Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1964, p. 11

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MANY DIGNITARIES AT CANADIAN CORPS BANQUET Canadian Corps. Looking on are Mike Starr, MP, left and Albert Walker, MPP, right. --Oshawa Times Photo. duced Ald, John Brady, sec- ond from left, representing the City of Oshawa, to Les Crooks, second from right, president, Ontario Command, dignitaries, representatives of other veterans' organizations. Corps President Al King, centre, is seen as he intro- The annual banquet of the Canadian Corps, Unit 42, Sat- urday night was attended by many of the members, city New Classes For Canines Pedestrian 95 Students To IsInjured Get Experience At Crossing | The Lakeland Chapter of the;head of the commercial depart- Administrative Management So-|ment,. Central Collegiate Insti- ciety through its education com-|tute and by Lloyd G. Corson, Harry Picov, 50, of Park!mittee is sponsoring for the fifth) president, Guide Realty Limited, Hon tg 3 ir -gbelaD ' ba year a Work - Experience Pro-| Oshawa. treated for a bruised chest and)gram involving about 95 Grade| p pibrcctine "e an) wo left leg at Oshawa General Hos-|12 Commercial students selected), Pach porbaoe. pala -- bi by th pital Saturday night and re-\from the Oshawa. Central Cole a peracnal ieoort and sub-| ciation. leased. legiate Institute, the O'Neil Col-| 7741. ee Bilger vices Picov was hit by a car, driven|legiate and Vocational Institute|i0 ° b. ork ag Brice hy by Harry C. Crouter, of Fronte-|and Donevan Collegiate Insti-| ram to the education commit! older it nac avenue, while crossing the/tute. tee of AMS, A-summary will is addition to your ' | Church - Bond intersection The week of March 31 to Aprill then he: prepared ald' coples for-( pee much Early Sunday morning c ars/3 has been selected as the week | warded # Lae hantounriers at pean driven by Lioyd D. Green-jin which the program goes into! wijjow Grove and to participat- : ough, Rossland road east and/effect as the students will be on/ing schools Next training classes for Ronald E. Brear, Beach street,/Easter holidays at this time and| ; jadults will be on Wednesday, Whitby, were involved in anj|the program will not affect their |March 18, at the United' Steel- intersection crash at Ritson|regular school schedule. A . | workers Hall, 115 Albert street, road and Athol] street in Osh-| About 75 to 80. participating) djusts Seat, lat 7 p.m. Children's classes awa. Total estimated damage/firms are needed to handle the} | start Wednesday, March 25, at was $225. group. Each firm is contacted] | 6. p.m, and this is an eight-week A car parked on Simcoe|well in advance and arrange-| Costly Move |class. Youngsters must be be- i |ment: de to take one or tween 10 and 14 years old. street south, near Gibb street,/MeNs ie i When you take your dog to involved in a collision with|™0re students. The idea then is) BRECHIN -- An attempt to you take ya ia "sophie g |to put the student to work per-ladjust his car seat proved) %edience classes, well qualified another vehicle, Sunday, result: forming various office duties an| costly for an Oshawa man early| instructors will demonstrate and ing in a total of $275 to the two|to explain the various systems/Friday evening when his car| teach you how to train sb ne. cars, The parked car was own-|and procedures in effect in that) went out of control near Beaver-| Walking properly on and o} S : articular office. | weary leash, standing for examination, el by Alfred Lea, 251 Simcoe)? |ton and strick guard-rails at the learning 40° cole "when called street south, and the other ve-| side of the road. The vehicle re-| 4 po Be ao _ hicle driven by Wilfred Mann, | VALUABLE EXPERIENCE lceived $200 damage and the ee ie down an 295 King street west. | This plan gives the student|guard rails $25. *"You imight figure that all of Athol. and Albert streets was|S0™e valuable experience; @ Brechin provincial police in-|this could not be taught in a 10- the scene of a crash Saturday|first hand look at actual office| vestigated the incidfent, which week course, but if-simple in: between two cars driven