' i ee ; « Uttle fourliner by M.\asked her, She replied, "I am{her so dateabie pui iz ANN LANDERS NM in your hat band|92 years old and every man ijriousiy sunuig tor a husband, and look at it in six months;|g0 out with is a potential hus-|sne's doing it aii wrong, ' "TE tell you this, and I tell |band, I'm not going to waste! Her research technique would plain: my time on someone I couldn'timake most males as nervous 3 , What you have done, you possibly marry," as a long-tailed cat in a roo Mouthy Teenagers , will do again; Can you imagine turning|full of rocking chairs, * You will bite your tongue, {thumbs down on a man because; Write to. me in three years , careful or not, he likes to read in bed or be-jand let me know if she's still e ect 4 arents Upon the already bitten \cause he'd rather play cards or/single--and handing out ques- spot," g0 bowling with the boys than/tionnaires, I'll bet she is, ' : ' Dear Ann Landers: I have a|/80 somewhere with his wife? [a money Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Dear Ann Landers; This year, The 16-ear-old girl who told\good friend who makes out aj The questionnaire seems nuts w Bilsk 0. I become scquainted with an her mother to abut up had been|questionnaire and hands it to bd me but this girl has plenty of Ronald W. y, Ue ] exchange student from another|talking that way for quite some! yer le who asks her fo ates, Please comment-- | |G. THE COHAWA TIMES, Fridey, February 8), 1964 lcountry, When I asked her tojtime, Ditto the boy who spoke ate, 1 he Bas ge bogs ot, OMAHA CHIROPRACTOR give me her impressions of thejingultingly to his father and/she refuses to go with him. Dear Omaha: The question- Nervous Headaches Dental Nurse Addresses [United States I was shook by|grandfather. | 'The test consists of 30 ques-\naire idea is not only appalling Low Back Pains |what she said, She thoughtfully, Show me an ill-mannered, dis-|tions ranging from religious he-|but self-defeating, I don't know|! 100 King St, E. 728-5156 |told me, "You Americans have/respectful child and I will show|\jefs: (Number One), to "Do you|What this girl's got that makes ithe highest standard of living|you a set of parents who have! fee . shoul anette area * Parents At Dr. Cannon H&S lin the world, You lead or way |failed to do their job. eed poy ie sue tt de hiats Biire . in a good many areas, but your; Co : FLESH, on ; Miss Marilyn Moore, Dentaljone of the Kindergarten classes,|young people show their parents|4g WEAR, You promt pigs 5 Feage regi = I Hise gor eh Nurse and Hygienist, was thejand Mrs, Marion Harrison, wholjess respect than in any country|case but I am unconvinced,|this, I didn't believe it so I |guest speaker at the February/has a grade 3 and 4 class for|| have ever visited," patel sainels Mianhalc riba cmakestd kok it de il meeting of the Dr, Cannon H-Sithe remainder of the school! I resented her remarks, but _ | Association, jyear, llater that week I saw a classic Miss Moore showed a film) Mr, Korry stated that Osh.|demonstration of what she was |tollowed by 'a talk on "The|awa does not have the facilities|talking about, '|Care of the Teeth," With the/for Kindergarten classes which) At a family dinner my 16- ; use of concrete materials she would begin in January for|year-old cousin told her mother: demonstrated the proper way 10| pupils who are five years of age|to shut up because she didn't 'brush the teeth, She stressed between January and June, jknow what sho was talking : NGUs- -RAYDON ' |brushing neg me outet ™ ad Mtmor-nf Health| avout. Lng oa -- (age after eating, A brush with soft, ; HERE nformed his father that he 4 straight bristles and a straight has informed Mr, Korry of"haq holes in his head," then ae | CARPET COMPANY handle is the proper kind tojovey coos vf iafectious hepl-/turned to his grandfather and , é INTERIOR DECORATOR ise, titis in Oshawa, Although there|allowed ag how he was "cuckoo, WY, feed: ; Miss Moore expressed her ap-jare few cases at present it jg|'00."" ' aK \ 7 | FURNITURE 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel, 728-9581 , lectric toothbrushes} y i wy | Do you have any comments DRAPERIES BETH'S FIRST BIRTHDAY peg Mal provide the vibration|""r2, 'portant for children toltg make on this sort of thing? AN BROADLOOM Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre which is difficult to attain with|"oroughly wash thelr hands be-|What is wrong with our teen- cUusT Little Beth Ann Newman is granddaughter of Mr, and jg regular brush. fore all meals, Cleanliness is an agers 'oa they are the tmoat rf OM MADE DRAPES s = one year old today. She is oi oe Rear an ye | Diet plays an imporvant part pgp ie or mn perenne oy Os in the world?