Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1964, p. 2

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wue AttAUWA TiLite ERM Went rye err eeey Wredasedaw Pahow, Sntencre tee. . om 98 1088 GOO -- By JACKGEARIN -- D EVENING WEST INDIES WOULD TRADE MORE HERE People in the West Indies want to trade more with On- tario firms, but there is one big impediment -- high freight rates via ship or plane. Authority for this statement is Ray Hall of Oshawa who recently spent three-and-a half-weeks in the West In- dies (Barbadoes, Jamaica, Trinidad and Bermuda) as member of a 12-man Ontario trade midsion sponsored by mission sent to representing more than 100 firms, was "much impress- ed'? by the cordial reception and sold products from stoves | to paints. ("I actually obtain- } ed business for my Oshawa marketing and advertising : firm," he said). ---- "The Department will later publish official trade figures for this mission and they will astound people," he said, "but we must do something to get those freight rates down -- they are the big impediment to new trade down that way. The quality of Ontario's products ig as high, often 'higher, than that of competitive countries and the West Indians displayed a strong kinship towards Ca- nddians." Hall met. the Hon. Stanley Randall, Ontario's Minister of Ecvnomics and Development, in the West Indies, He also took letters-of-greeting to municipal heads of the Islands from Mayor Lyman Gifford ECONOMICS MINISTER TOP SALESMAN The Hon. Stanley J. Randall, Ontario's Minister of Eco- nomics and Development, was a sound selection as guest speaker at the annual banquet of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Randall ("I peddied washing machines in 1930') ilidstrated wh¥ he is one of Ontario's better salesmen -- he is forceful in a calm, ingratiating way, overflowing with pertin- ent data on the Province's economic picture and, all in all, one of the best good-will ambassadors to come out of Queen's Park in séveral months (if his speech was too long) ~ here are thousands of Canadian plants that operate but eight hours daily insted of 16, Ontario must widen its mar- kets without delay to overcome this situation, he said ('Do you realize we must soon find 60,000 new jobs annually -- the objectives are simple: in fact, there is only one true objec- tive and that is a prosperous Ontario, so we can provide jobs and income for our people and expand opportunities." He gave his formula for prosperity -- first we must in- crease our exports of manufactured goods as extensively and as speedily can, Then we must reduce our im- ports in the same manner as we He said Ontario has the skills and ability to. utilize more of our raw materials and as, we do the emphasis must be on largér markets for all our products. "In addition to expand- ing industry, we must also Work towards full utilization of the far@ities we have already. By this I mean that in Ontario to- day we have dozens of factories which stand idle two-thirds ofthe day .. .We cannot compete cost-wise on less use of this invéstment or. production runs of one-tenth of the vol- ume," he sald. With the hundreds of millions being spent on Education the loss in terms of dollars in future would be staggering if we cannot employ them in Canada, He added: "If we don't then we are subsidizing the future for other industrial nations today. He said 8,000 of the Province's 13,000 manufacturers ém- ploy less than 15 persons each. Mr. Randall added Eighty percent of the buying today is done by women who have been responsible for many automotive. "firsts" in color and styling and automatic gear shifts BUDGET WON'T ANNOY TOO MUCH: -- MURDOCH William "Bill" Hart, former president of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, will depart on a European vacation this week with Mrs. Hart . TomRussell, also of the Chamber, is leaving for Hollywood, Florida, with his family for a winter vacation Aldermen Cliff Pilkey, Gordon Attersley and John Brady attended the annual banquet of the Chamber Monday night in the Hotel Genosha 4 ae is the way Acting Mayor Hayward Murdoch described the in- coming municipal budget Monday: 'We will bring down a budget soon -- if it doesn't make you too happy at least it won't make you tog mad," WEATHER FORECAST Clear, Cold On Thursday Forecass issued by the Tor-,Kapuskasing ..... onto weather office at 5:30 a.m.