Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Feb 1964, p. 16

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ae ™ Liberal Group Approves oe For | -- were yeas sen SE me sa mire mse inet me oe grat 'Quebec State' Reference | occ on © swin:| Sansa hem ae if ter-General John R, Nicholson MONTREAL (CP)=--Tho Que-piaced by the, Stale of QU said Sunday that a, change i INDUSTRIALS bec Liberal Federation has for!bec," the president called forlattiude by Russia toward the Nit, use in onela vote, Western world may indicate aj Se -- Bales High Low am, ions of the term! In his subsequent statement,/trond toward greater' freedom] # "yt we n= W "State of Quebec," in English./Mr, Aquin sald opposition to thelfor people in countries under} Ait Br w The approval, by a vote of 60/amendment came from French-thelr control, i 10 58, came at the second pleispoaking ay well as Hnglish) Mp Nicholson, addvessing nary session of the fedoration's/spoaking delegates, about 500 Canadians of Lithuans annual convention Sunday, The convention adopted tWolian descent at the anniversary The Drag convention alsOlregolutions calling of the Pro-lof Lithuan tan independence, appealed to the National Libs inciny government to "getlsald he hoped this trend, de- eral Federation to change les}io..4% with civil servants aplveloped in recent months, would present structure, inted under the former Un-lenable thelr friends and rela: wit real which ermal on Nationale | regime ty tives to join them in Canada, were accused of practis ") He gaid it might be that Can- ie Sp Ream ec ney one a mir wt a . ernm q Minister Lester Pearson as dent of the provincial group. jeader, may bring about an uns Mr, Aquin had recently at derstanding to permit relatives wenn ee rae goereten! West Durham isin, acme 'w ts tures not the orientation of a country, : msl Speech Test cer POW V On the vote over use ot te! Te Enjoved eterans word i ag ty: _ As ) y Cl ® W convention that the Que ; inane Som: ds trals have been using the terms) BLACKSTOCK -- The Com alm Wwoun "state" and "province" inter: ar Gc crane, Sg 7 Provin Fatal changeably in recent resolutions s sidinat an teint fe, pe est Durham, tl g 'The vote on this matter , VANCOUVER (CP) = Bifect \ " ; Powmanwille, was) VANC (CP) ects . venga! won't change anything," he Morrison, =Bowm of starvation and torture suf: hg vf as a Was NO 5) NN MINES ikenvitte Following ave the contestants fieore or ae went on, "It doos not make use/Chairman, fered by Canadian soldiers in} Cit, U8 Hy Ih We vrbien Bong et ee and thelr subjects; Lorraine aon oe page| og or Pet 'te ih ALL in Nat D «0 Nate tate nea Safar hat i Jar Jen» Wor yar an A 90) Ne Yoo 4 4 Va On the question of 'ilingual| FUME Om OO I to the vie at thelr numbers oatd 'Sun:]| tamsete. 10, tite aw Tew iy ww | AA re ms | ng iam, Georges Lapalme, Que.) tral bS seeuat's' Marek Camb-(day Name Vole MB WT Be a WL Nor ce ry 8 ketch bee's cultural affairs minister, Sell Cartwrt ht Central School,| Jack Goodey, retiring presi] CO PMe poatin We Wie wl 400 820A BOA BOA Ve 1801S SHIM Lorne told the convention he will re-/20\. Sire eves of the Coun: b the Vancouvere branch! 2 Gose fe ee Bot) pew eae i a Bernal " ma] Lynahet Jeeive in the next two months, 'The ACOTUINGES © dent of the A ancouver ral ¢ = on, we ene ine Pow Corp 400 10h VOR 10% 2000 10V0 10V8,10V8, . anok MS " t of linguistic norms|t{¥"s Donna Torrill, Hamptoniof the Hong Kong Veterans' Aas) Eotingg ow MP oid beatin pe #5 "Roo. 013 aks ads tty | Maren a Ms Nect of linguistic School, "Pyramids"; John Hen-isooiation, said of 1,400 soldiers WH We He tae a Vs NvOM Ve TE 4 Martine which, it goes pte i alatys Bowmanville Vincont Mae ropatriated after the war, 968) 125 ym 8M Se m= 8.4.) a0 Martin be ay Bad ry 'he sey School, "Diamonds"; Mary) survive, D Bridge «880: HA We wy wm wt Hy mation Wo a1 Wm Wm W tate TINA pease er "We're dying off trom the| Bem wee" Wo 11m 1 w= We te mia tin Hee mor ee state, " ; ta : - : Mr, Lapalme said the Quedec| aan villee, rae ea Sohoct (starvation, the torture and the government should carry OUtlcDronouts'; ary