THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 17, 1964 § een neem Cl AO TD etn me WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel, 668-3703 Anderson 'Diary Brilliant Acting, Direction Superb By JOHN GAULT jall -- the angry, unsatisfied, re-jthe early scenes ba series of tile, Krugler, the Franks' source Anderson High School's areme| as thr Peter Van Daan, wholjinane lines, emerged Js a mas-|of information for two years tization of the "Diary of Anne|Was thrown in with Anne Frank,|ter of the hysterical? She was until his death was properly Frank' last Friday and Satur./0t by choice, but by necessity./convincing as the, "y ' Herj/humble, He was their landlord, day nights was brilliant. Peter Van Daan was a hater,/age was against her approach-/their savior and benefactor, but . The interpretations of Jews) He hated being a Jew. He hated/ing Shelly Winters' award-win-'he took no pride. and sympathizers in war-torn] Hiding. He hated petty aig ot Linryptoeypheh srl: bend and He blamed, by suggestion, all Amsterdam was of, at least, top-|@"@ he hated petty things. But/but her voice contro! a au- men including himself, for the be nbiaancit 3 ast, top" Mir, Craigie couldn't scream, orty added credulence . to the 'iti fas i flight, unprofessional theatre. ¢ isle aed pg tae : atrocities the Nazis were ine All of the pathos, the humor,|#i"t, Or pound the walls. Hero', e ,, flicting. And he paid tribute io the fear, and the triumph were achieved his portrayal by keep: Eric Sturiska, as 'Puddy."@ man, Otto Frank, who was there. or sla BP Nhe properly hg ed his superior in every way, exe on This attitude cannot ¢ was his wife's pawn, an e cept for the actions of other And the beauty of a girl's attributed to the written lines.' accepted it. He was more of a' men 2 transformation into womanhood, 'They only restrict what is' said,!child than his son Peter, or and of her first, and last, love not how, Amd they have no! Anne Frank. NICE GOING, SYLVIA Was completely and enchanting-'nower over facial expression! Both he and Miss Mcllwaine Now that the cast has been ly brought. off by diminutive and body actions. complimented the senior disposed of, it's time to toss Carol MacKenzie's title role. - Mr, Craigie, as Peter, was Franks, as their stage son, Mr,|bouquets to my old college mate : 4) - "= Miss MacKenzie and Peter properly dour, properly non+'Craigie, complimented Anne,|{rom St. Mike's, U of T, Sylvia ¥ ro \eiieantenate oxsahlte 22 can . ro lye bso 7 committal. "is face was an im-|While Mr. Neve and Miss Rob- Sloan. ae ee vaaneasiaiaieans - s e command of} ionate irror whe repr on- S "Diary s ; |passionate 'mirror when hejinson represented the quiet con- She lived the '"Diary" since . their characters, They gave 'the gnoke, or when he walked across fident, and all-sacrificing par- Christmas time, All of the ex- . a oe FATHERLY COMFORT continuity, and the strength to the stage. His feelings were sup: ents, Miss Mcliwaine and Mr. cellent performances appreciat- nn the play. _ They complimented pressed, and any form of emo- Sturiska carried. off the portray-jed above may be attributed, as wes 8 i a abi A each other: ' : _ ion was controlled, in charac. a} of selfish, weak meglio: the cast will attest, to Sylvia's " 7 = | comforts his daughter ane | re) ser oe ancien ter maniacs . direction ' (Carol MacKenzie) after she ine-Stop Lape ag Margot Frank, Anne's older For six to seven weeks of im ae ' 2 has awakened screaming from | tive. He ruled the rest of the ister, presented an even great> rehearsal ; ' ' j ; | DECORATING ; . ; sister, ; sal, she goaded, and & ' f J ; . ' cast with his quiet logic that DUTCH PRAISE er contrast in her scenes with) prodded, ina iehirasre: She & _ } HO a nightmare, in the Anderson somehow should