SP wren eee 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 1, 1964 Tory Party Feud Bonus For Labor AcP HANDLES ONLY MEATS -- FROM FEDERALLY INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES LONDON (CP) -- The intra-| the elections -- against big op- ---- party struggle of Britain's Con-|erators in monopolies and mer- = servatives over the so - called) gers. / - price-fixing bill is being de-| Jay called instead for pack- / Zz scribed as a sort of pre-elec-jage legislation under which the / Z tion gift to the Labor party--aigovernment would move er ye Fe a egg. against ry Aico and rue | If 4 RIB TENDERLOIN Ph a oo yell eh pong og la ade WAN : I | RIB HALF | TENDERLOIN CENTRE CUTS i i Sources also stress it is im- ' \ = / }/}/) PORTION PORTION LOIN HALF LOIN or CHOPS playing politics over the legis- lation to abolish Resale Price|portant to distinguish between 3 TO 3-LB. 3 TO %-LB. Maintenance, the system which|official Labor policy and the / empowers manufacturers to fix|feelings of individual Labor \ / retail price. members, some of whom were ~. py if "We're not playing politics|opposed to RPM abolition be- : ZZ Yy rg lb € tb ¢ lb 3 ¢ lb C with it--we're trying to improve| cause of possible bad effects on lb it," Douglas Jay, Labor's|store employees. ruse spokesman on trade, told a re-| Labor set up a monopolies porter Tuesday. commission when it was in Trade Minister Edward|power in 1948 and subsequently ' Heath's bill was regarded as aj Harold Wilson, then president of 1 Well Trimmed, Short or Cross Cut CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY Schnelder's, Smoked, Vae Pac political hot tato fi the|the board of trad id start and Gallente." wines panty id earuies ake. SPRING HOUSECLEANING NEEDS RIB ROAST » 5% de nauaad seer ane SIDE BACON vith ote A Se Success, Super White pressure from. their constitu-|tion for the abolition of RPM. ents, simmered with revolt. |But. those plans were foiled by PASTE WAX (5 off DEAL) 1-lbtin 5Qe Super-Right, All Meat, Pure, Country Style STE AKS 8X Brand aan age extent Pg the revolt/election defeat in 1951. SPIC "SPL box 81o--SAVE AN EXTRA 20 12-0r plastle ame clear only last week| Final test for the present leg- A : AUSAG 49 HEADCHEESE y 39 page eran managediislation will come after the O'Cadai Sawer prs Bape Uy PORK $ b ¢ or container ¢ to eat one key amendment| Easter recess. : ; ; 1 to the bill by a single vote 21 SPONGE MOPS each 2.59 eerie Sani: Sliced, Skininn ROASTS | 37775." rebellious Tories backing the of- urni-ure Polish REPL LIVER ; 39 : COOKED MEATS 59 ficial Labor opposition in the Astronomers PLEDGE 12-fl-oz aerosol can 4.19 Ib C . ¢ divison. : ss . domnson's Liquid Reg. Price tin $1.19--SAVE 20c y Choice Quality SIRLOIN, WING or Allgood -- Smoked, Sliced, Rindless wii' Asta, tane Put Clocks | mozen roo rearones' | | BEEF HEARTS +35< | Porrerwoust / SIDE BACON ==-59% Cooked and Breaded and Heath are doubtless most A&P Crinkle Cut Reg. Price bag 49e--SAVE 9 q Burns, Sliced concerned about re; thy 9. je bag le m concerned, about repairing te! Back On Easter| FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 22h10,80. | . La they also have to fight an as- Pennywise, Beef or Reg. Price pkg 59e--SAVE 196 yy " 1b pkg Cc Cc " " " LONDON (Reuters) -- Astron- G 'or Onin sie tao ete omers in 10 countries including VEAL STEAKETTES 2 1b pkgs 9c Yyy Maple Leaf Pacific, Whole or Half bor, which says it is the wrong Reg. P. bag 43 Y bill at the wrong time, Canada put their clocks back 9, Ftice bag 4e--SAVE 20 Y in effect,|1-10th of a second during PEAS & CARROTS 2b bag Mc y WIENERS 1-b cello pkg 49: oo PIN ib c Labor maintains, that the Conservatives are put- '|Easter, the Royal Astronomical |. ting the cart before the horse Observatory announced Tues- by moving against the little | 44Y. man, the shopkeeper, while! The clocks were put back be- promising later action -- after|C@US€ of a slight slowing down of the earth's rotation. Atomic clocks are so accur- DIVIDENDS jate that it now is possible to jgauge changes in the speed. of the earth's rotation. Piaf H. Ashdown Hardware' The Royal Observatory's ul- a anh Class A 30 cents, Class|timate time standard is the po- bs as April 30, record sition of known stars which pass Dominion Electrohome