Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1964, p. 5

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Whitby Bureau Office: 111, Dundas St. West ; Manager: John Gault WHITBY And DISTRICT Frozen Fire Hydrant Dooms Yacht Factory Tel. 668-3703 A frozen fire hydrant ended,ated about a block and one any;chance of controlling Whit-jhalf from the factory at the by's langest, most costly fire in|}Brock-Front intersection. at least 14 years last night. John Visser, a member of the The Continental Yacht Com-|Fire Department said he "bent pany factory haga dt nly --o + el in attempt- ground as Whitby olunteer|ing to open it. - Firefighters were stymied by @| Chief Corner described the frozen hydrant less than two/chances of a hydrant being fro- blocks away from the Charles}zen as being about "one in 50". street south scene. "It's something you can't con- They eventually hooked upjtrol," he said. 'The sudden hoses in a long string from a|change in the weather, coupled more distant hydrant, only to/ with that one chance in 50 froze have one section burst from the} up the hydrant. - high pressure. "And we hit it." At the time of the hose-| He attributed the bursting of bursting, Fire Chief Bruce Cor-| the hose to the number of the ner felt, that thene was a gv i a necessary, along! hance" of saving part of . pressure, oh rrugated gual balidnie The building was a storehouse The factory, which employed|!°r flammable and inflammable 20 men in the production of|™aterials, it was learned. These luxury seagoitly craft, was ten- included fibreglas resin, oil, ; : .|paint, varnishes and wood. tatively valued (with its con fante neighbors at about None of these exploded, how- ee Bd ever, as firefighters maintained #100, 090. sited ke steady streams of water on the ~The blaze was attribute: storage areas. Only a few minor an oil heater in the southeast! explosions were recognized. corner of the building by Chief UNITS, GROUPS Corner. It began about 8.30 p.m. and finally burned itself out The fire began in the south- ern end of the building, and then spread to the north. It appeared to be under con- trol until the bursting of the hose caused pressure to drop to' nothing, The blaze gained mo- mentum, and the whole roof was aflame within minutes. Flames roared out of both ends of the building and from under the eaves. The 20-foot high doors were burned off their supports and hung open as hoses were trained into the in- terior. | Repeated attacks with hoses; and pikes brought the walls down. Yesterday's snowfall and low temperatures did not impede the arrival of the fire-engines,| Chief Corner said, and offered hes hardship in fighting the! aze. more_ missionaries. raised from the Effort'"' will be given to aid mis- sionaries. _ Captain Reed closed the meet-| ing with prayer. Mrs. J. Kentner, and her group were in charge " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 11, 1964 5 Lito ore aca The recommendation will go (AP) ---The Brit-lto the Davis Cup participating ish Lawn Tennis Association proposed. Thursday that the Da- countries at their annual meet- vis Cup challenge round be|ing in July. Under present rules abolished and the country hold-jthe holder country does not ing the trophy be made to play|have to play until the fina} through the qualifying stages. jround. . * WHY PAY MORE! Buy the Best FOR LESS Our Prices Are Right With The Times! SAMRI 3.0. us, 39° LEGS OF LAMB .......... us. 09° MINCED BEEF .,,, 3 LBs. 1.00 BEEF LIVER ....,. @ FOR YOUR FREEZER @ HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF 53° (cut, wrapped & marked) .... LB. LOINS OF PORK (10 to 12 Ib. ev.) 59° (cut and wrapped) ...... LB. e@ Fill Your Freezer Now e shortly before 11 p.m. Mayor Warren Mowat, who is also a firefighter, and Depart- ment secretary, ' divulged that) Continental owner Kurt Hansen) had just acquired properties to the west. of the now-levelled fac- ROMULINRTS "Al next yiaks scene | March 12, a birthday cake will) SA HOME LEAGUE be served for members who! Salvation Army Women's| Celebrated their birthdays in| : Home League, instead of its|the past three months. L. ¢ , (8 tory for expansion. regular meeting held 'Mission -- ----------__essse FIRE-RAVAGED YACHT FACTORY Most of the Hansen luxury|@ty Evening" last Thursday, TROUGHTON Meat Market 104 Lupin Drive Blair Park Plaza WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 ELECTRONIC SERVICE We'll Bring Your TV Back to Its Peak Performance Pronto! eee -- ern United States, it was learn-|tain and Mrs. Nelson, former} b unteer fireman, estimated that ed. Another firefighter suggest- missionaries in South America . - - : i : i . fact | \e only criminal case sched-jlane) of Rossland road. She His testimony co-incided wi h|posite corner of Rossland after} it rated second to a factory that Continental was pres-|20d Jamaica, who were intro- sate swamped with 'demands| duced by Captain Edward Reed. , i , shalmer: <4 laze in 1950. | or the Supreme Court of/was in the northwest corner. -jthat of Mr, Chalmers, exceptithe light