Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Mar 1964, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Thacday, March 19, », 1964 7 | | WED 50 YEARS --Oshawa Times Photo. Mr. & Mrs. Sagar Morey Feted At Surprise Party And Dinner A surprise party and dinner,Wagar, Cornwall; Mr, and at First Baptist Church mark-|Mrs. Guy Wagar, Prescott; ed the fiftieth anniversary for); Mrs. William Wagar and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Sagar Morey,|Parham; Mrs. Verdeen Wagar, Verdun road, last Saturday.| Kingston; Mr. and Mrs Ard. Head table guests were the im-|Wagar, Toronto; Mr. and M* mediate family, the honored|Ross Morey and: Warren, Ver- guests and the Master of Cere-| ona; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick monies, Mr. Frank Newell, Tebo, Flinton, Ontario; Mrs Mrs. Morey is the former William Babcock, Stella and Eliza Jane Wagar, Parham, Alfred and Mrs. Lyle Rickett, Ontario, daughter of the late all of Chaumont, New York; Mr. and Mrs. William Wagar. Mr. A. J. Peterson and Miss Her bridegroom of fifty years Rowena Peterson, Watertown, was born in Veruna, the son|New York and Mr, Robinson of the late Mr. and M r's.| Nicholson, Whitby. Archibald Morey. Mr. and Mrs. a Morey were married in the parsonage of the Parham Unit- ed Church by the late Dr. 'opping. The couple came to Oshawa) about 43 years ago. They have} six children; ughters, Phyl-| lis (Mrs. Russell Shane), Vel-) ma (Mrs. Lloyd Butler) and) Miss Agatha Morey, Denver,| Colorado. Their three sons are! Cloyd, William (Bud), and Guy, ell of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Morey have twelve grandchil- dren Messages were received from Prime Minister Lester Pear-| son, the Right Honorable John! Diefenbaker, leader of the op- position, Mr. Michael Starr, MP for Ontario Riding, Prime Minister John Robarts of On tario and Mr. A. V. Walker, MLA. They received a plaque from the Provincial Govern- ment and a TV set from their! six children. Many other small- er gifts, cards and greetings were received by the couple. A yariety program was the evening's entertainment Mr, Robinson' Nicholson, Whitby played the piano. A barbershop quartet composed of Mr. Don- ald Fleming, Mr. Murray Osborne, Mr. Robert Lean, and Mr. Robert Tole sang favorite old hymns, Miss Ellen Wagar played a piano solo and Miss Rowena Peters sang "How Great Thou Art," accompanied by Mr. Nicholson Out-of-town guests present for the occasion were Miss Agatha Morey, Denver, Colorado: Mr and Mrs. Irwin Morey, New- burg; Mr. and Mrs. Robert L Wagar, Petawawa: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wagar, Verona: Mr and Mrs. Leland Wagar. Corn wall; Mr. and Mrs. Randell Wager, Napanee Mrs Ivan Face of Fashion Has Fragile Look To Greet Spring A fresh delicacy in make-up hallmarks the face of fashion this spring, to complement the new gentle mood in clothes Called The Fragile Look. this beauty plan features provoca- tive pastels to put the face in soft focus for the strongest beauty impression imaginable In a season of newly softened more gently conceived fashion, harsh make-up could not be more out of place. With frankly flattering, deeply brimmed hats; dresses that captivate with pleats, blousing and lower. often-ruffled necklines; -- bold colors for the face destroy a could-be pretty illusion. Even) accessories such as paler stock- ings, more delicately designed shoes and fresh flower touches demand a new light approach to make-up The new look begins with .a tender shell pink in lipstick cream rouge and nail Jacquer definitely fragile. To be worn with it in pretty pairs are four new Cream Eye Shadows, pale pink, a blush of a shade: green the light, yellow-green of, willow leaves; ivory, a. rich. cream; and light beige. Two unusually attractive ways to shadow the eyes with these colors: For a decorative effect pink is smoothed under the brow with green worn ori the lid. T ornamental look was first ROGER WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN BUY LESS ROGER' 5 EXAMPLE: 1964 LOW BOY TV FROM 199.00 EXAMPLE: 30°' RANGE Complete with Rotisserie 169.50 We cerry such famous brand names as © FLEETWOOD *@ ROGERS MAJESTIC both TV & Stereo @ McCLARY-EASY ® KELVINATOR