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This special money saving offer is available for a" limited time ONLY, eShop while you wait 90045 minutes they're ready _ CARLTONS _ CLEANING CAROUSEL . 25 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU en Lawrence Plaza Lawrence at Bathurst Humberfown Shopping Centre Royal York Road & Dundas St. West _ East Mall Plaza West Dean Park Richmond Heights Plaza Richmond Hill Oshawa Shopping Centre = - THESE COUPONS ALSO ACCEPTED AT '. CARLTONS CLEANING CAROUSELS BRANTFORD « GAT ° GUELPH « WMLTOR « (TCHENER « LONDON ST. CATHARINES » SUDBURY INTRODUCTORY OFFER "/SAVE...5T: 8 LBS-DRY $49 CLEANING (worth :2) CARLTONS CLEANING CAROUSEL GOOD TILL MARCH 19, 1964 (WITH COUPON) As, 18 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 6, 1964 Seafarer MONTREAL (CP) -- The Ca- nadian Sailor,-organ of the Sea- farers' International Union of Canada (Ind.j, contains only muffled criticism of the federal board of trustees and rival un- ions in the issue published to- day However, the first issue pub- lished since the trustees an- nounced Dec, 4 they would cen- sor publications of unions 'un- der their jurisdiction contains several references to United States union action this year Trustees Muffle Paper tees, have called for the. re- moval of SIU President Hal Banks, This measure was high on the list of recommendations by Mr. Justice T. G. Norris in his federal inquiry report on Great Lakes violence. The publication contains a statement by Al Tanner, vice- president of the Seafarers In- ternational Union of: North America (AFL-CIO) and Great Lakes co-ordinator of the Mari- time Trades Department. The Norris report said the MTD was led by the SIU and) grouped such 'unions in United States Great Lakes ports as the Teamsters and _ International Longshoremen's Association 'in harassment" of Upper Lakes} ships, Tanner 'complained he had been misquoted in a report that the SIU had selected Toledo, Ohio, as the spearhead for the 1964 campaign against _ Upper Lakes "'because of the anti-un- ion attitude of Toledo" "This is entirely untrue and we are proud and appreciative of the fact that Toledo labor has mot foolishly pop up and claim the cap as our. own' if a bul-|' letin recently issued by the trus- 14,000 sailors under their administration contains "'veiled/has been. chosen to and hortatory references to cer- tain union practices." In the Feb. 15 bulletin, the trustees told the sailors "'it's up to you. as much as it's tip to the trustees to restore by peace- ful'means the democratic man- agement and control of sea- men's labor organizations: to the seamen of Canada." CBRT President William publicly gone on record in sup-ismith: said the. statement was port of the SIU and in condem- nation of the dic'atorship on maritime unions in Canada by means of a government trustee- ship there," Tanner was quoted as saying. WON'T CLAIM CAP The editorial says, "we will an--"unwarranted allegation" ** JOINS CREW 'BOURNEM OU TH, England® (CP)--Chemist_ Bill Holmes of this Hampshire holiday resort~ the crew of a replica that ° will fetrace -the: vi of we; Vikings to America. Holmes, 22 will be the only Briton board: = SPECIAL SUITE 3 LONDON -(GP)--A new suite | of state apartments for-use by - pores sa; ona of state is bs : wilt at= ' Airport. will replace the lounge now in . use. and will be maintained by the. ministry -of taro that his union -is undemocratic and he wrote a letter of pro- test to the trustees. The Norris report said SIU President Banks and his. execu- tive "brain + washed" «mions members bees its' "'propa- ganda." ft . Ronald W. Bilsky, | D.C. CHIROPRACTOR | Athletic 'Injuries Nervous Skin. Disorders 100 King St, £. 728-5156 against Upper Lakes Shipping Company Limited ships in U.S Great Lakes ports. SIU-led harassment of the ships. manned by the rival Ca- nadian Maritime Union (CLC) was one of the factors that led to establishment of the trustee- ship over five maritime unions last October, > The Canadian Sailor says in an editorial! the union is "against the principle of gov- ernment trusteeship over mari- time affairs' but would obey the law. It said the trustees have been "honest, so far, in| their stand." CRITICIZES RIVALS It criticized other unions for issuing "mealy-mouthed and in- sidious statements" about other individuals and organ' zations. | The Canadian Labor Congress, | CMU and Canadian Brother of| Railway, Transport and General! Workers." (CLC) whose mari-| time locals are under the trus-\f- 75 KIMG STREET EAST FACTORY CLEARANCE FURS! MARTEN'S FURS Opposite Hotel Genosha Cee ees eee rire ee tt rte St ewes NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. 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