Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1964, p. 18

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fea 716, L. Rogers B13, J. Hodgson 214, W. Keenan 210, W. Villa 210, D. Wolose- wich 208, 6. Butler 202, T. Lovely 202, C. Villa 261, H. Titterton 200, P. Cain 200 and A. Cawker 200. Lemons .-- J. Jonasson 73. 18 THE OSHAWA times, Wednesday, March 4, 1964 10-PIN ACTION | Stan Hodgson Rolls 'Best Set Past Week During this wee! 58 points and are followed by Oshawa TV BOWLING ETIQUETTE team do need wigs to make them caler' ware th yg of the 56 points, Industrial Tool and Die AND COURT sae es Seer ae Atak 1 G6 le form AS|have 4, Dunlop 44, Pepi's Pizza lace}. Would the persons who have any Com-\King Pins over the Hootenannys. there was at least eight 600 sets|42, Preston's Men's Wear 411, Sheriff's|plaints please do so after the bowling is|Wolosewich, the Thundering Herd, shot, At the head of the. list Tailors 38%, Aldsworth Cleaners 37, En-|finished or before it starts, we under-| guaranteed there will be no more exhi- was Stan Hod: "tur gel's Men's Wear 32, Millwork 23, Sea-|stand that there are some problems thatinitions like last week. He has 8 new " igson, who turned| way Ford: 11 and Team 11 has 6 points.larise thaf need prompt attention, but a) in sers with 6 pair of re-inforced trou: trong in games of 226, 221, 216 for a lot of them could wait until after bowl-|seams and patterned especially for him very fine 663 triple in the EASTWAY MIXED Pe The secretaries pigs Sra iby, Omar the tent-maker. : Thu: Two team-mates together on Wed-|0f leagues are all out to have an enjoy- rsday Night League. On the! nesgay % Doris Venn 533 (201) and\able evening of bowling and the com-| MOTOR CITY MIXED LEAGUE night, ) same night L. McConkey shot/Ernie Gillespie 580 (202, 221); nice bowl-|plainis can sure make a mess of it. another 815 triple by Chris Collins (303, the second high triple of the|'"9; 1113 between them. Thank you for @ny consideration You'»4," 248) was high this week, followed week with games of 222, 216, 200/o/"ercver 20) <-, &:,Worsley 572, (210),|can_ show. by Josie Westlake 770 (265, 267, 238); fle & the 0 'triple » 216, ck 537 (210), M. Katchaluba Doug Smith 738 (205, 218, 315), Al Jamie- . rocca McCorma: K. Neal 531, § D THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE -- on "722 (236, 301), Joan Jackson 721. (275, MEN'S ASSOC, TOURNAMENT °2'5), S- Peftit 511, J. Husband 508 (207),|0n their torrid pace as they moved four|archie Bruce 679 (227, 201, 251), oa place with a 4-0 win over the Jack Rabbits. Big Bill Butler's Shiv- arees with a first game total of 657 took. 8 +1 beating from A. Perry's Alley Rats, The Hotshots doubled their point total they now Reve twe = J 9 31 tee te ine Blowers - they lost 3- Ones appeared . wearing Beatle There are many who claim some of this le 2 . Cole 520,.G. Turner 514, J. Lynch 512| Black's Men's Wear No. 2 continued 393), Bud Morey 708 (247, 231, 230), G. Reid 502 and B. Floody 501. points in front of Dumont Aluminum who|macDerma@id 670 (261, 242), Chuck F Starting this weekend, March} 'Ledies over 410 --- J. Gyurka 510, F.jhave 15 points and followed by Scugog| 460 (224, 201, 235), Stella Makarchuk 651 pei the following two week- ny AT, Cleaners with 14, L.A. and 8. Discount 14) (a0, 237, 204), Bus White 681 2H, 20), isha' Associa . Pic-O-Mat 14, Les Eviness "|Mar| Ford 654 (250, 221), Ja r- Zens f il' b -- 038, M.