Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Mar 1964, p. 1

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Ne Thought For Today | He's a real go-getter who runs out of gas a few miles from the filling station. Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy, VOL. 93 -- NO. 58 OSHAWA, Ine Oshawa Time Authorized os Second Class Ma Ottawa ond for payment ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 9 1964 Weather Report 7 Cloudy overnight with a few sunny periods Tuesday. Not much change in temperature, Winds light. I! Post Office Department ef Postage in Cash, EIGHTEEN PAGES "Total Aid' Promised: Viet Nam SAIGON--A Vietnamese goy-/kong delta today to get a closer ernment spokesman asserted to-jlook at the w against Viet day that U.S, Defence Secretary|Cong guerrillas; i McNamara has made it clear) Two U.S, Army men flying as that American aid to South Viet ounners in a helicopter escort- Nam "'will from now on be to-|ing McNamara were killed to- tal, unlimited and without con-|qay when their craft lost power ditions." : land crashed, riapobeaman, Col, Tran Nave! 'ot and co-lat survived, three points that emerged from but hp La daa Laugh a '| Sunday's opening talks between) The helicopter was a turbine-| i McNamara and South Vietna-|powered UH-IB, the same type mese leaders. Huyen is the chief|in which McNamara and South of the South Vietnamese prc-|Vietnamese Premier Jguyen mier's press office. |Khanh were riding, It was one The official Vietnam Press|0f four helicopters armed with News agency quoted Huyen as/Tockets and signa Atl saying McNamara's mission|signed as escorts for the flight. here "expressed full agreement,| McNamara did not see the endorsement and support to the|crash, which occurred a few government's pacification stra-/minutes after he had walked tgy and action programs." away from the landing pad at Huyen said "unlimited" aid|/Hoa Hao. : priots, released as hostages meant there would be no set) Vietnamese military sources; al the Gitek fastion on Ce limit on U.S. aid to South Viet said Khanh laid a new battle prus, is welcomed in Kyrenia, Nam, plan before McNamara Sunday| xed iets tara a edie He also said American lead-| Might calling for the shifting of| , "« ing| troops from relatively calm) ors would not make soothing) | vias in the north of the river| statements such as predicting I the end of thé war at a definite) d¢!ta. : date." Huyen said this indicated) U.S. military advisers have} U.S. military and political | been urging more action in the} circles had come to a real un-| delta against the guerrillas, who derstanding of 'he special char-|have been mauling government acter of the war of attrition in/forces there in recent months. South Viet Nam. |. Khanh's battle plan was sim{_ jilar to a plan outlined for Mc FLY FOR LOOK McNamara and his aides flew to the Communist-infested Me- A truckload of Turkish Cy- American | . sesh ' | HOSTAGES RETURNED | mendbets of three unions -- the "a ee 'North 'Tor: north of Nicosia Saturday. The hostages were released at the order of Cypriot Presi- dent Archbishop Makarios. rr Sewer Workers Strike In Metro TORONTO (CP)--More than|main companies in metro are 600 sewer and water main con-|unionized, non - union firms struction workers went on strike) "would price us right out of the) today, halting work on about|market" if wage rates compe-| three-quarters of such projects/titive with the subway were! in Metropolitan Toronto. paid. | The striking workers are | 5 oy Tis cies International Union of Operat-)onto, a sewage treatment plant| vronia is sh ( t spe Bey eae e Haat Kyronia is a puriien yPrio ing Engineers (AFL-CIO), the| in the east end, a pumping sta- stronghold, (AP Wirephoto by | International Hod Carriers,|tion as well as two miles of cable: via London) Building and Common Laborers/trunk sewage mains and two Civil Rights Debating Opens In Washington (2s |Namara by the former ruling) WASHINGTON (AP) -- The/represents a broad attempt to junta during his visit here last] Senate begins its civil rights de-|advance the rights. of Negroes./pected to gradually shut down Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana will make the first move soon after the Senate convenes with a simple motion to consider the bill, The motion is debatable and the southerners have said they | will be ready to debate it, per-|will make an attempt to shunt/the strike could affect the haps for longer than a week This raises the possibility of a double filibuster--on the mo- tion to take up the bill and then! on the bill 'itself. } Se ----_-- | Union (CLC) and the Interna-| miles of trunk water mains. jtional Brotherhood of Team-/------------ 7 | sters (Ind), | oS winger aeune sees we! Ottawa Should Advise Queen Says Palace cial' construction projects as} the east-west subway. They are jasking for increases ranging| their pay to $3.30 an hour, to 72 9s af LONDON (Reuters) -- i gh Mlagch aia bringing| riizabeth, due to vielt Canada| ro we jin October, will take the advice| The Metropolitan Toronto Se-|of the Canadian authorities in wer and Watermain Association| dealing with French-Canadian a an increase of 15) qnposition to her planned call] ents an hour in a two-year Con-| at Quebec City, a Buckingham| tees plan to operate this week ps - |Palace source said Sunday. Senator Wayne Morse (Dem.