Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1964, p. 7

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slg i epee MISS RUTH HIGGINS, exec- YWCA listen intently to Miss utive director and Mrs. H. S. Alice Trevis, guest speaker _ Myers, president of Oshawa at the annual meeting, as she Nigerian Girls Facing the Future Speaker Tells YWCA Meeting schools were free but not com- pulsory since, in many in- stances, children were required to help their parents make their living. Secondary schools were all The emergence into public life of the women of Nigeria and -their ready acceptance of re- «sponsibility was one of the many unusual aspects of this newly- lent African country re- vealed by Miss Alice Trevis at the annual meeting of the YWCA on Thursday night. Miss Trevis, physical and health education director of the national YWCA spent many months in Nigeria on a travel- boarding schools and. too expen- sive for parents to send daugh- ters, Those who won scholar- ships or who were supported by their own village at secondary schoo] usually left at Grade 9 or 10 to get married. Then the young husband might send his compliments them on the an- nual reports, At the right is Mrs. Floyd C. Barnes of Peterborough, national board member for Region 5, who was also a guest for the evening. --Oshawa Times Photo Counselling Important Facet -- AL VWOCR Csemunity Cannes Ui Lwom VCOMMURLY ocivice "It is only by all agencies|The Canadian Association is be- wtrking together -- public andjing assiste' in this project, fi- private -- that the necessary|nancially and otherwise by the welfare services of this growing|Federal Department of Health industrial city can be provided." |and Welfare. The project is to stated Miss Ruth Higgins, Exec-|continue through 1964 and 1965, utive Director of the YWCA in| Miss Higgins stated the YWCA suniming up her address to the) serves girls and women of every Annual Meeting of the Young/race, creed and color and in 76 Women's Christian Association,|jands many of the services ren- on Thursday evening at Ade-|dered are similar, such as hous- laide House. : ling, recreation, guidance and Recognizing certain needs in|companionship and learning of the community oie ~ new skills. YWCA feel com) 0 seek) She also stated that for the ways in which these needs can|> awa Branch of the YWCA be met and they are hopeful the past year was reasonably that in this city there will be no successful although they came failure to work together or re- r . 4 p ' ; very close to being in debt. fusal to submerge identity for Major repair work had to be the sake of important goals, she ues yea Ye catlaAine tet said. ata swt grounds and obligations had ge he om sagan Ped been fulfilled to the YWCA of ently and often in quite different|©@nada and to the World YWCA. During the year two requests fields but this does not mean that the final objective differs|had been made from real estate firms in regard to purchasing greatly -- the spiritual, mental, r moral and physical well-being of|all or vart of the YWCA prop- erty. A decision was made by ople. , ' Phare has been increased use|the Executive Committee in con- of the YWCA for Counselling sultation with the Advisory Com- services, not only in Oshawa|mittee to retain all present prop- but in general across the coun- erty because of its beautiful trv. Professor John Farina of|building and grounds, its cen- the University of Toronto School|tral location, and the need for of. Social Work, in his address|the YWCA to expand its facil- to the Annual Meeting of thelities to attract more young girls YWCA of Canada last Novem- to it, such as more club-room Jo Aldwinckie, Women 's Editor Dial . 723-3474 | inted this out as one of|space, a gymnasium, and suit- pred Vesees contributions the|able office space for the pro- YWCA could make. gram staff. The YWCA recognizes coun-|- The Oshawa YWCA lost five selling should be done by 4|Board members at the end of trained staff but this is not pos-/1963 -- Miss M. 