Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Mar 1964, p. 1

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Weather Report Mostly cloudy with the chance of a few showers Tuesday. Winds south-west 25. Thought For Today Some people have been all over the country, but then so have a lot of boxcars, Dhe Oshawa Gimes = : Price Not Over Ottowa ond for payment cf Postoge in Cash, 10 Cents per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1964 EIGHTEEN PAGES. 'WE DO NOT WANT WAR' GREEKS SAY Will Fight Only VOL. 93 -- NO. 70 Robarts To Revamp Police Bill TORONTO (CP) -- Some sec-| 'Can it be that a small pro- tions of Ontario's controversial| portion of citizens who turn out new police legislation will bejto exercise their franchise has withdrawn, it was announced|led Mr. Cass to believe that we Sunday. no longer care very much about A statement from Premier safeguarding (our basic) Robarts was issued by his press rights?" she said 200,000 TONS aide, William Kinmond. It said:| A letter from 75 members of Premier Rodarts has said he the Don Heights Unitarian con- will withdraw certain controver- sregation and Rey. J. Franklin sial sections of the bill wh ch,/Chidsey, directed to the pre- as presented to the Ontario leg- Mier, said the proposed law islature Thursday, would allow;would create machinery for a jetai jai] (Police state persons to be detained in jail/P° state seg virtually indefinitely without Rabbi Walter S Wurzburger trial told his iio oege Saturday: oe SES ib abe "The mere fact that such a I have had me er ae oe |drastic and dangerous bill could taikive wi fone ie he bill tobe proposed glaringly reveals neon beige on Act Tt.is my|th@ precarious structure or our amend the Police. Act It.is MY} jin orties" opinion that these sections will Pan have to be deleted and they are IS TOO DRASTIC being withdrawn." Toronto lawyer Joseph: Sedg-| But later, Mr. Kinmond said wick said that the proposed leg-| that after the premier had spent !S!ation lage be too eave' the day with his legal advisers/¢Ve if the Mafia and Cosa Nos- he had decided to clarify the|'"@ Were entrenched and a pro- os CROWDS SILENT GREEK KING CONSTANTINE he . . ® Boston Mob Hurt | Liz, Agent Claims BOSTON (AP)--A press agent|the company of Shakespearean for Elizabeth Taylor com-|players who will present Ham-| piained today that the actressi/let at the Shubert Theatre, was injured by an unruly mob opening Tuesday. | of youths who stormed. Logan; An estimated 3,500 persons International Airport and a Bos- waited at the' airport for a ton hotel Sunday for a look at glimpse of the Burtons but were her and her actor husband,|disappointed- when the Trans- Richard Burton. Canada .Air Lines plane was Discussing a jam at the Sher- towed off the airport apron to'a aton Plaza Hotel upon the stars' |locked hanger, arrival from Toronto, in which| 'The throng at the airport was the Burtons were jostled aslone of the most unruly within they pushed their way throughimemory at the field. ithe lobby, John Springer said|--------_-- paneer | stitute He predicted the imminent | OF TROUBLE? TORONTO (CP)--A United States scientist said Saturday that overfed North Americans | are carrying 200,000 tons of excess flesh, Dr. Richard Howard, a bo- tanist who directed a wartime jungle, survival program for the U.S. Army, criticized mil- lions of post-war citizens who wheel bushels of fat-produc- ing foods from the supermar- ket each week. Dr. Howard, a director at Harvard University, Boston, spoke to a group of 400 at- tending a Royal Canadian In- lecture. If Under Attack ATHENS (CP - AP) -- The|minor traffe collision with a po- Greek government declared to-|lice car. The British soldier was day. that it wants peace in Cyp-|nicked in the ear but the Ca- rus and will use its arms there nadian was not injured. jonly in the event of an attack. | The Canadian, who was in the The statement was made in|British vehicle with the British ithe speech from the throne, soldiers is being disciplined, a jread for the first time by 23-|Canadan military spokesman jyear-old King Constantine, who|said, because he was out of {succeeded to the throne on the|bounds at the time. death of his father, King Paul,| Although the first Canadians March 6. arrived here more than a week | "The whole nation shares in|ago, they still are the only men jthe trials and struggles of the/under UN command and the Greeks in Cyprus," it said. "'We/force has not yet been declared |give them undivided support." |operational. The statement also held out islati ecessariy with-| 'ection racket was flourishing in a nah REC y the province : r. Sedgwick, former treas- It is-not: known whether del-| uray of the Law Society of Up- etions will include the section per Canada, made the state-| giving the Ontario Police Com-| 1 ont during a radio panel dis-| mission power to summon PpeF-|ayccion sons for questioning in secret) P. Barry Pepper, another without legal counsel and to jail| po onto jawyer and also a pan-| them indefinitely if they refuse elist. also expressed shock at to answer questions. |the proposed legislation i The statement was read over) The last previous official the telephone by Mr. Kinmond.