py|conditions and adds consider-| occurred about four miles north! structions are followed both the Walter Rowden, 314 Division ably to his or her business\of Beaevrion on Highway 12. handler and: the dog graduate treet and Ralph Glazier, 185|knowledge. At the same time,/The driver of the car, Rudy Ba-| with a much higher appreciation Gentre street, Whitby. Total|the employer has an oe durina of Oshawa faces charges|and understanding of one an- damage to the vehicles amount-|'? sci these fesse di tage | *. of careless driving and failing| other. Your neighbors will also ed to $90. on-the-job atmosphere and 1s\i, produce evidence of liability! be very happy that the dog next able to weigh up their relative) i). pance door is so well behaved |merits with regard to future per-|~ ' After you purchase a pure- ba manent employment. oe ) chase Chapter Enjoys The Lakeland Chapter of the|,, ie hong poli by gee nn - . Administrative Management So- JOCK HAMILTON! trips to the veterinarians for his Social Evening a, hvac on Aare tren heed |"shots" a great many pets are Managemen ssociation as $ then considered safe and secure A most successful social eve-|always ene ae active interest FUND 203 ie harm and allowed a great ning was held Saturday night at|in business education and train- ! ae | deal of freedom to roam as they the Oshawa Shrine Club by the|ing. A spelling and arithmetic| a. oo ae ee |please and finally come home embers of Peniaicha Canter pmeram ie avaable 0 even | he John Jock" Hamiton [Met WE a7® Maney, ted x 4 . | S| | Wers, their wives and their|a valuable teaching aid and| er avd : A properly trained dog will not guests attended. achievement 'measurement tool! , /%s brings the total con- | stray from home and is a much During the evening the gather-for the business teacher. tribution to date to $203, | happier dog ihe cana nh it pt eine sie j | which amount has. been de- mice ter : A feature of the event was a\COMMITTEE PERSONNEL agg Ae pes at CHRISTIAN SCIENCE draw for door prizes. The eve-| 17°C. Barnett, principal and} Hamilton burned out the SUBJECT ning closed with a buffet supper. proprietor of the Oshawa Busi-| engine on his taxi in a Spiritual "Substance"' was the ness College, heads the educa-| mercy dash to Oshawa from subject at all Christian Science ROBINS ARE HERE tion committee sponsoring the) Toronto last Tuesday with [church services Sunday. Re- "Although there have been work-experience program and) anti-toxin for Donald Wil- |sponsive Reading included this scattered reports in recent\is assisted by Joseph Walsh, fred McDougall who died passage from II Corinthians weeks of robins in the district, head of the commercial depart-| about one hour after the | (4:18): "We look not at the the main body of the harbing-|ment, Donevan College Insti-| toxin arrived. things which are seen, but at ers of spring made their appear-\tute; William Archer, head of He is a self-employed To- the things which are not seen: ance during the weekend. Hun-\the commercial department,| Tonto taxi driver. for the things which are séen dreds were heard singing in the O'Neil Collegiate and Vocation: jare temporal; but the things trees this morning. jal Institute; James Parkhill,| which are not seen are eternal," + \including microwave equipment. | |He also showed some of the tele- ' phone equipment planned for fu- ; |ture /|to the COCBA board, of direc-|-acial segregation policy among and R. Niglis, 66; Mr. and Mrs.;. The next game will be Mar. _|were nominated '|general annual meeting of the j |association to be held March 19 Open Mar. 18 School For Dogs will begin nublic but we can certainly again for this season's final 10-/ make inroads through youth ci training course sponsored| groy e Oshawa Obedience Asso-|----------___-- If you-have a new dog in your house that is six months old or time to start dog training classes to make, your better and more __|service only a few mox' Scotch Cup Automation Is Discussed At Seminar SECOND SECTION She Oshawa Times -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1964 PAGE ELEVEN Cybernation (an extension of automation) could be a "poten- tial