'yl Hartley, who sible in a small association. In|returned to England; Mrs. C. M. this connection late in 1963 the|pjliott, Mrs. O. D. Friend, Mrs. firet steps were taken to form a/F, M, Mclellan, who have lSscial Planning Council for Osh-|served six years in succession awa on the community level. Of|a-d were not eligible for re-elec- top priority is the need for ajtion an¢ Mrs. S. G. Werry, who Family Counselling Service. had completed a_ three-year In this, the YWCA's particular|term and felt unable to continue THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, February 22,1964 7 area of couselling is for young/at present. The newly elected girls and women and later in}members to raplace them are Bathe Park Aux. Elects Executive Mrs. John Fisher; and the bin den. Mrs. |1963 the YWCA of Canada start-/Mrs. A. H. Darcey, Mrs. R. L. le" work on an interesting proj-/Gray,. Mrs. A. G, Hiltz, Miss jgo treasurer, rs. Wilfred Os-lect "The YWCA -- its role in|Madeline Kelly, Miss Phyllis irelation to Serious Personal|Katz, Miss Vera Moyse and Derick Wade Weds Audrey Jean Little The Reverend G. D. King officiated recently :t the double ring ceremony uniting in mar- riage Audrey Jean Little, To- ronto, formerly of Oshawa, to Derick Wade, Toronto, in the Anglican Church 0° the Com- forter, East York. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Littie and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wade, Toronto, Given in marriage by her father, the bride was wearing a pink cocktail leangth dress with white accessories and car- ried a mixed bouquet of spring flowers. The matron of honor, Mrs. Vincent Shmachado, wore a pale blue dress with white accessories and a similar bou- quet. The best man Was Mr, Vin- cent Shmachado, Toronto. For the reception held/at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Beacham, Dewhurst avenue, the bride's mother received wearing a pale blue dress w"t white accesso- ries and a pink and white cor- sage. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a navy blue dress with matching accesso- ries. After a short honeymoon the couple will reside at 1822 Ger- rarqd street, Toronto. The bride jis a granddaughter of Mr. and |Mrs. Leo Keeler, Oshawa. PERSONALS Members of the Oshawa Lit- tle Theatre are making up a party to "'spend an evening with Barry Morse" at the Kine Fd- ward Hotel next Friday, Once a familiar stages, Mr. Morse is now more frequently seen on American television. . Guests from out of town at the Dudley-McKim wedding re- cently were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stringham, Oakville; Wing Com- mander and-Mrs, James Wick- jen, St. Hubert, Quebec; Mr. and |/Mrs. E. L. Van Alstyne and Mr, figure on Canadian|; UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES KING STREET OCW Mrs, Lawrence Allen opened the February meeting of King Street. UCW with a poem A Stranger Came to Town. Reports on activities for the officers, congregational meet- trons club, the men's club and the valentine tea. Eighteen members attended the Presbyterial meeting in Whitby on February 13, Mrs. Wilfred Harris reported on the program plans for the year. Mrs. Harold Bell reported on the bazaar and Mrs. Ken- neth Proctor read the cards. in the hospital. Dates to remember are: ing; next UCW meeting is March 12 at 2.00 p,m.; the Friendship unit night of cards is March 5. Mrs, Douglas Redpath, leader, who took as her theme -- "So, What's New? Gossip?" Those taking part were Mrs. 'Oswald Cornish, Mrs, William Bradbury, Mrs. S. W. Wanna- maker, Mrs, Douglas Redpath, Mrs. Orland Orr, Miss Isla Barker, Miss Marjorie Blewett. Mrs, P. Tresise read the Scrip- ture from the book of James Chapter 3, verses 1-12. The Fellowship Unit served refreshments. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held its weekly meeting with the president, Mrs. Norman Mc- Evers, presiding. | Finished goods for the bazaar were shown and material given out for the children's booth, The date of the bazaar is April 28. A "Night of Cards"' will be held on March 17 and tick- ets are now available. A letter from Korea was read, and ex- pressed appreciation for gifts of money received through dona- tions sent to "CARE". commander,. paid . her _ official visit. She spoke on. rules regulations for the benefit of the newer members, the cor- rect way to wear the Auxiliary beret, Also the wearing of the me badge. These are to be past month were: installation of at the Zone Rall that ness worn to be held ing, catering to the past ma- _ year in Port Perry on May Mrs, William also pointed out come whenever possible to the busi- meetings. The Oshawa aati State ntario with a me: on finance, Mrs. Clarence Scott over 250, but the perooenbae of members attending the meet- ings is not too good. Mrs. Wil- liams concluded her address Mrs. John R. Booth is reported|With @ question and answer per- members should Mrs. McEvers thanked her March 5 is the executive meet-|and will make arrangements at a later date for the Zone Rally. A cheque will be sent to the Men's Branch toward renova- tions of the buildi The devotion was in charge of}ments. were served the Alice Jackson Unit (1) with|E. Vermoen, YOUR HOLIDAY PHOTOS EXPERTLY FINISHED * LACK ond WHITE OR COLOR -* DONE ON PREMISES FOR PROMPT SERVICE and . Refresh- y Mrs. C, i - A Haight thanked Mrs.) i Women."!Mrs, Frank Swackhammer. ling fellowship and showed color bride to Teachers' Training Col-} night a s.|Problems of Girls and Wom paler Tah eS ----------1|and Mrs. John Van Strein, Port} Mrs. Robert Williams, zone) 'the 'primitive villages where/ang making a world fellowship +16 years of age, but the boys, S| ae and weaving. Mar-|mented the directors, chairmen * Williams sang "The Lord's ' side You" accompanied by Mrs.|Ceive, ed slides to illustrate her talk. | Nigeria, she said was roughly the size of Saskatchewan with a population of 37 million. The), people she found to be clean andj! industrious. There were a few} thus making her independent. | There were four universities; grees, ranking civil servants, but the) Only six per cent of the popu- jori yere poor although), |: lie oe oe farvibe. suiting lation was Christian, Miss 3 Trevis said, but the work of the She travelled in the three A in wt . : + 4.(YWCA was showing the Chris- provinces, going far north into| tian way of caring and sharing families lived in grass huts,|/).,) each family in its own com-| Miss Trevis was introduced b . é s y "pound. Nigerian girls stayed yrs. s, G. Werry and Miss Ruth with their mothers until they | Higgins expressed thanks. The were married, usually at 15 or/taik" followed the annual dinner lat which Mrs. H. S. Myers pre- after about 11, lived in a bach-/ideq and welcomed Mrs. Floyd elor hut. n Nigeria and more and more} meeting Cae mohee bsionietondow g t0-'Charles Carter presided for the|and tea to be held March 17 at rich hereditary rulers and high|W@"d higher education and de-|ojection with the following' res-|2:00 p.m. in the park building. president, Mrs. William|/The next meeting will be "gt Installs Officers vice - president, Mrs. Bathe Park Ladies' was elected at the held recently. ults: Haight; Zoltan Prokop; secretary, Mrs John Fisher; social conveners fred Ogden and Mrs. Shrigley; sick members Mrs, Stanley Hicks and Mrs. Ernest Blair; veners, Mrs. Arthur Lymer and \C. Barnes of Peterborough, non-|Mrs, Robert Dell; press repor- The Nigerians lived an outdoor|resident national board member} ter, 'Mrs, John Fisher. existence living by farmingjof Region 5. Mrs., Barnes Cocoa beans and ground nuts,/brought' greetings and compli Mrs. William Haight presided and monthly and annual reports and trading was a mix-/and members on the annual re-\Were Biven by the secretary, ture of business. and recreation. |ports, presented in book form. Under native rulers a demo-| Mrs. E. H. Heavens and Miss cratic form of government oper-|Irene Boes conducted a worship * ated in a one-party system, Miss|period and Mrs. Ross Backus Trevis explained. Elementary said grace. Wedding Trip To California Follows Dudley-McKim Rites Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dudley are honeymooning | Larry Hen-| in|derson, Oshawa, and Miss Laur- California following their mar-jel McKim, the bride's sister, Noel Charles|attendants riage in St. Mark's United|wore semi-formal gowns of red Church, Whitby, on St. Valen-/Italian silk over taffeta with tine's Day, Friday, February 14.