suicide make it one of the most easily accessible as well as one of the best of Janacek's dramatic works Janacek: HOUSE OF THE DEAD Conductor: BOHUMIL GREGOR Producer: UADISCAY STROS Designer: VLADIMIR NYVLT To take Dos sky's great aphica! novel as the basis for an opera has occurred to no other composer than Janacek. Acting as his own librettist, he managed in three very short acts (under thirty minutes each) to convey the essence of the book. It was his last work for the stage. Jan Cikker: RESURRECTION sonductor: JAROSLAV KROMBHOLO roducer: KAREL JERN Jez Designer: ZBYNEK KOL Tolstoy's powerful story of te seduction of a young girl, her degradation in a brothel, her conviction for murder and banishment against ali the of her repentant geducer to save her from her fate, has pro- duced powerful music from the Slovak com- poser, pan Cikker, whose operas have been fn Germany es well as in Senlovakis. Gennadi Rozhdestvensky This year as in 1963 the Festival makes a special feature of the works of HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803-1869). In addition to the "Grande Messe des Morts" at the opening concert, there ba be complete concert performances 0 "Romeo et Juliette" on August 17 conducted by LORIN MAAZEL "L'Enfance du Christ" on August 24 conducted by COLIN DAVIS These will be contrasted this year with a number of works by LEOS JANACEK (1854-1928), including the " Glagolitish Mass," the " Sinfonietta," both String Quartets, "Mladi," and piano music. The quatercentenary of the birth of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE will be marked not only in Theatre and Exhibi- tion, but also extensively in m-sic programmes. ORCHESTRE NATIONAL DE RADIODIFFUSION - TELEVISION FRANCAISE RTF CHORUS Conductors: CHARLES MUNCH, LORIN MAAZEL LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and CHORUS Conductors: COLIN DAVIS, GENNADI ROZHDESTVENSKY RUDOLF SERKIN with ENGLISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Conductex; ALEXANDER SCHNEIDER SCOTTISH NATIONAL ORCHESTRA SCOTTISH OPERA CHORUS Conductor: ALEXANDER GIBSON B.B.C, SCOTTISH ORCHESTRA Conductor: NORMAN DEL MAR ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS OF THE NATIONAL THEATRE, PRAGUE Conductor JAROSLAV KROMBHOLC PITTSBURG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conductor: WILLIAM STEINBERG Boloista: ANET BAKER, APRIL Wy ae USE DOMANINSKA, MARILYN HORNE 1 aor on RCHUT SSKAU, CARD HAKEN, E A NOUG PARIKIAN, WOLFGA Ne poe a NDE! ON A ED" rah Sbingonen PLAY ERS and Cho! NELLA Recitalists: MSTISLAV ROSTROPOVICH (cello) and SVIATOSLAV RICHTER (piano) IRMGARD SEEFRIED (soprano) and ERIK WERBA (piano) SVIATOSLAV RICHTER® (piano) KENNETH McKELLAR (tenor) and DENIS WOOLFORD (piano) RUDOLF SERKIN®* (piano) RUDOLF FIRKUSNY (piano) with ALLEGRI STRING QUARTET DIETRICH FISCHER-DIESKAU (bari- tone) and GERALD MOORE (piano) * Sunday afternoon recitals Morning Concerts BREAM CONSORT EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY sINGERS Conductor, HERRICK BUNNEY JANACEK STRING QUARTET OROMONTE STRING TRIO scon TISH NATIONAL CAMBER CHESTRA Conductor: ALEXANDER GIBSON SCOTTISH PIANO TRIO WIND BAND OF THE NATIONAL THEATRE, PRAGUE KER, JANET CRAXTON, JOAN TER DICKSON, HEATHER HARPER, MARILYN HORNE, IVAN XOVA, ELIZABETH ON, BLACHUT, JULIAN BREAM ANDRE ON, DOLF PIRKUSNY, | THOMAS HEMSLEY, LAN! K MURDOCH, MICHAEL, ROLL, JAN "HUS T DAVID W WILDE, 'WILLIAM McCUE, EXANDER YOUNG Lorin Maazel THEATRE WORKSHCP William Shakespeare: HENRY IV Producer: JOAN LITTLEWOOD Designer: JOHN BURY The cast nclude.. ROY KINNEAR, JAMES BOOTH BARBARA WINDSOR, RICHARD HARRIS, AVIS BUNNAGE, and VICTOR SPINETTI EDINBURGH FESTIVAL SOCIETY in association with MICHAEL WHITE peoeents a stag? Play by. JOHN WILSON, on 8 story by J, L. HODSON HAMP 1914+50=1939+25 BRISTOL OLD VIC William Shakespeare: HENRY V Producer; STUART BURGE William Shakespeare: LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST Producer: VAL MAY EDINBURGH GATEWAY COMPANY James Bridie: THE GOLDEN LEGEND OF SHULTS Producer: VICTOR CARIN Robert Kemp THE HEART IS HIGHLAND with LENNOX MILNE in her celebrated one-woman show Alongside the presentation of music by Berlioz, there will be an exhibition organised by the Arts Council under the sponsorship of André Malraux, French Minister of State for ltura! Affairs, at Scottish Academy, The Mound, Princes Street, from August 15 to September 15 EUGENE DELACROIX (1798-1863) There will be at least 75 paintings, drawings and lithographs. In the Waverley Market, Princes Street, from August 16 to October 5. THE SHAKESPEARE EXHIBITION Deviséd by Richard Buckle, the exhibition illustrates the life and career of - William Shakespeare against the background of Elizabethan and Jacobean England. Voices of the most eminent living actors will be heard speaking passages from Shakespeare's plays in a programme arranged by rge Rylands, the Cambridge Shakespearean scholar and producer. Admission, 5/< children, 2s 6d; at the door. The Nineteenth International Film Festival The CElghteenth Edinburgh international Film Festival will be held from August 16 to 50, 64, This is an integral part of the Edinburgh International Festival, and is recognised as one of the leading events of its kind As such, it