| Ross Clark, Metropolitan Tor-| The source said, constitution-| Ore.) has served notice that he}onto works commissioner, said ally, whether or not the Queen| h n ° sub-/replied to a cable sent her by a |the civil rights bill to the judi-|sidy received by Metro for win-| Quebec separatist movement | ciary committee once Mansfield) ter works. The subsidy amounts| warning her against her pro- opens debate, |,t0.75 per cent of labor costs on|proposed Quebec trip was a | The civil rights battle is ex-| all other Senate business. But) leaders said they would not schedule extra-long sessions at the outset, and some commit-) The senate yoted 54 to 37 Feb.|projects completed by. April 30. 26 to bypass the judiciary com-) matter for the Canadian author- Sidney Dinsdale, solicitor for ities to decide, In past civil rights skirmishes! mittee. Headed by segregation-|the Sewer and Watermain As- southern forces usually per- "In this matter, the Queen ia Le CYPRUS TRUC HALTS BATTL British Force Obtains Temporary Cease Fire - NISOCIS. -- Fighting stopped! this afternoon in Ktima, south-| west Cyprus, under a tempor-| ary cease-fire, Maj.-Gen. Rich- ard Carver, British commander of the truce force, announced, Carver. made the announce- ment after a helicopter trip to Ktima, where new heavy fight- ing broke out this morning. Mortars and machine-gun fire raked Ktima, leaving at least one Greek - Cypriot dead and fears that the toll would 80) higher. | A Greek-Cypriot spokesman} said the government ordered) an 'all-out atttmpt"' to impose government authority on the en- tire town. | Fires raged in some parts of the town. British army officials said firemen couldn't get at the flames because of the heavy shooting. BLAME TURKS A Greek-Cypriot government statement accused the Turks of starting the battle at dawn by firing -without provocation - from the minaret of a mosque over-| looking Ktima's. market place.| The government warned it would attack the minarets if the! Turkish - Cypriots continued to use them for machine - gun nests. The government also accused tht British of protecting Turk- ish positions. It said a Greek- Cypriot. was killed by a Turk who fired from behind a British vat oy and three othens: wounded, thie British said. Six hostages..weile reported still missing. The slaying of the Turks w; seen as retaliation for the de of six Greek - Cypriots in the Ktima market Saturday. oo A British commander. and: UN official were reported trapped by Turkish fire inva Greek-Cypriot, police' station. in Ktima, but they were said to be in no danger, om The spokeman said G deputy and political adviser, George Howard, and the B: ish commander of the zone of Cyprus, Brig. Crane, were pinned down gunfire at the Ktima police sta. tion, As the Ktima battle in ued, the spokesman report mortars were fired, bulldozers were spotteq ond fires broke out. _ Ktima was the scene of fighting Saturday. The fire agreement was : Sunday through the efforts 4 Gen. Gyani and the B truce commander, Maj, « Ge Richard Carver. Seven persons were ad was reached, « Government sources. said 'the Turks opened fire at | to- day without provocation a minaret: towering over n ket place, A Geek - } re) killed in the Ktima fighting i fone the cease-fire a; ¢ j jist Senator James 0. Eastland|sociation, said that since only mitted adoption of considera-| (Dem. Miss.), it often is the} 10 of. about 90 sewer and water | tion motions after brief rere ig Veg oj rg egy bills? | opposition, The southtrners} Morse has said he will sup-} RUSH VACCINE TO HOSPITAL hoenal sevesete ~~ dn how have been reluctant to run the| port the bill, but that he feels| _Anti-gag gangrene vac- cine for treatment of an government spokesman in cosia said the government 4 taliated with an "all - out ate tempt by security forces to im» prove law and order." ay Cyprus Envoy must take the advice of her Ca-| armored car. jnadian ministers as she is) The government statement |Queen of Canada," the source| added: said. | "At about 10 a.m. today Tur- "This is not a matter for the|kish insurgents made use of British government or for the/jong-range heavy weapons fir- palace in London." jing against (Greek-Cypriot) se- The cable to the Queen, now|curity forces. Heavy firing was expecting her fourth child, was] heard all over the town. British] risk of a successful cloture--the|10 days of committee consider-| |Senate's debate shutoff proce-|ation would improve its! dure--at the outset. chances, | is expected jto outline the