aon oem ---- . rym ney eye ih peggy ey Wie Ses toate pie ie De BGs time Bras ape Ol tee lle Oe Saving Our Past : ; . Through Buildings ; . | _ Is the Head of your Family, Theme of Address A 30-year-old organization, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, was introduced and ex- plained to members of the Uni- iversity Women's Club of Osh- Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 a district at its April | The speaker, Mr. Paul Sears, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 17, 1964 9 ip Arch. MRAIC is the presi- dent of the non-profit organiza- |tion whose activities are divided 'into two phases: Encourage- lment of restoration of buildings with historical heritage and |sponsoring lectures and tours to acquaint member's with the type 'of buildings to be sought. Mr. Sears explained that the longanization itself had no power "\to exercise in preventing an owner from destroying or alter- ling a structure if he so desired, however, with the co-operation jand aid of interested local groups it was sometimes pos-| Eisible to arrive at a_ solution. iThese solutions frequently) jnecessitated altering the interior jot the building for office space, | Wie ie Tee i be museum displays or even apart- ment dwellings. The structure itself was considered salvaged,| * A BONNIE WEE LAD however, if its exterior had not] 'This little fellow is just Briggs, Oshawa, and Mr. and been altered. eight months old, He is Mrs. Morris Moore, Huntsville. Members of the society need - z He is the great-grandson of no qualifications other than an : Mrs. C. A. Briggs, Orillia and ;|interest in preserving and pro-| Mrs, Calvin Moore, Clover- Mrs. Rupert Oakley, Cold- tecting these time-honored edi-| dale street. His grandparents water. fices. | are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A, --Aldsworth Photography "One of our hopes for em aed -------- - future is a national trust to pre-| ALI, DOUBLES' CLUB __|ing arranged a thoroughly en- jvent ravagement of Ontario' ; ' ; ; sronitectaral heritage," a thel A night of bowling was en-|joyable time. speaker said, joyed by the members of the Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis The book, "The Ancestral| All Doubles' Club of s1.Mavé Planned an interesting |Roof", containing maps and/George's Anglican Church, last went he h apo te 'sill photographs of old buildings of|.,1..-aay evening at thei else » when the meeting wi flinterest and recommended. Saturday evening st (eet momiine hers a See ene | The talk was concluded with|!y "get-together". | lides depicting various types of} Winners of . prizes for high construction considered, worthy,scores were Mrs. George Ellis 'lof safeguarding as well asjand Mr. William Dixon, Winners j scenes from Upper Canada Vil-jof prizes for low score were DRAPERY lage and Niagara on the Lake/Mrs. Percy Walter and Mr.! by i ge "| projects. |Harold Davis. : MATERIAL 0 : ApaRee ee : ~| At the close of the bowling G8c MR. AND MRS. J.C. JAKES session, the members retired to Pins tek yard ond «p --Oshawa Times Photo a local restaurant, where the re ee ae gentlamen feted their wives ss M. & C. Dry Goods : a welcome change from the &D sual night repas raperies Many Friends From Out of Town wal nah reoast where they coin gta The presidents, Mr. and Mrs. hetieg osoahas Attend 50th Wedding Reception | |'\s-73~ lac tare Pastas te be really well dressed? Cary James, son of Mr. and Over one hundred guests in-jscroll from the provincial sec- cluding those from Cannington,|retary, the Honorable John Scarborough, Toronto and West-|Yaremko. | W ton called at the home of Mr.) Pouring ten were Mrs. Ernest: ; : and Mrs. J, C. Jakes, Eulalie|skells, Mr. Jakes' sister, and) If playing cards stick togeth-| NU-WAY RUG aventi¢, t6 extend good wishes|Mrs, Wilfred Satgant. Keeping|°T dust lightly with talcum and congratulations on theirlthe door were Miss Susan Samis| powder. golden wedding anniversary/and Mrs. Donald Horslin Jr, le OSHAWA LTD. last Saturday, Mrs. Jakes is the former, To receive, Mrs. Jakes wore|Emily Louise Crook, born in a powder blue two-piece sheath] Markton, Wiltshire, and Mr. dress and a.corsage of white|Jakes was born in Cas-) chrysanthemums, tipped with) tor, Northamptonshire, Eng- gold. Presentations were made/land. They were married in Sut- of a money tree and a floral/ton Parish Church, Sutton, Sur-| arrangement. trimmed withirey, April 8, 1914, and came to) bills of different denominations Canada in 1919 settling in Can-| and other gifts. jnington. a from| They have lived in Oshawa ptesages were etn Diefen.