paradise on earth in our time or the violent end to all \civilization,"" a prominent New} ; Democratic Party organizer said here Saturday. Robert McKenzie, of Hamil- ton, told 40 people at an NDP seminar at the Steel Workers Union Hall, that cybernation-- the control of computers able |to make decisions for. man -- jwould be the key "'to producing plenty with infinitely less |people." "With some experts pre- dicting that as little as 10 per cent of our work force will be able to produce all we can use in our lifetime, what happens to the other 90 per cent? "" he posed, Mr. McKenzie said the "Cy bernated Age' presents two courses of control: by private enterprise for its use and gain; or the "control of this possible age of plenty by and for the people through their govern- ment," In a session on organizing an election campaign Mr. Me- Kenzie -- a veteran campaign jmanager for Hamilton's federal} incumbent Dr. William Home --) lsaid the secret is to "involve |people in. the building of our |political party." | b He vetoed one suggestion that) eight- and ten-year-old school] \children be "'educated" via the distribution of calendars in |schools, "We should spend most of our 'time with the voting age a. MORE THAN 100 area Kinsmen attended the annual Zone C District 8 Spring Con- ference held at the Genosha Hotel during the weekend. Some of the officials attend- ing the conference are seen prior to one of the sessions . They are, from left to right: Howard Souter, _ president, Whitby Kinsmen Club; Frank Guy, president, Port Hope Club; Jim Gartshore, Whitby, ps, Mr. McKenzie said. Deputy Governor, Zone C; 'HOTEL CLERK | BEATEN, ROBBED WHITBY. (Staff--An un- known assailant struck down William Lafler, about 70, at the Royal Hotel on Brock street north, early this morning, stole his wallet containing about $100 and fled. Mr. Lafler, the night- watchman - desk clerk, suf- fered a stitch cut over his right eye. He was alone in the building at the time. Entrance was gained through the unlocked front 'Breeding Co-Op Has Good Year More than 100 area Kinsmen Zone C Deputy Governor. He gathered at Hotel Genosha over] beat James Pilkington, of Lind- the weekend to attend their an-| say, in a two-way race for the nual Zone District 8 Spring Con-| honor. ference. ; ' : James Gartshore, president |, Following registration, enter-| of the Whitby Club and the in- tainment and late lunch Friday] eymbent deputy governor, con- night, Kinsmen from 15 clubs] gratulated Mr. Guy on his win awoke Saturday morning to face| and urged Mr. Pilkington to run | The annual meeting of On-) |tario County members of Cen-! 'tral Ontario Cattle Breeding As- sociation was held Mar. 12 inj the township hall at Manches- |ter, | The meeting received reports |from several of the associa-| door, Police said nothing ja heavy agenda of business! i 'a |tion's staff members, indicat-| Was disturbed in the hotel. |meetings, panel discussions, a ys rte uinen ling that 1963 had been a very| Constable Ernie Shepperd-. |elections and speeches. So one re ppt agg | Howard successful year with in increase) $0, Whitby Police Depart- Whitby Kinsmen Club hosted)" ral m, Whitby Club of more thap 1700 first serv-, ment, is investigating. | the weekend. fede ie Oshawa Club ices over 1962. BL | President Bruce Mackey, sec- | ELECT DEPUTY GOVERNOR onded a motion that Mr. Gart- General Manager Dr. C.|- . : | . Highlight of the afternoon ses-|shore be given Zone C's support |Reeds reported that in 1963 Cen- South Africa | sion was the election of Frankjin his try for district governor- jtral Ontario Cattle Breeding As- | Guy, of the Port Hope Club as! ship. The motion was endorsed sociation had developed two Cer- - leaner : -- ---- winded tified Meat Sires. He explained! 