changed and was db > ' | Yo Winter hepizes opened| "I sat and waited for {he|that he identified the © "light- Chief Corner said. that the They showed slides on their verre Neetighters were divided| Work accomplished in these as to whether last night's blaze|Places, these were accompanied] was the worst in memory,|>y their commentaries, Mayor Mowat, who is a life- They addressed the group and * F a ahiar vabaaia'? A struck in the right front fender) y) well-isolated, and vesterday at the County|light to turn green, then lookedjoclored vehicle' as 1961 Chev- |blaze was » a | bsg Mr. Justice beth ways and proceeded into}rolet, and insisted that the traf-|from a southbound 1 OE | posed no roragn to ibd MORTGAG ES J. Hughes on the bench./the intersection. fic was not heavy at the time.| Mrs. Kanuch was identified) homes in t och saute be | veneman Grand Jury] "There was a flash, and then} He saiq that there was ajaS the driver of the westbound fret hinte pegieianit ne pc a true bill in thel I lost consciousness. I woke UP/traffic buildup after the acci-|Car arefig! : craft are exported to the south-|March 5 at the Citadel with Cap-| Criminal Negligence arge, time resident and long-time vol-|™Mentioned the great need for pal Getting xebre stripes Picture fading or shrinking? Whatever's wrong with your of more than 100 onlookers. TV, dl gg 0 RIGHT, Our \f our prices modest. L. GS. ELECTRONICS Blair Park Plaze--Whitby PH. 668-6311 Servicing - Whitby, Ajox, Pick- |) ering, Brooklin,. Oshawa and | Surrounding Aree. If you want to 'cash in' a first mortgage; we will be pleased to discuss it. VICTORIA. and GREY | TRUST 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby mm vs. Walter|on the floor of the back seat./dent, but that his view of the; Mr. Krawetz said the white ; : a ea charge of|Then I opened the door on the|racers had been unimpaired,|¢at hit the light standard that ites aatataee eae ie egligence causing/driver's side and struggled/He also admitted that he had|the Chrysler finally ended up oa they escaped uninjured jout. A not witnessed the accident. Pio oma abr Off, tO twit le caagac they wate. traitied : y s i er car ended up down § 5 3 nA an, Petit (or trying)| Ste iSa!4 nt standard 4 the|CONSTABLE ERIC WAYNE a scn eee ee ee ehgseh from a panel ® hw 7 of the inter-| onstable Eric Wayne of Osh- DEFENCE CASE | Mowat interjected. ' . y ratepayers to on i corner 0 lawa PD Traffie Squad told the| This concluded the evidence The frozen hydrant was situ- oF" On Mr. Kelly's cross-examin-|Court that the car in which for the Crown. Mr. Kelly willl ation she said she saw "cars or|Porter was killed, and the car|Call his witnesses today. It was roey Bruce|, car" coming fro. the north\in the accident, admittedly,estimated that proceedings! One-Stop of his wit-) nite moving about "two sec-|driven by Parks, was a white,/might wind up this afternoon. to establish) onds into the intersection. |1961 Chevrolet. -- os DECORATING innocence ife of Ron-|street, told the Court that he| street, jin the left-rear seat: ©@ Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points ("the constable said that trat-] SP AFFORD BROS, | i f aed wag seins on dao The damage was described: | nd road. | $s, e said that traffic was pro- ei Fa Beg gressing at 'normal speeds" fic was usually medium-heavy LTD. | DODD & SOUTER MONUMENTS Decor Centre Ltd. of RR 2, Osh-; Hi ay a ae | e said it ended up 242 feet 1 inallynegligent| ALEX CHALMERS laouth: oF 4s dabersection in dal Family Monuments SHOP utomobile acci-| Alex Chalmers, 778 HortoP/northbound lane 'of Simcoe} | © Wellpaper end Murals } @ Custom Droperies rgedicoe street, at the time; and on sag ae =e ge side was torn Created To © Breadloom end huge n\the morning, in question. Jones|°ff." Porter, it had been estab- Individual a CLL Paths aad Varniebin street is 506 feet north of Ross-\lished earlier, had been sitting Requirements yhen his attention|on Simcoe at. that time of the ction is to deter-\Southbound w s _ ' 4 " was distracted by a "roar of/morning, due to Genera] Phone 668-862 es gona the|carts coming in the north." |Motors workets. He added that 318 DUNDAS EAST 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Gessrn attempting| He identified one of.the cars,|there was only a 'short tire- 668-3552 y + Su t Parks was '"'rac-|Which he said was in the out-/mark to the crash-scene, and bpeeding, and haaq| side lane southbound, as a 1959 that weather conditions were --_ th a stoplight at the|Chevrolet. The other. yehicla|clear and dry. Si et north,|Which he said was in the west rs on lag Oshawa, |!ane of the northbound portion are Sone os iilioa that he tar was involved in|of the street, was only referred| | tactic GARE on vicumiani it that killed Porter.'"