|Clint's Texaco 11, McLaughlin Fuels 10,| son ke (211, 227, 208), Geof Curl 641 (260, ent will be held, This|coie 437,'J. Pettit 420, G. Fusco 418 and|H. and L. Enterprises 9, Goch Supertest| 213, 228), Oscar Morrison 628 (229, 208), | ig handicap tournament held by|M. Peake 41). % Mackies Van. and Storage 9 Houdaille| Lois Watson 627 (208, 211, 216), Ken Bailey Bond Clothes and Bobbies each took 7/9, Homes by Harrison 5, Black's Men's| 608 (206, 227), Curly Jackson 606 (221), association once a year and y' points away from Wilson's Furniture. and|Wear No. 1 5, Ideal Dairy Products 4 and|Earl Westlake 614 (222, 206), Ross West all bow] lers are asked to enter. snes yee John's -- Oshawa! Dyett's Sports with 1. lake 601 (215, 212) and Ross Shortt (238, will amera Centre and Censors took five| There were some very good scores turn-|210). " AB cpanel ail oral pe 'and left 2 for The Jinx, Lane Pharmacy|ed in this week, four 600 sets and six sets} Good singles were by Inez Curl 271, , award, wes best for! The Ladies' hi ing way out in average is still s Taypees, Oshawa Camera Centre,|over 550. At the top of this list was/Dorothy Sykes 261, 215, Bert Smith 247, will cost $4.00 a person per Plumbing and Auto-Magic Car-jStan Hodgson with games of 226, 221,/Haze) Devenish 255, Frank Chumbley event and $2.00 for all event: wash fook 4 each and Johnny's TV, The/216 for a fine 663 triple and L. Mac-|243, Pat Weggler 234, 225, Aura Walls] " events. splits and Cook's Body Shop ended up|Conkey with games of 222, 216, 209 for|202, 230, Jack James, 22%, Rows Pred with 3, a nice 647 triple. The other six hundred|215, 206, Dolly B , Audre | LANDER-STARK CLASSIC LEAGUE |" The Men's high average race is see-|sets and high triples were J. Spencer|214, Flo Williamson 206, Natalie Blasko) 'The lest place Jets upset the leading|sew affair between the .team-mates|626 (214, 213, 199); H. Hutcheon 605 (215,/212, Nick Jaksitz 209, 208, Walt Devenish with @ stunning 3 to 0 victory as|George Turner and George Reid with 178,206); L. Rose 595 (213, 202); J. Masiewich| 205, Joan Westlake 205, Pete Makarchuk | i a fired @ big 624 triple|next and not ot be overlooked |s L.|585 (206); J. Gallant 579 (200, 200); G.|203, Mae Jamieson 203 and George Wat- ae @ tremendous 261 game. Vern|Schats with 175, B. Worsley and G. Mc-|Copp 579 (236); G. Hornby 558 (203) and/son 202. who won 'this week's Coles'|Cormack 173. B. Powers 553 (200) | ; Bowler of the week High Singles for the night were: W.| LAKEVIEW LADIES' LEAGUE al 7 ayton 237, T. Krawchuk 221, P. Sztaj- ratulations to D. Myers 358, taking| jagles; paced by Ken Fisher's és, iocher 208, R. Villeneuve 203, B. Howlett | nigh' single 'and 676 triple. | f fo 0 despite 202, C. Russell 202, G. Sloan 201 and F.