Indus- veg 97 ar er th tries Ltd., 5% per cent pfd. Se- J his nee F ries A $i 4375. M 1, |hairline of the lenses of the ob- Aoi dhege ay record) iservatory' 's zenith telescope the exact moment of time is auto- mena Rexel com| matical" resered on panched April - 15: | tape which is fed into a com- Holt Renfrew and Co, Ltd,,|Puter. common 25 cents, May 1, record The computer compares the April 10. observed time with the calcu- Rolland Paper Co, Ltd., Cla.a lated time and notices any dif- A 7% cents, June 1, record May ference between the two. Canada, Britain, Australia, 8. Union Acceptance Corporation 'he United States, Argentina, CHOICE QUALITY Ltd., first pfd. Series A 78 125) Cechosloyakia, Italy, Japan, ' A p CHERRIES & Re pirteD 4 DAY SPECIAL! s * * * cents, 6% per cent first pfd. Se-|South Africa and Switzerland ries B 52.083 cents, May 1, rec-|all put their clocks back during ord April 15. the weekend. Raisin Pie pict beo one slp sun-rich 15 FL Reg. Price Ns . fy RA ISIN 4. o1 TINS C 2 tins 49c : JANE PARKER, DAILY DATED, SLICED | | = ee WHITE BREAD CASE OF 24 TINS $5.34 -- SAVE §dc PIE LARGE 24-0Z SIZE r ee ae CHO cE QUALITY : --., each 3 9. --= As asia STYLE CORN | oe voaves Shee C ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE -«:33« "ee savese Nene Jane Parker eg. Price loa o-- eer CASE OF 24 TINS $4.44 -- SAVE 6 BREAD OLD FASHIONED 24.07 loa 2. 1c ; Jane Parker Reg. Price each 35e--SAVE 60 PURITAN Reg. Price tin 41o--SAVE Te Bolo Coloured SPECIAL! BANANA BAR CAKE «29 | BEE E STEW 2 7 5 MARGARINE A ib rkos De Jane Parker, Vermont Delight Reg. Price each 39e--SAVE 6¢ 24-oz tins Phillip's, Plain or Mint Flavoured Reg. bt! 69e--SAVE 100 COFFEE CAKE ench 33e © MILK of MAGNESIA." resocm5 9 Jane Parker Plain, Sugared, Cinnamon CASE OF 24 TINS $9.00 -- SAVE 8Ac (With Free Shorty Rollers Attached) Reg. $1.89--SAVE 40¢ CAKE DON UTS. eg oot? 2 3e CHOICE QUALITY CASE OF 24 TINS $4.14 ADORN HAIR SPRAY 7-102 2¢r0s0! can 1.49 CHEESEROLIS" ers) AWVON PEAS = 4e6Qc reaNur'BUTTER 4.0: 4. 35 may very well make the best 'toast you ever tasted 2 IE ES AES ei New Low Price KLEENEX TISSUE = 3 s%s:c1400 J Qe Monks' Bread has a flavor you can't toast away. - | POPULAR BRANDS | onan PEKoE Reg. Price pkg 850--SAVE 6s Even butter can't hide it. It has a goodness you oy. Ly 4 CIGARETTES | SALADA TEA BAGS 1 79 don't find in most bre ad, It's a bread . a that wasn't KLEENEX, WHITE OR COLOURED Reg. Price pkg 49e--SAVE 4e meant to be sold. It began as simple sustenance gh - Y rs ctn of 3 16 PAPER TOWELS pkg 2 rolls A 5c td for the monks at the Abbey of the Gen esee--men ' PUERTO RICAN, A. 4 \ 200 PURITAN Reg. Price tin 39e----SAVE 4c who eat no meat, fowl. All Se ; eat, no fow the good things 4 Tock. 4 f MEAT BALLS ds dank aOR 3 5: the monks baked into their full- flavored loaf LARGE SIZE 12's --. 2 % BALLET, WHITE OR COLOURED Reg. Price pkg 47e--SAVE 40 naturally toast up better. MITCHELL'S TOILET TISSUE oks of Ap rts Ae Ze Try Monks' B. ty Monks' Bread tomorrow, toasted, CALIFORNIA, LONG GREEN, NO. 1 GRADE VITAMINIZED REGULAR Reg. Price pkg 51e--SAVE' 180 C KOTEX SUPER or SLENDERLINE Z. rkasot 12 89. lb wise ey cor oNen. Price pkg 8ie-SAVE AN EXTRA 4e CALIFORNIA, NO. 1 GRADE, WHITE, COMPACT HEADS, GOOD SIZE, CELLO WRAPPED J if ICE TOILET TISSUE (22 ORDEAL) phat yal 27: Dole Fancy Quality CAULIFLOWER ea h 29: PINEAPPLE JUICE 20-foztin 2 Te 7 SS ee MINUTE RICE cuorsky Ble Florida, Round Stringless, No. 1 Grade Florida, Green, Fresh, Firm Heads, No. 1 Grade HOSTESS CORN CHIPS 11-0z cello pkg 49: GREEN BEANS | 9 CABBAGE 2 ibs J 5 C ( 'THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ITD. California Navels, Fancy Grade, Very Best for Eating Ontario Grown, Crisp and Tender, No. 1 Grad The GENERAL BAKERIES LTD. bakes Monks' ORAN ' "Tc. 4 TORES Bread for you, using the exact prepackaged formula deliv +b cello bag 69: CARROTS 3-lb cello bag 1 9 A «A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY ered to the bakery, special Monks' Bread pans, and fol- Ontario Hothouse, No. 1 Grade, Long Green Slicers King Albert Variety, No. 1 Grade lowing a strict preparation schedul d spy iy e, under guidance CUCUMBERS each | 9. CUT DAFFODILS bch of 12 39: : ALL PRICES Bh bad Mga ed ge i ud THROUGH cee r ren ee 2 -------- ) am a enrenes ne