Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Apr 1964, p. 3

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: - Pep Ss THE OSHAWA TIMES Friday, April 10, 1964 © UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES| aaa ane ze Med LODGES AND |kei'ty her daughter. Mrs. Reg: ; BARVINOK UWA been contracted for and wilil be / - jinald Mcintyre, The theme of { The Ukrainian Women's Asso-jerected within the following) ) -- { | t Roar. 'ciation, Barvinok Branch, held|week: It was decided to have aj) 4 ; SOCIETIES i nb Nas t0.Ue thes lits April meeting at the home of|"Painting Party", with mem- h ing 20's!) 989 ot eee Mrs. John Dutchak. bers, husbands and guests pres-| : BETA SIGMA PHI Br og appropriate costamas, Mrs. Walter Grigorenko pre- ent to complete the decorating] ~ j ; Flowers were the centre of} etna an tar tone sided and led in prayer. Mrs. of the Sunday School classrooms} | ~ attraction at the recent a 'lexecutive elections as follows? reheat eet in,(00 April 18. Communion Break-| © ome : ing of Beta Sigma Phi, Walter Kuch read from scrip fast for the students of Sunday : ; oe Phi Chapter, held at the sine hi! President, Mis Marilyn Black; ; "| vice-president, Miss tures 2 ; ort of : : 4 , tures and also read the TO Of hoot will beheld on Saturday | ) D of Miss Sally James, fr. Dean Vice-president Miss, Ms Mrs. Steven Gonta. Mrs. Law-|SPril % Sea : 4 pane Whitby, was bd guest Comertird: ceding. lninoe Rikiratow gave the treas-| Mrs. Donald Sadoway ° and] | i : speaker, and made many ee is 'This Reoeeh: jurer's report. |Mrs. William Iwaskiw reminded] | ly a arrangements while he} ' spol Mrs. Paul Plishka announced|members to prepare their bas- the final plan for eal eve-|Kets of Easter Blessed Food on! § ning to be held at her home on|"2ster Sunday, May 3, for the} | Saturday. April 11. Everyone at- Peep distribution to Ukraintan| > [tending Sse guiea in caine in| rthodox patients in the Oshawa i lan original hat, for which there) {General Hospital. is |will be prizes. The Spring Frolic, to be held i f e PThis was the spring rusting! }model meeting with many new) jrushees on hand. It was announced that a rush- jing party would be held March KAYE"S | Mrs. Donald Sadoway, Miss]. "i jane tek May. 16, at) ® |Anne Sabat, Mrs. Walter Kuch|>'_J0%n's Ha cells SPORTSWEAR -- LADIES' WEAR eal will bear a Hawaiian 68 Simcoe North arther with the other Sunday|tveme, this year. Anvene desir) We erg "tre OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M School te aes will prepare a} ling tickets may secure them al ; y ' Every Thursday and Frid : hes & Trailer Pai . Mother's Day program, to be contacting Mrs.. Paul Plishka,| ©» ' ? ta eerie 4 "ad | 3 Mines tAST. OF OSHAWA." held in the St. John's Hall May|COnvener, or the following mem-| 5 a HIGHWAY 2 i |10 at 6 p.m. A feature at the bers of 'the committee: Mrs. gunk t : ony John Dutchak, Mrs. Joseph| & concert will be the recital of the 3 i chad childre n 1 attending the Ukrainian Maga, Mrs. Niohiiay Seminuk. RECOGNITION FOR OSHAWA GUIDERS cans snd the deco, Mt John, Kova andr. lof Mrs. Nicholas Worobec. Mrs. H. T. Cook. Area Com- received her ten year service the award was made in Osh- The Sunday School committee, lin able of the hat Easter} A pretty name for a pretty Kachern, Northview avenue. missioner for the Girl Guides, pin. Mrs. Brennan js the for- awa was in 1947. The occasion |p. Robert Sholdra en Mire jcongregational dinner' on May} girl is Janda Marie, who is Her grandparents are Mr. and right, presents the Certificate . mer Brown Owl of the 8th 2. the annual appreciation {Paul Plishka, announced that \10 solicited for kitchen aid and| the one-ye*r-old daughter of Mrs. Robert Knox, Peterbor- of Merit to Mrs. L. V. Bren- Brownie Pack and received he Osh« |the 'partitio ll and d or hi announced the menu. Mr, and Mr : _ Ronald Mc- ough. nan, centre, while looking on the award for outstanding ser- ppp aes Guiders of the Osh- | pe n wall a 0 ave! Mrs. Walter Kuch gave. a're.