Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Apr 1964, p. 27

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 16, 1964. a7 : arrweer?]| CONTRACT BRIDGE TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel U--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 'WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffuio WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffalo WROC-TV Channel &--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto .. CKVR-TY Channel 3--Barrie 4---Secret Storm 2--Capta Bob 4:30 P.M, Hi, PET! FOR THE FIRST TIME, WE'RE GOING TO LET HAPPY OUT INTO THE OCEAN AND SEE IFHE WILL RETURN TO THE POOL, TODAY, BUZ, WE'RE GOING TO TRY AN By B, JAY EXPERIMENT WE MAY REGRET, Y BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. Neither side yulnerable, - NortH \ AKQ1095 $AQ10982 ry) 9:30 AM, 9--Playtime With Bobby 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 4-You and Your Family, 9 6--Father Knows Best 10:00 A.M. 4-Leave It To Beaver 1---Eodi. Allen Show 3--Popeye stad Pg FRIDAY EVENING 6-3---National Schools $:00 P.M. 4 4--Calendar 9Theatre 10:30 A.M. 65 li--Family Theatre 71087 M1--Super Bingo @--Superman i ~ + f \ 8-2--Ward for Word ; ; Led Lig § eg 7--Price Is Right azzle MAYBE onee. FART est % Pe THURSDAY EVE. ; 5:00 PM. - H--Family fheatre & Theatre perman 7--The Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle 4-Five O'clock Snow %--Huckieberry Hound 4:30 PM. _ é Music Hop . a ims ifleman 4:00 P.M. pag Ry Territory _ Today, 1964 4:18 P.M. Headline News a AJ1096 8764 @KQ2 $AQ53 sot 6-3----Razzie 1 § R 63--Cher Helene 4--Five O'clock Show Aho - ove Lucy K ih 2--Magilla Gorilla 11:00 A.M, 5:30 P.M, 6--Kingfisher Cove 9--Morni Magazine ' 40 P.M. ¢2--concentration 1-9-4-43-2--News: Weather 7_Message and i 6--Lorefta Young Show 7--M-Squad 4---The McCoys 6:45 PLM. 11:20 AM, @2--Huntiey Brinkley 1}--Albert J, Steed Show 7:00 P.M. %--Maria Be Nagay Donna Reed : Foissing Link ese --Missing Links aga Weather 6--Girl Talk 4 Bal Masterson 4--Pete and Giatys aa 1 Kildare 12:00 NOON 2--Bishop Sheen 0 P.M, %--Noonday Report 82--Your First Impression 9--\ he Outer Limits J--The Flintstones 6--Candid Camera 4--PassWord 2--87th Precinct 8:00 P.M. Wi--Fractured Flickers &--Death Vatiey Days 0H, 0H/ DEAD END AND THAT 3---Huckleberry Hound MAN IS COMING 2--The Rifleman 6:00 P.M. 6--A La Carte 3---Frontier Doctor 2--Today, 1964 4:18 PM, 4-Headline News 4:30 PLM. Hse oNew Weather; s "Opening lead--jack of clubs, This hand occunred in the maton pkey etene and, - anon duri the European Championships played in Palermo in 1960, . a canta a \l--Family Theatre - ne . cards, " 4 irony A gia CROSSWORD = } / ig reached five diamonds on the The aa Avene : 1 , chs as ana ficial" ht : earls $--Honeymooners clubs was an artificial game: * Popeye's Party ya_Nece Weather, forcing bid, and two diamonds ~ 12:18 P.M. Pi as} is eee was the artificial negative re- © | there Fg Ay 3--Wagon Train North Speaker 2--Fractured Flickars irri shoald. prabitiy hove nil bax eae bid two spades at this point, in 21 Lone oer +a yen ae the best contract of our spades might have been < reached, but be chose to bid © ree diamonds instead. North then bid four spades over three notrump, but South, unaware that North had a six-card spade suit, corrected to five diamonds. * The Lebanese declarer went down when East found the best * line of defence to defeat the con- | tract, West made the natural 7 arate 24 |lead of the jack of clubs, which LD Ss} 6|East took with the ace, 4 East could see two tricks on defence -- a diamond and a club -- and realized that the only chance of acquiring a third de- . fensive trick depended upon °. jay having a singleton or ; spades. 