attracts entries from all over the world. and for the 1964 Festival about 250 films from approximately 40 countries will be screened formances, including Sundays, Titles of films to be shown cannot be announced until August, as many of them e only completed and subtitied a few weeks before the Festival starts, Rig Reape' 3 will be the Sesowing of some the outstandingly successful films which Raa their premieres at revious Film Festivals. There will be special programmes of en films. A is from the Director, Edinburgh International Film Festival, oe House, 3 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh, 3. A souvenir programme with full details of all films to be shown will published in August, price 276. Les Ballets Africains LES BALLETS AFRICAINS under the direction of AMADOU sISsOKO alge ge of ritual dance from the Repu of Guinea Elspeth Douglas Reid The following companies will be among those appearing: OXFORD THEATRE GROUP CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY THEATRE COMPANY PROSPICE PLAYERS CITY OF WORCESTER TRAINING COLLEGE IRISH BALLET THEATRE ELIZABETH SETON ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY THEATRE ANGEL. rere rete THEATRE, LINGTON, LONDON " 6" yaar GROUP OF LONDON UNIVERSIT EDINBURGH 'Uervansiry DRAMATIC SOCIETY GLASGOW UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC SOCIETY ARTS CENTRE OF EDINBURGH THE PEDAGOGUES (MORAY HOUSE, EDINBURGH TRAINING COLLEGE) scored POURRS BOARD, md ' Place, West End, Edinburgh, 1. serra TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS ASSOCIATION Britain: ates St James's St,, London, 8.W. Canada: Canadian National" Committee, ite R: Thomson, 44 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario; 15i Bloor Street West, ean 5: 661 Howe Street Vancouver. S.A.: 680 Fifth Avenue. ew Yor ay, USo18: 39 South La Salle Street, thiesro Tilinois, 60603: 612 Flower Street, 'Los Angeles, Call ornia, g 7, British and i Fifth Avenue. New York, 20; 39 file, ise caer Sia ae afk eles, ing 'Street West. Ontario, Ca Rudolf Firkusny Festival Club A Festival Club, which serves as a 'octal rendezvous for all visitors to, and eas ie in, the Festival, will be d 2ts-Accommodation and Travel Box Office opens on April 6 Bookt in per INLY for the first few | Se as toes KG TONGS facil tate the the three weeks in the Assembly Rooms and Arra' Music Hall at 54 George Street. This Club fs fully licensed and contains first-class restaurants and bars, with ample lounges and reading and writing rooms and also "gg 8 es dation: and th rons Sy . fol ilowing ng official TH Peat! contains an Information Bureau. Dancing is @ean provided in the Club dining room, for diners only, without additional charge, during the periods 9.50 p.m. to 1 a.m., from Monday to Friday, and from 8 p.m. to midnight on Saturdays. All Festival visitors are cordially invited to become members of the Club Membership Cards will be on sale from April 6 and application may be made on the Ticket Order Form in the brochure. Membership cards may also be obtained at the Club on arrival. For the convenience of overseas visitors @ register is maintained at the Club. 'The Edinburgh International Festival Gulld has been established to strengthen the bonds between friends of the Festival in all parts of the world and to contribute still further to international understanding and good' through the medium of the Arts. Membership is open to all friends and oul wishers. 'The subscription to the Guild is a minimum of £1 (or three dollars) per annum. Members are sent ali Festival publications, brochures and Souvenir Pro- gramme, as they are published. They are guests at a pooh Guild Garden Party in Edinburgh during the Festival and receive invitations to various functions held through. out the year. All information from _ EDINBURGH TVAL SOCIETY LTD, 11 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, 1 Military Tattoo The Svottish Command Military Tattoo om the floodlit Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle, one of the most popular and colourful events in Edinburgh at Festival time, has been seen since its inception by three and a half million people. This pay programme, while pre es always, displays fas outside Scotland, These will include 50 Breton pipers and drummers from the French Naval Air Base at Lorient, and 32 Canadi girl from Vi who will give a spectacular display of High- land and Scottish dancing. For the first time, the Pipes and Drums of all the Scottish Lowland Regiments will be present, and with Pipes and Drums of Highland Regiments will make a band of 180, These, with Massed Military Bands and other items, will be together in the tradb tional, thrilling Grand Finale The first performance will be on Friday, August 14, and then and 5 there wiil be a total of 28 performances, with 215,000 tickets available in all. Postal bookings may be made to the Festival Office or to the City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh, 1 General View -- 1963 Tattoo Sviatoslav Richter CHAGAN' Rg ae a Man thende nds @ \e! and Edinburgh International Festival will be held' August 22 to September ft 1960 This announcement was produced by The Scotsman Publications Limited in collaboration with The Scottish Tourist Board a5 |