|scooped necklines, three-quarter The Reverend John Smith/length sleeves and slightly bell- officiated at the double-ring,/ed skirts. A single, self-flower €andlelight ceremony. in a puff of veiling formed their The bride, the former Lynda|head-dresses and they carried Dorine McKim, is the daughter|bouquets of white carnations. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Mc-| Mr, Ray Dudley of Lakeland,| Kim of Whitby and the bride-|Florida, the bridegroom's bro-| groom is the son of Mrs. Cecil/ther, was best man and ush- Dudley of Courtice and the late|ering were Mr. Bruce Colwell, Mr. Dudley. Bowmanville, and Mr. Barry} The soloist, Mrs. Douglas\campbell, Huntsville. A reception was held at the "T'll Walk Be-|Sandalwood Restaurant. To re- the bride's mother wore Jack Beaton, both of Whitby. |blue chiffon with matching hat Given in marriage by her fa-2nd a white orchid corsage. The ther. the bride wore a floor-|bridegroom's mother, assisting, length gown of white satin peau|Was in a two-piece dress of de yt with a scoop seeking off-white brocade threaded with adorned with appliques of/Silver. Her. raspberry-red hat Prayer" and Mrs. Robert Bell; the treasurer, Mrs, Cleve McCann, Mrs, Wil- Cyril con- vener, Mrs. Byrad King; bingo committee, Mrs. Wilfred Ogden, treasurer, Mrs. Cleve McCann, telephone con- |] f t th | : : Carter, who is a past - president} ------------ jlege for two or three years,) The new 1964 executive Offand a charter member of the Auxiliary| Auxiliary, for regular|election. Mrs.|made for the St.. Patrick bazaar conducting Further plans day, March 8 at 1:30 p.m. »/Donough, Mrs, Carter, Mrs Fisher, Mrs. Ogden and Mrs ved, concluding the evening. DASH OF DIFFERENCE When you serve chilled to the were | | i 0 Games were played with tt i i Stanley Hicks; treasurer, Mrs. winhare being Pe. Roy salted at the monthly meeting of) Luella Smith; left aide to past Haight. A salad supper was ser-|ing held in the IOOF mato juice as an appetizer the|treasurer, Lady Margaret Smith, Consumer Section, Canada De-jofficer of the day, partment of Agriculture sug-|Holt; officer of the guard, Lady gests varying the flavor by add-|May Wood; chaplain, Lady Flor- ing seasonings such as garlic orjence Johnston; onion salt, onion juice or lemon/Annie Frost; juice, herbs such as thyme or|Alma Dewey; color bearer, Lady basil, or Worcestershire sauce.. |Lady May Skea; color guard, |Lady Annie Shorten; right aide to president, Lady Victoria -- . "1: |gee; left aide to president, Lady Patriarchs Militant\Ciara 'wickens; 'right aide to vice - president, Lady Jenny \Perry; left aide to vice - presi- |dent, Lady Alice Hayton; right Lady Ladies Auxiliary The 1964 executive was instal-jaide to past - president, lthe Ladies Auxiliary Patriarch|president, Lady Gola Couch; 'IMilitant at' their regular meet-|Tight aide to chaplain, Lady : Hall last|Nina Peever; left aide to chap- Tuesday. 'The new executive are|/ain; Lady Lena Harper. as follows: president, Lady] Lady Keeler gave a lengthy Marie Elliott; vice - president,|eport on the sick members and Lady Viola Keeler; recording|Wished everyone a speedy re- I; covery. secretary, Lady Anne' Coskwe The Auxiliary is honored this Lady Ann bers, Lady Lorraine Hewat, as Lady Lady sentry, musician, Agnes Kemlo; color sergeant,|in toronto June 18. Add zest and color to your furniture with this attrac- tive - looking runner. It has a beautiful effect and will TABLE RUNNER draw admiring glances from visitors. If you would like the instructions simply send a stamped self - addressed en- velope, plus ten cents for Lady Evelyn Fickes to convene a penny sale for the next meeting, March 17. Arrangements were made for a night of cards to be held at Glenholme School, April 30. _ A social hour was spent play- ing cards. Refrshments were served by Lady Perry and her committee. president of the department As- sociation of Ontario, Plans were made for