|" one -- i wi € yuidjng. The las e awa' Division | . Snoahnba? Taunus it Mrs, Leonard Jackson who vice in Guidjng. The la t tim awa! : | _ port uy Nadal at : the CRA with Mrs. Carmanjof 6% pounds, Florence also A a Street United Chure at_simcoe Whyte and Mrs. Dean Dilabough won the six week trophy. An en- ' nited urch recently attending to newspaper and joyable meeting closed with tea CHILD GUIDANCE at the desk who tried to "'Jaugh" t off the. incident ' At the close of the mecting radio advertising respectively |and coffee being served, I wish every parent could refreshments were served by the Several members offered to as- 31 Bloor strect| § read this letter thoughtfully and y hostess and a social hour en-'sist at the sale ",4 . Shop-Lifting Incident read it with their sons and joyed. Rahtevbiarits ware served "> daughters. The leiter might @ si 1 Mrs. Kenneth Ostler. WIN A even be posted on school bulle-, a O.P.A, AUX, d aA 3 ' The April meeting of the La- TOPS CLUB Reaps Joy And Trage V Mn poards. 'ned his le : dies Auxiliary of the Oabaws The 'TOPS Mean-to-be-Lena' 3 FREE q That boy who leaxnc By GARRY C, MYERS, Ph.D |The other boy is a school drop- un gee never He cunt j As yo read the following out and has a long record as a/Srateful to her and to hat chile : " é : : letter gh mother, you juvenile delinquent of police Pal : a ai posh shred Mrs. Charles with the Tops sing. The high will admire her wisdom and "I think my son was made to PARENTS' QUESTIONS -- 'e Mie "Che ae; Hill M light of the evening was an Eas moral courage. Putting yourself take the responsibility for his| Q- What antidotes should par- 3 Reardon iy) M s. W hn 0 Be at sow in her place, you may wonder|act, He also knew what morejents of young children "keep on Sreorih ill be ee si ; eur Prizes were given for the most if you yourself could have been|crime would lead to. I forgot hand for emergency cases of at Hilledate Sroner ba ae original, prettiest and funniest so wise and brave, to mention he was. also finger-|poisoning? kha it. pili abvesd m "its A personal gift was present- "Dear Dr. Myers: Although printed, and knew he was 'on| A, The American Academy of oS ~ ne ig Ph aug aoe ie ed to Diane Omelanchuk, by the my Children are older than/record.' The other boy knew his|Pediatrics recommends either } ie. residents 7 aerate preside nt, Kay Puffer, Diane most of those you write about,|mother lied to protect him, and syryp. or ipecac or powdered me S| Mrs: Kenneth Ostler reported ee ig reached her desired 1 always read your articles, and/he got away with it once, so he/activated chafcoal. Ask your ea: she has made' final acres: aa t and is now a (KOPS was interested in the one about:thought he could do it again.' pediatrician about this matter. | 4 Mente tor the tour of Sklar's he crag In three pee shoplifting : : a The best "andidote", of course, 7. f Showroom in Torerito."Abril ii she will graduate and be a KO) ' " ' when. We OTHERS WHO HELPED is to keep poisons well out of lohich i » 2 ee 1 There was much discussion A which is open to members and diet, each girl had brought in a |Police Association was held at met Tuesday evening at the the home of Mrs. Mervin Baker CRA, The meeting was opened sented MATTRESS TICKETS AT WILSON'S WIN A FREE TRIP | _ " er TO MEXICO TOAD ane | Dosw me aren wIAGAGA FALE BO TICKETS AT WILSON'S connect pase ts 24) You're Always @ WINNER or SF : WHEN YOU SHOP AT ' i 'Some years ago, when WILSON s CANADA'S WINES OF DI< , 0 a new home about! Beside the mother who wisely|the reach of children I tri 14 i y SEG Heal fopoine atte didn't Jet her son "get away'---- a BRIDE-ELECT Gans by ve hn a ! Ph Spor a shopping re, |Ghan' .