(since 1937. Mr. Jakes retired | SMART WOMEN . . . baker, Leader of the Opposi- from General Motors last Janu-| have their carpets and uphol- Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plont Authorized Filter Queen Seles & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothproofing and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug Cleoners dake Eis . ate i ary. Both are members of St. 1 Th prem is ae = Mprime. Minister. of|eoree's Memorial Church and ry by -- VISITORS: WELCOME Starr, MP; Pr } : : i he Royal Canadian Legion ; : Ontario, the Honorable Jo hnit ' 2 Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs > . Robarts!. Mr. A. V. Walker,|Branch 43-and Ladies' Auxil-) DURACLEAN and Upholstery MLA, and from Alderman Hay-|!@Ty- Mrs. Jakes is also a a : isa member of the Pleasant Mon- 728-8518 td resentin e@eeeeevoveeeeeeoereeee eee | ceo ae "Gittord.They|day Afternoon Club A Perrrrrr | | also reeéived an illuminated a __ '|{TWO-PANT SUITS KING STREET UCW } / By ag gene egg mo NOW ~-- Men of all shapes and sizes can look handsome for only $55! the April meeting 0 e Kin . aya : Street UCW with' a reading oy } Now 5 di on' wait ioe a sender -- be 5 Le ve ; p g styles tailored from wool... and ready: to-wear, a | ne ght ale price exclusivel : "Members were reminded that ke hy 7% P y for 15 days. (Includes an extra pair of trousers.) a bale of good used clothing 1s) x q to be sent in May; April 17.) ee the bake sale for units 1-8 and 10, at 10.30 a.m.; April 29, the Ardent Workers Unit luncheon at 1.30 p.m, with Mrs. Walter Branch i as speaker \ rit 30.) : ; A j ; i} oa x No Money Unit 10's flower demons ration| i : "4 The Worship: service was in ; mi Down = $75 Value in Centennial Hall charze of Unit 10 leader Mrs.| : : : i fy ive withthe tneme "Pray 4 NEW DEVELOPMENT IN MEN'S SHORTS AND SHIRTS it Charge It er' and Mrs. George Cuthbert, Mrs. Glenn Stevens and Mrs. oe a : Pohald Tilk took part q Hymns were sung with Mrs A Theodore Wilkins at the plano. The speaker was Mr. W. E. ] vy ; rover Tour to Bermuda, Teint ' : Ej: Are you a Family Man? Srytep with great character in- server Tour" to Bermuda, Trini- Here's value f i cluding young men's models, . a Ee ay ue 'i ° ; ik ' 4 you'll appreciate u dad and 'Jamaica Here is the biggest advancement in men's underwear in years! To the fine ribbed combed i --a $20 saving and He solid fashionable Natural Bhonlevts, The executive meeting will be cotton and perfect tailoring of Harvey Woods shor i : : i i . @ satay dlkcte te een eee ee 700 pan, and the next ring of Harvey Woods shorts and shirts we've added the strength ; satisfaction of wearing a wells portly shorts to extra longs tgular meeting, May 14 at 2 of Du Pont's new 420 Nylon fibre. You get, immediately, up to 50% more wear! cut suit, pm, : { IRE C - r eee js : Plenty of patterns -- neat MORE COMFORT -- You get a more stable fabric that won't shrink or lose shape. You get i They're wool worsteds; are herringbones, sttlpes, tee KINETTE CLUB ing easy on the shoulders, comfort. - muted checks, plains' and longer wear without extra weigh bulk hs i sapeting of Ol g eight or bulk. You get the softly absorbent comfort of fine it i BBinette Club was held re combed cotton with the hidden strength of the new 420 Nylon fibre. is isda GAGE Wink coloureors nations the ote yenosna, + F . . Ei i j Donald Laké, 2nd) MORE ECONOMY -- With all these extra features, with all this extra wear -- they cost i eS Detail. «cues esiding. no more than other high quality shorts and shirts . . . about $1.50. for the evening, con- nun els Oe ~-- ~ As with all Harvey Woods garments these new Shorts and Shirts come to you howers) and t\ $ ' i # : 5 of beautiful red tulips were won wana sterile and remain sterile for the normal life of the garment. by Mrs, Donald Flemming, Mrs. Jack Menzie and Mrs.. Bruce Williams. Duril © business portion, shirts and shorts DOUBLE SEAT glas Carmichael - re- at $1.50°* ach er treats were given child at the Children's or in the ce ee ee Wicd) | SHORTS | Harvey ca inal) triple pack at velba i Ted the bowling trophy at i i ms may 2 3 bowling night held in 3 for $4.45* -- ae eee Ro oat : , for the annual straw- tine F : O O S : ia ' rE é 7} e was set for June fonririae wits ; : Tuesday, April 21, 7 : . n4 0 NT 4 -- wren) igh r A A a s wil travel to De] | gee aay 2 @ f a = Store Hours: Daily 9:30 to 6 p.m.: or a inter-club nee Fon ELT RA WEAR re nent for the even-| A" singed vai 3 FIRST FAMILY OF FASHION : Thursday and Friday 9:30 - 9 p.m. § d of a livély game| and coffee and tea| »