|statement by Mr. Robarts was, Meanwhile, the Voice of\made in the legislature Friday Women, a Unitarian congrega-|and later to protesting students.' tion and two prominent Toronto|He pledged that the legislation lawyers added their indignant|would be re - examined and protests to the chorus of angry changed if found to jeopardize|t¢ : eputy The deletions may be made|entee. President Eamon de Va- reaction against Attorney - Gen-/ individual rights. eral Cass's proposed amend- ments. when the legislature meets at Brendan e 467 7 7 | I've never seen such | : they used to be. The holes in urie n u in jcontrolled reception," he com-| An Oshawa woman is under! swiss cheese are smaller, DUBLIN (Reuters) Ire-, land paid a last farewell today to playwright Brendan Behan, buried this morning in Glasne- vin cemetery. Among the 300 persons at- ending the burial service was Premier Sean Mac- lera was represented by an Mrs. C. B. MacPherson, na-|3 p.m. It is possible that the|aide-de-camp. tional president of VoW, pro-jbill will still go to the labor, tested the measure in an open/legal and municipal bills com.-|city's centre as the funeral pro- ¢ ' cession passed, A requiem mass of Behan's. own: ----|for Behan in the Church of the! letter to Mr. Robarts. 'mittee, Crowds were silent in the {funeral procession were his wi- Mrs. Burton required the atten- itions of a doctor after the inci- |dent. | 'She wrenched her back and jarm and was almost in a state lof collapse," he said. production of sterilized | | gamma-radiated food, capa- | ble' of sitting months on a | | shelf without refrigeration. -- | He pointed out that some of the old foods are not what Grease Sparks Behan 2-Alarm Fire | plained. "The Burtons wanted|sedation after. fire this morn- to say hello to their fans, but/ing flashed through the kitchen under these conditions it was|and dinette of her Arthur street impossible." home. Hotel Manager Daiel Nyboe,) fire Chief Ray Hobbs said jwho ran interference for the Mrs. K. Ohecko had been pre- famous couple to get them in-|yaring French fries when she| side the hotel, described the ex-| suffered a dizzy spell and spilled) Crushing Ice A graveside tribute was paid/Perience as "the worst thing crease on a red-hot element. because cows are treated with antibiotics which go into the milk and kill some 'of the hole-inducing bacteria, - the playwright's coffin in the dow, father and mother, and; brothers, nephews and cousins. The coffin was draped with the orange - green and - white tricolor of the Irish Republic. 'thodox religion, the Greek peo- lies Nei I've been through in my life." Mrs' Checko escaped her blaz- Si ks S ] by Matthew O'Neill, a close 13 ' ' friend who had served in jail WERE SHOVED jing kitchen without injury. In ealer with Behan. The couple stepped into the| Flames leapt through kitchen! sT, JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--One O'Neill spoke in Gaelic and|crowd from a limousine and|windows as the Oshawa Fire sealing ship was lost during the English, ending with a sentence|were shoved anq pulled, By the| Department responded to the|weekend and others were held 'time they reached the elevator,| dual alarm; The fire was quickly|in the crushing grip of a vas "Wrap up.my green jacket ie'Burton was in a rage and his brought under, control. No esti-/ice - field north of Newfound- \remained vague today after |completion of the airlift of Ca- a hand of friendship to neigh- boring Turkey and pledged con- tinued Greek adherence to the}! CONFERS WITH _THANT Officials hope for some clar- fication of the situation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- force after its commander, Lt.- zation, Both Greece and Turkey|Gen. Prem Singh Gyani of In- are members of NATO, but their dispute over Cyprus has threatened the alliance. Appearing in a_ field mar- shal's uniform, the king again swore fidelity to the Greek Or- ple and the Gréek constitution, completing the formal ceremon- of his succession to the throne. NICOSIA (CP)--The status of the United Nations Cyprus force jnadian troops to the Mediter- a island, dia, returns from a meeting in Geneva today with Secretary- General U Thant. UN sources said they still do not know when the contingent from Brazil is due to arrive, jand that the arrival of contin- gents from Sweden, and Ireland is still a week or more away. Finland, Meanwhile, British troops continued the struggle to pre- vent a Cypriot civil war and the chaos this would produce both on Cyprus and within the NATO" alliance. Officials here studied the text of an interview Cypriot Interior qi ea Weekend Thieves Loot Bank Boxes The transport of some 1,000/ Minister