|Earlton Synopsis: In southern Ontario North Bay only a slight temperature recoy- Sudbury . ery is anticipated for today and) Muskoka jow readings will be common: Windsor tonight. Snowflurries that - ac-| London companied the arrival of the Toronto cold air in southern Ontario will Trenton . persist through the snowbelt Ottawa areas until tonight Montreal Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie Chicago agara, Windsor, Hamiltgn New York....sees ies, Toronto: Clear and cold to- Miami fight and Thursday. Winds be- Los Angeles coming light tonigh Lake Huron gian Bay, | and snowsquall ning. Sunny Winds becom Lake Ontario, Clear and cold ght Thursday. Winds becoming tonight. Northern Georgian Bay agami, -Cocl White North Bay, Sudbur ( cold t ight W te oan me Ni cit Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday Windsor 10 Thomas.. London Kitchener .. Mount Forest and Wingham ight Hamilton .... St. Catharines Toronto Peterborou ind Trenton r€0! or ies jor S % rim River g ea ning. S I a1 1 Karlton .. Sault Ste. Marie Kapuskasing Observed Tempe Low overnight, high Dawson Victoria Edmonton Ree na * Wannipeg eae oaeese R 1 nou ; ratures Tuesday ses 10 22 WHEAT CROP estimated th \ustra vi oon 900 White River ope : Ste arie 6.000.000 1s 'season ba t 1963-44 ifoul EXIT Baker puffs j} cigarette Tuesday as leaves the Senate Caucus Room after refusing to answer most questions put to him by | the Senate Rules Committee, probing his affairs while he served as. a Senate aide. Baker was given a_ blunt Bobby on Crackdown Uninsured Motorists | TORONTO (CP) -- The pres ent session of the legislature cannot possibly wind up before iaster, Premier Robarts said /Tuesday in denying he had set 'a deadline for prorogation He was answering charges by INDP Leader Donald C. Mat- Donald that the premier had told a caucus the house would jprorogue by March 25 The premier was tnying to stifle the opposition, Mr, Mac Donald said, It was impossible to do justice to the business of the house in a 10-week session Premier Robarts said he did not make the statement attri buted to him by the NDP lleader, noting that the house }couldn't possibly end its busis| ness before Easter, Good Fri- day is March 27 "arquhar Oliver, acting Lib- eral leader, took the government jto task for having too many hours of debate at an - early stage of the session The decision to lengthen three lof the four afternoon sittings to four hours from three, together| with three night sittings a week, was "pouring it on a_ little thick," he said, The legislature also meets 24% hours Fridays AIM ISN'T OVERWORK Premier Robarts said he was not trying to overwork the members He' announced he plans to schedule budget debate today if speakers are available, denying charges by Mr. MacDonald that he was trying to cut off the de- \bate except for the lead-off speakers | In other business, the govern- jment served 'notice it plans to jcrack down on uninsured motor- ists Transport Minister Irwin Haskett .introduced' bills calling jfor suspension of licences up to ja year for motorists who make lfalse statements while applying for licence plates and for those who produce false evidence or jwho cannot produce evidence jof insurance when involved in accidents. |. The Licence suspension for giving false evidence while ap- plying for plates will be in ad- dition to present fines of $50 to 1$500. When applying for plates motorists must State whether they have insurance, and if not jmust pay an additional $20. FACE SUSPENSIONS Suspensions -- for evidence who in- those while ve false 'Four Policemen Face Charges TORONTO (CP) eight Metropolitan Toronto po. lice officers, found by a royal commission to have arrested a New York rabbi illegally in }1962, } been charged with Four of have conduct unbecoming an officer, Metro Chairman William Allen sa 0 meeting of disciplinary action had to await the outcome of civil action, which Rabbi Norbért Leiner brought against the policemen The four officers, whose names were not released, will be defendants. in a discipline trial session March 5 The cha were brought un ale the Act by Metro lice Commis- n closed Pp Tor lice yolitan nto Po sion faximum penalty charge is dismissal police: department 4 royal commission conducted by Mr. Justice Dalton Wells in 1963 into circumstances of Rabbi 1 t Tan rresting of 5 ted the. rabbi and abusive language the the for from the yi orr %. 1982 subje to "BY BOBBY BAKER PM Slips By Test Vote With NDP, Socred Help OTTAWA (CP) -- In its clos+(from the Crediliste group which; Four of the Liberal absentees | est squeak yet, the minority earlier this week made three|were offset by opposition! Liberal government has sur-|unsuccessful attempts to intro-| 'pairs'? -- MPs who agree not vived a Conservative non-confi-\duce a motion criticizing the|to vote in the absence of ¢ dence challenge in the Com-jgovernment for not increasing:member who would otherwise mons with the help of five moms! [amily allowances, be voting in the opposite way, bers of smalier opposition) 'pe rules barrier which pres; One of these was former Con- grolps. vented the Creditiste motion/servative defence minister Three Social Crediters ahd pow has been removed by the/Douglas Harkness who refused two NDP membors provided the}yote on the Conservative non-|to go along with his party's pols crucial edge Tuesday as the)confidence proposal liey 'against pairing and paired! Commons voled 128 to 120 to de-) voting with 128 Liberals|himself with Trade Minister feat the non-confidence motion yoninst the Conservative. mo-|Sharp, absent on a trade mis- by Opposition Leader Diefen-)tign were Social Credit Leader| Son to London, baker, Thompson and two of his sup-| 'Three Social Credit MPs were The motion attacked the gov-/porters--A, B. Patterson (Pra-jalso paired with absent Liber-| ernment over the sales tax lev-|ser Valley) and H. A, Olson als: Gerard Girouard (SC---La- ied last year on construction|(Medicine Hat)--and two New belle), Gerard Chapdelaing (SC materials and production ma./Democrats, Frank Howard)Sherbrooke) and Marcel Les-| chinery, (Skeena) and Reid Seott ¢Tor-/sard (SC--Lae St, Jean), Tt was the second test of / Onto: Danforth) DEAL WITH 'TAX |strength so far this session for) Mr. Howard 1° 'Though normally the throne the Pearson government which support the governine nt to t © epeech debate is a wide-ranging leasily weathered a 194-to-87/end of this session, Mr. St Oltlone, some of the speeches before jvote last Friday on an NDP re piraggetio eg the vole the vote zeroed in on the issue | confidence motion on the that he feels an election now! " > ir Dieta .) | (aeaitars issue would be "a calamity" . that ng Aggy kg re ager i , Tuesday night's cliff - hanger would strain our national unity.| controversial sales tax on build: was even closer than the ee CONSERVATIVES MUSTER a9) ine -- and production to-118 decision _, \ no The 120 yotes for the Diefen fee mpere year's pooper pa 4 iy NDP baker motion came from 89 Ni. J 4 Benson, batllamentary jnority Liberals beat off an Hey Conservatives, 15 New Demo secretary to Finance Minister challenge over wees ne erate 19 Creditistes: and. four Gordon, | attacked Mr, Diefen- shortly after they took office On conia) Credit MPs from Quebec, |Daker as a spokesman for the April 22 All parties were close to full construction lobby CAN FACE MOTIONS treneth for the vote with five Removal of the sales tax, Mr The government now half-iof the 129 Liberals and five of Benson said, would cost the way through the eight-day Com the 95 ¢ Absent. 'reasury $290,000,000, This could pecans eae sens mons throne speech debate and) Also absent were one cach fro only be recouped by higher crate arajonty | she 46 | still is open-to possible farther|the 13-member Creditiste group personal income taxes or higher activities which enriched him jopposition non - confidence mo-/and from the ll-member Social taxes on necessities. while he held. the post tions today and Thursday Credit group. The 17-member Mr, Diefenbaker's proposal (AP Wirephoto) | One such could come NDP party. was at full strength. would please the few at the ex- edged to risking answer that he refusing Warning was prison by to 1 inquiries on his duties 5 as secs ynservatives Demo- outside test pense of the many." Mr, Benson said the construc tion industry last year threw up 'the best-organized lobby in Ca- jnadian political history" against the sales tax WANTS ELECTION "It now wants to force a gen feral election to get rid of these taxes,"' 3 In reply, Murdo Martin (NDP care, Mr. Dymond said the Mr, MacDonald said workers|--Timmins) displayed a pile of commission. may not have the jn a 'section of the Dow Chemi-| letters, stacked 24 feet high on policing powers needed to im- his desk, which were sent to prove suneryision of hospitals Prime Miniser Pearson last! RECEIVES 36 BIDS lained they are being exposed "Car Protesting the tax, Municipal Affairs Minister {0 excessive mercury vapors) He termed the letters "pretty Spooner said the government that could induce poisoning jgood evidence" that Mr. Dief- has' received 36 applications, He said the workers claimjenbaker's non - confidence mo- from municipalities for loans that vapors in a section ofthe|tion was not a frivolous one as totalling $37,900,000 under the plant were higher than the Jegal 'laimed by the Liberals volved in accidents will alse be in addition to present fines, Such drivers will also be re- quired to pay $20 to the Motor Vehicles Accident Claims Fund, under the: amendment to the Motor Vehicles Accident Claims Act given. first: reading Tues- day. This. is not required at present eal Company of Canada Lim- ited plant at Sarnia have com- ¢ UF ain! INTENRPREIING THE NEWS Dockworkers Lift Red Wheat Boycott By HAROLD MORRISON -- [had no alternative but @® give Canadian Press Staff Writer;them full support, even though Powerful United States wa-he is a strong supporter 'of terfront unions have -- finally) Democratic forces in the White agreed to lift a boycott on the House, loading of wheat to the Soviet : ' Union in return for a firm goy- JOHNSON GAVE IN ernment pledge that at least 50, Johnson 'tried all sorts of per cent of all future shipmonts| Ways of getting the unions to will be carried in U.S, ships, lift the boycott while bargains ; ing continued, but Gleason re- This is a promise the govern-|)* ment had made in the past and|(used and in the end, Johnson finally had to give in, which the unions claimed never Th doing 80" ha Mine Mave had been carri t, But now, vee, Bei, | Gee Ne ele ve es teamed jeopardized future wheat sales Russia, When the spring . to the unions there will be nol? ' . more waivers from the 50-per- thaw hits the Great Lakes, it nent cuca is a good bet Russia will con. _ While this would appear to/Centrate heavily on getting as, settle the immediate problom/ much wheat from. Canada as. of resuming American ship- she can, ments to the Soviet Union, it does not settle the question of whether the Russians wil! agree to pay higher shipping charges that would be involved tn. strict observance of the 50-per-cent rule HIGHER PRICE While the U.S, government raised a lot of arguments why the 50-50 deal could not be met in the past, one of the main reasons was price, The Rus sians objected to paying high prices. for American shipping when lower-priced ships were available elsewhere OTTAWA (CP) The St, Burdened by heavy Wheal Lawrence Seaway Authority surpluses, the U.S, government "Puesday announced -- tentative was faced with the prospect of opening dates 'or its canals either easing the shipping price The Welland Canal Is to open problem for Russia or losing|forn avigation April 1, the Sault the opportunity of making big Ste, Marte Canal April 18 and dollar sales abroad the South Shore, Beauharnois, The objection from Thomas Ivequois, Lachine and Cornwall Gleason's Internationa: - Long- canals April 15 shoremen Association (AFL-| The dates will be changed if CIO) came not because the; Weather and ice conditions are » longshoremen would be hurt/not favorable but because Gleason is a strong, The authority said In a state. supporter of Paul Hall, head of ment that April 1 was the ear- the Seafarers' International Un- lest possible date for the Wel- ion which mans Amerivan-fiag land Canal opening because of ships a heavy schedule. of winter Hall and Joe Curran, presi: work dent of the National Maritime Union, had opposed each other in the past, but this prospect of foreign flags taking business away from them helped unify them With the préssure of these union men on his back AFL CIO President George Meany At one time, the Soviet Une jon indicated it would take as much as 150,000,000 busnels of wheat from the U.S,, providing the price was right, Now, it ap- pears part of the need will be channelled. into the pockets of Canadian exporters, Welland Canal Opening Set For April 1 - " a eo EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, 0.D 136 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Another revision to the act al-; municipal works assistance pro imit in a 1950 air sampling me TT Since then the y at} lows a person injured by a/sram e then the eps cells in ' To that tion he almost dou stolen car to make a claim date only seven commit } ; n® ed against the accident claims fund ments for loans totalling $863 Health M B ain nister Dymond, re- PUBLIC INVITATION even though the identity of the 000 have been made, he said. ying iq 9 bvthe NDP i : ying to ¢ e } other driver is not known The Municipal Works Assist: jeader hin a On another topic, Health Min ance Act passed by the federal port of a 1982 inspection ister Dymond 'said the govern-| government makes a total of ment's problem was to educate) §137,000,000 available to Ontario the public to accept retarded! for loans to municipalities un children in the community, not) qertaking winter works pro SHORGAS to build more hospitals to tuck) grams, HEA TING & Industrial and Commercial them away out-of sight, James Trotter (L Park- The established, reliable Ges Decler in your ares. dale) had said there were not 31 CELINA ST. enough beds to accommodate (Corner of Athol) the 10 per cent of mentally-re- 728-9441 request said he wil The citizens of Osha torium -- Thornton ruary 28th, 1964 at THE KEY tarded children who need bed care, and Vernon Singer (L--Downsview) claimed chil- dren were gétiing poor treat- ment in provincial institutionse Answering charges that the Hospital Services Commission To The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 720-9474 | 1h Sie SAN, ing Ceremony at the site of th Oshawa Civic Audi- We ARE Building It Ourselves -- For Ourselves wa Ore Invited to the Sod Turn- 's Road South, on Friday, Feb- 2:00 P.M. shows little interest in hospital IT;S.A MAN'S WORLD AT WALKER'S § 0 OEE, and we cater to his Sport Shirt needs \é Men's favéurite button-down collar style with tapered body for smooth fit. Fine Young men's short si quality cotton in narrow striped design. 5.M.L. sizes in assorted colors, 5.00 ; S.MLL. sizes, Boys' sport shirt with casy-<care finish, perma collar stays for a crisp look, Assorted printed patterns or eliecks, Sines 8 to 16 1.98 Sizes 4 to 6X. 1.79 in our Men's, Young Men's, and Boys' Department weave fabric, Choose predominately red or blue muted striped shades, Young Men's Young men's Jacahiré with tapered styling and 3{ slecves, Quality cotton in red, blue or gold California print. Young Men's S.M.1. sizes, > jleeved Jac shirt with button detail, of sturdy denim 3.98 4.98 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 728-4626 T {

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