Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1964, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, April 6, 1964 % "TODAY'S IS TEDDY'S BIRTHDAY Theodore Joseph (Teddy) is _ one year old today and his big sister Susan Josephine (Susie) will help him celebrate. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard (Ben) Nyland, Fairlawn street and _ the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs, Gerrard Nyland, Varsselder, Holland and of Mr, and Mrs. John Garrels, Toronto. ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I'm no, bride. My husband and I have been married 14 years and the problem I'm writing about goes way back. I hope you can help me because I'm just about ready to crown him with the coffee pot. Orville is a lovely, kind, in- telligent, generous person --| from noon on. But heaven help anyone who crosses him during the first four hours of his day. utter a civilized word before 11:00 a.m. I have made a genuine effort to be cheerful and sunny at the breakfast table even though at! times I've felt pretty lousy my- self. Orville's coffee is piping hot, his eggs are just right and the muffins and rolls I bake are just beautiful. I've tried every device to sweeten up this man in the morning, but I have failed. Help! Please!--END OF MY STRING UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Dear String: Nothing irritates a morning sour-puss like a cheerful, chirping wife. KING STREET UCW (Friendship Unit) The March meeting of the Friendship Unit of King Street UCW was held recently, with Mrs. L. G. the unit leader, Glover, presiding. Mrs. Glover opened the meet- ing by reading_a poem 'What Does Easter Mean To You?" Reports were given by the E. Wilson, and the treasurer, Mrs. LeRoy R. H, Davis re- secretary, Mrs. G. Kellar, Mrs. ported on home calls, and Mrs. M. R. Elliott. on flowers and cards sent to sick members. It was decided to hold a rummage sale on Friday, April 24, at Simcoe Hall. Plans were also made for the Marathon Bridge dinner, to be held May 5 Members were reminded that articles were needed for the bale being packed in May for India, and that the UCW gen- eral meeting was April 9. The beautiful Easter devotion- al period on "Mary, Mother of Jesus'"" was opened by Mrs. L. G. Glover. The reading was given by Mrs. Douglas Lander, and the meditation by Mrs. E. G. Wilson. Also participating in the pageant depicting the story of Mary were Mrs. LeRoy Kel- Tar, Mrs. R. H. Davis and Mrs. F. E. Train. Following the meeting, re-| freshments were served by Mrs. Douglas Lander and her group during the social. hour. j PIONEER BUTTON CLUB The monthly meeting of the Pioneer Button Club was held! at. the home of Mrs. Joseph! Reese, Beaupre avenue, Osh- awa, on Monday afternoon. There was a good attendance, | Gartshore conducted the busi-| ness part of the meeting. Sev- eral donations for the Oshawa) Museum were placed in the care of Mrs. D. H. Rice, who! and | will mount the buttons, arrange for these articles to be presented to the Museum in May. Mrs. Orville Osborne has kindly loaned a very old 'Charm String" for this display. The project for the month was St. Patrick's and crosses. in the shape of a cross. The president read several poems relatin. to these two subjects, and als> . pi- ures to show that the cross has always had place in history. Also shown by 'the president were snapshots taken while on a tour of the i-oly Land, but it was noted that the cross was not seen much there. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. 0. K. Osborne, RR 4, Bowmanville. LADIES' CIVITAN CLUB The March meeting of the Oshawa Ladies' Civitan Club was held last week as a bowling night. After two strenuous games, the members met at the Bo-Peep 'Restaurant, and had a short business meeting and sup- per. The minutes of the last gen- eral meeting and of the last executive meeting were read by Mrs. Alan Harper. President Mrs. Gary Bayliss read the treasurer's report. The April meeting will be held as a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Alan Harper. It will be discussed at this meet- ing, how the members want the money, made over the past years, donated. DON'T