| go -- J. Pattman 630 (241, 223); L.| mieten Glover 626 (243, 227); J. Brown 623 (259, | |203) and $. Campbell 617 (238). | \"200 -- B. Corby 276, M. Hickey 253, G.| Ginstie 250, D. Temple 246, B. Quenell 238, B. Smith 233, 209, D. Zedic 22, B.} Loreno 218, P. Elliott 217, G. Harding 212, Jj. Gardian 211, 208, J. rere 209, Z SHERIFP'S TAILORING LEAGUE 219, 259); B. Morey 776 (246, 285, 245);|Bonnafont 208 and hens ests 6) George Brabli This, week sew Hillbillies go way out Init. Shobbrook 756 (236, 300, 220); B.| Points taken = Ae ae ony 3 0; lle "somes " fosna| Rascal Hootenannies few' pain trom Oe ose 2b)e Le Locke, 713 "(3it, 207) ee ea Grennv's. Gals 2; Hillbillies) ken had in @ losing) p is, Hootenannies also took four| (241, 251, 218); L. Locke 713 (311, 207) 6, Hot Shots 2, Pussy Willows 4 and Hush| insperger from\ the Astropaunts. The Globetrotters|9"¢ H. Norton 741 (309, 236). 6, Hot She ight -- J. Wadi 624 (261);| and Jetsons took two each. High Singles -- S.. Bowers 313, B. Win-| PUPP K. Fisher 608 (235); V. Trimbie 582) ' a teal ak bn a. bratie caer eal (214, 201); G. Brebin 580; H. Prakken| 708! points -- Hilibiities 12, Globetrot-/os. 49, W. 'Lanning 283, O. Salmers 261, es 575 (226, 201); B, Harding 575 (217); w,|ters 8 Hootenannies 8, Rascals 8 Jef!) Powell 251, Cy. Powell 274, B. Hardie, Congratulations to the Hered penal big Crystey 870 (221); B. Edgar 566 (211)|80N8 & Astrapauts 6. 267, S. Sargeant 319, H. Peleshok 273, S.|ners, Hopefuls with 18 paints. Section wit, Dattaes de NaN | 600 Scores -- H. Garason 674 (249,|Skirrow 276, B. Tunstall 291, $. Claus|ners to date are: Flyers, Headpl Standings -- Tigers 44, Lions 41, Fal-|269); J. Jackson 660 (242, 226); M. Fer:|285, V. Craddock 261, D. Smith®250, J.| Hopefuls. a1, slow Pekan eons 40, Flyers 36, Rovals 34, Eagles 32,/9us0n 609 (235); J. Hurst 607 (214, 221)|Meinichuk 293, P. Kupnicki 282, J. Wil-) Standings -- Headpins Be vdeo Hewks 32 and Jets 29. and J. Wall 602 (216). liams 278, F. Bail 291, B. Lavergne 250,|17, Whitecaps 13, wie Tal | | 200 Scores -- C. Gilbert 231, R. Craw-|R. Harrison 263, T: Stogwin 271, F. Major|Hambones 10 and Blacki * i ae BASTWAY MEN'S MAJOR ford 228, M. Bawks 226, Y. Watson 220,|267, G. Topping 260, T. Flagel 284, R.| 200 Games -- 'A. Langley 266, B. This week saw 600 series rolled pa by promptiy leading the Pal & 2101 victory over the Lions, | Walt Crystal was the pick of the losers. Bert Harding became the league's new: est member as he joined the Mewks far | jodden 257, L. Worden 258,| four R. Canfield 218; K. Murray 209, T.|Lioyd 293, 256, D. Losee 256 and R./non 260, M. Gi linowski 247, M.| with H. Prakken fopping the list' with|Kenoe 208, E. Taylor 205, M.Glikes 204) Leczel 255 J. Beaton 254, C. Ma 622 end with G. MeCormick, who had 256274 D. Wicknes 201. Lemon League -- R. Laviolette 84, L.| Fitzgerald 236, J- a a se single, one pin back with 621 followed) Lemon League -- vent yt K. Murray 93 and D.