Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1964, p. 31

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pitas, ? a 4 each year's assessments and|Kalser published a book "His-|dent for a number of years and|velopment Act. The Commission|!n physical growth and develop. i taxes collected; completion of|toric Sketches of Oshawa." Thelleadership is now being givenjapparently had very little au-}ment, Histevy kept in City Hall the Osltawa Toronto highway;|late Col. Frank Chappel wrote by Mrs, S. V. Barlow hority, since there was noljtells us that the following took the mileage of our railway sys-|much 4istory of a more recent) In 1921. the Town Counci}| C2 4bling legislation to effect/place:-- $ tem and paved sizes; crection|periog, Mr. Mac, Hood ¥"CI¢lway apoazeniy concerned aboutlacr praised "ta piling is] ety no ALN. Publi and dates of visite to ourly red in serial farm in the the manner in which the MUN!-| .troet Official Plans and th eo new eeu and da 1k , oi rain ti en aon at ¢ 'R2\Library, a. gift to the City by city of distinguished _person-|Oshawa Times a few years ago cipaiity --was--Geveloping and passing of Zoning Bylaws. For-ic¢o) R. §. McLaughlin, was offi- {its 40th anniversary, the City jhas before it a petition for re- version to Ward System voting. Oshawa Incorporated 1850 jis tse sz 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, riday, February 28, 1964 voting to the voters, the vote Got City on the question could take place By ROY BARRAND, City Clerk, at the time of the election in City of Oshawa | was incorporated in 1850 as a Village and its name changed from Skea's Corners to its pres- ent name (Indian for "the cross- ing of a stream"), Oshawa: was raised to the status of a Town in 1879 when its population reached a little over 4,100. bi population was almost. static from 1879 until 1901 (4,303) when a gradual increase began. By 1916 the population at 8,812 had a little more than doubled. and it was only after the first world war that it began to climb substantially. By 1922 it had reached 12,780, The population in 1923 had in- creased to 15,545. Most of the increase over the previous years can be attributed to the | he people of Oshawa. The municipality of Oshawa)! ee ee, Status In 1923 to believe that this will eventu- Pent , reat bene-|municipality ally. prove to: be of » {representation on County Coun \cil, Until this time a Reeve and Deputy Reeve were elected by had taken place on January 8.\the Town for County Council 1924, and the second election of representation. the year, for cy Por ot Records in the Clerk's Office place on March 22. nere Weii.(show that considerable develop- acclamations for Mayor Wil- A tao Blace' tind: 1080 liam John Trick and Aldermen tien the population eich i wards, except Ward Two), .. i uth at). OF te sixicon ner geet tevere economic ira slectes yn eet > et or{blow to the City, and the popu- in 1964; ong he Mayor in| lation dropped to 23,430 by 1934. oe wha became Me From then , the poner B radual increase, Of the recognition given this or ia a0. Through " the yc rege ye oe Fag then City i930 8, the City was meet forte: Clerk, Fred Hare, re Inate in having a number the minute book as follows: men of outstanding administra- "By order. of The O ntariojtive ability, pride and foresight Railway and Municipal Board,)who offered their services in the Town of Oshawa was erect-|various capacities to the City ed into a City at twelve o'clock/to guide its administration in The election of Town Council March 8,/copng with the many prob- ward. approved by would completion of December of this year, and, if voting in December 1966. The On becoming a City, the|number of aldermen would re- ceased to have|main the same; two from each It might contain such items the voters, we return to Ward System as the date of our erection into a city, the costs and dates of municipal buildings, including schools, fac- tories, churches, the amount of all ages; a tem, etc, While it record which might come to a citizen, municipality, evident that history of our Com: munity is being recorded, much has been done. The earliest his- tory was recorded by the late|@ Roger Conant; the late Dr.|Mrs. Gordon Conant was presi- of any honor provincially or 1957 Historical not be might very most active and it was later put into book- let form. In 1956 the City Coun- cil sponsored the formation of nationally, date of erection andjan historical society, and in No- cost of new grand stand and|vember improvement to our parks. sys-|District The Oshawa and Society came into existence, The Society .jhas had as its main project the establishment of Henry Museum; a pioneer museum in Lakeview Park. This has been) «phe Town organization, there was developmnet should little, if any, House on May 20, 1921, a desire las orderly as possible, To this), =) ltime,.streets were opened, lands|°@ in City subdivided and construction of buildings took place with very cofitrol could jawfully be exercised byj,,. \the City, The Town Council, in {from : its wisdom, passed Bylaw: 1543) Planning Commis- sion of the Town of Oshawa'? the under the Planning and De-|Oshawa's forty years. as.a Cily that the) take place tunately for the City, Mr. Nor {man Millman became interest- planning at this jtime and, as we all know, has ibeen the guiding hand and lead- er in all planning matters in and for the Oshawa Planning Board hen until his retirement from the Board on February 15, 64. which setting up : 1954 and 1955 were probably most significant years of cially opened by The Hon. Les- lie M, Frost, QC, Premier of On- tario on December 1. The new Federal Building and Post Office was opened by Hon. Dr. J. J. McCann, Minister of National Revenue. The new Oshawa Civie |ministration Building was offie Ad: cially opened by The Hon. Les+' lie Frost, QC, Premier of One 'tario on January 2" (Continued on Page 39) BILL DING'S Invigorated Policy of Customer SERVICE & SATISFACTION | . Brings Continued Growth To McCullough's annexation of Cedar Dale (part/noon today, Saturday, of the area between Bloor street and the Lake) on December 15, 1922. The Cedar Dale area at that time had a population of 1,256. In 1923, with a population of 1924, becoming the 25th city of/lems which arose. During the the Province of Ontario with a/30's a good number of munici- population of 15,545. It is one|palities got into serious finan- of the few cities to attain that] cial and administrative difficul- status by reason of its requi-|tes and came under the imme- site population and not by Spe- diate vilgeren x . ie hag ;: ial Act of Parliament. The|ment of Municipal Affairs. e 15,545, the Town had attained ah a celebrated by a sal-can thank the local men who the statutory population | re- ute of 25 guns fired from the|gave so unselfishly of their time ment for the Town to be given turret of the Armoury. A meet- and abilities - for avoiding the City status, and it appears to us|in¢ was held in the Armoury)same thing happening to Osh- that the Town Council lost a being addressed. by the Mayor,,awa mg tat oe Ao asoatty members of the Council and the! In 1924, voting was on the is status for the municipality.|Clergy, Through the afternoon|\ward System, and this Sys-| It is believed the application! ang evening parades were held, | p Shona ib be udsd unllll was made to The Ontario Rail-| rohowed by a community |! sha way and Municipal Board for qance; the real celebration of Bylaw 2095 was voted on, o City status in 1923. the event being left unti] the January "4, 1932, authorizing Following a Hearing on the|Old Home Week, August 3 to elections by general vote. On Town's application in the Coun-|9, 1924. The Ontario Reformer January 3, 1938, the question ci] Chamber, Town Hall, on/and the Oshawa Telegran issued|was again voted on and the de-| February 19, 1924, the Board/historic numbers on this occa-jcision was to stay with -- the} General Vote System. Now, on PRESIDENT and General Manager issued its Order under the same|sion." date "That the Town of Oshawa|-- CUSTOM BUILT HOMES eee be and the same is hereby erect ed into and incorporated as a City under the name of "City of Oshawa," and having the game boundaries as the present Town of Oshawa," to take ef- fect on the 8th day of March 1924 at the hour of twelve o'clock noon." Mayor Trick stated in his In- a@ugural Address on March 25, "We were successful in obtain- ing from the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board a City Charter, there being no opposi- tion from any citizen in Osh- awa, and I have every reason! JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. : "i 254 CEDAR VALLEY DR. PHONE 723-7122 , . "igs = 6 TRUCKS on the GO! FREE DELIVERY Bill Ding, McCullough Lumber's bright and enthusiastic trade mork, has watched, and helped McCullough Lumber surge forward again in 1963... with prospects even better for '64. It's been an eventful year for McCul- lough's. Increased staff, new equipment, a wider, more diversified range of building materials . . . with all men and equipment going at full tilt. "HOW CAN WE HELP YOU BETTER YOUR LIVING?" help in any way possible to moke your task simplier. And, this service is provided by @ friendly staff who know their business. Try McCulleugh's ond see for yourself! PART OF GROWTH RECORD IN '63 @ REMODELLED SHOWROOM, OFFICES . . . with double the showroom space, stocked with the latest materials and new, informative disploys. @ CAREFULLY SELECTED, ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF OUR STAFF... have been chosen to keep up with the ever-increasing demands for quick and efficient service which we pledge to maintain, SR RS Port of this increase will be seen in the above photo of trucks and men whe whip out the orders @s fast os they can be handled, Lost yeor there were four trucks, this yeor six... the extra equipment came os @ result of @ tremendous upswing in orders. MR. CLARE McCULLOUGH is @ true veteran in the building field . he hos gathered a wealth of building experience that goes back to 1948 formed McCULI LOUGH LUMBER in 1952. A respected member of the Oshowo, community, Mr McCullough is a member of the West- mount Kiwanis Club, the Oshawa Curling Club, the Oshawa Golf Club, the Oshowa Chamber of Commerce and Past Ontario Regione! President of Nationa! House Builders. KEY MEMBERS OF McCULLOUGH STAFF Mr. McCullough PROVED TO BE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL IN OUR 12-YEAR HISTORY McCullough's do this by offering you the finest in building materials ot budget-wise prices. BUT SELLING IS NOT ALL! McCullough's offer you an extra service in an effort to make IT EASIER for you to build or renovate . . . THEY HELP WITH PLANNING .. . yA ---- @ NEW LINES OF STOCK .. . have been, and ere eontinously being edded to present supply. ® NEW EQUIPMENT .. . including 2 extra trucks ond lift truck heve been added to our present equipment te keep your orders moving to present supply. ee '63 HAS BEEN A BANNER YEAR FOR McCULLOUGH'S Ray .+. Thanks to the ever-growing ranks of satisfied customers. Holland mR ' Frank Ralph | Campbell Carl Sleep Mood Newly appointed Expeditor and Counter Soles. Thanks to the people of Oshawa and ere, 1963 has been the most successful in our 12-year his- tory. We do like to think our continuous ettempts te provide every one of our customers with the products they want and the service they are en- titled to, has been the key to our steadily in- treasing business over these years. sees 4 Assistont Mon- ager. 10 yeors } of enthusiastic drive with this A new _6 yeors with B McCullough » «+ Purchase : ing and Counter Soles, Yard Foreman [| growing i member of McCullough's .., 18 years in building .. 15 years a ee firm. In 1963 We Added To This List of Services @ Complete Line of Aluminum Doors end Win- -dows priced to fit every budget. " . in sawmi & Serving with McCullough * 5 years, plus 15 years : in retoil . . . supply business experience you can count on office manager. Al Baker Vertical and Horizontal Aluminum Awnings designed to fit every application. "Air-Lume" Aluminum Awnings manufectured here in Oshawa. REC ROOMS most modern and popu- ed by a friendly, courte- Al's experience in the building & field con help Alcan Aluminum Siding . . ' + supplied and installed by our skilled staff. Lotest moterio ler plans, back Fireplace Accessories. you... store ous staff FREE ESTIMATES NEW HOMES These NEW Services: a ea ee Ozzie ' showroom, We'll help you Love th « the information end materials FREE ESTIMATES Wrought-lron Railings. and Promotion Veet. Manager. system. the built-in home cleaning NEW KOROSEAL storm window units added te our present lines. A NEW EXTERIOR RENOVATING SERVICE including all types of CEMENT WORK .. . STONE WORK .. . and the sale and installe- tion of PERMA-STONE for both residential ond commercial purposes. Outside Sales Representative . 16 years in construction "te MODERNIZING Saas SS ready to help r adding a room. We'll help you . you olve "your blem by supplying infor- y fe 3 natic elpful suggestior ond moter- FREE ESTIMATES ee ee ee NEW HARDWARE and TOOL DISPLAY . . . Power Tools, Hand Tools, plus an excellent erroy of builders hardware for every purpose handsomely displayed for easy selection. "Where Satisfaction is Guaranteed" LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST., OSHAWA Evenings 723-2707 "Where Service Comes First' Kiezebrink Outside Sales Representative . a newly appointed member with "A CUSTOMER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN OUR BUSINESS" TRY US You'll See What We Mean! PLENTY OF FREE PARKING OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. several years experience in building ~ field. -4b88 : om BUILDING MATERIAL 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH + OSHAWA, ONTARIO AONe 725-4632

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