2 So at trick two he returned ° a spade, Declarer won the jack with the queen and played the - ace and another diamond, but * East took the king, led another spade, and West ruffed to de- ° feat the contract trick. 4 When the Irish team held the * North-South cards, they also got ~ 7--M-Squad 6--Hollywood Sjory 6:45 PLM, 7--Maverick 6-Elwood Glover 4---News; Weathers DOWY 1, Flake 2. Think 8. Wager 4, Bitter vetch 5, Interjection 6, A Great Lake 7. Skin 8. Followed 9, Luke- ..warm 11, Christmas song 15. Poge for an artist 17, Ostrich- like bird B' 18. Type of 82, Throb harbor boat 33, Dwell ACROSS 1, Part of the ear 5. Flock 9. Small candle | 10. Constella- tion 12. Sends forth, as beams 13, Cant 14, A brooch 15, Heavy hammen 16, Lack of power to move 19. City trais 20, District Attorney: abbr. 21, Hovel 22, Marries ! + 24, Plead 25, Forbid 26, Malayan boat 28. Merriment 29, Italian river $1, California, city: abbr, $2, Duck 34, Outflow 87. Not good 38. Ina 22. Desire 23. Half anem 24, Fellow: al. 25, Small roll 26, Ex- cuses 27, Kind of lottery 28, Mend 29. Musica] Hruse 7--Donna Reed 63--The Lucy Show 4--Rawhide 8:30 PLM. 11--Hennesey 9--To fell The Truth 6-2--Dr Kildare 63---The Serial 7--My Three Sons 2:00 P.M, 11---Desily Playhouse 9--Zero One 7--Jimmy Dean 63--Grind! 4--Perry Mason 9:30 P.M. 9--Jack Paar @-2--Haze: 63--Parade BIOI_IEIR FIEIAIT TS} DYE FE PMT TTI) WIE] AIRE | a: ISIAIBIE MECIA JAIGIEINIT] ILIUINIC IAT SSuns wa 15) Me Yesterday's Answer Consequences J--Father Knows Bes? 6--Movie Matinee 4--Search for Tomorrow Movie 12:45 P.M. 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, ll--Lucky Score 9--December Bride Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 4~Meet the Millers +Movie 2----Divorce Court 1:30 P.M, | 1l--Mid-Day Matinee 9--Our House 4~As The World Turns 2:00 FM. 9--The Millionaire 64-3--Password 2--Let's Make A Deal 7--Destry 6--On The Scene 4-The Great Adventure 8:00 P.M Ni--Compbat 9%--Think Of A Word 4--Country Hoedown 8:30 P.M. %Andy Griffith #2--Ernie Ford Hour 7--Burke's Law 63--The Defender 4-Route 66 9:00 P.M, N--Jamboree 9--Jack Benny 9:30 P.M. 1--Petticoat Junction. 9--~Let's Sing Out &-2--That Was The Week 7--Price Is Right 6-3--Telescope 4-Twilight Zone 10:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 'eaergense? Show On 9--Douglas Fairbanks or &-2--The Doctors 9--Gunsmoke 7--Day. in Court 8-2--Jack Paar 63--Scariett Hill 7--Fight of The Week 4--House Party 6--The Nurses 3:00 PLM. 4--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 9--Here's Looking At You 3--The Untouchables 8-2--Loretta Young 11:08 P.M, 7--General Hospital 35. Number 86, Carries with difficulty 89. Wrestler's MICKEY MOUSE 10:00 P.M. Ti--Have Gun Will Travel) @2--Kraft Theatre 7--Maverick 6--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 4--The Nurses 2-Naked City 10:30 P.M. N--Official Detective 9--Sports Hot Seat 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-/-6-4-3-2--News, Sports UN CONTINGENT DE 800 HOMMES ARRIVE A QUEBEC A TEMPS POUR AIDER A LA DEFENSE DE LA VILLE, PERO.UN TEMPS PRECIEUX EN D'IN: PENDANT gue LE GENERAL Pies | ERMINABLES CONCILES DE GUERRE,.. 