Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1964, p. 11

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om ee re om a ° seminar of (ne Unrario ana wue-;many mstances of mental re-jar that needless parental guilt THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 11,1964 J] PERSONALS Volunteer Ser vice Is Plar ined nee Associations for Mental Re-|tardation from occurring. leould be combated only by giv- itardation. About a hundred) Parents of mentally retarded ing adequate information and ' | "1° [causes of mental retardation\children could accept thetrjassistance to the parents. Prag Ballina Ei bi bag PRE gongs vi ASK : Oshawa and district guests|before and after the perform- To Orillia Sc 00. or etari 'had been pin-pointed by medical|child's deficiency more easily if) 'Knowledge of the nature and), ov; ong learning of the hyw.s.. same, (CP)--A word to who attended the farewelllance tomorrow night. Several science in recent years. This they did not blame themselves causes of mental retardation varactlva child g Y-wise LODE fund raisers comes luncheon held for Mrs. D. Boyd|groups are dining out. and| At the-recent monthly meeting Another worthwhile project|study sought others and a better for causing it. can help: parents greatly in ac-)" "from Jean Knapman of Hamil- Valleau, Scarborough, at thejamong the hostesses entertain-jof the Oshawa and District{that anyone can assist with,understanding of those already el biberaret : poy i Dr, seo Oe sence: Dr. Al- estat auer Guild Inn, Scarborough, werejing at home are Mrs. F. M.jascociation for Retarded Chil-Jeven from their own homes wasjidentified. It was expected toj At ng Fenton Hon it ¥ : mend Oe aanreaiin tha cuiinasl a Sag MS ter here, Miss Knapman, na- Mrs. Lyle Kellar, Oshawa; Mrs.|McKee, Mrs. M. P. Townsend,|4,on residential care commit-[befriending a child who .may|spark many new research proj-|"8 Chil pitt ip . ne ge age ale Is pe Fabric dyes, dissolved in 8) ional oreehizing sioretady ut Richard Valleau and Mrs.|Mrs. J. Murray Macleod andiie, ' chairman Mrs. Herbert|have no relatives or outside con- ects during the next few years|2°s°ss ment and guidance clinic.\was Or. wo wen: small amount of water, make| mide ty 3 J 7 h of Whit-|Mrs. H, F. Millen ° li fltacts, Statistics showed that ap- ¢ {Dr. Alexandri told the morejof the drug clinic at the Mont- 4 M jthe LODE, said a 'good time pe ir wage bet a Nab ee anes : Agleasibgs get roth ow 0g el se dl Seakp "a + cent ot i and to suggest methods by|than 300 laymen and profession-|real Children's Hospital. Dr.|@ttractive, unusual stains for)i; the qay after pay day in your aes Recess tot the inating Mrs. D, Miller Alloway of Wil- an fee Schaal, Wolun. Pioé ehilaven ig no friends or, Which doctors could prevent'al persons attending the semin-|Werry told the seminar of hisjunfinished furniture. main industries, was Mrs. Robert B. Wilson, |lowdale, former, is Ngee teer service was being carried|relatives to send them cards or) ae. a ---- ae will address the studen pi trom|notes or. anything to brighten We Reserve The Right Adults Only Scarborough, and other guests)' Tad . pion by many groups r were Mrs. John Cannon, Mrs.|!" ee towns and cities located near|their everyday lives. To Limit Quantities. THURS. Allowed Specials William ae perigee et rae of °66 will be officially re-|the hospital schools in song gi ein arene. ; ; FRI. Kay and Mrs. Joseph Peters, a me é 'en.| It had been proven that there! 'Several interesting reports RNR aM MMNIRNINEE Ee maE into the Oshawa Gen W e Ee | SAT. LAS \/ of Toronto; Mrs. Ernest Smythe|ceived int N was growing public understand-|were made to the association and Mrs. Victor Goring, both of eral Hospital School of Nursing.