several members to|Stteet, accompany the president to ses- sions at the Royal York Hotel \Credit; Mr. James Durrant, Miss Claudia Durrant, Belle- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Shepherd, all of Toronto; L-S Robert Henry, Winnipeg, Mani- toba; Mirs. Barry Campbell, Huntsville, and guests from Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. |) CHIROPRACTOR Nervous Headaches Low Back Pains 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Bowmanville and Oshawa. Over four hundred players took part in the Pilot Club's telephone party during the past two weeks. On Thursday night the names of the prize winners were announced and over one hundred prizes allocated, The major prize went to Mr. Fred year to have one of its mem-|Konkle who had been a guest of Mrs. N. Hamlyn. Miss Rose Hawkes, Mary is opening her home Monday evening to the mem- bers of the Travel Group of the |University Women's Club. Mrs. offered| William Trotter will speak on "Europe--Summer 1963", Mr. Kenneth Lehman, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Haley of Whitby is leaving next Satur- day for Yucatan, Mexico, where |his marriage to Senorita Maria ldel Carmen Fernandez Bojor- |quez is to take place on Satur- day, March 7. SOCIAL NOTICE RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Rendal T. Elli- cott, Locust Hill, Ontario, will be happy to receive their friends relatives and neighbors, Satur- day, March 7, 1964, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m, at their home # jand 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ellicott, Brock Rd., Brougham, on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, YOU Benefit handling, with your name and | address, requesting © leaflet | New PREGNANCY DIET Scientific studies indicate that a pregnancy diet should contain 2,400-2,500 ealories, or 400-500 more than normally. No baby sitter, no cor fere Mr. Bernard i Of Leading Toronto Salons i) Experienced Hair Stylist || FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 728-9317 NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 728-1619 251 KING ST. & LECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. it, new ¢ No. E-7596 to The Oshawa | Times, Needlework Depart- | ment, Oshawa, Ontario. | French lace, The back of the|Was complemented by a corsage| skirt was accented with a bustle|of matching carnations. and unpressed pleats flowing} As the couple left on their) into a slight train. Her veil of| wedding trip, the bride was illusion lace with scalloped bor-|wearing a three-piece blue, Eng-| der was held by a crown ofjlish worsted wool suit with} crystal and mother of pearl and matching hat and a green or-} she carried a bouquet of redichid corsage. quer | On their return, Mr, and Mrs. | The matron of honor, Mrs.|Dudley will reside at 607 Centre John Kadwell, Oshawa, and the street, Apt. No. 3, Whitby. | STOP Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel. 728-9581 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning "The Salon of Smart Oshawa Women" Shategy fru Spring. INTRIGUING HAIR STYLES For Lasting Loveliness, let us show you how Personal styling and Permanent For Ap Miss Deriet, Mr, John, COincents HAIR 110 KING ST @ PARKING AT REAR e@ " ze: cleaning service to Aldswort WE MAKE THE ON $2.50 a soft, NEW PERMANENT will enhence your HAIRSTYLE. by our experts, 0% SPECI ORDERS OF and OVER @ New, Modern Cleaning Equipment @ New, Latest Methods in Cleaning g methods bring a new era of faster, more efficient and the most reliable h Cleaners. Our steady customers are delighted with this new operation, so much g0 we decided to offer this Introductory Offer" to everyone, As An Introduction to Our Efficient New Service SE DOLLAR SAVING OFFERS!! DRY CLEANING ALS 0% OFF ON ORDERS UNDER $2.50 @ LIMITED TIME OFFER... EXPIRES MARCH 7, 1964 @ pointments Call... Mr, Vincent STYLING -E 725-8631 36 ATHOL EAST MAIN PLANT Aan PLVALALPLGUALAL RAOUL ALDSWORTH CLEANERS INIA 514 RITSON RD. S. BRANCH OFFICE: FOR FREE PICK-UP DELIVERY CALL 725-1812

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