Mm VOR ROU AWA FIBER Wedeonday March A 19) ; Crs escape from te nearby Black-|of 152 LaSalle street, Oshawa; pile SLES AN bist ACG A Arne Ne 2a 4 BLACKSTOCK BREAKIN t stock Motors ~ | Robert Stanley, 17, of no pikes pert ;, caeaiannita _-- emt cH PER ; B iscsoe p< on be fay address; and Denis Larocque, | INCOME TAA}, . fu. h t F d A t Gero: ka aes t of 27, of no fixed address, | RETURNS O S 1re cash from the soft drink and Helps You Overcome | cigaret machine. fg Prepared Economically : Charged with break, enter, | a , T k theft and theft of an ,motor FALSE TEETH invert cae a e +f way r uc Looseness and Worry | aa a Employees REACHES SCHOOLS | care because ot loose. or fea nat, | ; tAC "RUSE 0} e. BLACKSTOCK (Staff) --Three, Owner of the station, Harold) The BBC's school broadcast- Hoey ether tpt Prvlakied of BOB CLs Ney shots were pumped into a get-/Peck, RR-2, Nestleton, fired/ing department sends out 59 port platen nous Ane Senior eo ee : away truck after Peck's Serv-|the shots after surprising the| sound transmissions a week,| rassment caused by loose plates. Get jm 184 Bond St. W. Oshawa, Ont. ice 'Station' was broken into|thieves at 5 a.m. yesterday. reaching more than 29,000 PASTEETH at any drug counter. Bus. 5-0397 Res. 3-7605 here early Monday morning. | A truck was stolen during the| schools. a LN : 72 76-YEAR-OLD PICKERING SCHOOL DEMOLISHED The days for the 76-year-old Replaced by the new Lincoln an addition in 1926, is being school had six classrooms in- : : ' i ' F : ; eit 4 Pickering Public School on Avenue Public School, the old wrecked by the W. F. Hunt- Cluding two basement rooms - el ane acs of learning. : 3 sg: Fresh Young Canadian Pork Sale! Parks, Recreation Groups PORK - reeton Jockey For Township Grants® FE QOQINS '* cy G7: BROUGHAM -- Pickering] The Club asked for a budget|there was little permanent value,available, that two stone pillars Township Council Chamber wasjof $1,115 which includes a War/in equipmyent that was lost or|with lights on each entrance be es : JACK SPRATT crowded on Feb. 26, when a/ $1,000. damaged year after year. installed, and a wading 'pool for / : SLICED ' umber of Township parks and. Ken Jones, representing the "If this committee does not do Children, with a paved area ? 1 LB. PKG recreation groups gathered to|West Rouge Sports and Recre-|ini. jighting in ball parks," vaig| alongside, be included. ; é , yeport on their accomplishment/ation Club, spoke of the House/y), Campbell vires settive , : ' : ORAPre for 1963 = submit their bud-/League serving 200 boys, which/from council on the committee (nee PAS LANDS me OR STEWING ¥, A total of $17,352.50 was re-/The boys paid to play. Mr ldividual groups are not large and Harvey Fertile, of French- a ; =) ~ l gets for 1 last year cost them some $2,600.)\n5 one else will do it: The in.| Miles Cook, of Fairport Beach, 3/2 LB. AVG: sub-| Jones said that four teams were an's Bay, wer by in- quested, and a number of sub: hy man's Bay, were present by in LEAF. FROM missions have not yet been re-jin the OMHA and that they enough : oy vitation of the committee, to Caress F 1 LB. PKG. C HADDOCK FILLETS aE ee Cu ceived. promoted hockey, baseball, soc I don't think," he continued,|giscyss land which their com- Paul Lyons, on behalf of|cer and other sports activities in that giving children bats and munity associations owned, but Parks Committees of Bay|the area. : balls is making them respect because it was not vested in Ridges, submitted a budget of "We will have to find about the game any more. Participa-|the Township, was not eligible $6 902.50, The project for this|$1,200 for this year," said Mr.