have been be-| | ; Anne. Roberta Lockyer, sensing\saw the talent she had. and : ' ' High School production -- of SHOP yond his 17 years. His soft, ANNE FRANK that she was playing @ passive) she exploited it. More than any 4 aw ' oy "The Diary of Anne Frank", Dutch accent added credulity to, os oan's Anderson "ale: adapted completed. Her other person, she carried it off, presented at the school. last nig role Ba the Patriarch of the High School production of |S 28°, Voice remained even. She 1+ is unfortunate that the play Friday and Saturday nights. saihinis m ; 4 gh ool productior i aliens play dispossessed Jewish family, His the "Diary of Anne Frank" was delicate and womanly, did not have a longer run. It is atin wrsiipangoeoripn a portrayal paid tribute to Otto nie HE very mr nage ran : She conveyed the feeling that ten bad" thet all' Ot the. Ghee : ' Frank. the only survivor after received more than just the- he was born to die. That she Hiss the fanliaie P - | ' C.LL. Paints end Varnishes the Nazis came -- pees " ty Was born to play @ mother and | aking set Prooran uit cea . i 2 SCUGOG Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points " ' he "Dutch ommunitly : oe rorite J ey . § BI a ' * From the beginning of the, i, ang around Whitby honor- |¢ 'mother P lag Males alien with only two performances Director, SYLVIA SLOAN " : CLEANERS DoDD & SOUTER play, Otto's return to the attic) oq Miss Sloan and her cast ie ae ane rol SS evothin It is more unfortunate that ¥ : . & Shirt L d after the war, he was the key-| ong erew fi Ng, SNe Serer verything more people will not be allow- : a ; . . int Launderers |! D. td bi . "| and crew in appreciation of that was her lot peor ' t allo q FREE Pick-up & Delivery Baily ecor Centre Ltd, stone. He was humbly, quietly) +, meaningful and worthy | And, unlike her sister Anne, ed to witness this masterful | ' ' PHONE 668-434) thems Sapaver : é ® nels 107 Byrom St. S,, Whitby ee eR | dignified, and he made the audi-| endeavor" she refused to rebel ageinst 'it effort, of an excellent play, " ence agree with Krugler, their Mrs. D. H. Korte. on be- Dicsel Jan Duese, the dent: with an excellent cast under an Le | ed] Peter Neve, as Otto Frank, | -- -- Wallpoper end Murals Custom Draperies Broedl end Rugs excellent director wartime host and benefactor half of the Community, pre- , : rf thi co %) ist with allergies, and the out- 7 How could anything like this) sented Miss Sloan. with a | spoken indignation, balanced off "THE BIARY OF ANE FRANK" . MOMENT OF TERROR happen to a man like Mr bouquet of flowers, with an - the silent. efficiency of Mr Cast . | 'rank?" inscription that read N ; "nn rs ? eve's Otto Anne Frank Carol MacKenzie; Gii 3 3 ,) y 1 ; The pages of time flew back: | "In remembrance of those As hanal Ron Scott moaned, Frank Peter Neve; Edith Frank -- | Edith Frank, holds the un- FIRST | SN Dr c i» Maree | 'ood is a time-tested | Mary Lou Robinson, © as en y y re Vv Daans. ss ae P , Mary Leu Robinson; Peter Van DO - The Franks and the Van Daans,) who fought, suffered, and and wept and found fault. He gruce Croleler. Panenelc. Von ote seeking refuge from the "Green died, and the ones who are pyought out the coward in the Anna Mary Metlwaine; Puddy Van Daen Police" enter the attic for the) jiying and enjoying life |man. that could only have been) £"C Sturske: Margot Frank -- Rob- first time. ' " ' ' erta Lockyer Krugler David Lott zs ° again shown by expression and intona- house: Ousse! Ron Scott; Miep -- None of them, of their own The play argument | tion 7 Louise Jakcson choice, ever left the attic again.) against racism and war, set Mr. Scott. had he been sur DIRECTOR Within the confines of a few! jin Amsterdam, Holland. It pounded by a less talented cast,| Miss Sylvie Slean thought of discovery by hte|h Te build home small rooms they lived out their) depicts the struggle for sur- might have completely com:| PRODUCER : | Nazis, when sounds were jf To refinance drama | vival of the Jew, and the (manded the play. Ed Wynn,| Dougies Mant: ; ; |'heard in the factory below |] Te make major improvements Within the confines of a small) role that the Dutch perform- coming out of retirement to play, PROPERTIES ~ Ann Guihrie, An: . } their attic refuge : ' CECIL R. BROWN v may nent stage in the Anderson auditor-) oq jn resisting the Nazi the movie's Dussel, badly out- Senin seu uae Heather Vir or 'onic benefits of Dr. Chase Nerve Food. JIM Ww, JONES | Taken regularly, as tum ten students, and director shadowed Joseph Schildkraut's pond, Barbara Stark, Marien Crawterth, 4 NEAL'S ing room audience relive the, : eg ee ; he, PUBLICITY: Douglas Mantz, F. 4 j : sey |Franks in the attic ghetto were) Louise Jackson, as Miep, the), coeman, shirley Nichols, Steve Yiowski, true story of inhumanity, greed,| 1" \\.omedy relief" of the|tireless "resistance worker" and) tom Doyle, 'Dorls VanderEnde, Agnes : BARBER SHOP | VICTORIA Sneun eomeny nelee | Ursula Wittig, 123 BROCK ST, NORTH tt feel be' ther, Don conscious form of her daugh- | ter Anne (Carol MacKenzie) | MORTGAGE : . benstical wan and ' ta to her in a tense scene from sen the Anderson High prodcution LOANS Anne had just fained at the |f tT» buy « home Sylvia Sloan helped two stand) 1. Van Deans, guests of the Otto Frank We vere hate, love, fear, and beauty, | ; ca? > oO | ith| Thrower, Dariene Schad, : 4, drama,* and their attempts}the Franks' only contact with ag Pagers Miss MacKenzie, faced with reached the macabre. The con-jthe outside world, was hope in- ee bl ince, Prag tie shag aan Producer, DOUGLAS MANTZ "WHITBY'S FINEST and GREY 308 Dundes St. W., Whitby li the difficult task of character i és z in. |tane" Corea: ae 'e Ric toiat Mcedae re ied | development, made the transi [20 auips by Petroelia (Annalcarnadine and, when 50° 0. re kite tn Seria Seton ---------- || tw teat torn tion from insolent, brazen,| 521% Gesteue asseties somtlaitien bad. ended. iw Ner-|gAkt DEPARTMENT: ww. R.A Mc) TEAR DOWN BARRIERS Adults 1.25 -- Children 75 'idy's E j s Nor zie, eal . ' aR . gin gg igo a violently serious nature|mandy" the tremor of -happi-; costumes: Marion Neilsen, Jenniter A-*GOON | (AP) Burma |] open WEONFSDAY ALL DAY the iss, afd ste tot : when these appetites were solv- ness in her voice, and the real Knight, Sandra Winnacott wants more co-operation among Cleted Monday -- 668.9036 Alweas 'og state clon. ed by theft of the meagre sup-\tears in her eyes sent shivers Sa venmiee Bag Syeney Hawes)/all grades of government serves; vn Miss Mcliwaine, tied down ini, David . Lottnouse, ' the Gen: SHOP DEPARTMENT: Mr Murray offices--except those of office She was the pivot. The other J. Sloan, Mrs. W. Wineck W eekly Events! years of her evolution. her) UNITED NATIONS (AP) seat to a new international trade Worry of CUTS This Programme Presented By The Local soared in an endless, parabolic|trade and development to be "ations Slipping or Irritating? PRIDE OF CO-OPERATION ce hk Hen each GL Ae ', ; ng They asic issues cer- >) ul Prebisch, 64, Ar- inkle a little FASTEETH AL of the other student actors, They involve basic issues cer cinting-bown teiernotaaal sort ake o.0 little FABTEETH on your WwW. c. TOWN HARLEY'S they too pride in it, There was|123 countries and UN agencies for the conference or feeling. Y's alkaline (non-acid) f Get PASTERTH at any drug counter, Ample Parking FREE PICK-UP hicle General Agreement on Tariffs tne qeveloping nations of the play © sport te be Rambler, Trailer. em Ly * whether to create a new inter- Van Daans, and her banishment Police investigating a kidnap- policy designed to eliminate the Good SPORTS METROPOLITAN JR, "B' LEAGUE, League scheduled games eyes always flashing with anger, Plies of food throughout the audience SOUND: Ken Holyk, Ray Aiken ants. To get it, walls of private anxiety or love, she lent far| |p attOh QSPARTMANT: Me. Murra more spirit to the leading char- Metrepolyt vet chiefs and their first assis- acter than Millie Perkins was FURNITURE: Miss Evelyn Bale, Mrs.:tants--are being pulled down so CALENDAR able to muster in the cinema Ta e a ans W. Garrone: Mes We Gurnee, Mrs 2,| that everyone can work side by version. [Mrs T. Mcitwaine: Mrs: J." Neve. Mrs, (Side of -- characters, by the very nature = wa BAND conducted by Mr. J. H of the play, revolved around entry : a And they moved with mat Published B Vy U N che tae whee tae BEATLE She governed them through two A . metamorphosis, They turned/phe United Nations has unveiled| organization repres aat.| . ; p ' presenting East- about her, and their centrifugal| wide-ranging proposals for con-|,,.. , 4 : Be about her. and their contrifugall wide-ranging proposals for O0-1er, Western and non-aligned FALSE Tee H 4.00 -- Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! arc held March 23-Juné 15 in Ge- ™ are contained) weeont be embarrassed by loose faise . iP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! ; F x rt pr ¢ ping or y ney? in a 105spage report presented! Ween 'sen sak, sale oe laueh. duet Peter Smits with the exception of Mr. Neve tain to set off sharp controversy international 'econ:) Pamarkable sense of added comton || Hairstyling for Men were in eto roles anq among the 1,500 delegates from omist who is secretary-general! Ra' security by holding plates more yling FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD | FE a ' firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste 102 Byron St. S. Whitby . Service Centre no petty professionalism in -- a ogg hinante IS BASIC PROBLEM them. They were together in a ey include such fundamen: the basic problem is how to - - Facilities very good pla, and they refused|tal questions as whether the cigse the widening trade embal: AND DELIVERY to use it as their personal ve-|western-supported GATT -- the ance between the industrial and : You don't have to Mi Monet eee : ejor an ner Repairs They took their turns in the and Trade--should take a back world) which he says could If *d lik spoilight. Mary Lou Robinson, as ~ oc 'reach $20,000,000,000 by 1970 you 1Ke @ goed sport ; Seles and Rentals Anne's beleaguered and worried ® One of the prime decisions . FINA CENTRE mother, played her part down Kidnap Probe, confronting the conference is to im rove vour home 110 Dundas St. &., Whitby MERCHANDISE almost trouahes. 'ie 3 Fo d Dead P D dee 668-3410 668-8211 When she reached her most un national trade organization e 1101 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY powerful scene, her tirade hae which would be responsible for why not do it now? HOCKEY : : : against the bread-stealing of the ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -- carrying out an_ international of them, she shocked the audi- Ping complaint Saturday dis-imhalence Ik for th layoffs start on M Feb, 24 ence with her vehemence. She:covered the bodies of a 68-year- The Western nations belonging Ta to your Support home town sports, Sra oer, toe te meaner: RieveTe Mert) eae eee exploded, and the repercussions old man, hs wife and his sister\to GATT approach the question JR. 