Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Feb 1964, p. 4

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| i Department Store | DEATHS Crash Widow Sele Soar In '63 Caen Threatened, | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fae L a | OTTAWA (CP) --~ Sales by) Raleigh. N.C,--Josephus Dan- « 'chain stores in 1083 rose five|iets, Jy. 40, chairman. of the Man Charged |per cent to $3,018,576,000 from|News and Observer Company, the 1962 total, the bureau of sta+/whioh publishes two Raleigh LEAMINGTON, Ont, (CP)--\tistics reports. Increases wer'e|newspapers, and son of a for: Albert Brackett, 57, of Ieam-\recorded in every month except) mer U.S. secretary of. the navy, By CLIFF GORDON addressed to Mrs. ' Page of Leamington, threaten: "oads, 'has 1,500,000 vehicles. ing the death of her son unless a CLIFF GORDON jeombined with captain Ricky Markham Seal-O-Wax Jr, B Gay, There were four penalties team won its 18th game in ajhanded out, with the winners row without a loss Friday night/taking three of them, ag they handed a lack lustre As was the case in the first) Whitby Dunlops team a 6-2 de- period the powerful and lighten: feat out in Markham, The Dun: ing fast Seal-O-Wax lads struck nies never did get untracked/fast again, This time the goal and made a very poor showing;came at 13 seconds and must for their final game of the have had manager-coach Davis achedule, of the Whitby. team all but pall. The Dunnies are idle tow jng his hair out until this Friday night when they, The 'Whiz Kids' provided the will play host to the Ottawa/ammunition for the next goal.! Montagnards in an exhibition Leech was the final gunner on game at. the Whitby arena.|the goals as he combined with! misconduct misconduct 8.0) 10.43 12,58) the 13,09 Jones, x Mayhew, 8. Markham Penalties misconduct, mejor, 15.02 Andrews Wilson 1.54 6.09, 4.53, O'Shea 6,01, Vesters HITBY And DISTRICT WHITBY And D1s Ge Te Deeidi Tilt LONG SEASON ENDS | ried off on a stretcher, We un-|they had to win or else, On the ington, was to appear in magis-| March. i f,--David An- : Paced by the fine. three-goal derstand he suffered a concus-| ther hand the Walley team had) trates gat gd atl with' December sales at $450,114. 58" Ratesl, Catt " ' Saw f itby sion and a broken nose, He col- the idea that they did not want, @ pting to extor" effort of Barry Gould, Whitby actor Dana Andrews; after! a 21 lead: in their best of five local team . George Dair/again as it would mean a' sud- of the H. J. Heinz Company of|1 stocks at $551,110,000 were 2.4' month-long semi-coma from @ group finals against the Ajax of Whitby, and Delaware were den death affair, (By this 1/Canada who died in the Noy, 20 per cent higher. ; ' e ] a vt , leant Buenos Aires, Argentina--Al- day night with a 9-6 win, some heavy hitting, up at two games cach with the/ree. Meet TRAFFIC FLOW berico Passadore, 33, Urugua- ] e ve}r unnies The Ajax team got off on the ica next one Leing.. the "tale Brackett: was charged Sunday right to 'sday 1, Whitby: | Davidson isome 96, Jes of publiclcrash in the Buenos Aires Gran right foot on Thursday night @8| 9° aiax: | Flynn 16.0) Ajax were in full control of John M;/8om 96,000 mi pu rag ae i enniee going to run the Gas men, right 4 Albn: Matoraan |. isia their win as they led 31 at the ng ihe : ron ah. bike ia . : la acre of the second period and ap-|94% n cash was placediin a S Maliki Andeean kellv' BERer Ad? outhumped, lant od and out "arson ian Crumb, neared to have the game in the bush behind a neighbor's house. McDonald, Black Whitby: Vesters, Govid 14 ss z ficials who referred her to po- \ Penalties: Pearce 6.58, Leech 12.47 * Se \ | 7, Whitby: Gould. minutes to go, However, a fool- enalties: Pearce c Fiynn were the big guns for yes Bair ish penalty to Keech, the Ajax lice % each bagged two goals, David: ') Whitby: Dain, dt doing of this fine te Page to place a package of ' son was che lone marksman for parghier: Bryan, Huminvk 40% Maun The Gas mee put on a pomer|Wrapped papers in. the bush ON SAVINGS @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 17, 1964 | Ww it Ai S " lit Vhitby, Ajax Spli | $25,000 990 were 2.8 per. cent. higher/atews, 90, radio-producer son of Re ~~ ot axers ust Consumers' Gas Juveniles took lided With Bill Bell of the|to have to play the Ajax team from the widow of an executive|than December, 1962, and Dec | rant cerebral hemorrhage. juvenile team here on Thurs- 2!