|' of the programs for retarded|by members who attended re- CLOSE SATURDAY AT 6:00 P.M. Vatleay| Members of the Women's Aux-/!N& : Ta ; ee ai os Jay Pegg on iliary of the Gideon Society will/children and with get mg cc a git gape se vee is paying shortly ( make present each student with a/ganizations started, they' not fn np ea th ' home in Moncton, N.B. '= testament and the stu-jonly helped brighten the lives of/chairman, allen led the researc Acoli ag p Siu-lrnstitutionalized children, but|seminar held in Ottawa with Miss Joan Woodland, interna-|dents and their guests 'will be| ey brought the community in-/Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. tional secretary of the Girljentertained by the Women lias the fospltal school, 'These|Herbert Schuerman. Guides of Canada will be the Auxiliary OGH in the hospital Solunteer organizations appear-| Mrs, Campbell reported that guest of the Oshawa Division a penton cee vagal |" ta be supplying two basic\according to research being hove' Se eon bs ore mony, Ineeds to supplement services|done in the ae npr pe Fe hae gn Woodland will. Vice-president of the Cana-/for patient care and: to create|*2,000 American women and the sented and Miss Woodlan ; i tvarsityland te understanding of children they bear were being address the meeting. dian Federation of a Brot po neids of the Studied from early pregnancy Mr. William Pope returned Women, Mrs, M. J. Sabia of nhipttal schools : until the offspring became seven Monday from a month's vaca-|St. Catharines will be the guest In the Oshawa aresy-the ma- ee apn fo Sore pees tion in England. While there he/of the University Women's Club jority of institutionalized chil- affecting ihe harass 46 bie visited relatives at Wembley lof Oshawa and district this eve-idren were in the Ontario Hos- uent. abnormalities in their Middlesex, and "aitended the ning. Mrs. Sabia who is the/pital School in Orillia, and to anil ' Restaurateurs' and Caterers nominating committee's choice|start with, a program for these' mpi, massive rasearch assault Convention at Olympia, London.) ie resident of CFUW. for children will be organized. MTS.' she causes of mental retard- The presentation of the film the next triennial, will discuss Schuerman has contacted Miss ation was described by Dr. .B "Mary Mary" by the Univer- the woman graduate -- and her Mabel Langstaff, ---- HW Witlame who heads the child sity Women's Club is the place in the community at to- ordinator at Orillia and plans neurology section for perinatal| . for assistance were being made oo... ' ; raison d'etre for - Mrs. (7C® arch at the U.S. National with the staff. At present, 2 sae Institute of Neurological Dis- Schuerman was anxious to hear paces and Blindness. Bethesda, from anyone interested in help- yaryland. The Bethesda cent Many Attend Annual Dance ing with this program. The wai co-sciieating: aid eotleet: group planned to visit Orilli€ ing the data for this vast re- 5 ba lf ee b once or twice a month and search project from 15 other At Gran V1EW u Mrs. Schuerman at 728-5525 will medical centres across the Unit-| 164 accept names for a list of vol- ed States e Grandview Golf Club held) Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J 01M unteer visitors. Dr. Williams was one of a Po Si ddewinter dance and| Abrams, Mr. Thomas Seton, dozen Canadian, Enelish and party recently at the clubhouse! Miss Marie Klukowski, Mr Us authorities participating with over 80 members and{and Mrs. Harley Trudelle, Mrs i\Card Party Success in the fourth annual research guests attending. With the golf) Vera Syzkszay, tage eigt Mrs. ee son just around the corner,/ Arthur Mullen, Mr. Val Sozan- ' \ this well patronized event pro-|sky, Mr. and Mrs. eo vuil,| For y S$ Menettes | vided an excellent opportunity) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Husband, ; a