'B' vs JR "A" Exhibition Geme, Monday, Feb. 17, oat e . were made even more sonorous apparent victims of a double with reserve, The Soviet bloc Toronto-Dominion HOME TOWN SPORTS 8 p.m, Ottawa Montagnords, Jr, "A' vs Whitby Dunlops Pe teak' a Mpolice said' Prescott D ge a od as ads ogg SUPPORT THE LOCAL ot Whitby Arena Mrs. Frank, so quiet, so un- alice said Presco ean ap- of an international trade con 5 th Lid parently beat his wife, Lois, ference, but its emphasis was Bank manager about PUtie ond JOHNS MANVILLE HOCKEY LEAGUE, Sunday, Feb, 23, ot roiners bd assuming, so meek -- she had,)# been the weakly-smiling dishrag/®8. shot his unmarried sister,'on seeking more trade with the} & a.m, Office vs Insulations, at 9:45 a.m, Flexboard vs with the circles under her eyes|laicille, 65, and then shot him- West and not on aid to the de-| a low-cost BUILDING SUPPLIES Tronsite, ot Whitby Arene. Monuments ~~ suddenly emerged as a vio- self veloping nations fent, angry woman. Miss Robin- !! three had been dead sev- -------- : 2 : A , son achieved the mastery of ¢valdays when found in Dean's | Home SAWDONS Skating at Whitby Arena + « » of Distinction surprise that makes an audience home, police said a Ohter members of the family | 244 BROCK ST. S. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 8 te 10 p.m., Adults only 668-3552 Whitby ee = oneeenrnt k | DIA) 660-3524 WHITBY, ONT had gone to police to swear out Pp . SPECIsL PLA FOR BRUCE (a kidnap warrant against Dean Im rovement Loan. Friday, Feb. 21, 8:30 te 10:30, Adults and children A special place must be made/saying they had reason to be: Seturdey, Feb: 22, 2 te 4 p.m, Children 14 years and under Figure Skoting Classes, ot Whitby Areno by for Bruce Craigie. He had per-jlieve that he was holding Lucille ' haps the most dificult role ofjatainst her wil, police said | Wy gig - He's a good man WANT ADS For Home TV | to know Delivery of BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 bi a tes A / . HOLD Figure. Skating i ry : WHITBY Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 Peak 7 : ee : THE KEY Seturdey, Feb. 22, 10:30 @.m. te 12:30 p.m. Children's Ontario County's THIS IS A COMEDY OF CROOKS WHO WOULD t ea i Interested in modernizing your kitchen, Only Daily TEAL ANYTVING --EVEN YOUR wae \ Performance \\ P adding an additional room, renovating TO EXTRA Ritle Club . + if you paid enough! = Pronto! Nv a bathroom or installing a new heating Whitey flifla Club misets. Wednesdey nights et Calbome Newspaper LESLIE PHILLIPS oes ee a eee system? Talk it over with your near- Street School, at 7 p.m, Ladies at 7:30 p.m, new members STANLEY BAXTER, WILFRID HYDE WHITE (gp Pure "eding ot sinking? by Toronto-Dominion Bank Manager. CASH wneene PH. 668-3703 tever's wreng w your TV, we'll make RIGHT. Our Any time you want to improv e your home(in k is 9 d ? ' ; ' . "JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE sur prices, modest just about any way) he can be a very good GEORGE'S HOOKER & SONS LTD. Port Whitby wicuagl MEDWIN instr 5 L.6.$ friend. Drop in and get acquainted soon. FINA SERVICE YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS Texaco je Oe No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin ~ EL T ON Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic PETER HUBER, Prap THE TERNATIONAL ECTRONICS MiG TORONTO-pomiNion ELUT Brea Checks General Motors Dealer For © Tiess' dnd! Aczouabiead WROER MACHINE #9 Bloir Park Plaze--Whitd ee ree Picks i THEY COULONT Qa fy : SWhere natal wake the difference Holidey Driving CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE rn i hea ret Tuan FF! PH. 668-8311 * people me cious tak diced CHEVROLET TRUCKS tiRock st. 8. ADULT G. B. MILES, Manager W. R. SINGLETON, Menoger i CORVAIR ENTERTAINMENT : pc Bg | . hehe Ais, oe King and Simeee Sts 566 King Street East e 668-4232 PHONE = ering, rooktin, ahewe en . t HENRY SILVA--ELIZABETH MONTGOMERY Surrounding Aree Sut Gaek 598 tenes 6, ~h Monee 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY BROOKLIN 655-4811 668-3471 i, " Di eit se -- aap