-- . SI 15 King Street East Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum " J ' i i " ul » rv je a ' b . "ae " the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nowman and Mrs, William (IM mainialing te Woe ig, The attendance award was) Dear Ashamed: It is unfair Phone 725-2686 s Fred J, Newman, Eastwood Mudry, all of Oshawa. Beth's | Miine" decay in children's| WO" by*Mrs, Kathleen Quick's|to lump all United States teen- professional avenue, She is the first grand- big brother Paul, age two and teeth to a great extent, kindergarten room agers together and describe Rug Cleaning oe ae a ce wr ai a P daughter of Mr, and Mrs. a half is helping her celebrate, : 4 'wa Mrs, Leonard Callfas was in|them as mouthy and disrespect Fred Newman Jr, and is the --Ireland Studio |. A short > aio an Moore' charge of refreshments which|ful, Most teen-agers do not -- period followed 18s Siconsisted mainly of two cakes|tromp on their parents and kick informative talk, marking the sixth birthday of/them around verbally -- simply . . . Miss Millicent Luke Elected | Mrs, Victor Hulatt, president,/the Dr, C, F, Cannon H-§ Asso-|because most parents would not |presented the poylaws tor ciation, permit: it. | Presbyterial UCW President --|"rarens ana cnisron were ited to attend the Family Miss Millicent Luke, of Sim-|Oaks, for the Rev, and Mrs,|Skating Night, Saturday, Feb- coe Street United Church, Osh-|Oaten, be made by United|ruary 22 from 8.00 - 10.00 p.m,, awa, waselected president of/Church Women's organizations|at the Children's Arena. The) e the Oshawa Presbyteria] United|or' by the members, if they wish|cost of this is only 25c, per Church Women at the second|to do so, and these donations/family, annuat meeting, held last week |be sent to the Presbyterial| Ontario Federation's Annual . Mark's United Church, |treasurer not later than -April|Meeting is March 24, 25, 26. Whitby. |1, 1964, The UCW Presbyterial) yy order to raise some of the Other officers elected were: |treasurer is Mrs, G. C, Pirie,| for the year's budget it Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Whitby,|171 Rossland road west, Osh-/ money dad to adopt the "DOl| st president; Mrs, Allaniawa, Individuals wishing to| 4S ' uy Drive' which i¢| * Bown, Ebenezer, and Mrs./make separate donations may|!@? per Samby or if a ects our we f H. M. Kyte, Blackstock, vice-|send them to Mrs, W. C. Ives, underway now. ' see ' presidents; Mrs, Miles Chap-/91 Liberty 'street, Bowmanville,| In addition to this, the regular man, Pickering, recording sec-|who is the treasurer appointed) April meéting is postponed until | retary; Mrs, Douglas Redpath,|by the Christian education com-| April 13, when a night of| 8 8 King street, Oshawa, corre-|mittee of the Bay of Quinte : | sponding secretary; Mrs, G. C,/Conference, cards is to be held at the school your we = eing, your prosper y , ] Pirie, Kin: street, Oshawa,treas-| Mrs, J. H. Breckenridge,/These two events will be the urer; Mrs. J. H. Breckenridge,|chairman of the finance com-|main fund-raising projects for Whitby, -- sig gered brag hang her report. |the veer. nd Social Action; Miss B, Mc-/Mr, Chester Robinson and Mr. | . , 7 REN a Lean, Greenwood. Co-operation|H, J, Pincombe were appointed| Mt. G. A. Korry, eg ick AN INTERPRETATION BY LOCAL with Christian Education and auditors for the next two years, | troduced Mrs. Kat ong 1 = Missionary Education; Mrs,| It was announced that the/Whe is completing the year lt M. E. Leask, Trinity, Bowman- School for Leaders would be ville, finance chairman; Mrs,|held at Albert College, Belle-|\fiss Millicent Luke, newly Stephen Saywell, St, Stephen's, |ville, July 21 to 24, lalected president, asked: for the Oshawa, leadership education] The Reverend John Smith/eontinued support of the mem- development chairman; Mrs,|celebrated the communion serv-/pership during her tenure of Lloyd Pegg, Pegg, St. Andrew's |ice. Joffice Oshawa