Semen Ny ieee ty og Oy ty Ce Oe TI ag el agg ey Ey, 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 18, 1964 25 India Wages War On Wide Corruption NEW DELHI (Reuters)--The government has launched a ma- jor drive against extensive cor- ruption described? by Prime Minister Nehru as "the fore- most administrative problem" in India today. Home Minister Gulzarilal j |Nanda spearheaded the drive with a pledge he will consider himself unfit for public life if he cannot end corruption in two years. 4| A central vigilance commis- sion will work with the govern ment's special police establish- ment to root out dishonesty among civil servants, {| Official figures showed more than 44,000 government employ+ ees were punished for corrup- tion, bribery or misappropri- ation in the 5 1-2 years up to 1962. 4| Mines Minister K. D. Mala viya resigned recently follow. ing allegations his ministry 4" \gave mining licences to a Cal- /|cutta. company whose owners ». |gave favor to Malaviya. {| Another judge was probing al- legations against the chief mini- ster of Punjab, Sardar Pratap 1|Singh Kairon {| Accusations of dis honesty j against persons in authority have long been something of a 'tradition in India. But, as many commentators have pointed out, India today is full of conditions 4g |that breed corruption HUGE BUREAUCRACY There is a huge bureaucracy, an economy tightly controlled by official rules and regulations, and grave shortages of innu- merable necessities of life, as - : : ; : well as of various luxury goods.. Your last chance to win $100.00 or $500.00 is this com- minion shoppers have already won big cash prizes in 3 wera Rp so ing Saturday, March 27th. If you have been playing 3-IN- IN-A-ROW or spell DOMINO. Many, many more have tng permits and estes. fhe GRY crapell DOMINO this could be your week to win! won... bonus of $2.00. Remember-- next week is the , mooie, et, ae : opemepiae So come on in to DOMINION again this week and get $1,000.00 Grand Prize contest. See all the details on the tatives"™ tn Delhi and other key i : : : 7 : ces, whose job is to cut red your Free card. The very next card you get, could make back of your card. You could win this, too! ee eal indiba Gifitiata bo you $100.00 or $500.00 richer. Hundreds of happy Do- look favorably on requests. + ] Pec ee ac oe sigh int is network. Values Effective In: jlare exceptionally able men who - | ' WHITBY, OSHAWA ey he pe lustrial and business firms ag j directors and representatives a 7 BOWMANVILLE MOUTHWASH and GARGLE -- |sonalities and provedunes in'the UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, MARCH 21st. 1964 er | governmental hpi eeasr ian | A invaluable. Their s'hs are ) J v// THE cs p} REFRESHING PICK-UP! DOLE vost Some ministers : : integrity has | whose o not 'been' chal: lenged have faced allegations 17 that members of their families Oz. C fave cashed in on their con- : size Jnection, Sons have obtained valuable |licences to establish factories jand obtained import licences in circumstances open to criticism. oe , | Brain Tumors : ONT ARIO 18x 29" BROADLOOM | Can Lead To » 48.07 RUGS j Laughter ~ e YOUNG PORK SALE ~- |» ' =e oe L & H ss = Colors rad t 2 |/"Dr."Francis "McNaughton ot i assured of lucrative positions in b i; Shades the Montreal Neurological In- EACH ,.... stitute told a conference of the | Toronto Academy of Medicine " that many cases of abnormai TOWN TALK -- ASSORTED Special! laughter result from brain tum- 7 ors and psychiatric disorders. ; The unconrollable laughter of 16-OZ : a madman is the ultimate de- BOX Cc _ struction of emotional control, lhe said. | Dr. McNaughton dis- | FIVE CELL METAL cussed several cases in which laughter led to the discovery of f ROBIN HOOD TRADITIONAL Special! S G § _ brain tumors in young children. ER p | FLA HLI HT One involved a boy who suf- fered epileptic attacks that were : 14-OZ triggered by. laughter. He was : C less than a year old when they a PKGS. began. At the age of eight he told doctors he could feel the 30 -second spells of laughter spells coming on but could do Serve For Dessert--Stokely's Finest Halves or Sliced i ey Ps ie fa i sense of 3 to 4-Ib. Average e |pleasure during the attacks . E which induced vivid imagination ' ' but they usually ended with a headache and he often fell " asleep imme iiately after. Dr. McNaughton said that de- LE AN-CE N TRE CUT | spite considerable research, the MEXICAN CLEAR GLASS. _|'pite considerable rosea | is still a mystery. | | WATER JUGS P 0 4 K | Amateurs Try Complete c » wer sce Stopper ' 19 54 Percent jetAcH".. al Of Forgeries @ LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Forged i -- ae eee cheques cost $6 for every man, woman and child in Canada last year, L. L. Coleman, distributor ; , told members SKE SRAND-RINPLESS : a foe of the fair practices eonminaes COFFEE URN : Far the Londen Chamber of Com: BREAKFAST BACON STYLE SAUSAGE FREE! SERVICE | ; ea et a casauge were 'bilked of more than $100,- } 000,000 'by phony cheques in 963. : ¢ Mr. Coleman said that forg- LB € LB. a * jeries are not confined to pro- PKG fessional gangs although the PKG. : largest share of the money is taken by organized gangs, Sta- tistics show 54 per cent of forg- eries are pulled by amateurs. The per capita ratio of money lost in Canada through forger- ies is higher than in the United States, he added.