|tion by helping themselves is|for grants. | year is to pave an area in the|Jones, "Any amount that you/S9ing to do that. The representatives said that| i Park, and to sponsor|can see your way clear to help) Mr. Campbell said that equip- i annlants = | , : : Balsdon Pa | their associations would have to Gro c ery Buys Bakery Goodies SAVE 104 the moving of the Consolidated/us out will be appreciated." ment would not be entirely cut! study the matter, and invited Building Corporation Hall toOmproye HALL AND PARK |°!" but there must be a closer members of the committee to) ; Pi NK 4 STEINBERG'S FRESH Mitchell Park, together with the) "Rouse Hill Parks Board, re-ONTO! on it. attend and explain the proce-| ee) OCEAN KING FANCY lighting, heating and maintain-| esented by George Range,| Bill Thomas, president of dure, and the benefits for park| / ing of this. building. Mr. Lyons!.cicq for a budget of $5500 toj@eenwood Parks Board, asked and community programs. SALM nei s said he expected the building); " ; com.(for Playground equipment for jimprove their park and com STEINBERG'S FRESH would be moved by early fall. | nity hall |Greenwood Park, and added|A MATTER OF STUDY | The opinion of the Bay Ridges! thoiuded in their needs was/thatif the other boards were not) Don B@er, chairman of the| MEAT MORTON'S FROZEN H T PKG, 39 Parks Boards was that a paved bulldozing an area. to make aieithusiastic about lighting for Pickering Township Parks and ' CR BUN OF 8 area had a great potential, and) manent hockey cushion, im- 'heir ball parks, that Greenwood Recreation Commitete, accepted Pi ES BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY -- 8 07. PKG. STEINBERG'S FRESH e ps og ety np proving the driving and parking Would welcome it. the. various "OuagelE, Ant Be , -- LEMO AY 39 ith all year- seats ; +i Sen > ow ~on-! yee rg ice in winter, ten- areas, and building a new kit- PARKETTE BUDGET ee ee N L ER CAKE ¢ au « ichen on the hail. \ iv F a10e8 wae a _|sidered. Undoubtedly, he said, | & LE STEINBERG'S FRESH nis, volleyball, basketball in "ya oyaricia appeared on be- BE rade Mee Eh ie Bec they would have to be pared,| KRAFT 4 SWEET ROLLS 35¢ y 4 ' y PKG. OF 6 summer. half of the East Woodlands po, abrov ty ean he total was high, and there} bi ave had a lot of trouble). : , " Board, to improve their park/@S the total was high, and there 5 Se the teen-agers," said/SPOrts Committee with a sub-\area with. trees, shrubs, grass, Wyere more to be submitted. He SALAD DRESSING 16 OZ. JAR ;.,|mission by the Sports Director) .4), laver ip- Said that the Township Council Benoa meni BoP Decne" anpasetnd' i shat Tow Ce ©) CAKE DONUTS ~~ 25¢ them somew oat tes |activities of softball, badminton, : ' te yet ahve * . INSTANT CREAM-O see something to do is what creates Naithill aocear volley Gall It was suggested in their re- amount for the budget for parks j A tas re caus ia tn ak Ra weltenteen "tori tat If" fanils "were end rece ee ae COFFEE 10 07. JAR FR thong po ine Ridoes haa|the children. They asked for as- . é stated that the subdivision|™Stance with equipment for should be completed by the end|their recreation program. Mr. Oldfield triggered an ar- , | | AYLMER "= 9 the, ota vould not only serve' the/fument with the committee on | PURE JAMS: | French Fried 8 roa] td \the vi e of equipment, partic- # - i Influx of