general terms of hadn'tithe government's promised na- minimum ng week, and statu- | civil | 167 Arrests In Frisco Protest SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--San Francisco's largest and noisiest rights demonstration, marked by the mass arpest of '167 persons, ended with an em- ployment agreement covering 35 major hotels, All sides have expressed relief. But the tactics used--1,200 arm - linked, shouting pickets blocking all entrances to a big downtown hotel -- has divided opinion among the city's Negro leaders, There also was a question of hotel was biased in its hiring/cial Senate committee says the|health program in the nation di-|emergency meeting with Presi- who emerged victor after the 20-point agreement was signed Saturday in Mayor John F. Shelley's office, Moroccan Consul Slain In France PARIS (Reuters) -- The Mo- rocean Consul General here, Benerabbi Thami, was stabbed would) tional labor code, a new labor|in his office today and died on/on bail the way to hospital, police re- ported. A man described as a painter was arrested ng CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT, 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 December, sources/bate today with few members ' | Both plans call for: increased|it will end. Man Ss S tem action, but Khanh wants senior| The 10-point measure, which ys officers. to take a more active|cleared the House of Represen- part in the fighting and more}|tatives by a vote of 290 to 130 R S ts H d ground troops to be thrown into| four weeks ago and has' Presi- ejec and | BOSTON (AP) -- Surgeons a e deat man wan bt be! LODOr Ministers tached to the arm of an Ecua- : dorian sailor last month in an/ "pistoric transplant attempt. | e = a utomation Brigham Hospital sald doctors 1 determined that the system of| Jujio Luna, 32, was not accept-- OTTAWA (CP)--Federal La-| . ing the transplant and that it/bor Minister MacEachen and|Canada's pressing manpower graft to succeed, : {labor open a two-day conference|tively and co- operatively at Luna, a petty officer in theitoday that could set the stage|both the federal and provincial Ecuadorian Navy, was reported/for a new parnership aimed at|levels. | in satisfactory condition after|fashioning a flexible mobile] 'The: agenda is set against a The transplant operation had/ mation era. : _|times bewildering changes in in been porformed in Guayaquil,, The conference is the first/qustrial technology and the la- Ecuador, ; since the federal-provincial la-|hor force--all requiring new ap- Luna's right hand had been|bor ministers meeting in 1946| proaches by organized labor, sion last Feb, 13. It -was re-|tions were dismantled. _linces and the federal govern- placed by the hand of a street) Sources hope the meeting will| ment, cleaner who died the same day|produce a new understanding--| of a stomach ailment. 'perhaps even some new and APPRENTICESHIP FIRST ja round-table study of appren- ticeship and training in industry |--a field that lies at the root of Canada's capability for produc- LBJ To Ask i; or highly-competitive world arena of technology. ' Informants say the federal Draft A e Dro government would like to set p up machinery for closer co- operation with the provinces on ,, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-| "There are some 500,000|training of young workers for ident Johnson will ask Congress|youngsters each year who fail the kind of jobs expected to be to 17 to give his war on pov-|source said. "You know if they|be a major change from the erty a chance to aid needy fail this test, they're probably|existing training system related youngsters a year earlier, an/going to fail '.any test, and|directly to present--rather han official source reported today.|they're probably not going to|fuure--needs, poverty, the source said, will be job, : the 500,000 each year who fail) "t7 'selective service the army's general classifica- existed, we probably tion test. They wil! be given alhave had to create it, It's per-\law spelling out a schools where they will takeiys names and addresses of per-|\vacations with pay seas POneation and vocational' sons who needed he p." 'tory holidays This is a key provision in the to go to Congress today or Tues- day. Sources close to the planning said the change would have no ing of actual call-up of the younger registrants, for service in the armed forces. Draft calls i ' F "4 the OFT ans ci te, oe By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, gon-bound U.S. Air Force trans: the lower 20s being called now.|, 2. ne oe : : The 17-year-olds found qualified aoe Leerpid ao -- stanly eae Me blaze tie dreibé would increase the hi ag Ss are in ernatinoa ut the, plane returned to Hong size of the pool of eligibles but Airport in misty weather, Kong. a P Ke +\crashed into a house late Sun-| At Chicago, the pilot, whol pee so gpl ons but the pilot and 28 passengers in the cockpit about two hours: ginger begremg 3 iu ip ree | escaped, was reported in critical condi- proach to the problem of schoo it e f , t\tion in hospital, But the pas Be: np sis o was one of a number o , at ¥ p ~pas-| droppouts, the force assisting returning from a day 7 se all 95 a f skiing in Michigan, escaped we ang 'cided the| bia, police said -all 25 persons! 