Reds Build 2 Motels On Moscow Highway The Russians have taken the names except as affiliates of CAN PAY DOUBLE their downtown connections. But Gregori Suvorov says the motel he manages will some day be By HENRY S. BRADSHER MOSCOW (AP)--In Canada, the motel followed the develop-|binations of hotel, service sta- ment of travel by private au- tomobile. In Russia, the motel came first. Two have been opéned on the word "'motel'"' and put it on com- tion and garage. There are few private cars in the Soviet Union, and not many roads to travel. Trucks are the rooms attractive. ee i ne a ae a Sy bright pictures on the walls and rugs on the floors made the An American finds the twin beds a bit tricky. In usual Rus- sian style, the bedding lies loose on top of hard mattresses and a person is supposed to wrap himself in it. The price is 1.30 rubles ($1.44) for a bed in a double independent--"Then we'll have a name of our own." It is now|the known as the Motel on the Ling but the desk clerk has right: to move a stranger into the other bed. A lone travel- Our own Service Men will look after your oil furnace as if it were their own. They're on call 24 hours a day. Call Us Anytime ; " ler is allowed to pay for both highway that encircles Moscow,|main highway users. Their driv-/Minsk Highway. : :fust beyond the point at whichlers get special consideration inj) By the standards of many beds and have a private room. prefabricated apartment houses/reservations at the motels. places where foreign travellers|" The price includes 'use of tele- are turning rolling farmland find themselves 'sleeping in the|phones in the lobbies on the into suburbs. More motels are USED AS ANNEXES Soviet Union, such as airport|three floors of rooms. There's planned. At the moment the two mo-jhotels, this is a good place toja television set on the third They aren't exactly motels as|tels are primarily used as in-'stop floor. ; you know them. Vehicles go into|conveniently located annexes of Fach of 95 rooms has a bath-; The snack bar in the down- a parking lot and the custom-|Mrscow's crowded downtown|room, which is an uncommon stairs lobby is open 24 hours a ers walk through the lobby and hotels, |situation outside a few large So-|day and at normal meal times upstairs to their rooms. | The motels don't even havelviet cities. Large windows, there is a restaurant. CI owe ihc Z 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 GRADE 1 ROSE BUSHES RED VARIETIES Crimson Glory --Crimson elibindiegs Harl Herbst --Carmine .Red Opera --Scarlet w/yellow Ena_ Harkness --Crimson Scarlet New Yorker --Velvety Scarlet Margaret McCredy --Orange Scarlet Corvair Monza Spyder Convertible --one of 9 exciting Corvair models. 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But Chevrolet's choice isn't confined to sporty cars alone. Far from it! Chevrolet's got a car for every category going: 5 entirely different kinds of cars with a grand sum total of 45 different models! And if that isn't enough for you, there's *Optional at extra cost. Red . Orange 'Scarlet "Scarlet Crimson @ PINOCCHIO ROSE scant e YELLOW PINOCCHIO ...... : Apricot Yellow PINOCCHIO . Pink with Salmon ua: . Velvety Carmine "Be sure to see Bonanza over channel 6 at 9 o'clock Sunday night." ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LID. HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE: 725-6501 PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 For success when planting use our Rose Plant Food. Formula 5.10.5. 1%4 Ib, beg. 39% TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED , Famer: