Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1964, p. 4

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cified by Magistrate Harry W. sethantes naa snalenceinaeii Father-Son WHITBY PERSONALS Is Sentenced-For |= They must spend the remain- WHITBY And DISTRICT Banquet At i Sits ah eee a 'Depraved astes' [mcm ses following winners: Phyllis Bar-|Kam!oops, B.C. and be off the streets at 10 : i ton, 0.3 Elliott, so ieee ont, Ged & Be p.m. : M tner, s Semple = ug' rt. @ : ANNUAL REPORT. Greenwood [itty Rams Sem Cer engin ot Ms stl) you are just aly hangerbeen standing onthe ret in| Robert Moule, 17,188 Tatra i her 'sth birthday today, Feb. 29,)on with a depraved taste fof)/Bay Ridges, Feb. 4 gan ies poo! drive, Bay Ridges, was convict The Annual Father and Son Flying Office r Fred Archi-|Her companions of R. A. Hutch, anything but work," comment-| youths approached d) od of break, enter and. theft bald, son of Mr, and Mrs, Archy|ison School and friends wish her ed Magistrate Harry W. Jer-|said: "Do you want'a flght?" T motion pros git g cub rnd mae bas Archibald, Centre street cvaih, a happy birthday. myn after hearing evidence| One of the boys answered in|#%4 given a like sentence with in the basement of 'Greenwood|stationed 'with the RCAF at against 16-year-old Michael|the negative and was punched|the exception that he will not United Church last Saturday, |Comox, British Columbia, is at| Decor prize was won by Mrs.|Kelly of Bay Ridges. and kicked to the grou by/be required to attend the House Some 85 fathers and sons L, Cox. Lunch was served by| Kelly.appeared in Whitby Ma-|Longman and Kelly the Crown! of Concord. if R bi A d C Is! attended the dinner served by/ BOWLING NEWS thy aad thks ck gj eng sistrates court Tuesday charges Levene "at eae Gd on dale Ladies' Auxiliary. 5 -| with assault and for sentence on r earlier this enting ©) inson n p tiibdey aye with rreee The next--euchre will be held|two charges of break, enter and|month the two youths were|Pre-Sentence report Magistrate March 20. : heft, found guilty of breaking into|J candles marked the third annt- WHITBY LADIES e theft. : g into|Jermyn noted that Kelly had Crime under the Criminal) "I recommend that Cpl.|frequently are: drunk driving; versary of the group. PoE eee eur cum! Best wishes for a nappy birth-|. Also charged with assault and|Several Pickering | Township/been suspended from school Colle increas seta assigned to full|vagrancy; uttering; false pre- frops, 4) 'Humbugs, 0) Jelly 'aeans, 3; "{two counts of break and enter,| buildings and remanded ror sen- raging pe Whitby during 1963, Police ¢ Thicllinis iananilgosees Sock, ih alweces; possession of .stolen|_chmrman Jack Hiern Good: [Sayge¥e, 3 alban 1 aoe Bis, |O0 nrg Ragas Fo David Longman, 17, of 903 Liv-/tence yesterday. eile Moulle who Ted accel George Rankine told the Town's|rank of Detective. - goods; malicious damage; dan-\win proposed a toast to the| triples over 500: Isabel Mothersili e23;|Street High School ompanions|°"P00! road, Bay Ridges ap-| Both youths were senenced to pac in his an-| In his report Chief Rankine}gerous driving; point gun; POs-) «, sponsors, the United Church, Eileen Dalby 640; Jean King 625; Ber-lang friends,, Bernice will cele- peared with Kelly. 18 months probation and condi- over 1s Per cent signs sess offensive weapon; keep] nich was answered by Rever-|"ce,,,Moise 519), Marlon Reiter. saibrate her 15th birthday Sunday, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck| tions to the probation were spe-|of being a promising boy. gaming house; cheating at play; | onq 'Thomas Flectham. Serene' Casanoich ia Gareiey Mesrsl March, 1, : told the court that two boys had personnel under his command.|fail to obey court order; per- Scout Greg Sherwin proposed|523/ Goldie Marshall 517; Hazel Moore PECECOHCO OSE EEO ROCCO REECE OCC : He recommended that Sgt.