8 ' I pis ee ae as "laboard a Colombian airliner Without serious injuries, 4: view to pinpoint young men were apparenily killed Sunday The two - engined plane who feed ewtra helo night when it crashed 18 miles crashed through utility lines must take general psychological and intel said the plane, a DC-3 of Co-| tial district in suburban Hoff ligence test when they register|!ombia's Taxader lines, ex-|man Estates, Six persons in the for 'the draft at 18 ploded home asleep on the second} At Boston, a Trans World floor, escaped injury They }made an emergency landing to-| The passengens, 23 men atid iday without - serious difficutty| five women, walked from the after circling an hour to use up/Plane minutes after it plowed fuel. The four-engined Constel-|through the rear. of the two am-slicked with its)ski. There was no The the and plane did not 6 turn but par bent of a wing was ripped off as it In Hong Kong firé broke out| landed said. | willing to predict how or when: battle. dent Johnson's firm Support, Sunday removed the hand of a ehman for Peter Bent would be impossible for the|the 10 provincial ministers of|problems can be tackled effec- | the operation. skilled work force for the aulto-|packground of rapid and some blown off in a grenade explo-|when wartime labor regula- big business, industry, the prov- ~ oR | The conference' will open with FOR 'NEEDY' YOUTH ing the new skills needed in the to lower the draft age from 18 this test," the high official|needed in the future. This would These subjects for the war on/be able to hold down any dceeentL_Mr. MacEachen chance to enter special work!fect for our purpose. This gives|wage, a normal worki message on poverty, expected effect on. the likelihood or tim- oldest: eligibles, with those in A 'chartered DC-3- airliner,| port plane with 45 aboard. Crew they would be at the bottom Of day night, killing the co-pilot|with the co-pilot was trapped Sargent Shriver, head of the/2if mishaps. At Bogota, Colom-|Sengers, All' youngsters ke a south 6f Bogota. Authorities)and into a house in a residen Airlines. airliner with 13 aboard| Were rescued. by firemen. sess skidded to a quick halt on|storey home of Victor Golub | Sunday in the cockpit of a Sai-| The pilot, Virgil Pronovost,| inway tl fire nose scraping ground its propellers Planes Crash, Flame In Weekend Mishaps 40, of suburban Alsip, was res- cued by firemen nearly two hours after the plane crashed shertly before midnight. A few minutes later firemen recover- ed-the body of the co-pilot, Daniel Jordan, of Gary, Ind. Firé Chief Carl Selka' said that Pronovost to7 him as he was nearing O'Hare airport. the plane entered a patch of air turbulence. A tower man at O'Hare said he had directed the plane to land when it was eight miles northwest of the airport. A short time later the pilot radioed the tower that he had lost altitude, from +2,500 to-1,500 feet. The tower then directed the pilot to regain altitude. In a few minutes, the pilot of a commercial airliner over O'Hare airport reported to the tower that he had heard an- other pilot in the the 0 I'm going down." The Golubski house is. on a corner lot'in the southeast part of Hoffman Estates, a commu- nity. of some 14,000. air Say. over Accuse Lodger sent by Guy Pouliot, leader of! Le Rassamblement pour l'Inde-/ pendance Nationale, Oshawa General Hospital patient was rushed from a esti avg ag ho oehae _ It warned of "unfortunate but) that e policeesagried. fast jinevitable incidents" if she vis-| rare aie sinaresncy min oF ited Quebee in connection with} high « ' ' the century of the consultations | gh speed tha led to Canadian Confeder-| 'aion in 1867. | "We got everything we asked \for,"' exclaimed Tracy Sims, 18-|-------- ics wo iteara std DEADLY POISON' : 'wactos! New York Hints Smoke Tax Hike ton-Palace, Hotel. Hundreds of| ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--A spe-jfor "the first major publi Cc} them:staged sit-ins in the lobby of the 89-year-old hotel, one of the city's best known. Hotel officials renewed denial of charges by the Ad Hoe Com- mittee to end Discrimination, | headed by Miss Sims, that the policies. cigarette is a 'deadly poison"|rected exclusively to the ciga-| The agreement states that the|and proposes doubling the state/rette and the diseases it! 35 pacer pie will attempt/tax of five cents a pack on cig-|causes."' to have from 15 to 20 per cent arettes, remainde | of their staffs from minority! He added revenue would be OBckag Pag scocoad be pee [groups by. July 20 of this year. used to finance a major Te-lne used for "other basic state| The