Polycarpos Saar . Sacred Heart in the Donny:'a brown paper par¢el--l'll not'witr near hysterics. lmatée of damage was available land. |Canadians was completed Sun-|gave the Cyprus news agen: ' |brook district. had a packed need it now any more." The Burtons arrived here with' at press time. | The 240-ton Terra Nova, her a : Battalion, Royal 22nd regiment,|ition of the UN f * 5 water and sank about 80 miles|"* peace force's spoken author of The Quare [said the operation had gone/role, Georgadjis said the is- Fellow and The Hostage, died ; i and were later picked up by the} One of the Canadians got ajwas responsible for Cypriot se- ' Norwegian sealer Norsell. preliminary taste of what the/curity "and expects the United termes in. both Britain and Ire: Owners of the Terra, Nova,|force may face in attempting to! NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)| The bank spokesman in Tor-|jand for his activities on behalf e e \Earle Freighting Services of|keep peace between the Turkish|the government." E ts: W h | rat tie boxes during the weekend atfer|ing what clients kept an their/nle grave beneath cypress X1S S a as Ing Onl =: to. take off the sunken|bullets at the Canadiin and al lawful, volunteer force assisting burrowing through three - foot -/boxes. Normally, the boxes are/trees, ship's crew. But like the Nor-/British soldier late Sundayithe government while Turkish- WASHINGTON (CP)--George, 'As matters now stand, therejing --. iis cas nig oped -- es = ino longer be considered mem- A vault containing the bank's was considere : | j own funds was not touched. a fairly small branch, | Rivers Of Mud Rusk, says he is. concerned/and settlement of those tie-ups cussed. N A k Ieper nageon gens British about the possibility of new Ca-|will have to de on th - ' ssue D S S @ | - Seer) possibility of new Ca-|will have epend | Mr, Hall issued a statement el wr n |had "failed" to keep the peace probably will take three days several months ago by a war ' , before an estimate can be made pensioners' organization. It had that "'this will be a matter for laws." sition to the federal govern- He called for the removal of of mud topped with debris from the courts to settle." Last year injunctions were|ment trusteeship ever the SIU all fortifications and roadblocks recent brush fires swept across involved. dent, but police said they have Police said the thievés may not been able to identify the } side residents fought in pouring rain to save threatened homes wall into the bank from a va-jinstruments and tools after the cant store adjoining the bank on|theft, police said. The only thing warned motorists Sunday nicht jto avoid 'areas where a se Falls. The bank building i : es g is more Police said the thieves, wark- than 100 years old, antedating|/cars were having trouble stay ing on mud-slick roads day and Lt.-Col. Andrew Wood-|during the weekend. ij |congregation eric emmerniremmuRest > cai | wooden hull cracked, filled with | COCk, commander of the Ist) In an apparent Cypriot defin- Behan, hard + drinking, out- north of Gander Saturday, Her|*; " b ne 24-man crew escaped to the ice| VeTY» Very well. land's ministry_of the interior Friday at the age of 41 Behan, who had served jail | 4 |Nations force to co-operate with Methodical thieves cleaned out|onto said the bank would havelof the outlawed Irish Republi- Carbonear, Nfld., diverted the|and Greek factions in Cyprus. | He also sa' more than 100 safety deposit)great difficulty discover-| can Army, was buried in a sim- [poabburning sealer Kyle to the} Greek - Cypriots fired three|riot "nationa guard" was a thick walls into a branch of the|used to hold jewelry, personal! Walking immediately behind . sell, the Kyle bogged down injshortly after their British mil-|Gypriot police, he said, had Canadian Imperial Bank of|valuables, cash, stocks and}- : : Saturday termed the talks heavy ice. litary vehicle was involved in a| abandoned their posts and could P. Delaney, special labor as-\is no doubt that there may be} "exploratory" but gave no other, ---------- | sistant to State Secretary Dean more tie-ups in American ports|details about the topics . dis-| An official of the bank at the Police said the adjoining . i hip ¢ US t f head office in Toronto said it|store had last been: oc i H LA A nadian ship tle - ups in U.S.