nominations chairman;| After the noon meal, provided| --------- urn Mrs. H. Quantrili, hitb y,|by members of the St. Mark's | community friendship and visit-|UCW, the afternoon session was ture and communications secre-| UCW, ' ing secretary; Mrs. J. Scott,;opened by a worship service Albert Street, Oshawa, litera-jled by members of Ebenezer] | 1) ° tary; Mrs. L, Mundy, Trinity,| Mrs, W, A, Weatherhead, pres-| Bowmanville, assistant to Mrs.jident of the Bay of Quinte Con-| 4 Scott; Mrs, §S. J. Lancaster,/ference, brought seinen" te 906 MMGOR NM, 728-0148 Newtonville, press and publicity|the presbyterial UCW " secretary; Mrs. W. C. Ives, ¥ E eer REN i) ' rreagh 5 The guest speakers fo' Trinity, Bowmanville, : program day. were the "peso le 5 ti } secretary; Mrs. K Werry, Sy. { White in the morning, Mrs ) Paul's, Bowmanville, stewar r|Ryrie Smith in the afiernoon| ship and recruiting secretary; | ong Dr, Claude Vipond in. the (teal Be Mi : ' Beet ae Mrs, J, Gray, Cadmus, supply evening. po ee Gate alot dinars Evening devotions were led| awe aie (ty, members of the Trinity | i a awa, archivist. United Church Women, Bow-| . = j ® The meeting was planntd| manville. ' ded) fe) t eir and conducted by Mrs, L F. | The Reverend E. § tintaaa | | Richardson, retiring president./chairman of the Oshawa Pres. @ BROADLOOM Mrs, H. T. Fallaise, president /pytery, presided over the sian: @ SLIP COVERS of the agpeye oar gr haga of officers, after the busi @ BAMBOO * - e . ave words of welcome to the ness of t rj anes g : t t t t HT) women, representing 44 of| In ug on pr Bhat afl gs --, @ UPHOLSTERING ec ives om ommuni e | ions na eve ie) men Ss the, 58 churches in the presby-| iene eiat ee. e . terial, nett atte meatee'l] Men! "Cash-In On This! ! Told In Complete Detail In the retiring executive for. tak ing up the challenge presented at the inaugural meeting t wo M ' years ago Mrs, Miles Chapman present + td recommendations from the executive as follows; that an ' allocation to Conference of $20,865 and a budget of $30,465 be accepted; that the six dele- eg ' ates to a Bay of Quinte Con- erence United Church Women H annual meeting to be held March Buy One Pair 23 to 25 at Queen Street United Church, Kingston, be Mrs Allan Down, Mrs, Carl Down And Get Mrs. Kenneth Farrow, Mrs « : ' j Philip Romeril, Mrs. H. M Kyte and Mrs, David Duchemin Another ren . .. that nominations for Pres . ie ts bytery committees to be elect- Ny 2 ed by Presbytery be as fol- Pair for A lows: Mrs, W. C,. Ives, home missions; Mrs. J. H. Brecken- Only ridge, evangelism and_ social service; Mrs. L. Pegg, world missions; Miss B, McLean, Mrs, . J e a ~ . S. Saywell, Mrs. Allan Down, : § e Christian education; Miss Milli- > cent Luke, Mrs. M, E. Leask } . and Mrs. K. Werry, missionary @ é ; and maintenance; Mrs. L. F. a Richardson and Mrs. H. M.) 4 ¥ Kyte, manse. These motions oon: were all passed. Tailored from the finest English and Domestic All-wool yerna, ia ak cant hanes te dyed worsted and flannels, in smart neat checks ond plain ® treat at a place near Paris, colors. In Bonker Grey, Dork Brown, Lovet, Slate Blue, Block M B Ontario, for Christian people to and Charcoal. Regular styles with belt loops or the populor lr. usinessman es ee A go to, for quiet study and medi- young man's "Continental Style", Sizes 28 to 44 . Ee tation. Into this dream of a life- dinerr'ewenga ths Me] FIRST. XTRA. YOU Be Sure To Tell Your Story in the 1964 Business and Industrial Review! on a workable basis, the United SLACKS SLACKS SAVE Church took it over and. called it Five Oaks, for the five cen- 9 9 tral conferences. Over the e ' 8.95 L years, hundreds of people have and a Competent Advertising attended sessions at Five Oaks Mesure & Representatve will call to assist study and uplifting. The good bad you in the preparation for your Oaten will be_ oe rom : : neural DCW pore ~~ Circulation Department of the Oshawa Times; 86 King Street East, Os , will mail copies of the Progress Edition to your the following motion: that dona 36 KING EAST AND OSHAWA nee and relations anywhere. YOUR INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY 15¢ (INCLUDING POSTAGE) PER ions toward a gift, through a aot ugh for the purpose by DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE oe the board of directors of Five