| Homer 97, M. Crystal 86 and P,. Tureski|N. Blasko 223, by T. Tyers with 602 and H. Blohm with|MeCertney 73. 81. ches k 16 P. McGarry 214, P. Yule he Ontario Motor Sales continued on their| MEN'S STORE LEAGUE RADIATOR DEPT. . Konarowsk! 200. | hag yg ele ie Dewell sas (23s winning streak as they lead the league| Points taken -- Alger Press 3, Powell's' Team Standings -- Champs 13, Rey #0 with 24 points end followed by Trojans|Orugs 1; National Grocers 0, Brown's/Ones 13, King Pins 13, Guttersnipes 12, with 22, Corvettes 19, Crystals 18, Colts|Lumber 4; Pedlars 2, Toastmasters 2;/Alley Rats 9, Hootenannys 7, Shivarees 4, 13, Texans 12, Splinters 11, and Cobras|Town and Country 1, Coulters 3; Auto.|Blowers 4, Jack Rabbits 3 and Hot Shots nN. 2 |Trans. 3, Seven-Up 1; Acadian Cleaners/2. High everages -- W. Scott 186, H. Prak-|1, Hellidays 3; Ont. Motor Sales 0,| High Triples -- Al Perry 792 (299, 237, AUX. 27 UAW ken 185, G. Brabin 184 and C, Andor 183.\Con. Heating 4; Barbers 0, Motor City|256); D. Taylor 714 (251, 217, 246); J. g 405 (219) and : |4; Dixon's 1, Balko 3; Oshawa Bakery 3|Brockman 697 (230, 248, 219); A. Men-| Doubles -- J. Braiden MONDAY WIGHT LEAGUE and Goch's 1. |zles 683 (287, 231); Slim Craig 674 (232,|J. Slater 404 (229). H. Fisher 222 This week Ken Fisher led the league| High Team Triples -- Alger Press 3647,|245); B. Edgar 672 (262, 251); B. Atters-| Singles -- O. Clark or B. Rutherford with 600 and remained tied with John|Brown's Lumber 3627 and Powell's|ley 459, (250, 275); 9. Tippett 646 (205,|J. Hall 223, E. Bathe 218, z. - ee) Waldinsperger for the Drugs 3586. |256); H. Walker 645 (205, 240, 200); E.|203, A. Armstrong 200 and D. Fog 184. Other high scores for the night were:| High Team Singles -- Powell's Drugs|Rose 635 (204, 242); N. Wilson 634 (239,/ There were 15 Lemon Lee violet B. Skelton 589 (247); J. Weldinsperger|1379, Brown's Lumber 1348 and Alger|241); R. Knox 634 (223, 241); J. Bailey, Teams Standings -- a ecanten 13,1 573 (226); K. Gael 572 (215) and F, Gerry|Press 1305. 1625 (233, 200); G. Hubbard 619 (210, 248);|HI Lo's 17, Jokers 15, Pin! 1 HII 564, . High Triples -- H. Brown 703 (225, 203,\8nd B. Kemp 607 (312). Hootenannies 12, Sell-Ringers " | Kinioch's Men's Weer still are in first|275); G. Linttop 772 (305, 256, 211); $.| High Singles -- R. Stevenson 243, B.|Billies 6 5. Jexers| piece with 62 and it appears that|Saimers 822 (283, 287, 252); J. Procher|Homes 243, F. Locke 232, B. Barclay Points gets | they will end up there. Black's Men's|733 (259, 218, 256); A. Moss 724 (223,|230, B. Walte 226, W. St. Louis 206, 228,|1; All-Stars 3 Billies | . oa te Wear eppeer to be making a vain at-|218, 283); $. Simpson 743 (346); R. Pow-|B. Dove 225, 201, J. Dawson 221, B. Dales|3, Hootenan Hi-Lo's 0 a tempt fo make first place as they havelell 766 (207, 276, 283); J. Healey 798 (320,/220, B. Maxwell 219, G. Curl 217, H. Ald-'Shots 3. Hooper 8 73, G. BISMA-REX tovocr vive 1.07 | ALKA-SELTZER vaive 62° CEPACOL un vite 1.16 | Noss? SHAMPOO 3', 1.07 KLEENEX yssve 28° | PRIVINE fos) vaite 