\courts--everyone is aware ofjof his own the same day reit- $B bate st been' occupied it ak he rea Great Lakes ports but suggests|that. We can't change the'erating his organization's oppo- pa Cyprus. LOS ANGELES (AP)--Rivers ' : ' of how much was stolen, but po-\then been renteq under the Is A e n 10ts / i lice said a "large amount" was!name of a Niagara Falls resi- Delaney added in an inter- sought to force U.S. waterfront/of Canada and four other mari- as well as the re-establishment streets, sidewalks and lawns unions to handle Canadian ships! time unions. of communications throughout here today as firemen and hill- have worked for weeks or/lessee. F months, digging through the The thieves removed all their and: cars Firemen in the Glendale atea of city police headquarters onjJeft behind was wrapping pa- the fringe of downtown Niagara per apparently used for food. of major brush fires denud hills last week. Spokesmen said} ing from a washroom in the the incorporation of Niagara store, removed bricks individu- Falls as a city. It is an impos- Chevy Chase Drive was ally and carefully stacked them ing stone-fronted structure sim-|closed at 7:30 p.m. and Euilinita as they worked through the jjay in design to the nearby po- and Western avenues were par- wall. They then used eee lice headquarters building ticularly hard hit. torches to cut through stee THANT AT GENEVA plate three-eighths inch thick on the vault They opened a hole about two feet square in the vault wall and pushed aside safe-deposit boxes lining the vault at that point to gain entry They then opened every safe- deposit box in the vault and cleaned out everything in them Bank officials declined to say} exaetly how many boxes were} of an . nadian Seafarers view that he knows of no spe- cial arrangements .between the U.S. and Canadian governments to prevent tie-ups that may re- sult from the ousting of Hal C. Banks as president of the Ca-| International but court action proved to be| The trusteeship was estab- stow and complicated. At least| lished after a royal commission a U.S. port without cargo. MONTREAL. (CP) Paul Hall, president of the Seafarers'| International Union. of North! America, left Montreal] Sunday) after conferring with represen-| tatives of the federal board of} martime trustees. | Mr, Hall was believed plan- lessness Banks, and_ highly Union. "The department would pre-! fer that the difficulties that have arisen between' Canadian and U.S. unions regarding the Seafarers leadership be settled . by the trade unions involved," "1g a meeting in Washington, he said ' ID.C., today concerning a dis- ; Fe pute in the United States over Minister Fears Further Strife flag vessels, Mr. Hall will return here for NEW DELHI (AP) -- Primeypages of Hindu mobs as a re-|the island and the removal of Minister Nehru has urged Pak-\action to anti-Hindu rioting in|the "green line" cease-fire line India. Nehru made the proposal in Moslem| |area, the sources said. | a private letter to Pakistani REFUGEES ENTER President Khan . on Mohammed Friday, tween India and Pakistan. Ayub Pee sido 150,000 refugees from East Pak- sources discloseq today, Nehru istan entered India in the first HAMILTON (CP) -- Labor,was described as greatly con-|11 weeks of the year. Some} Minister MacEachen said Sa-|cerned that the religious disor- turday he: fears a summer of|ders might turn into massacres |shipment' of wheat on foreign strife on the Great Lakes thisjand provoke new trouble be- The Indian government says} {1 ii |Christians were in the exodus.| | Although Nehru did not pro- |pose a personal meeting with |Ayub Khan, he was said to be i formal agreement with the Pak- one Canadian ship had to leavejreport told of waterfront Jaw-|istan to join with India in meas-|East Pakistan last December|in Nicosia. | criticized| ures to halt Moslem-Hindu riot-|and January and the flood of jing which has already resulted) Hindu refugees into India from| jin some 200 deaths in eastern] the predominantly Plane Hits Home Passenger Dies PENTICTON, B.C. (CP) -- A ight plane fell out of control nto a house Sunday, killing a woman passenger and critically njuring the pilot. The occupants of the house, |Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hillman, es- sie 4 caped physical injury but suf- "My hope is that there willl The 74-year-old Indian leader, | Willing to come eventually to a fi i 7 ered shock. Police said Mrs. Blanche Must Ease World's: another meeting with board of-/n0t be trouble but my guess is|Still recovering from a mild |ficials Thursday, |that there will be some," he|Stroke in January, urged im- | The talks hegan last Thurs-|£3id. |mediate talks between the home| BS : ' ee to hie wiewe|Ministers of both countries: as| day after the trustees fired Hal) The minister gave his viewS|. first step in a joint effort to| jBanks as president of the SIU|on the firing of SIU President! prevent further bloodshed. jof Canada and replaced him! ia) Banks and its possible con-| Ayub Khan has not yet re-| jwith Charles Turner. sequences to a luncheon meet-|plied to Nehru's overture, the sources said. jthat details of the rioting could istani president on joint efforts to decrease the tension. Home Minister Gulzari Lal Nanda revealed in Parliament that the number of dead had risen to about 200. He refused to answer questions, explaining Vera Shaw was killed. The pi- lot, T. H. Westfall, was taken to hospital with multiple inju- ries. Witnesses said the plane was flying low when it gyrated crazily and plunged almost straight down into the roof of ing of the Hamilton East Lib-| | Others involved in the discus- i | LY Tou CS .