peopl, but be avaiable airy gottball vas oppoved 10 aqrrora's =| | Potatoes'<™ 9 f. FA N CY DEL MONTE BROOKPARK FROZEN CREAM STYLE fs MEAT TURKEY, BEEF, Citt well é jeapital expenditure on parks, DISPLAYS TROPHIES |have @ permanent value. i : Mrs. Norah Livingston, ac-) Parks Administrator Harry ie oO R N aus. oul companied by Business Mana-|Ashton claimed that little equip- | : : : DINNERS ia ban jsuch as lighting, which would er Bert LeGard and severaliment, if any, was returned to bessasmomer : Secbecs 'of "The Blue Notes" |the Township building at the HOLIDAY the Pickering Youth Trumpetiend of the seasons, and that} ' is PEAN U T KRAFT ~ SMOOTH ; : PIZZA™™ Band, addressed the Parks and eae aes CHEE E ¢ i i 40 07. a . PKG: Recreation Committee. B U T T he R 07. JAR 12¢ OFF + m 0z STEINBERG'S FRESH = PLAIN, CINNAMON, SUGAR Frozen Food Specials They bore with them, and left Bowmanville for display in the municipal building, handsome trophies ia MAKE S that they won last year -- one \ 7 , 5 Corps Class in' the Canadian < iall r d ig ' m i ec Yy CO es California Sunkist Navel sy le pearances in parades in Whitby,| ont at Bowmanville. tala , Imported Produce of U.S.A. Fresh Green ¢ Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 grade Vine Ripe Tb. eorente, Srasnotoas, Mrs, Jim Pritchard defeated Mrs, Livingston asked for fi- dreau of Trenton 17-15 and 15-7. E Delicious or 2 Feratly ela nancial assistance from the In the consolation final of this} : APPLE Macintnih ONIONS a5 4 rad Drum Corps style Delencia and Jean Stettler of "seg and Dru P Bowmanville 15-11 and 15-11 : HONE DEW MEL NS iy {n the men's doubles, Peter- ¥ each Girls' Club, submitted a resume p,, : Gib- 8 r Oe GT dieareat Ges avy Peterborough lost out to Al Gib a 2 eee § seule une S) ae...» STEEL bers, ranging from floor hockey| while Don Little and Bob " ' praanatovernneee imeem Am Pres umuTY Championships at Waterloo, and) Wi T fs one which they captured for the) In ourney ce. ; poz ond year in a row, the Mark- ies i oie fragt BOWMANVILLE -- Peterbor- yo SN " sweet & juicy Cror . ¢ is " ough won only one event Satur- ; ; i The 50 members will parade)o20" 0" the Central Ontario Bad. 4 : oe : med, size Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa, Brook- TOMATOES large slicin Hope, Markham, Bowmanville, 9 9 tk Committee, which this year section, Roxey Glover and Mary | GAINS APPLAUSE borough was, defeated in the ee : si Tal COUSUS Bob Smith, who with his wife semi-finals, Be ont or 50 io roeensit ot 25 Si Rina St aan Pina oe STAINLESS son of Bowmanville and Gary and gymnastics to Judo and IM-/cso0 31) were defeated by Doug : P foce: =, Se Be Listerine Antiseptic Rongies Someta mat of stases for first place in the Parade this season, having made ap- minton Association tourna- ; ; | It was in the ladies' doubles C q ton, ' 2 lin, Richmond Hill, dg, when Mrs. Kay Messervey and ite , 5 d CABBAGE Uxbridge and Waterloo. Pearl Carswell and Mattie Bou- OO" ie Ontario Grown Fancy Red Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade Cooking would help to pay for uniforms Ann Larocque won over Rose : Produce of US A No 1 Grade L ' ' nial PrmGK MUTT Jean operates the West Rouge. jq and Don Miskiman of ] Aylmer Pure Jams ||Resn fareed Seale SPAGHETTI Sz" ad ities enjoyed by some 72 mem-|ii1 of Whithy-18-16 and 18-15 ! x oS SEE ores , wens) door baseball. : ; <koq|Hammond and Don Bagnell of fog. ii eee: a i % ieee pgs sie Bowmanville 15-8 and 18-13. : : " s . compen Cores w9en "et $ Loe DERE $) COVERED soa sorich they pay far the However, in the consolation| ee Bie wes oF win ary Eee et 2 ae school gymnasium. final, Joop Unck and Lorne : NESTLE HAIR latent OR GRAPEFRUTT 4 SAUCEPANS! There was indication, how- Hunter, of Peterborough scored For a quick, special m i F é SPRAY Powder 97¢ $ 99 : ee 5 ever, that rent may no longer a 15-10, 10-15 and 15-10 wins q die Se me Som FAAS MARC $ Tt apa ' T ; family dessert try one of if se ef be collected, Mr. Smith declared over Al Mott and Ted Laidley) ore. eee y , 'witw wea couron win nas COUPON Waa Couron that he had just learned of this of Belleville in the final. Stafford's sundae sauces set ise mire ine a. WITH THIS COUPON j a few hours prior to the meet- In the mixed doubles. Anna! Ghade crea: alain { olgate Toothpaste Instant Mashed CARROTS AND PURCHASE OF ing. It was agreed that this Strike and Doug Hannon. of seaieae: r : bend s Potatoes 33tg 35¢ A ONE QUART SIZE couple would carry on their Bowmanville won over Mr. and| cake, or a pudding. i Sh ----e Sa nai a -- as . STAINLESS STEEL work with the girls with no r@-Mrs. Jim Pritchard 15-7 and} Your family will love aad ie rochnat gi "Tie puna Tenoe "o EXTRA west for assistance 18-18. Roxey Glover and Joop! , 4 a ; "re C d S 9 The Committee appiatded the UncK the extra flavour, extra i = GROUND CHUCK r PINKY overe aucepan got by Joan Miller and Bol logna Chub STAMPS applicant, and declared thatt his non Little 15-8, 10-15 and 18-16,| goodness of Stafford's , won sri ci ae was a new and pleasant twist t0't5 win the all-Peterborough| Sundae caucus what sis 'i dy a budget meeting : consolation final. igheaumee syn oe COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 11, 1964 i > ' . } : Pree . 'WITH THIS COUPON 'WITH THIS COUPON The West Rouge Canoe Cub . change a simple dessert AND PURCHASE OF AND PURCHASE OF Bill Pet ahs | : ; : - 2 " re PURCHASE fepresented by Bil Pass. tgons| PLACED FirTH =| _--_into-a very special treat, is "MARGARINE B roves. Ee He WITH THIS COUPON . ai avzes..takes part in re- A team drawn from the Royal 2 ro 576 aes 5% FANCY PEAS : 300 AND PURCHASE OF e who qualify go Canadian Regiment placed fifth 4 ron 59¢ A TWO QUART-SIZE B, r $ $ $ 1¢ *hamnionsh ps in a British Army ross-coun * sind CUUFON | PIRES MANCH 2, 1964 y/ COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 7, T564 iB 524 nadian Chamnionsh Feo ges Sra head GPen y. | coro sams anc) me / STAINLESS STEEL ; . ettes gets The "Canadians had only three ™ . AND PURCHASE OF " AND PURCHASE om \ Me RES 2) C d § said Mr, Pettes,. "g Bt ie Dumeect 56 Pieters overed Saucepan - uge and Pickering men- months' training for the rugged 1 ee ' Teer a baneawide television, six-mile race run over army| CE cua li eyes Powder DAR etvccer re "We do not know of any training ground. | ; roe eh) Detergent 6% pas 88¢ i # 4 & group in our area which pro- COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 7, 1964 COUPON EXPIRES WAROR 7: 1988 § comron § \ COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 11, 1964 ' AL : z boys and girl RAILWAY PIONEER a ee att : L PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR. 4 TO 7, 1964 vides sports for over ane 18.7 M fond becaneo_of the rising 719 Derlirgter line a . ep of 16-20. we fort shat this ed in i et i : (OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. cd 'STREET WHITBY - ae ' AJAX . ROAD ROUGE HILL t The opening of the Sto is the most important group." of railway development » 4