} eae Cs S. orence Russell was the high. CHURCH ST. eo yer rrifie eC: h y stealing a 25 ent lock, in Ratiaedne a ' ; we "or antit a. to iparn. that wi. At aa Save ie stil - | On Saturday, May 2, Miss | Mrs. Mervin Baker suggested est Joser for the week with a loss 4 eww ra : : ildren were ha-/0 A on shdyeelong 4 | Wanda M. Zielinski will be- |that the pi aly plan a social) ----.- - wii itual shop-lifters from a possible Career as f _ +| come the bride of Mr. Peter jevening, possibly in September, 'Our nine-year-old son knew/|juvenile delinquent in this case SES d || J. Ruddy, according to the lto weltons the tbh of the better, but in a couple of weeks|were the store manager who a | announcement made today. (new members of the Police he was caught in the act oficalled the boy's mother, and goto A | The bride-elect is the daughter |Force to the Auxiliary, It was shop-lifting. Thank heavens, the the chief of police | of Mr. and Mrs. John Zielin- jagreed and plans for such an manager called me. My son). In contrast, consider the other d ~( ski of Oshawa and her fiance jevening were left until nex t and a friend of his had stolen|boy's mother, who, in trying to 4 an is the son of Mr. and Mrs. |month. a lock worth 25 cents, although protect her son, only set him) 2 John Ruddy of Ajax. The | Plans are being made for the coe Mac we wake gels om on 8 oo . pos att his! gS ! wedding will ane place 2 |spring Ping at the Shopping pocket. His friend's , li ag | St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic |Centre in June. age ee! son had anything nad 6 4 rarer hae van ~ IFE PRESERVER Church " 12 of i noon. |. The spring rummage sale is o do with i rmined to c or so) Aldswort 'hotography |set for April 29, at 1.00 p.m. at "I took my son to the localjlesson about right and wrong; Mix putty and paint for ai oN asa graphy for Ap a pm. at police department, and the desk/that she was not swayed from| color- matched hole and crack clerk laughed at me and told her purpose by the police clerk! filler. me all. children shop. - lifted |; af : he let me talk to the chief. He ; was more interested. oun... ¢NU-WAY RUG "We decided that my son was to report to the police depart- ment every Saturday for the OSHAWA LTD. | xt eight weeks, and at my ' ; ? ; request a "4 @ HYDRANGEA request he was taken for a ; 4 - journey through the jail and ' "Hills of Snow" re k ( te : : j : Sock Goat vtah Atos ata." Kiphetanniy Cloenion > Home or Prant @ FORSYTHIA "We did not nag hi m about Authorized Filter Queen Seles & Service =: , % e RED SPIREA it, or did we 'chauffeur' him to Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Ports oi A ie @ SILVER LEAF his weekly date with the police. Mothproofing and Deodorizing ls rates Every Saturday he got cleaned Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing foe is DOGWOOD up and reported. He went on Rug Dyeing e@ HIGH BUSH his own. ee ae OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING te. | | g é fy CRANBERRY dee te eo be ah hae ee CLEANING wy iy .¥ e@ DOUBLE FLOWERING MOCK ORANGE - "SNOWFLAKE" @ PURPLE LEAF PLUM never been in any sort of trou-| ble again. He is making good | VISITORS WELCOME ip ; y marks in the 11th grade taking | Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs halle bee shy @ HYDRANGEA PINK - PEE GEE" flying lessons (partly earning and Upholstery se i] the money), belongs -to the y SS 2 P chess club and 1 _club and ' SELF SERVICE IGA > HYDRANGEA "HILLS OF SNOW" he is active in rch work The i F Covered with large round heads of pure-white flowers \ --often 10 inches in diameter--it is also called on aeeeeen | i 5 "everbloomer'"' because of its long season of flower- off t ; | | ing from June to September, Excellent plont for use Gh | | , near house, wall or shrub border and as specimen ea for massed effect. We suggest to cut back 4 to 6 FORSYTH IA inches off the ground each spring to ensure lorge' | blooms, Max, Ht, 3-4 feet, SAVES YOU MON EY The best known of the eorly spring 15" SIZE _ ONLY 79¢ EA, flowering shrubs. Everyone is familiar i each FOR . ] ONLY Pennies