¥2 Shaken up as the result of mean that they would be tied|crash of a DC-8F jet near Mon she 1,55 teller'), after police investigated a letter, Sweden, with a "network ofjyan auto racing driver; in they appeared as if they were) 5, Ajax: Peterson, H. McLean PMS: Kelly, Kowalls 43 out of the Whitby arena, They) §. ajax: Flynn #08 end of the first, 5:3 at the end 7, Markham: Baker, hale DotabA' kal Mf [eae #6 SECOND PERIOD bag at 76 with less than three, Mrs. Page consulted Heinz of: IRD PERIOD u Vesiers, Dalr . : Powder City team as they to, oalic, for slashing almost prov- Police Friday night told Mrs, "= the winners, The Whitby team dre! 5.00, Crumb 8.50, Keech 16.39 play that e"'cked and they came which was kept under surveil. . found themselves down 4:1 at's. wuugy: Hoteng en ; i Dok lance for 24 hours before a man Midgets Bantams the ena of the first 20 minutes of 33: Wniby.. "Cou" an rg eis | . seers. with picked up the bundle. i! play ee 14.058) } eee ee ach ot hie ic. Brackett was arrested a shor pias y nal : 5. Whitby 9.20 ing, However Keech got his toe tima tater at his Hor Beaten By The 'second period. Was in the road and the game went "6 'ater at his home. p Bowmanville 229 1 i Just Penalties: Craddock 5.53, Davidson 8,25, the opposite to the first, The Sel! 11.40, Keech 11.50, Finnigan 16,15, 4 Whitby team looked like real)" 17"? llecied "sabe thon ettorees Uk oI OVER EME collected move than $100,600 in-| In the extra stanza the Ajax Game time for this one is call Dionne and Sandford to cut the ed for 8.00 p.m, The Dunnies tangled with the Monties Feb 1 in Ottawa and managed to edge the pride of the capitol city &4 In @ real thriller, The best of five playoffs will open here on Monday night, Feb, 24 More details in that regard later this week In Friday's game it was Bruce Andrew with two and single counters to Rick Bower ing, Jay Bailey, Bob Armstrong and Don Baker, Tommy Laven: der and Darryl Leech scored for the Whitby team, The Wax men struck fast as they showed why they are one of the hottest teams in the Metro league and one of the most fear: ed Bailey got the ball rolling for homesters' lead to a single goal However this was where the tide started to change. Andrew got his first of a pair just over a minute later and the Dunnies never did rebound from that one, Baker scored with just minutes of play remaining In the middle stanza In the third and final period the Markham team appeared content to hold the Dunnies at bay and protect their lead They did however manage to add one tally to it as Andrew scored his second goal of the night to complete the route JUST TALKING , ,. The Dun- nies, who have lost two of their last three games will have to shake this mild scoring slump as they make ready foor the up Whitby Midgets and Bantams took it on the chin on Satur ville teams. The Midgets lost a real hard fought contest to Bow- manville 42 at Bowmanville while the local Bantams lost 6-4 here at the Whitby arena This is the same Bantam team that Whitby trimmed 6-0 on minoy hockey night here in Whitby In the Midget contest played here in' Whitby, Bowmanville made a-fine third period rally when they came from behind 3-0 to score four unanswered goals. McMaster was the big gun with two goals with single counters going- to Werry and Wilkins day at the hands of the Bowman-)? champions as they found their' AJAX 10, WHITBY 8 skating logs and the puck did) Despite the fine, five-goal ef not take those silly hops *hat/fort of Wayne Cookson, Whitby { the habit of doing ifjConsumers' Gas Juveniles bowed things are not going just right.)10-8 in overtime to the high- Gould fired a pair in the mid flying Ajax Juvenile hockey die stanza with Johnny Vesters, club here at the Whitby arena on Billy Bell and George Dair each Saturday night chipping in with a lone counter. The win ties the best of five Don Crumb got the only goal of series at two games each with the period for the losers. The tic fifth and deciding game Gas Men held a slight 6-5 edge