THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 11, 196% OPEN DAILY 1 i a.m. TO 1 0 p.m: (Except Sunday) a é Ladies' Cotton Print shift style dresses In an assort- ment of prints and colors. SHOP FOR THE BEST AND SAVE f VAM ===" IN K-MART'S FASHION DEPT! fe LADIES' COATS A variety of Laminated Wool, Loop Mohairs, Tweeds, Flannels, Orlon Knit and Milano Kit fabric coats, Junior. Adults' sizes 5 to 17. Misses' sizes 6 to 18. Women's sizes 141% to 242. An assortment of colors from which to choose. K-MART Super-Buy S597 iT" P45 Shy: COATS In this group there are Laminated Orlon Knits, Laminated Woo! Flannel, Laminated Cotton " Knit Tweed and Duster Coat and Print Dress ensemble. These come in shades of navy, red and pastel colors. Sizes 6 to 18. K-MART Super-Buy LADIES' '; {% Fr 13 | i} LADIES' NEW SPRING STYLE A variety of printed dresses in Spring shades. Dresses with self belts and short sleeves. Miss- A variety of Linen and Boucle Suits. Each suit is fully lined, oe 10 to 20, Women's sizes 16¥4 to jackets with 34 length sleeves and blouse with cap sleeves. Pastel shades available including black and navy. Sizes 10 to K-MART Super-Buy 20. Latest spring fashions. 97 | cum Sl 5d ZL dere wet nee OPENING I ( ¥ d ' | a RGE 1 KO s | CHARGE SPECIAL CHA vi " iT ; Gy Pege 8 SAVE MORE ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY - EACH SHOPPING DAY OF THE YEAR