Per Garment e with the bright golden bells that cover : e | the branches before: the leaves ap- . " | pear, Perfectly hardy -- so easy to YOUR grow, Mox, ht, 4-5 ft. SILVER LEAF DOGWOOD 15" SIZE -- ONLY 79c EACH Excellent for foundation planting because APN Bs daa CHOICE gated green with white margined leaves. creamy white flower clusters appear in June followed by , ; > at HIGH BUSH y N N Vv 1% :ié § ONLY CRANBERRY SEE KI G A D SA E seen % 3 | Handsome Red 'Berried Bush with large white Deep crimson flowers 4 to 8 inches across which x ne flower heads, Fast growing ond compoct bearing last for most of the summer Used extensively for white. to bluish berries, Coral-red stems enrich their 964 \ : { SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1 64 : maple leaf shaped foliage right to the ground. yorder and foundation planting, Colorful and excel. Here is most unbel spony bargain in Opt cal History. 3 Gens. Gny. places thind: ls especially hard the ; ' 4 C neavy clusters of scarlet berries hang on even ofter lent medium sized hedge. Hordy and easy to grow. winter color. Hardy, Max, Ht, 5-6 feet. ost sough FOR THIS 'WEEK ONLY, you con purchase the most sought Baie wee vig 15" SIZE -- ONLY 79c EA. RED SPIRAEA afer, widely worn RIM: KING, complete with lenses of the 15' SIZE -- ONLY 79c EACH 15" SIZE -- ONLY 79c EACH low, fish sale price of ONLY $11.80, This combination frame of zylonite and almost invisible featherweight metal is GUARANTEED to give you light weight comfort and last- «8 LB. FAMILY LOAD each BA seit tuanhe AND | youR | FOR YOUR ASSURANCE OF COMPLETE SATISFACTION BE COLORS TO' CHOOSE FROM FOR ONLY 3) 00 SURE TO PLANT BROOKDALE - KINGSWAY'S HARDY ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE CHOIGE | "CANADIAN GROWN" NURSERY STOCK, "YOUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY" SINGLE VISION -- Now ... try Carltons do-it-yourself dry cleaning! At Caritons ; you can afford to dry clean more things more often for only DOUBLE FLOWERING PURPLE LEAF PLUM HYDRANGEA PINK-PEE GEE pennies per garment . , , di skirts, sweaters, car coats, | MOCK ORANGE--"'SNOWFLAKE"' The 'finest hordy pirplededved: - lorde es Ea ai ei feos est Fa lowering shrub, Cone-sha : dressing gowns, snow suits, children's clothing, baby's woollens, - | shrub or small tree on the market. Af and even Dad's ties and sport jackets. At Caritons Automatic | je ad atg oe Ph mary eee Se fords excellent contrast when plantéc flowers, 12-18 in, long. Colors from Cleaning Carousel, a counsellor will show you how you can do pric ; : " among trees 'and shrubs having the usual white to pink to pinkish bronze. No y y double creamy white flowers make it green foliage. Excellent lawn specimen, your OWN dry cleaning, at money-saving prices, the showiest of June Flowering shrubs. Max. ht 8: tt other 'shrub produces flowers thot re- Very hardy Gorgeous as a flowering z : majy pleasing for such a long time, Bae Pdi ecm FIVE HANDY LOCATIONS | hedge." Max. hy. 6 i 15 - 18" SIZE -- MomNN 3:4 feet LAWRENCE PLAZA Lawrence at Bathuist | 15-18" SIZE-ONLY 79c EA. ONLY 79c EACH 15" SIZE--ONLY 79¢ EACH 17 BOND ST. E. URS: MON. to SAT. BIFOCALS HUMBERTOWN SHOPPING CEN 2nd Floor Royal York Rd. and Dundas St. West PHONE 728-1261 9 A.M, - 5 P.M. EAST MALL PLAZA West Dean Park | ' SORRY -- NO MAIL ORDERS... AVAILABLE ONLY AT NURSERY OSHAWA feted All Dey Wedneisey RIGHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA Richmond Hill a | Se rie ir debe porte amp BROOKDALE be KINGSWAY N c . ih OTHER LOCATIONS: BRANTFORD, GUELPH, KITCHENER, ronches in Many Principal Cities of Conoda on 'ounded 15 omplete with Frames ST, CATHARINES, GALT, HAMILTON, LONDON, SUDBURY r 4 peers OF ot Mee at ks AN She li ea OR Lenses and Case ques 40 Lesions Atiens Colads (NEAR 401 AND LIBERTY ST. EXIT) BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO y !

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