slated for the Whitby arena on at the end of the second period. Thursday night at 8.30, It should The Whitby crew broke out/be a real dandy as the loser fast in the final frame as they Will have to "hang-them-up-for- ran their total up to 8 by the the-seagon" so tar as further 3.22 mark, Greg Heffering and competition is concerned in the Gould found the mark, Dave OMHA playdowns Turner hit, back for the losers, Other goal scarers for Whitby who were 'fighting hard. The were Bob Ashton, Bill Bell and Ajax team pulled their goalie!lohn Vesters, Eric Peterson led with a minute to go but the play the attack for the winners as he failed to pay off as Robert Ash. scored three goals, one coming surance when her 48-year-old) team struck for three | his fifth of the contest, In meantime both teams are prep- ping for the really big one here on Thursday night when it is die' SUMMARY First Perind First Period Peterson, Cloggier Cookson, do or 1 Ala 2, Whitby Bell, Davidson Ajax: Clougier, 4. McLean Ajax: Flynn, Peterson lougier 16.53, Bell 17.38 Second Period $. Whitby: Ashton Ajax: J. McLean Barnett, Huminuk 7. Ajax: Crumb, Turner 8. Whitby: Cookson, Bel! Penalties Gould 6.49, Davidson or, Flynn, Huminuk, major 19.29 THIRD PERIOD gals husband, vice-presi f sales while the best thes Whitby team tor Vo oe could do was a lone tally, and it came off the stick of Cookson, for Heinz, was killed, | GOOD BALANCE West German exports in 1963 amounted to $14,575,000,000 and imports $13,075,000,000. BACKACHE and RHEUMATISM Pain ice as many Women a5 are made miserable by common urinary rf irritation caused by a germ, Escherichia ¢ Coll. To quickly combat the secondary aches, muscular pains and disturbed sleep caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, try taking an internal CY. antiseptic bath for a few days. All vou do is take 4 2 litte CYSTEX tablets with a glass of Water. In addition to its cleaning anti- #.05 septic action, OYSTEX is also ananalgesic the Fridays GUARANTY TRUST CANADA'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY Interest from date of deposit Free Chequing Privileges Deposits by Mail postage paid envelopes provided free 9105 Hours 909 32 KING STREET EAST 728-1653 9.10 Dein reliever Tor Rheumatic Pains, Head- 19.46 She, Backache, and muscular pains, Get ma. CYSTEX from druggist, Feel better fast Saturdays--9 to 1 the homesters in the initial and coming playoffs We frame as he scored before many fec| manager-coach Davis will of the fans were comfortable in b cracking the whip with their seats, The official time. of vengeance in workouts for the the goal was clocked at an even next week 20 seconds SUMMARY Armstrong made it 2-0 as the) : Bh a, homesters were giving Young in! » Armstrene. the Whitby cage a busy time of Stroud 7.08 it. Little Tommy Lavender got) °, iby' Wavenden, Bey fs one back for the Dunnies as he! owering 14.56, Wilson 17.04 . . Municipal Works Markham Markham Fleming Loans Available __ it's ( BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- doesn't mean they have to start There is a total of $137 million immediately, The only thing is available for loans under the the building has to be completed municipal works assistance pro-| by March 1966 to get the for gram W .H. L, Godsalve told! giveness clause k delegates to the Ontario Munici-' «jy May of this year pal Association Saturday, money that has not already Mr, Godsalve is director of|been spoken for will be open for municipal finance in the Depart-'any one to make a claim for," ment.of Municipal Affairs he concluded 'The purpose of this money is to inorease employment by making loans to wunicipalities Data Gathered to accelerate Capital Works ex- penditures," he said "There is a wide scope of) By Tax Body projects that can be undertaken) to receive aid under this plan.) BOWMANVILLI (Staff) as long as the town government)"'it has been a little over a year in that area passes a motion tOlsince the Ontario Committee on the effect that the building of|Taxation has been formed and this building has been acceler: | since that time a great deal of ated to provide employment initime has gone inio the job we that area have been assigned to,' Lance The only drawback to the