: ---- ~ ech ies Ta ae ans cite atdee aon RitaA aaa? er peeden cde THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, April WARRIORS IN NBA FINAL [Francisco Warriors defeated St.|win the National Basketball As-and move into the final playoff/Wilt Chamberlain' scored 39jout as the Warriors won the J é sh cd Ore Discovery SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--San|Louis Hawks 105-95 Thursday tolsociation Western Division title|round against Boston Celtics.|points and was a two-way stand-|best-of-seven series 43. | Sex Before Marriage? Sparks Record OK Sometimes -- Pastor | Trading Day heel ae nope Church because near Timmins sp: eats noeinet tales ed en ie the wildest day's trading in the struction for Danish children, |history of the Toronto Stock Ex- He said: Thursday. "Love is a to us, Some} The volume for the day was can wait, * oth cannot. . .|16,695,000 shares, 859,000 shares pag? who object to instruction|over _ the Previous record set birth control are going|July 7, 1958, during the uranium against the laws of life." boom. 'NATURAL FOR. SOME' The find that started the buy -| He said it is 'natural for pA cna yp gee i na gpa Bh nh ss ay . po copper-silver property in Kidd riage." Township, 10 crm bumsbeg of the et Timmins airport, Penny issues It cannot be correct for allllwith claims in the area surged to wait until after marriage," | wywards on heavy tumover on e --- said. adele the Toronto and Canadian ex en Soebye was changes. Da-|the judge whether he had said The speculative leader was ° age n with royalty, long livelpcr Explorations with a gain revolution,"" in his Easter|or 39 cents to 87 cents on 2,559, ied:/57g shares. Belleterre rose 21 ae cents to 62 cents on 580,800 r shares, Jelex 5% cents to 34 ground for that statement iSlcents 'on 468,000 shares, Para- -- mque five cents to 22 cents on He said that in his sermon he 842,300 shares and Bunker Hill had accused hig immediate "lone cent to 70 cents om 1,409,800 reater of a cowardly act in refusing to shares, 3 : | recognize female clergy. Industrial prices remained For Peace Now He also said he had, later, told sued through the speculative " rt the bish was . -- *) Among leading industrial is PM Tells K. He aiso admitted having men-|sues, Reichhold advanced $1.25 tioned a protest march against|t0 $26.25, Massey-Ferguson $1 to) OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-'D enmark's membership in|$21.88, Distillers - Seagrams 88) ter Pearson told Soviet Premier|NATO, and said: "NATO is|cents to $56.50 and Aluminium Khrushchev Thursday there now/founded on the shield of capi-/88 cents to $34.38. is more hope for solving the|talism." The exchange index and the} a ee og a ee IPA is a Zenerous ale with the satisfying flavour of a truly in a message of greetings to the|ing last about an hour and 45 his To nay dg, iia fhe ccna | great brew. Not too strong...never too bland...1PA is brewed EESES "You ame celebrating it (your|cal affairs ministry said the| FISH LANDINGS | fe etre te, men onto ite De 8 nso fay vaua| just right. Like a strike in every frame, Satisfying. TRY IT. i , nish pastors association prior to|at $5,469,000 to primary pro- a decision by Mrs, Koch on/ducers, taken in Ontario Garing| ,|Soebye's future. 963, "Such solutions will take time but they are essential to the peace for which there now is no| tolerable alternative. "We ali recognize that the ce. operation of the Soviet Union as | one of the world's most power- | NOW IS THE TIME to select just the car you've been wanting from our tremendous range of best buy OK used cars. Over 160 cars. . . 16 SALESMEN that's a LOT of cars .. . means you've really got a choice on the BIG LOT... . and can at YOUR SERVICE make the DEAL of YOUR LIFE. . . Right Now! Why not drive better this Spring and Summer. . - step up to a better used car TODAY. We hove terms to suit your budget to a "T". 1963: 1961 1959 - Chevrolet CORVAIR Chevrolet BISCAYNE SEDAN | ith \o pen Shih geen bar Pirwsev MONZA SEDAN. Bucket sects, auto- BISCAYNE 2-door model with custom washers. Smert 2-tone finish. B82217. motic transmission and radio. B89712. radio, B89710. detachment at Sombra. The girl told the court of be- | i 4 ing taken in the car by the men, | ? neither of whom she said she| 4 df . ; was able to get a clear look at. i sa CARS A Robert : JIM SINCLAIR ice ive inding | 1962 1961 1959 the girl at a cabin on the Sar- y a ; na eden eve oo oc CORVAIR | CORVAIR | PLYMOUTH TRUCKS Pv bathed to Monday tig DELUXE COUPE with outomotic and SEDAN, 4- weed sareepesete and cust- STATION WAGON. Check the gro" to allow time for discussion of @ = radio, 889703. om radio. B897 plate, look at the price, a real -- a 6S Chevrolet Cardinal Leger | riz 1495 | Conpletel refcited seten wind Tt 1987 Enters Hospital | | : $ 5 & 5 FORD 319 5 MONTREAL (CP) -- Paul| STEVE ROSNIK 1962 1960 4-DOOR SEDAN. 892121. og SS) mma CORVAIR | PONTIAC 1958 real, entered Hotel Dieu Hospi- Lg 4 SEDAN. A deluxe job used os second B ies ye SEDAN N complete vith aataen Oldsmobile SU P ER tal Thursday for treatment of a f : 3 a digestive complaint, the '| Le a. ee, ith automatic and radio. radio. B8972 ee "88" SEDAN. Automatic, radio, power S a EC t A L ei 4 i steering, power brakes . . . a heavy ton that the state of health of i ; s] 5 3 5 cor ot a light price. 889738. his eminence is no cause for dis- quiet, and that his stay in the ' hospital should last no longer i than a week," the statement y | said. | - 1961 1960 Farm Labor | fa Chevrolet | Chevrolet FORD PONTIAC CHEVROLET . | BEL AIR sedan complete with automatic. 2-door model, New wa - good tires THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE. Fully ts Fi orce Dip JACK HUGHES In excellent condition. 889730, and clean body. B89 equipped, pee yA gi refinished, BISCAYNE Studied | RR «$1495 | $1245 | $1495 | $685 [eve ""As-Is"" for fast sale. (B83097). "Serving Oshawa and Area Over 40 Years" He noted that ; ; 4 S dropping a5 a rate of about | : y i own to out 6000. | ' i. F ] , BOB JOHNSTON 140 BOND STREET WEST LIMITED PHONE 725-6507