1:15 P.M, 9--Metro Final éViewpoint Zs 9--Plerre Berton Show 6--Feature Showcase Thriller FRIDAY 200 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroe 6:30 A.M, toons 9:00 A.M. © 63--Take Thirty 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, 1l--Randy Danay 9--People In Conflict $-2--VYou Don't Say 7--Queen For A Da: 63--Friendly Giant 4---Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News} Weather Sports 118 P.M, 9%--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 3-2--News and Sports 11:20 P.M, -4--Late Show 11:30 P.M, collision 39. New England state 41, Small bullets for air guns 42, Enthusiasm 43, Seottish- Gaelic LES CANADIENS ri | INFATIGABLE, MALGRE $65 70 ANS, FRONTENAC PARE AU COMBAT, SE VA FAIRE | AMATEUR Pee | eR JE SAIS QUE PHIPS, Qui s'EST NOMME COMMANDANT DE L'EXPEDITION, } FS ERREWRS DU SOLDAT- MAFFIRME FRONTENAC, 2 $$ into trouble with the bidding, but luckily they came out right, The bidding went: Pass North, playin 4° Acol, jumped Vi--Captain Andy Romper Room 7--Jack Lalanne Show 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Mike Douglas Show 7 *"*SUINNO? BUM TIGY NEIL Nt BML SNONISIG SALSYM @ TESST ZIM \ Ht PRICES SLASHED for CLEARANCE! ! AT The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 260 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 273-4634 9--Mickey Mouse Club 8--The Match Game 7--Trailmaster 6--Sir Francis Drake 6--Premiere Theatre | ll--Late Show = %--Plerre Berton Show 3--Movie 44, Golfers' to five di is over two no- "ping" trump and South made a - erence bid of five spades, w became the contract. oe Declarer lost a club and a dia- mond and made five spades to bring the Irish team a net gain of 500 points on the deal, but he would have gone down one quite unnecessarily if the trumps had not been divided favorably, Tomorrow: Response to an opening bid. WON FIRST AWARD Zone creator Rod 30453330 3LNI g13H01 av" 'LYBWIO) YOS SIBVIRI4'S'SBVIAOL gamer prawn 40 JNLOG THM MOILIQAS XA SIVOVAS SNFTLNOD NIW 008 VW", F1N 30 3Llds MIA TB ik % SN RScan Gaormsyn owe'e swereanh fe To BUT EQUALLY EEMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO GEEVE UPALL THAT MONEY! EES ONLY ONE ~ s4U2DERS- WAY TO " CHOOSE FROM OVER ( NO VANES WERE NE WHAT ARE YOUUP TOP ANSWER OR UhL LET G SORRY / / WAS WUT REPLACING SOMME, 7 MIRED YOU TO CUSTER uANES! HELP WITH THE DRILL, NOT 70 INKER WITH THE WINDMILL 76. A AUG e THE LONE RANGER ELIMINATE. TIME LOST ON HAVE TRY INSTALLED ANY AUTOMATION WHERE COFFEE-BREAKS ... YOUR GRANDPA WORKS ? Landscaping Call NOW 623-5757 AN BELLE GARDE 3 Miles east of Ishawe No. 2 DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER WE HAVE A LOVELY ROOM, a ONE WITH THE FINEST @ Patios @ Siding ete. EXTRA 1%4" SELF. TORING 5 29.95 DOORS Installation $16.00 Extre HOLODY SALES 30 GRENFELL 725-2431 INSULATE: wae * SPENCEWELL, HARD To BELIEVE TM ACTUALLY HERE. -- o> MY, YOU HANDLE O . YOUR FISTS VERY P WELL, LITTLE LEROY / FIRST, I'LL TAKE MY ] GLAGGES OFF ip GRANDMA'S « sughte reserved. WITH PAL-O-PAK For comfort and economy, Installed _. by our modern blow-in machines : LATHING & INSULATING PHONE 723-1831 © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1964, World

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