lot J. Smith, Chairman of the project is that all building must) Committee on taxation told del be completed by March 1866 injegates to the Ontario Municipal order to receive the 25 per cent! Association town and village re- forgiveness on the loan gional conference in Bowman- This forgiveness would mean Ville Saturday that instead of a municipality When we fir debenturing for 100 per cent of very little to rely on in the way the loan they would only have to/of 'published books. But now debenture for 75 per cent after many meetings we find we The interest on a loan is ONLY) have enough information to 5 and three eighths per cent per make a report," he continued year compared to six per cent During the past year meet: on the open market ngs with lawyers, civil servants On a loan of $100,000 over iand the general public have ears at 6 per cent you Would brought to light different views pay back $10,000 interest perion the subject vear, With us you would only 'Some of the people we talked ay $8,000. This is @ saving Of to told us that a. certain tax 19 per cent should be doubled, others told us If a municipality has any the same tax should be stopped plans for a building they can altogether apply for the joan bul this only We will of course get in touch means that their share of the |with other committees on taxa $137 million ix safeguarded, it'tion that have been formed and Conference Draws Over 200 Persons BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Over 200 delegates attended the Ontario Municipal Association town and village Section's re gional conference held in Bow manvilic on Saturday The conference was atlended by delegates from towns and villages from all over Ontario. Deputy Reeve Ross Stevens welcomed the delegates to the town before the meeting started \ last minute change from the Flying Dutchman Mote! to the Town Hall was necessary due to the large number who registered \t the t started we had 65 STYLES SHAPES AND COLORS Price includes @ Fremes @ Lenses conference delegates heard speeches from Lancelot J. Smith. FCA, chairman of the Ontario Committee on Taxation en the aims and progress of the committee W. H. lL. Godsaive, Director of Municipal Finance, Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs, told how loans under the municipal works assistance program could be applied for A panel discussion on area government at the munic ipal jevel, which wag to be held, had to be postponed Ul a later date} «eo that one of the pane] mem hers could catch his train back te Windsor, 17 BOND STREE Hours: 8 A.M. te 5S P.M WE FUL ALL PS, OCULISTS any 7 Whitby scored one goal in the first period as Loren Grylls hit the target. In the second stanza Pat Bremner and Ross Jones gave the Whitby team a 3-0 lead Then the roof fell in on the ocals, who just could not hold the Bowmanville team. Second game of this series will be at the Whitby arena tonight at 9.00 This is a best-of-three series in the Bantam game the Whitby team their own hold the team at were unable to classy Bowmanville bay despite the fine goal tending of Al Partington if ice Peter Vipond, and lou - Prit- for the losing Town svored ieorge shard Whitby team Second game of this best of three series will be in Bowman. eral Lakefield lle on Wednesday 00 p.m night at Pinching Test Offers Heart Disease Clue NEW ORLEANS (AP)--The trouble with Western man is he's too pinchable Because he js some clues as to why he's so prone to blood-vessel . disease strokes and deadiy heart at tacks in his prime Dr. Malcolm Whyte of Aus tralia told Sunday of compara tive pinch studies between two groups of Australian men and a group of primitive natives from the central New Guinea high ands Using a measuring device, he took skin fold or pinch measure ments at three places on the body--the abdomen, the back of the arm and the shoulder blade In this way he measured fat avers under the skin Among Australian men 20 to 40. 22 ent had skin fold measurements over two inches total. For Australian men aged 40 to 60. 