/¢0 as "light-colored. i road in the southwest corner ised Parks of being) Both vehicles. he estimated| f the intersection awaiting the negligent. The acci-|were trayelling at speeds of "60 jh ve of tl He > lights f said. occurred about|t0 65 miles per: hour." c a 0 reich traffic lights from of Nov. 15, 1963. Me atte Be wares he OTT anid fhe lght cbaiged town's evidence will|Cats proceed toward the inter- Cay ne Neh CRANE eG, ' i 'aeisection where the light had|but that he was unable to move accused was ed to red against them,|because of a car in front of suggested that he hadhim. haar heard no evidence of any at- "i Bg lal ai hes . io m| accident: Sé ar z age ete ote -- soc tidube ceeded westbound from the op- g § Ss | : OSI h green light was|_ Mr. Chalmers. informed the tareaeuariecs at! ihe Court that, due to a jog in INCOME TAX ugh the intersection by|Simcoe street, and a five-foot PHONE 668-8252 5th Annual om WHITBY . LIONS CLUB xf > St. Patrick's Dance FRIDAY, MARCH 13th -- 1964 Dancing to ERNIE WHITE'S ORCHESTRA Club Bayview Whitby 9:00 te 1:00 A.M. $3.50 per couple ftimated at 60 to 65 driven by the accused." hedge, he had been unable to formed the Court that|View the actual accident. attorney Terence V.| '1 heard a loud report," he vould admit that his 2¢ded, "and ran down to the ; ivi . at| comer. ene ene aont | He said that a 1962 Chrysler, (identified as the Kanuch ve- ESSES |hicle was against the light-stan-| John C. Martin, Club Privileges Buffet , This bread © ar may very well make the Necoemnenmmenned best toast you ever tasted foccmnnon. 4 Great cereal-fruit combinations in jars Now---four delightful delectables to make baby coe for his calories. Gerber Strained Oatmeal, Mixed Cereal, Protein Cereal or Rice Cereal--all with Applesauce and Bananas. The cereal is cooked with the fruit for subtle, scrumptious flavour and a wonderfully smooth, moist texture. Thiamine (B1), riboflavin (Bz) and niacin (another B vitamin) have been added to increase the natural nutritive benefits. Serve "as is" or top with milk, JUST NORTH 115 OF THE BROCK STREET FOUR ARNOLD'S NORTH CORNERS OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. - WED. ALL DAY FRESH CUT SLICED 69: . VERONICA KANUCH -- |oq vehicle through it with his SIRLOIN or WING ae COOKED $9: ! Ib. 69¢ STEAKS PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF |b. 59° ned, was the driver of the: ALEX ARKWRIGHT a RUMP ROAST BEEF 'ond car in the mishap, de-| Alex H. Arkwright, 757 Mary _ FRESH HAMBURG STEAK 3 LBS. FRESH BRAISING RIB LY | 00 | bed the sequence of events. |street, was also o the corner lb. 45 he said she was stopped onjot Jones and Bruce on_ the, COTTAGE FRESH PICKED 10¢ red light pointed' westbound| morning in question, the Court MUSHROOMS 29¢ the driving lane (or through learned. IMPORTED NEW assist-'dard, and that the '"'light-color- thologist at Oshawa Gen-'ed car was down the road." lospital, told the Court that) "Was it the same car you! had died as result ofjhad followed down the road?" blood loss from a sever-|asked Mr. Kelly. hin artery in the chest. | "I can't say for sure," was estimated that this blood/the reply. Was such that Porter would; Mr. Chalmers also testified died within three minutes |that he had seen the light-color- r also suffered a_rup-jed car cut back into the south spleen, fractured fore-j}bound lane. He admitted to the a perforated intestine, andidefence that the traffic was iple head lacerations, the|relatively-heavy in both south- t learned, bound lanes, but insisted that! lhe had followed the light-color- Monks' Bread has a flavor you can't toast away, Even butter can't hide it. It has a goodness you don't find in most bread. It's a bread that wasn't meant to be.sold, It began as simple sustenance for the monks at the Abbey of the Genesee~men who eat no meat, no fowl, All the good things the monks baked into their full-flavored loaf naturally toast up better, Gerber Cereal-Fruit Combinations were developed by Gerber research and approved by a panel of mothers and babies who taste-tested them. And, like all Gerber Baby Foods, they're "custom-cooked" according to their own Try Monks' Bread tomorrow, toasted. P requirements to preserve the utmost in nutritive values. BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show At 8:25 COLUMBIA PICTURES presets» CAROL REED prooucnon LAURENCE HARVEY: LEE REMICK- ALAN BATES THE Sh. Runnine 9 Recommended As, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Cereal cue: Gerber Cereals, like all Gérber Baby Foods, are notable for delicate flavours and a smooth-to- FRESH CUT CHICKEN LEGS . . BREAST lb le |' BLADE OR SHORT RIB | Roast Beef . 49° the-tongue texture. GREEN CABBAGE ONTARIO POTATOES 10 Ibs. CELLO TOMATOES. DAVID'S FOIL WRAPPED SODA CRACKERS Ib. box HAWES PASTE FLOOR WAX Babies are our business... our only business! Gerber Baby Foods wiacara FALLS, CANADA | | | The GENERAL BAKERIES LTD. bakes Monks' | Bread for you, using the exact prepackaged formula delive ered to the bakery, special Monks' Bread pans, and fol- lowing .a strict preparation schedule, under guidance of the Abbey, ' Also --- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "She'll Have To Go" - Starring Bob_ Monkhouse ---- Alfred Marks -- Hattie Jacques Ad No. NC64-12€ Ib. tin

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