Woshers, Dryers, Freezers, Refrigerators, Ranges, etc. PRICE & COMPARE You'll be amazed ot the savings ! No Down Payment No Payments Until May EVERY ITEM FULLY GARANTEED. ROGER APPLIANCES 155 SIMCOE SOUTH' 728-2151 ans GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Sled. Church, Bowmanville and/the piano. fred Harris, their leader, using Mrs. Lawrence Allen opened the theme "Easter." The fol- the King| lowing members took part: rataege ge a agate 8\Mrs. Gordon Reeson, Mrs. Jack welcome was extended to 'Phe| Chamberlain, and Mrs. Joshua) Mission Circle of The First|Kinsey. Hymns were sung Baptist Church, St. Paul's Unit- wate Mrs. Theodore Wilkins at) KING STREET UCW Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mrs, Harry Blakely intro- The 23rd Psalm was read by|duced the speaker, Mrs. Ross; a gee Mrs. Wilbur Rusnell in .mem-|Stevens, who, with her hus-| ory of four of the departed|band, visited their ins !Miss Muriel Stevens, a mission-| members, Mrs. William Alsop, jy nurse in the Congo. They |Mrs. J. B. Frost, Mrs. J. R.' spent some time in the Congo Booth and Mrs. Hales Barker.) Angola and Rhodesia. Mrs. Herbert Porter reported) They found beautiful homes on the Valentine Tea which) built by the Belgians, who own | large sugar refineries The |was a great success. Mrs. Her-| |stores in the cities were very bert Wilton read 'he card re-|modern. The natives came port and Mrs, Kenneth Proctor,/from surrounding districts to the correspondence, € Dates to remember: recrea-|Pials. tion club, March 21; dessert; The next meeting is April 9 at luncheon, Ardent Workers in}8 p.m. 'The Loyal Workers charge, April 29. The devotion-| under the leadership of Mrs. al period was in charge of the| Robert Bland served refresh- Ardent Workers _and Mrs. Wil- ments. AL'S BI-F at AL's BI-RITE--in Time for EASTER R SAVING Men's 3-Piece Suits 2.99 a Complete with two pr. trous- ers in the newest checks or plains. Sizes 36 to 44. Re- guler velues to 45.00. EASTER SPECIAL daughter, |. be treated at the mission hos- | "THAT'S A GOOD ONE! and Mrs. Stuart Oshawa, and Mrs. Sexsmith, Bancroft. This bundle of sunshine is Stuart Archie Burgess who was only six months old when this photograph was taken. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess, Banff avenue, and grandson of Mr. James Cassleman, Bancroft. Burgess, Audrey His great-grandmother is Mrs. also of --Aldsworth Photography VON VISITS WINNIPEG (CP)--The Win-; Order of Nurses made | a | record| years. FASTER SAVINGS Ke SAVINGS EVENT] MEN'S TOPCOATS Finest quality cotton. Show- erproof and windproof, Beige ® or block. Regular to 22.95. EASTER SPECIAL MEN'S 3-PCE. SUITS 2 PR. TROUSERS 5 00 Finest all wool flannels or worsteds. Solid shades or potterns of the lotest styles Regular to 69.50. EASTER SPECIAL AL'S BI-RIT CASUAL ... WORK PANTS.. Men's "'No-lron » DRESS SHIRTS In white or blue. Sizes 14 to 17, Canadian made, Reg. to ® 3.96. EASTER SPECIAL MEN'S TOPCOATS Reversible "Terylene"' Lo- minates newest checks and i colors. Sizes.36 to 44. Re- gulor to 29.95. EASTER SPECIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR "CARHARTT" AND "COWBOY KING" JEANS... . SHIRTS!! -- COME IN AND SEE OUR COM- PLETE SELECTION FOR MEN AND BOYS. Men's "Tab Collar' DRESS SHIRTS a ae Newest fine stripes, Sizes 14 to 162. Regular to 4.95. EASTER SPECIAL MEN'S DRESS PANTS $95 VISIT OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT AND PRICES ON SHIRTS... PANTS.. Newest continentals or regular styles in ploins or foncy patterns Sizes 28 to 44, Reguler to 11.95 pr. EASTER SAVINGS EASTER SPECIAL, Pair MEN'S OR BOYS' COTTON CASUAL PANTS by 'Carhartt' Newest continental styles and colours MEN'S sizes 30 to 44. BOYS' sizes 8 to 18. _ EASTER SPECIAL EASTER SPECIAL 9.95 vr. | 4.95 vr. BI-RITE MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 2.98 Long or short 'sleeve; newest styles and colors. Regular to 4.95 each. EASTER SPECIAL, from SAGKETS:. .. . "BUY NOW AND SAVE AT AL'S BI-RITE" AL'S eon ih. in Florence for the Italian cou Open Fri. Till 9 P.M. ture sollections TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOW JEANS... IN SIZES 6 TO 18 2 PAIR TROUSERS BOYS' SUITS Wool blends in charcoal or navy. Sizes 6 to 10. Sizes 11 to 16. EASTER SPECIAL EASTER SPECIAL 