friends of the|Mr. and Mrs. Victor McLellan, The Oshawa 8 : pa sedate eae and Mrs. Albert Northcott, held a successful Night of | y Ol equaintances | Mr. po ae haggling Se sn Mr. Gordon Johansen, Mr. and Cards recently at ° Hillsdale "The dance featured a_ well Mrs. Ernest Adams, Mr. Ken-| Manor. The theme of the card : saad i f recorded neth Conlin, Miss Isabelle Till- party was Hawaii. The Y's Men- . a varied peogreen °O : vell ing, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keel-|ettes, wearing colorful dress severe conducted by > ba er. Mr. and Mrs. Tip Buechler,|and attractive leis, greeted ' oer), THURICA. . ONBADIZE shite Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grills,/their guests, while Hawatlan from Toronto. ae eat a Mr. Robert Brown. music played softly in the back- . ee donne ar Diana while, Miss Jean Stainton, Mr, and sround. olortal agraehs Find Mr. Henry Kurk and Mrs. June| Mrs. Martin Rumpel, Mr. and picting island Pena coer | Walmsley of Toronto were the| Mrs. Edward. Leveque, Mr. the Pasir ear oan i ta ni : recipients of the door prize. | and Mrs. Brent Marshall, Mr.| motifs adorne vests o ou | E Refreshments were seryediand Mrs. James Mapplebeck, Y's Menette president, Mrs. hie abi lh Robert Brandt introduced Mrs during the intermission. Mr. .pnsl. Mss. Donald .12E, a Clemence Hewitt who welcomed ton, In a talk to an IODE chap- For Septic Tanks Sylvania Command Instant Glade Mist SEPTO LIGHT SHAVE Air BAC BULBS CREAM . Freshener 3 Months Supply 25-40-60-100 watt sizes. | Your choice of reguler or 4 Different Fragrances Compore at 89c Compare 2 for 52c menthol. Compare et 1.25. Compare at 79c AK se ht lO | sae... 08 | ue We CIE V4 \Z KEY Men's Short Sleeve Large 2012 x 1714 x 15 JERGENS CURITY | "SpoRT GALVANIZED LOTION DIAPERS SHIRTS GARBAGE Extra Dry Skin Formula Limited quantity of this ter- Just arrived! Many shades, CANS rific bargain, © ot end rials to with lid. Heevy outdoor Compore ot 1.25 4.95 doz. dhoose from, Compore at 3.95 Guage by General Steel Wae-s oecet BF | nSettees 2.88 | Ero ggg | Semere 1.98 hospitality /night's meeting. V4 Ne Sake ELSE No Whew te OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 0 corerd na: --! \V de Ve Vl ee el ee ye a eC ey U_LBFOQX¥PVIVBVP_POVOPOOITOLO™ AAAS Mrs. John Milne, Mr. en Bee i tee cem| Wesel, Mist 'Shaton Jackson, |Meneris, and fs pened * pd dri oe sonse was| Mr. and Mrs, Glynn' Pearse, the te ON is Gadantvin wax rship drive. The resp a ited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mcinally, Mrs. Niel son Greentree as e enthusiastic and the over Mr. and Mrs. George Parker the lucky winner of the attrac- adult members who availed |tive swivel chair. Mr. Douglas themselves of the special pre-| Mr.-and Mrs. Thomas Twine,| yonn<- superintendent of. Hills-| season rates will provide a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Babcock,| gale Manor drew the lucky tick- strong nucleus for the 1964) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker, Mr.|et. There were many high and membership, The management) and Mrs. John Wyatt, Mr. and/low score and door prizes dis- contemplates important renova-/ Mrs, Ed Stack, Mr. and Mrs.| tributed. | tions to the 18-hole layout which | George Walmsley, Mr. and Mrs.| The president thanked all who will be largely effected in 1964) Henry Kurk, Mr. and Mrs,|had helped to make the night a| so that it may better serve the! George Mills, Mr. Bryce Brown,| success, and expressed appre-| golfing needs of Oshawa and|Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swanger,|ciation for the generous swp- a Lo ad environs. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Smith,| port of the Oshawa merchants Among those seen dancing]/Mr. and Mrs. John Mcullen| and business men who donated " a were: Mr. and Mrsg.: Leonard'and others. prizes and. favors. e & e e e e e e e * e e _ Webelieve new Facelle' is the finest 2-ply ees ' -- « aii , »" How to compare Facelle with other tissues How thi i PHONE 723 ll 63 facial tissue ever made. It gives you the : ms SERMON ATY OTFRY WIRE bap your bend retervation % the most satisfactory combination of soft- Use one srr ee -- See how it To convince you that Facelle is superior, we ' ; ther tissue. Feel the powder- make this u edented offer: If woud ateanatl: and: canil ' compares with any ott powde npreceden offer: If you can buy iiaiie Solan! of Cookery g ee absorbency. puff gentleness against your skin. Test its another 2-ply facial tissue made and sold in And tests have proved it. In fact, of al] strength--wet and dry. Discover how quickly it Canada that is softer, stronger and more ab- organized by Chambers Food Club the hundreds of women who compared cold cream or soaks up spills. We think sorbent than new Facelle, we'll pay you $1,000. isetieiniicds you'll agree Facelle is the finest 2-ply tissue For full details, write to Facelle Company Everyone Welcome . ace pile -h the other two leading brands you've ever 'used. Limited, Toronto 15, within 7 days. (Testing of in their own homes, 9 out of 10 said they strength and absorbency conducted by the eeee#eeee#ee#ee%0 @ @ @ Ontario Research Foundation following Canadian much preferred new 2- ! sfeati Pp preferred new 2-ply Facelle! Government Specifications Board procedures.) Learn how to select the best cuts of meat vour oresent food budget'. "own meat, (It's easier than you You'll also hear well-known food think!) : bis a ssseomid Mes. O'Rially. discus, mit this offer to 2-ply tissues because of New Facelle Royale*--the one product that's in a class by "self, Because Facele Royale "How you can save money on A wide range of home-freezers has 3 plies, it offers the ultimate in facial tissue quality. New 2-ply Facelle is made with exactly the same tissue as Facelié Royale. and refrigerators will be shown. The Chambers School of Cookery Their proper use will be demon- a % ee is designed to help women know strated. You'll be surprised at the : how to select the best quality variety of foods that you can now ' WHITE 2 ply foods. And how it's possible to buy frozen or freeze at home save money without sacrificing quolity Free door prizes and lucky draws Also appetizing refreshments and The Schosl is Held each Wednes- coffee for all attending. day poidlty in March at Cham- For your free reservation, phone : ceetianee Se 7 ep bers Food Plant in Oshawa. You 723-1163 today. State which . ° Wis mA ous f acl 1 tis: os need not be a member of eras Wednesday evening you will at- ' 4 ee fa al tissues pi bers Food Club to attend. It is tend: March 4th, 11th, 18th, or : absolutely free and there is no 25th. : : NEW BOX! obligation. A snap to open. No pertorationg or broken fingernails. , = gits take one ~ another PULA FLAP UP TO OPER Note: if you can't attend our new Meat-Cutting demonstrations will School of Cookery, Visit our Open be featured, too. You'll see where House every Tuesday, Thursday various cuts come. from. And how and Friday nights from 7 to 9. NEW COLOURS! to save money by cutting your Also Saturday's until 6 p.m. Pure white, pink, yellow, lilac. EMBOSSED EDGES! The only 2-ply tissue with embossed edges to prevent sheets from separating. Yen | NEWCONVENIENCE! 'FOOD CLUB : 4 Take one tissue--another sits up Ma f ie | 100% CANADIAN PRODUCT He, * "Facelle" and "Facefte Royale" are Trade Marks of FACELLE COMPANY LIMITED, SUBSIDIARY OF CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPAWY 933 RITSON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO | 723-1163 noe é

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