7 P k G | the beef bull progeny testing 0 FICc roup id e program in operation which in- up cate rid Ee volves buying steer calves sired| F 01 | by Association bulls, feeding) or ympics jthem through a test period, then saibauienciea a | Cl i H ° h S |slaughtering them and measur-| 4 ANNES x (Reuters : jing them and measuring carcass|The South African Amateur Ath- u 1g cores /quality. jletic Union has decided to pick} : | "Central Ontario Cattle Breed- Pr egy of 20 pe rat oe pcb ~ gy Agena OSHAWA GOLF CLUB ing Association has tested off-|white and non-white--for the|/0' es played last week) &, Anderson and F. Hardin |spring of more beef bulls than Olympic Games. oh Me en a ie the ao 58%; Mrs. W. Austin and re |any other breeding organization If South Africa is not allowed/hill, Brooklin, Oshawa Golfp MacKinnon, 55; Mrs. M. in Ontario," he said. to compete in Tokyo, the team|Club and General Motors Dupli- Giarke and J. Germond, 51: Merv. McQuarrie, sire analyst, May make a tour of Europe os a Bridge 'Clubs were: og om reat La F. Bastedo, \explained the young sine proving : : FERNHILL CLUB joy; #. MoCaffrey and P. program in. the dairy gueta Matt Mare, president of the' North and South -- Mrs, w,|Aurence, 50; Mrs. E. C. Jamie- whereby young bulls are kept in{South African AAU, said: "This/teron and C. Nelson, 116; Mr,|S0" and Mrs. C. Clifford, 4744; {hs, then|iS Proof again that South Africa) ang Mrs. W. Baker, 110%; Mrs.|P: Fletcher and M. Moffatt, set aside until their first daugh-/40es -not discriminate against'y. P. Clarke and J. Miller,|4"%- ters prove their ability to pro-|@myone in sport. |109; Mrs. C. Nelson and J.| The club will play its next duce. He reported that offspring} He said the team would: beiColes, 10414; P. Versiuis and L,/game at 7.45 p.in., Mar. 18, of COCBA dairy bulls had made selected on merit and added: | Pee}, 101, ! an excellent showing in 1963 at; Jf we can compete in Tokyo! fast and West -- Dr; Ferrier. GENERAL MOTORS CLUB shows, in the All-Canadian con-'then we will take as many Of and B. Eagleson, 124; Mr. and North and South -- P. Ver- itest and in the Holstein Honor,the top-ranking athletes from/Mrs. Ed. Jeffery, 107; Mrs. G.|sleus and J, Buchanan, 8214: List. The two top sires for the this list as possib.e, Brooks and Mrs. H. Thorndyke,|A. Vaillancourt and S., Sherri- 1963 hopor list were Bond Haven|. Mare added he knew the'102; Mrs, J. Simmons and Mrs. dan, 824%; Mrs. M. R. Clarke Rag Apple Maple and Roeland South African governmentiA, Dowdle, 99; R. Crawford and J. Miller, 82; Mrs. Kashul Reflection So -ereign, both COC-|would have no objection to a and M. Mathews, 97. and R, March, 76%; W. Cox \BA sires. multi-racial contingent. _ Tonight is Master Pointjand J. Wild, 74; Mr. and- Mrs. Guest speaker for the meeting South Africa a Night. Next week's games will/R. B. Davis, 724. was Ray Smiley of the pal Nesiongrted ba o rare ad be be for the club Team-of-Four|' East and West Mrs. W. |Telephone Co, He demonstrated | fre" Peis Glee ie Come {championship. lHeron and R, Niglis, 100; Mr. telephone transmission methods, 'He Internationa Olymp! ! ' land Mrs. W. Baker, 86%: L. | mittee. IOC chancellor Otto, BROOKLIN CLUB Gatchell and D. McCuaig. 83: Mrs. R. Morris and J. Wild,|~ ; eisai Mayer said last month this was, } * . uf ive the South Africans a71; Mrs. D. D R. Mor.|Mrs. S. Sheridan and J. Patter- feat chi ry lew us lson, 8244; Mrs. A.. Dowdle and : last chance to inform us that ris, 664; Mrs. Sheridan and J.!5 ; 3 2 "pestal they are fulfilling the Olympic)Miller, 6544; Mrs. W. Heron and|C. Lansfield, 8244; Mrs. V. Sil- Elected for a two-year term jjo, and are abandoning their/C. Nelson, 6614; Mrs. Hunter ,80ilis and L. Peel, 80. Jim Pilkington, Lindsay, pres- ident, Kinsmen club of Lind- say; and Bruce Mackey, presi- dent, Kinsmen Club of Oshe awa. --Oshawa Times Photo Port Hope Kinsman New Deputy Governor After Ken Brown, of the Parry Sound Club, was appointed ser- geant-at-arms five contestants for the Keith Dolliver Memorial Trophy for public speaking pre- sented their talks. James Curran, of Port Hope, emerged the winner. As editor of the Port Hope club's month- ly bulletin he scored a double header when that club was named winner of the Senior Bul- letin award. The Junior Bulletin award went to the Cobourg Club while the Monty Cranfield Service award for the best project of the year went to the Peterbor- ough Kinsmen. Club. Club Wins 4 Trophies Four members of the Motor City Car Club brought back four trophies