|jury) arson; contributing to ju-|, 'toast to the Group Commit-\sy¢' gai Roa peisnorso ee oem : a Robinson be upgraded to the|venile delinquency; non pay-lte, anq Chatman Jack Hooker] singles over 200: Isabel Mothersill 325, i rank of Detective-Sergeant... . |ment of wages; full stop; illeg-|-.cnonded. A toast»to. the fa- 268, 739; Eileen Dalby 273; Bernice Moase ' " the -- =. the employment of| | "'I would like to recommend|al' passing; | defective Rody thers was answered by George|7%; Fran Boticeny dt Bite Hews tis ' Dr. Chase Nerve NU-WAY RUG «Morley Nicholson as a de-jthat the rank of acto Pp prc ype gare: Meg Staley. wai Marlon Brooks 210) Allee Anderson 206i) SEE Foodisa time-tested tecti % Rob-| abolished, in > perm : $|* rothy B, tonic wi rovides pacer x Parcthe wee "arcane gine to son to drive; disobey signal wants Se gig oP gh og lace arts are a to notity the ' Denanicial ion and OSHAWA LTD. load of Criminal Work". He| 'This would not necessitate an|lights; insufficient lights; fail to Ladies' Auxiliary for the ban-|tney plan on using benked games so that i i Dottuts hate im: suggested further that Sgt. Rob-|increase in pay but would allow|notify department; obscure/quet and their help during the|the secretary may pick up all the early i prove your blood and be promoted to MDetec-jthe officers to attend courses amber light; no name on truck;| yast year, Chairman Jack Hook-|$res | . one bmi ne oling Bet fer cs : thus help to restore tive-Sergeant. open only to sergeants and|no mudguard; fail to report ac-|or introduced the head table,|ing to join please contact 'league secre- wate. of general Following is the text of the|prove of great benefit to the|cident; fail to signal; no com-|consisting of Reverend Fileet-jfary, Alice Anderson at ¢68-8286._ This Is if vette finding | "Criminal investiga-|department. ~|mercial permit; fail to wear|nam, Cub Wayne Stevens, As-|0n ,tfternoon league thet is Dowled ¢0 lite Yetle artnoute tions area headed by Sgt. Ger-| A third police cadet to pro-|Slasses; open door onto street; |sistant Scouter Arthur Stevens,|4 p.m. : : duetoweariness and ald Robinson, This department,|vide relief for the two men|and overcrowd driver scat. Cubmaster Ken Brooks, J ac k|-- i es BE wey a an a. Fig baasia pep, as well as doing all investiga-|presently employed by the de-| Liquor and. bylaw offences on paren ' ye Lei foiopey Worry of i tonic benefits of Dr. tions, does its own identifica-|partment and a 40 hour work|the decrease were: intoxicated| Assistant Cubmaster "Tt 4 C. ase Nerve 'tion and police photography. ase for the cadets was also : lic place: having liquor; |2°#" and guests Peter Dren- FALSE TEETH f £ oe ne, "Sgt. Robinson receives full/brought to the commission's at- Se Dee B Aq nen and Tom Foster of. the ' 3 2 gs = known remedy helps co-operation from the entire|tention. supplying liquor; supplying | Ajax Troop. Slipping or Irritating? | |" | you cat better, rest force, and the surrounding de-| oftences under the Criminal|/mimor; minor consuming) The dinner was followed by} pontbe embarrassed by loose false i etterand feel better gente Code and Highway Traffic Act,|liquor; illegal possession of a/Pictures supplied and narrated) sestn or wobbling | fe altogether.Don'tyou "However there is constant|that showed an increase over it; illegal possession of|>Y Tom Foster on his trip to} waen fou iil PABTEETH on your| jam trial? Get some at talk, and threat of organized|j999 were (1963 figures shown): Aika . aoe Pe the World Jamboree in Greece] pjates. This pleasant powder ivan your druggist's and crime. Also, we are faced more|fail to remain, 9; Drive under|\" found in; iilegal 'eft/iast summer. : SOmArha le Sen0e ot ees co mere Start taking it today, and more with the problems of hele gn pb oie Ponts turns; parking violations; one) A church parade and a special wise No uramy, €O0CYs sty taste ASE Nerve Food Helps Fight FATIGUE Ce Leelee 6 6 6 68 6 OS RE EO Oo bo8 8 6 6 ex Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Ports Mothproofing and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Ruge and Upholstery criminals from other municipal-|95- assault polive officer, 3; ob-\WaY street; noise bylaw; "U"|church service prepared by reeling. It's alkaline (hon-acid)- ities driving to Whitby with the} struct police officer, 2; theft,/turns; bylaws re meat; ped- Reverend Fleetham Sunday yen of coments a crim-|96- break, enter arid theft, 10;|lar's licence; setting fire crack- ge fraud, 6; take vehicle without)... . | Whitby's population is stead- owners ent, 3; forgery, 1; ers; multiple dwelling; and dis ily increasing, and the present! nossess burglars tools, 1: ob-|°MaTse & fire arm. trend of some criminals is tO|struct justice, 1; neglect in| Mileage for both cruisers was use highly skillful techniques.|childbirth, 1; training school|reported to be 69,406 at a cost These factors, along with thejact, 2; careless driving, 24;|0f $7,076.72. 