Orville's disposition is geared to his metabolism. Some people don't come alive until noon. Others wake up feeling simply r-r-rreat -- but by 9:00 p.m. they fold like old-fashioned bridge tables. The best thing you can do for yourself--and for Orville--is to turn down the happy voltage and let him alone. Dear Ann Landers: I'd like to say a few words about the women's editors on newspapers --those grand dames who sit on their thrones. and decide whose engagement or wedding picture is going to make the page. I live in a southern city and if your great grandmother wasn't a descendant of Lafay- ette and your great grandfather didn't plant 30,000 acres of cot- ton or sugar, forget about get- ting your daughter's wedding picture in the newspaper. I'm sure it's the same every- where. Ordinary, everyday folks Slow Wakers Resent Early-Bird Chirping T've never known the man to) . don't have a chance. We are living is the age of the affluent society. I say nuts to these dames and their phony values. OK, now you can throw tils let- ter in the wastebasket.--RE- SENTFUL Dear Resentful: I've met hun- dreds of women's editors. They are the hardest-working, big- In larger cities (yours for ex- ample) if thee newspapers printed the picture of every bride or engaged girl, there would be no space left for the news or for my. colums. How would that suit you? Dear Ann Landers: Fie on that creep. who said he often gave up in disgust and called a city girl when the dorm or sorority house telephone was tied up. Before the telephone was in- vented a gentleman went in per- son to extend an invitation to the lady of his choice--or he sent a note by courier. A real gentleman would do the same today. Any fellow who would let a busy signal defeat him must not care very much about the young gest-hearted gals I know. lady to begin with. In which case who needs nim?--MISS|--or notes by courier--anymore. HARD TO GET. The way to capture a young Dear Miss Get: Pre-A. G. Bel!|man's interest is to be hard to a gentleman had no choice. Bu'|cet. The way to lose it is to be times have changed. Hardly|just a trifle too hard to get. anybody sends up smoke signals! Confidential te HEAV Y- Give ; FOR MOTHER'S DAY Moke Your Appointment Now HEARTED: Yes. Two blue- \ jerk thanks a lot for the vote no? confidence, eyed. people can produce a He ought 4 brown-eyed child. Tell the big|ashamed of himself, tt nA Celebrating 4th Anniversary 20 OFF ON ALL | % Coup WAVES | During Month of April (OSHAWA LIMITED) 27 CELINA ST. 728-0662 4 | 728-0662 ) a LANDSCAPING Call 623-5757 Now Van Belle Gardens 3 Miles East of Oshowe on Highway No. 2 MISS "DIE FLEDERMAUS" JOHANN STRAUSS McLaughlin Collegiate 8:30 P.M. Tickets at Box Office ADULTS: 2.50 -- 1 | | Carl RESERVED $3.00 STUDENTS 1.25 -- RESERVED 1.50 Hear and see Canada's 'professional repertory company on your own stage. i "Briskly paced -- polished performance" Apone--Pittsburgh Press black and white o BROWNIE flash. Compare at STARLET Compore at 20.50 slides. Compare ot 39.95 ....--..--. r color prints as well as color FLASH 20 adjustable for close-ups, groups or scenes built-in 19.95 Big eye-level finder makes black and white or color prints plus color slides. Compare at 7.95 STARFLASH Built-in flash, makes black and white or color prints slides. Compare at 14.45 STARFLEX. OUTFIT Big reflex finder provides perfect composition. Makes black e and white or.color prints plus color slides complete with flash, flim, and flash bulbs. at Fewer ecettoesees ee teeeces SAVE ON | Fal Minolta system of single-lens-reflex photography BROWNIE SUV CAMERAS These snapshot cameras make color slides, too? STARMATIC makes good clear pictures automatically with electric eye MINOLTA SR-1 Treat yourself to the joy of owning this world-famous single-iens-reflex camera at an unbelievably Jow price. You get an £/1.8 Rokkor lens, one of the world's best;. automatic diaphragm f/stop pre- selection and reopen; instant-return mite ror; focal plane shutter with speeds to 1/500 sec.; FP and X flash synchroniza- tion; depth-of-field preview; built-in self" timer; shoe that takes accessory meter, 159.00 with Eveready Leather Case 