59 per cent had more than two inches of body tal Bul among neavy it could offer perc the hard-working - eating, muscular New Guinea natives, only one man in 100 had pinch measurements over two inches T, EAST 2ND FLOOR ---- Closed All Day Wednesday PHONE: 728-126) AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. Branches im many principal cities of Conede end US aged re ton sent one into the open net in clinched the win for Ajax There is a tremendous amount Turner. had a for the clincher of rivalry between these teams two tallies going to Clougier, Mickey Hugh McLean of the) Flynn the overtime stanza and WA Dave pair with single 14, Whitby John McLean, Crumb, Ajax team. was injured in the and Finnigan third period and had to be car- Sudbury Group Backs Teacher Blacklisting SUDBURY (CP)--Male pub- lic school teachers here gave support Saturday to the On- tario Public School Men Teach- er's Federation in its bid to an the teaching permits of sev Ont., teachers The support came during a meeting of the Sudbuny branch of the federation A resolution calling for the revocation of the licences of the teachers of Lakefield, near Pe terborough, has been made to the Ontario department of ed- ucavion rhe teachers were hired last vear by the Lakefield public chool board--shunned by the federation over salary disputes there The school board told teach ers hired in 1963, when the pay dispute began, that they would have to improve their qualifica- to be eligible for pay nu tions raises MPs Chosen For Reply To Throne Speech OTTAWA (CP) A Quebec Liberal MP and one from Brit- ish Columbia will move and second the forma' address in ply to the throne speech to be read at Tuesday's opening of Parliament James BE. We ernment whip. day night meeting of senators that ker, chief gov- announced Sun- following a. caucus Liberal: MPs and Jean-Pierre Cote (L--Longueuil) will move the address in reply. Ron Basford (L--Vancouver + Burrard) will second it Qloow the Uhistle onc High Priced Visione) Fremes Care s ite Lowest prices "ad nS The game on Saturday ~ was a real hard, hitting affair as the Ajax team realized that AND GET IN on our night A Pe Try SPECIAL 9, Whitby 1, Whitby Alax Penalties rm 6. Alex ? Whithy $5.00 5.18 @ 6.07 9.00 Clougier 16,37 Vesters Peterson, . Turner Cookson, Davidson Cookson Turner, Kranc Bell, Vesters Bryant misc lax Whitby 6.07, Keech Overtime Finnigan, Flyrin es 3 Turner, Peterson one " Cookson, Heffering $ None naties OFFER With every Dry Cleaning order of $1.50 and over, We will Dry 1 PLAIN SK IRT AND 1 SWEATER FOR 1.00 Bulky Knits not THIS OFFER FEB. Ist to FEB. 21st Free Pick-up and Delivery! D, CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS -- 50 MILL STREET, OSHAWA We Reserve The Right To Limit Quentities | Cadbury's Chocolete Covered DIGESTIVE BISCUITS Compare at 39¢ NO WHERE ELSE box Included FLY CANADIAN-FLY Ready--Jet Set--GO TCA! Time valuable to you? Fly 9 mile-a-minute TCA DC-8 Jet! So comfortable! So convenient! Fly TCA--think of the time you'll save! TCA TAKES THE TIME OUT OF TRAVEL EDMONTON from Toronto: non-stop jet service -- 3 hrs. 50 mins. ' : Up to 4 flights daily Ask your Travel Agent about TCA's Group Travel Plan See your Travel Agent er call TCA in Teronte et 130 Bloor St. West TRANS:'CANADA AIR LINES @ AIR CANADA , 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 MEADOWS. 723-4631 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441 cone TUES. a@mee WED. DON'T FORGET We Discount Film Processing end Dry Cleaning 20% BELOW LOCAL PRICES box. 29° ALL TOYS are selling at Y2 OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ly Allowed Specials Final Clearance! Betore we pack it ell away 'till next fell. ALL WINTER Outerwear ai; 50% OFF ITEMS the suggested retail price. . SPECIAL BLADES ond Giant Reg. 1.97. FOR PRICE SAKE GILLETTE OFFER! 6 STAINLESS STEEL Foamy SHAVING CREAM 'Nore Fashion" Children's LADIES' BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS Assorted colors; sizes 10-12-14 mh, CLEARANCE. 4.97 Tin of CLEARANCE, each 1.22 Cempare ot 49 NO WHERE ELSE Kerchief Scarves Head Squares Many colors end patterns, * 1,00 We've Thrown in the Sponge, se Pick Up This Bargain! SPONGES Compare at 6 for 35¢ ¢ CLEARANCE 6 for 19 NO WHERE EL FOR PRICE SAKE IT' 1038 KING ST. W. 'OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE.?2x05.: IIIS OIOON

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