and an award this weekend from the Seventh An- nual Autorama in Buffalo, New York. More than 150 cars were seen by 40,000 persons at the three- day show in Masten Anmouries which was sponsored by the Clutch Artists. Wes Keenan won a second place trophy for his radical cus- tom (more than 10 changes) 1953 Pontiac hardtop. He also won the Ford Engineering Achievement Award, a souvenir plaque, for the quality of work- "-- shown. e plaque was presented Ark Miller of Ford. " John Benetin and Bob nolds won second place trophies in the full custom (up to 10 changes) and mild custom (up to five changes) hardtop class with.a 1955 Pontiac and a 1963 Chevrolet, respectively, Gary Challice got a third place trophy in the conservative cus tom (up to three changes) hard- top class with. his 1963 Chevrolet. The next show for the MCCG members will be in Washington, tors was Lloyd Smith of Port), Glover, 6414. '19 at 7.30 p.m. eir athletes," D.C., in April, Perry. "ighteen voting delegates to attend the CELEBRATING | BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and. best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa. and district who are celebrating their birthdays today: Norman Wescott, 645 Mary street; Donald Wood, 70 Mc- Millan drive and Lesley Howard, 480 Jarvis street. Phone 723-3474. jat Maple. { | Curling Draw | CALGARY (CP)--The sixth annual international curling championships begins tonight at 8 p.m. Two draws each are) scheduled Tuesday and Wed-) nesday in the round robin com- petition, with the semi-finals | vppeapee ana Was WIND CANNOT DISP Officials of Oshawa's Domin- fon Day Folk Festival met in Alexandra Park yesterday to gurvey the site for the day- long attivities, July 1. In the group are Mrs. J. A. Ald- winkle, executive chairman; 3 sett 200 'a8 = 5 | EL VISION OF MONSTER JULY FESTIVAL | aeons onto grounds chair- RSM and WO2 James Newell. man; omas Simmons, pa- Unable to attend were Arthu i - Sim z / ir Rerun na -- Forsythe, gates and security; demonstrations and 'concert: and Alan, King, parking chair- Peter Muzik, band commit tee; Barclay Law, track and field; David Conway, assistant MC; - Lloyd .Corson, exhibits and displays; John Wacko, concessions. Later the group was joined by Captain Robert Cziranka, Adjutant, Ontario Regiment, WOl William Milne man, --Oshawa Times Photo | land final to be played: Thurs- SEVEN FIRE CALLS _-- | day. Seven calls answered by Osh-/ The draw: awa firefighters over the week- Monday 8 p.m.: Norway-Scot-|end included a shed fire, a per-| land; Sweden Switzerland; |son locked out and an open fire] United States-Canada. near the CNR station (all on| ; ee \Sunday) and a false alarm, a} Soot daar Mey ce ee fire, a tae - end a) Se 7 : ring removal on_ Saturday. ada; Scotland-Switzerland There were 15 ambulance calls. 8 p.m.: Sweden - Canada; aj] routine, since Saturday noon. United States - Scotland; Nor- -- cose shaven way-Switzerland. Wednesday--2:30 p.m.: Swe- den Scotland; Switzerland- Canada; Norway-United States 8 p.m.: Switzerland - United |Second - and third-teams play | off. 8 p.m.: Final. bie the round-robin is com-} : : leted, if any teams are tied States; Scotland-Canadaj _Nor- Ge a playoff position, their soe way-Sweden. 1 against the teams with| Delegates representing On- Thursday--9 a.m.: Reserved which they are tied will decide|-tario Federal Riding held a for possible draw in case of! playoff position... Extra games| seminar Saturday in the ties will be played only if position| Steelworkers Hall, Albert 2:30 p.m.: semi-finals. First-|four,. five and six are tied and| street, at which. matters re- and fourth-place teams play off.| cannot be decided in this way. ' lating to organizing for an | election were discussed. Caught by the camera dur- ingt he day, from left, are Vic Ayling, organizer for the party in Oshawa; Robert Mc- Kenzie, of Hamilton, organizer NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY HOLDS SEMINAR for the Hamilton area and Stan Ibbott, Oshawa NDP membership secretary. Mr. McKenzie was the speaker' at the seminar --Oshawa Times Photo

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