88° SPRAY. BRYLCREEM [YeVuue "sos price 23° |iovas Vitamins & Minerals yitte 3.49 VO-5SHAMPOO jano'torion value 99° | Lovet Cough Suppressant yaw' 1.58 JURY & LOVELL COUPON =a WORTH 42: CREST tootn paste on the purchase of Fights tooth 79° JURY & LOVELL COUPON WORTH 34° on the purchase of Nivea Skin Creme 1.33 Value with Coupon 99c COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 14, 1964 Gillette Foamy Shave 98c Value with Coupon56c ow Coupon Expires' March |+«, 1964 Giant size 1.09 Value JURY & LOVELL COUPON WORTH 26° on the purchase of Dristan Vaporizer 1.39 Value with Coupon 1.13 COUPCN EXPIRES MARCH 14, 1964 JURY & LOVELL COUPON WORTH 26° on the pufchase of Dristan Tablets 1.25 Value with Coupon 99¢ Coupon Expires Morch 14, 1964 SELTZER ] 1.69 volue JURY & LOVELL COUPON JURY & LOVELL COUPON FASTEETH 67¢ value 59° JOHNSON BABY POWDER WORTH 30° on the purchase of Noxzema Skin Creme 1.45 Value with Coupon 1.15 Coupon Expires March 14, 1964 WORTH 1.32 on the purchase of Tri-Vi-Tabs Vitamins 4,50 Value with Coupon 3.18 uP t ARCH 14, 1964 JURY & LOVELL COUPON WORTH 2.00 - on the purchase of Samson Heating Pad 6.95 Value with Coupon 4.95 WO LOVELL COUPON 1 the purchose of 75¢ VALUE Vick's Vapo Steam 1.25 Value with Coupon 99c COUT EXPIRES MARCH 14, 1964 . 5Ge | eniarwnesters JURY & LOVELL LTD. BOWMANVILLE _- OSHAWA _ WHITBY "Many Yellow Ticket Values in Our Stores. Come In and Save More" OSHAWA SHOPPING C OFFERS YOU EXTRA NIGHT SHOPPING OPEN THURSDAY AND 54 Quality Stores for Your Shopping Convenience | T. EATON, COMPANY LIMITED _ ' ae Edna Ann Hats Limited Bassett's (Ontario) Limited Fairweather Company Limited Bata Shoes Limited Sue Ladies Want Beauty Clinic Hair Stylists see le . Henry Birk and Sons (Ontario) Limited Franklin-Simon Jack Fraser Stores Limited Bond Clothes Shop Bonita Beautiful Shoes Harleigh Supplies (Oshawa) Limited Bo-Peep Restaurant Harvey Dance Academy Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Horwich Credit Jewellers Canada Permanent Mortgage 'Joe and Pat's Barber Shop. Corporation S. S. Kresge Company, Limited Canadian Food Products Sales Limited Laura Secord Candy Shops Limited Carlton's Cleaning Carousel Lighting Unlimited Corporation Limited Litz Delicatessen C. Cole and Company Coles Sporting Goods Limited Loblaw Grocerterias Company Limited The Dise Shop Locke's Florist MacFarlane's Shoe Service Dover's Limited Dunn's Tailers Maher Shoe Service Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Limited Bank of Montreal Ontario Government (Department of Transport) * Oshawa Camera Centre Oshawa Shopping Centre Bowling Lanes Oshewa Shopping Centre Service Station Oshawa Wood Products Reitman's (Ontario) Limited Renalee Limited Sdigneur's Sportswear Limited John Swan Hardware, Limited -- G, Tamblyn Limited United Cigar Stores Limited Vadiant Dry Cleaning and Machinery Limited ' Walker's Young Ages Limited Yolles Furniture Company, Limited Zeller's Limited PLENTY OF FREE PARKING CONVENIENT BUS SERVICE INTO THE CENTR t

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