{Sions besides Mr. Hall were : |Charles Millard, one of the trus- tees; Allan Hope, executive as- in the Interna: sistant to the board; Mr. Tur-| for this and tional market place. ner, and executive officers of nerations."' "How long shall we permit/the SIU of Canada. here from New,blind economic forces to con-| A'statement after their meet-| the conference;|tro| human relations?" he- sscceamamuea cca kind ever held. 'asked x | The secretary general said he expects the conference: to lay} the groundwork for new trage| policies and work out some sort! of instrumentality for carrying| them out. This was an. appar- ent allusion to a Communist proposal for a new international trade organization under the United Nations--opposed by' the West "The emergence of the soci ist countries, already ': on the road to indust as gradually expanding trading 2 nations, has created strong rea their fuller integration Ino internationa omy," Thant said Western officials 'herz, sizable number of the backward nations as weéll, take the view eral Association. | Nehru described the ram-|only incite further violence. the one-storey home. z, broken into, but conceded that more than 100 were involved Guard Charged In Art Theft bev ee peal QUEBEC (CP)--Lucien Chou- of trade nullified "to a marked inard, 33, a guard at the Que- extent' multilateral and_bilat- bec Provincial Museum unti! eral assistance programs to the Jan. 21 has heen charged with'qeveloping countries, creating theft of a $15,000 Renoir paint-|the need for control.of market ing March 13 forces that had "'unti] now been The burned remains of the 52-/permitted to counter govern- year-old still-life painting- were ment policies," he said found, by Police Friday in a Opening the UN conference house in Quebec West, where on trade and development here Chouinard lived : Thant said it should lay the The man also was charged|foundation: fo! .and pave with causing damage to a paint-|way toward a new trade policy i by. Mary Cecile Bouchard development and define the a Ouchec artist. It was valued neces instrumentality for at $175 ts mentation." GENEVA (Reuters) -- Secre | tary-General U Thant said to- day the United Nations must make a determined effort to solve internationa! economic problems or risk seeing its help to perity and succeeding Thant flew York to open biggest of its secure universal pros-la larger role ce TV Crucifixion | 'Sacrilegious': Metro Bishop TORONTO (CP)--Rt. Rev: F.) § H. Wilkinson, Anglican Bishop! @, of Toronto, has asked the CBC : 1'to cancel a proposed television program showing a modern-day version of how the network would) have covered Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection The bishop has sent a tele- gram to CBC President A)- phonse Ouimet strongly protest ing the showing scheduled for Wednesday of A Special P,o- gram--The Open Grave "Such a presentation could} oriy be. sacriligious, u:nhisto-} cal and offe to all Chr ins;"' the te m The A. rival cr bishop said the pfogram wa not submitted to the relig.ous ladvisory council of the CBC, ATMOSPHERE FAVORABLE He sz "unique atmosphere! of agreement' prevailed over the convening of the session "A long chain of events has contributed over many years to the growing conviction that. the! United) Nations must make a determined effort to deal jointty Ybiems of trade and 1s of development or run of frustrating the. ef- the zanization§ to maintain world peace The will proble the forts risk th of the oblem of 1 com € and it is p gC ration that has best oppor- told trade. ministers and unity to realize that interna- leading delegates from tional relations are not. deer- than 120 countries: mined lely 'by diplomaic in- "You-can hardly do less than't Supporting milit-\that the Communists have not provide mankind, both. in I influ- been doing enough to help the 1 r-developed and in the fields h not nations their ed It wa sether igh ons for ino ; our gen tt econ- He other more ia S¢ CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. HOSPITAL 723-2211 people in the expai'd not -clea MOTORCYCLE RACERS SPILL their sidecar Leicester, esterday. Wheeler suffered a countries ramework ( Y daily Tha chiding 'then: for not t 725-6574 clive policy to m | bread laying a Jarger role..or blam real vehicle of pro: ss towafd) Than aid the Communist ing the West.for not ullowing 'economic development and th'siworld should be allowed to play them to, at ui Says ew were thrown from torcycle and at foreground, speeds David Wheeler hurtles his passenger, | Arthur Poulton, after they turned at cable fractured skull and Poulton 'miles hour and escaped with minor - injuries. Their vehicle hil\a safety rail over. (AP Wirephoto v coming out. of # bend at 60 from London), mo- during England, an by as over ace he =

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