19.95 | 21.95 SHOP AND SAVE -- USE THECONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN AT AL* BI-RITE STORE } 35 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN vm. "TIL 9 P.M. 725-795 l FZ 58,567 home visits in 1963. The ifgure represents a 10-per-cent *linerease over 1962 and a 25-per-| nipeg branch of the Victorian|cent increase in the last three! The St. David's Welsh Society of Oshawa held its annual ban- quet in the UAW Hall last Sat- urday with two hundred and fifty members and guests pres- ent, The daffodil, the national flower of Wales, was used as the decorative motif. Each lady at the head table wore a corsage of daffodils, the gentlemen wore a leek, the na- tional emblem ang cousin to the daffodil. The president, Mr, David Andrews presided, and welcomed the guests. He intro- duced the guests at the head table, which included Councillor Thomas Edwards from Whitby, who extended greetings to all, and proposed the toast to Wales; Lieut.-Colonel James Warmica, Commanding Officer of the On- tario Regiment and Mrs. War- nica. Colonel Warnica expressed his pleasure at being present. He gave a brief outline of his recent visit to Wales and pro- posed the toast to Canada. Alderman Hayward Murdoch, jrepresenting Mr. Wyman Gif- ford, Mayor of Oshawa, ex- pressed his thanks, and wished the Society every success. He was accompanied by Mrs. Mur- doch. Mr. David Pugh, recording Guests Wear Datfodils, Leeks At St. David's Society Banquet and Mrs. Mitchell, Bow- manville; Mr. Howard Davies and friends, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and friends, Scarborough. : secretary, read a cablegram from Mr. and Mrs. T. 'D. Thomas, who are vacationing in South Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas sent congratulations and best wishes to all the members of St. David's Society. Mrs. Jack Rus-| of seli; president of the Ladies' Auxiliary, gave a report on the) past year's activities, and asked the members for their co-oper- ation. Mrs. R. J. Andrews said the grace in Welsh, The company joined in singing "Land of Our Fathers" and other Welsh songs, conducted by Mr. Mervin Jenkins, accom- paniment Mr, Stanley Locke. After the sing-song the orches- tra played for dancing until al- most midnight. Guests from Toronto included: Mr. and Mrs, Smith and party Look For the Label In Well-Made Hat The Toronto Millinery Indus- o. has ae renigy the creation Label which will iden all mil- linery manufacturers shops in Canada. The new label, to be introduc- ed by members of the Toronto Millinery Industry in April, re- presents long-term co-operation ~ between the Union in Toronto, (United Hatters, Cap and Mil- linery Workers International Union) and T. M. I. manufac- turers, As in other areas of the Ce nadian fashion industry, the union label will represent the of friends from the Dewi Sant Church; Mr. and Mrs. Glyn|*éghest standards of styling, Evans and party; Mr. Phillips workman: and quality con- and party; Mr, and Mrs, Pere-| trol and will provide a genuine grine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph| guide to the Canadian consum- Peters, Mr, and Mrs, Jobn|er in her choice of millinery. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs, W. Jones,| In Toronto there are 15 manu- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Martin.|facturers, members of the To- Others present were Mr. andjronto inery Industry who Mrs. Tom Edwards, Whitby;| will be using the union label Mrs. M. Longhurst, Galt; Mr.| identification. SONIAVS WILSV4 Truly The Larg SEIG 9 SPORTSWEAR Ltd. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE JOIN THE "EASTER PARADE" TO SEIGNEUR'S | ee eeee STUNNING osbe bbe ci: BBA PUL ie scaceeucs Ge? CHOOSE YOUR EASTER OUT-. FIT FROM THE LARGEST COLLECTION WE'VE EVER HAD IN 35 YEARS... QUALITY AND STYLE CON- SIDERED, THE PRICES, SURPRISINGLY LOW "d LET IT RAIN! WE'RE READY--ARE YOU? ALL WEATHER COATS FROM 16.98 UP GAY COTTONS YOU'LL LOVE FROM 8.98 UP IRRESISTIBLE SPORTSWEAR FROM MATCHING SETS AND CO-ORDINATES TO BLOUSES -- SKIRTS -- SWEATERS AND SLIMS est Stock In Oshawa To Choose From A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE Oshawa Shopping Centre NEUR'S

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