19.88 14 interchangeable lenses Accessory lenses for the Minolta SR-1 range in focal length from the 35-mm., 1/2.8 Auto-Rokkor wide-angle to the 600-mm., £/5.6 Tele-Rokkor, Such ver- satile lenses as the 50-mm., £/3.5 Macro Rokkor and the 80 to 160-mm., £/3.5 13.88 ROOCOREESCEOREEOOSHERERES OOOOH OHDERSOHRODODCOEAOECETERER BO SOOSOCR OO RP OR ROC e ee eee rere ee ee ON CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES Karn's Spring PHOTO EQUIPMENT SALE NOW On! KODAK FLASH CAMERAS AGFAMATIC CAMERAS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKES AGFAMATIC II complete with leather case, S Compare at 103.95 a i. AGFAMATIC III complete with i Compare at 133.50 ' KODAK SLIDE PROJECTORS at amazingly low prices... | Automatic CAVALCADE Model § 500 watt with automatic tray system remote eeeeeeeeees e@eeereeeeeeeeeeseeeaeseee AT SPECIAL SAVINGS with famous red-green signal Pieye cee eee Mistake-proof Cameras 79.88 'Very funny -- English clearly enunciated" The first ca ~ ; Joe Kraglund--Toronto Globe and Mail harps and other items usually | associated wit' the day. The| se°ond ca'd had many different} crosses, and some had medals Reserve subscriptions for next year at $5.00 - @ seving of over 50%. ENSATIONAL ,* SEE KING AND SAVE. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1964 Here is the most unbelievable bargain in Optical History. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, you can purchase the most sought ofter, widely worn RIM KING, complete with lenses at the low, low: sale price of ONLY $11.50. This combination frame of zylonite and almost invisible featherweight metal is GUARANTEED to give you light weight comfort and last- ing durability 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE $4 4.50 Complete with Frames Lenses and Case BIFOCALS "7 7° Complete with Frameq Lenses and Case OPTICIANS OVER 306 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA We fill off P.S.1., Oculists' & Optometrists' prescriptions at same low price HOURS: MON. to SAT, 9 A.M. - 5 P.M, Closed All Day Wednesday Branches in Many Principal Cities of Canada and US.--Founded 1904 SAVE $3.96 AND MORE EVEREADY LEATHER CASES FOR ALL KODAK CAMERAS Cases to fit: Starflash, Starmite, Flash 20, Hawkeye, Starma- tic, Ony II, Pony !¥, Brownie Movie Cameras, Automatic 8 Movie Cameras, Compare at $5.95 or more 1 ay all clearing at one low price " seoeeee SAVE UP TO 64.55 MOVIE CAMERAS ARGUS CINETRONIC M3. Electric Eye Turret 8 mm. Lifetime guarantee Compare at 139.50 74.95 ARGUS M3 MATCHMATIC 8 mm. Turret with exposure meter. Lifetime Guarantee. Compare ot 99.50 BELL & HOWELL Triple Turret 8 mm Sunometer Model 49 95 with electric eye Compare at 99.95 . BELL & HOWELL Zoom Electric Eye 8 mm. full automatic. Compare viss0 14,95 e e os . ° . e e e o e ° ~ e e e e e e a e ° e e e e e e e e e e e e ° e e e ° e 4 « © e ° ° e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ° e e e © e e e e ° e e e e e ° e e ° e e ° e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e cf e ° © e e a ° e e e ° e ° « ° ° e ® e e e e e e e e e e e cy e . e e e e « ° e s 0.0 0000806 O08 O08, jeeeseserere Zoom Rokkor are designed for use with the Minolta SR-1, 28 accessories Owning a Minolta SR-1 opens up many fields of photography to you by means of the many precision accessories avail- able. These include extension tubes and bellows for hyperclose-up work; micro- scope adapter; copying stand; photo- oscillograph unit; and micro photo unit. Save $10 ON THE Yashica EDITOR II ONLY 24.95 28 KING ST. EAST control feautres. Compare 189.50 ........++. KODAK "500" Model B 500 watt with universal or famous "Airequipt" Tray compelte with carrying case. Comp. 86.50 RADIANT BEADED SCREENS on sturdy tripod base GLASS mae ws: WO SAO occas cs 50x 50. | NEW ANSCOCHROME 50 Color Slide film 35 mm. 3.19 20 EXPOSURE ROLLS 3 te UNIVERSAL eoeeseeeereeeenes 74.95 59.95 9.88 11.88 16.88 SPC HOSSHSHSHEHSOHECHHEHO LESH HHSHESHHOHSHSHSHSHSHSHHHSHSHSHHHEH SESE SESE SESE EEE ETE LES EERE SESEFT EME SL BEG eeeeseenne SLIDE TRAYS Carsen Permaflex -- Reg. 79¢ SPECIAL AT KARN'S PHONE 723-4621 3 1,49

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