2 ever-increasing volume of work)speeding, 748; fail to yeild right| The department investigated makes it imperative to assigniof way, 27; improper turns, 8;|2,573 complaints and occur- a ae officer to this depart- cancers muffler, 20; unsafelrences, attended 96 fires, found ent. vehicle, 7; no marker, 7; fail|/1,292 boildings insecure, and " piggy' wen preg sabe rgd to produce operator's licence, 7;\served more than 1,000 sum- ? 3 re insufficient lights, 10; dri ses. H load of work is too much for|temporary rant 3; alt cue "They fingerprinted more than CHEVELLE is a Chevrolet! ' \ one man. nal, 3; no marker light, 14; no/150 persons, and photographed sare hel mone of Gig wickatlenctelf of Wee toed, 6.0" |™ lave had none e vio! one-ha' e road, 5. Or aes Ms Sra omens tari sr avnignnd 2b accdnie : ai 'own i i : i dune, that showed an increase yere,|which 67 persons were injured CHEVELLE is a brand new line of cars at a brant-new popular price! "At present Corporal Nichol-|keep liquor for sale, 3; selljand four persons lost their CHEVELLE features the value for which Chevrolet is traditionally famous! veg yo gy png gg ge go> ag gg TOE CHEVELLE reflects tomorrow's styling and design! - "This weakens the uniform|tax, 24; noise bylaw, 1; publicly iquor Control Act, 141; High- strength of the force, at times|hall, 1; and operate a junk i 1,015; ' ; ' . for several days, uniil the in-\yard, 1. og appa ata ait CHEVELLE'S new beauty costs far less than you'd think! vestigation is completed. Offences which appeared less| Revenue realized by the Town as a share of fines levied here CHEVELLE'S 115° wheelbase means topnotch handling! CLUB CALENDAR ---- sono, anor} ---------- coe Alb fo or CHEVELLE has lots of space for hips, legs, shoulders and heads! alae local Oe ~ * pcaumiatnaend dies sh meen coe tenet CHEVELLE'S trunk space? More than many higher-priced cars--27.3 cu. ft.! yg ort Erne ba pgs Army Women's gh ay 5 corm, 3 " ; p Ist Whitby Scouts Faith Baptist Church WMS _ |fsusedpeaner snd Baer rite CHEVELLE has 4-engine choices with standard 6 or V8; and 3 improved transmissions! aay io a All Saints' Anglican Church fe roe dete. Ak Zou do is te os Alongs Me ace pg er CHEVELLE comes in 11 models including a surprisingly low-priced convertible! Mecening. Guid prance" | Red Cross Senior Citizens' runvlst Foal beter fact Pivising presto Perec Cre i If you've read this far, CHEVELLE must be your kind of car! Your Chevrolet dealer is the man to seel moe lo NEAL'S a Army Cubs' 2nd i savuRDAY, MARCH 7 BARBER , SHOP St. Mark's United Church 123 BROCK ST. NORTH | St. John the Evangelist ' ' Y / Church CWL. : avatien hemp Timbral ae N EW CHE E LLE i CH kl ee O LET 6t. Mark's United Church © Brigade Four Expert Barbers f Women general meeting Salvation Army Young Adults 1.23 -- Children 73 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 People's Band OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY St, Andrew's. Presbyterian ag nog -- Closed Monday -- 668-9036 Children of the Church - ; ; : A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TMM 272705 2 Sinile Lo" Your «> Ajax Lionettes : Benevolent Rebekah Lodge The mother of © four-yeor-old wes | No. 132 having @ tough time getting her f Co-op Guild 78 offepring te eat his spinech end Knights of Columbus. wes finally getting completely One-Stop : ws "Please, dear, take @ mouthful, DECORATING oe x ? ai The mention of mud (or ony other SHOP kind of diet, for thot matter, re ; ys minds me remind you 'that Wellpaper and Murols ey we offer the. free rae to tg Custom Draperies & ~, Your garments will be returned to Brocdloom and Rugs ! Cid you sparkling clean, Even the most C.L.L. Paints end Varnishes embedded grime will be thorough- ly removed, Fo rreally clean, fresh Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points BOB EAKINS Guat, "eeclemdaraliy siscaea DODD & SOUTER | Somenty give us a ring soon. Decor Centre Ltd. q Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby ee Look... Listen... Oshawa's greatest setling- out sale coming soon, It's going to be a-wall-to-wall clearance on men's and --o ei ' v _ ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LID. = HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. oS 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. noua: 725-6501 2 ~ PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 ee ee ee ee

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