Sheraton - Palace agrec§ search program on "the ciga-| services primarily aid to pub-| jto dismiss civil cuts filed ear-jrette and the diseases it lie schol systems,' the com-| \lier against the demonstrators|causes,"' and for aid to public| tee said sgl i | 'and to ask the district ator-|schools, the committee on| ence troops continue to protect Tur- kish psitins. "At 10:45 a.m. Turkish terror- ists used mortars in. their at- tacks against Greek quartens. State forces are advancing and enforcing the law." British headquarters said mortars and armored bulldoz- ers were brought into the ac- tion. The Greeks lobbed mortar Shells int the Turkish quarters, but later halted at the request of the British truce force in Ktima, a British spokesman said. Indian Lti-Gen. Prem Singh Gyani, commander of the planned UN police force, had planned to fly by helicopter to the embattled town after an dent Makarios, However, a UN spokesman said it was not known if he would go. FREE HOSTAGES In 'the mountains east of Ktima, the. Greek-Cypriots re- leased 35 Turkish hostages seized inthe village of Lapi- On 'Relations' MOSCOW (AP) -- Andreas Araouzos, acting foreign minis- ter of Cyprus, conferred today with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, They discussed the ity of 'further developing rela- tions between the U.S.6.R and the Cyprus republic," the offi- cial news agency Tass reported, Araouzos, a Greek + also is minister of trade and in- dustry. ' Tass also distributed a state ment which it said was made by the Soviet embassy in rus Sunday denying the Union is transferring military supplies to Cyprus. : Tass said the statement-an- wwered cables the Turkish4 riot leader on Cyprus, President Fazil Kutchuk, s¢ to the United Nations and governments of Britain, "the United States, Greece and Tur+ ithiou Sunday. Five were dead' key. ney not to press misdemanor/smoking and health suggested charges against the 167 ar-/Sunday. rested. The 167 were released) The committee headed by Sen- ator Edward J. Speno (Rep. Police Chief Thomas Cahill)Nassau); said that statistics called the demonstrations "'the|compiled at ' Roswell Park Mem- most explosive San Francisco/jorial Institute in Buffalo showed |has ever had." |"'cigarette smoking killed 20 per | "I think they made a terrible}cent of New York state male jmistake in strategy," saidjresidents' in the 45-64 age Terry Francois, former presi-|bracket who died last year. dent of the San Francisco chap-| Speno's committee further |ter of the National Association|recommended a ban on ciga- jfor the Adyancement. of Col-/rette advertising on television jored People, during hours when. children nor- "I'm afraid some of these) mally watch. youngsters see going to jail as} 'The cigarette, with or with the magic formula to success."'| ont filter, is a deadly poison Jr OAR aay "land a lethal weapon and an ad- Bo ll Kill d diction for many,"' the commit} tee report contended. y. f 1 e "| The Speno group. estimated the five-cent increase 'in. the cig- jarette tax would produce about $127,000,000 in new revenue. TORONTO (CP) -- Reinhard! The report recommended that Schaffert, 34, of suburban Scar-|$25,000,000 of this be allocated! borough, was charged with cap-! ital murder Sunday im the rifle} Trade Ministers slaying of an 11-year-old boy. pro-| Dieter Strodthoff was | nounced dead in hospital after} Plan London Talk he was admitted with four rifle bullet wounds in his body LONDON (Reuters) -- Com- Police said Schaffert, a lodger;monwealth trade ministers will in the house owned by the boy's}mect here March 19 and 20 in parents, went to a police station|/preparation for the forthcoming} about three blocks from the|United Nations trade sand de- scene of the shooting and stood)velopment conference, authori- ouside. A patrol sergeant spoke|tative sources said today. to him and then escorted him} The UN conference will'opea inside jin Geneva. March 23 and the The boy's brother Karl, 13,};Commonwealth meeting' here heard the shooting from another|will be a general exchange of! room in the house, Tie called po.! views about it | who found a - calibre! The sources expect Edward rifle in the driveway Heath, president of the British) wife, Joyce, are questioned by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Strodthoff;government Board of Trade, to| newsmen in front of the Dal- were at work when the shoot-|preside over the Commonwealth) las County Criminal Courts ing occurred. meeting. building where they appeared 99 Edwin Tiemann and_ his lice this morning carrying plac- ards denouncing the use of psychiatry in court. Tieman, 38, told rreporters hé and his wife. were frgga Shreveport, @ PICKETS AT RUBY TRIAL La., and were: affiliated: with the 'Universal Christian..Vol unteers"'. The Jack Ruby muge der trial is being held in courthouse, (AP Wi; 0 : if eat APSA EAM, er

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