Anne Marti:| indignities suffered at the hand: Twerliee thorough study" of bilingual-|. nent Bethel School, Manvers, pola omy cagegy ihe ses va sm, " , Yesterday, Today and He sald the lingulatle project ovata sharon Fry, Bethel! He said 2,200 Canadians fron, ig being drawn up by a consulb/conog) = Manvers, "Nature's/the Winnipeg Grenadiers and "ative committee of the provin:iWondertul Family"; -- Kathy|the Royal Rifles of Canada elal_ government's . French:lanirovekin, Shaw' School, Dar-/trem Quebec went to Hong guage bureau, which is made)ington, "The Eskimo" Kong, About 500 were killed or up of linguists from Laval Uni) very contestant gave a vrey/mortally wounded in battle and versity and the University Offintoresting and informative ad-janother 900 died in concentra: Montreal, dress, in a splendid manner, [ion camps, a After the fifth speech, the MC; "all the tribulations at Won't Vore asked Mr, Ross Metcalf, Maple/prison camps have undermined The convention decided/Grove and six girls from Salem/our health and the after ef against voting on a resolution! conool to come to the platforms |fects are felt teday," he sald, from Vaudreuil-Soulanges rid-Under Mr, Metealf's direction) ap , sked Ott wa for ing urging that Liberal cand!-/inese girls sang two Ane threes! We ~--s ear tal dates in federal and provincial) nant songs, "Sleep, Baby Steep" |Seme & wid tecti elections have separate organit-/ang «rg A Wil' Rose'. coverage to prov ~ wie lection iE, committees, The judges were | Measrs,|{0r out wives and 08, | Mr, Aquin deseribed theigwain VanCamp.of Dr S.J)" j"state" vote as "a matter Of/phillins School, Oshawa; Jack) e |wording in a particular resolt/swain also ot Dr. Pais] 'Canada Made tion, School and Ren Munroe of New: Pi ee -- accent castle, " ng discussion of & resol: testants will compete! "J Mis] d tion on Rekimo affairs submittedlargin in orene with Kast Bos} & QS ea in English by the Liberal Cludipam's five highest next Tues: of Sir George Wiliams Univer-/day night C Sa sity, Montreal, | Those going on are Lorraine onsumers y When an amendment was/Turner, Karen Campbell, John! i a proposed from the floor that the/ttendry, Mary Anne Martichenk) a pen Words "tate province" he * and Kathy Lovekia. ltimes deceptive, misleading ava unfair, members of the Con sumers Association of Canada OBITUARIES ) jwere told Saturday at a south: nee western Ontario regional con - ference here BDWARD BE. COX }Hester, formerly a resident of} A resolution was passed ad: The death of Bdward B. Cox, | Oxford street, occurred at Hills:ivocating a study of the use of Maple Grove, oceurred at the dale Manor on Saturday, Feb luck labels since some products Toronto General Hospital Satur-/15. He was in his P5th yoar and/pearing the Canadian label are day, Feb, 13. He was in hisjhad been in failing health for! manufactured in other countries @3th year and had been in fails! three years, and merely assembled here, or */ing health for some time, Ho was bora in London, Eng-jare produced in. Canada from eae re ee | aren ng wea the, gen of the parts manufactured elsewhere, was 80n ate Samuel/late Joha a Sarah Hester, In ine PG RS @ and Harriett Cox, In 1923 hell93 he married the former Bes nic gngy oan he tre @enerai) marrieg the former Rose Mary/Alice Blizabeth Barker at Osh | nother organization Known as Pebroary 14 tee, Lorne) Clark at Hamilton, awa. Mrs, Hester predeceased/i.. Gensumers' League of Can # Revert Men) Mr, Cox left Hamilton for/her husband in 1960 ada which has sent out mem Who USA Bevaler Maple Grove where he resided) Mr, Hoster was an employee)) oni, application forms, Ganawe ond wremer of Mveifor 38 years. For 14 years he/ot the Robson Leather Company)" wh . asked the To (stele), Cahawer MO lwas an employee of Houdaille/for 44 years, He retired six) A Tesolution ask fe Wily Ontarte, 8M Ge Podustries Limited: years age onto Better Business Bureau to = rveal y| He is survived by his wite and)" He is survived by one daugh: !nvestigate ww og ey es Noha. Oa vee a ey gone daughter, Mrs, Harry Aldsjter, Mrs, John Graham/clude the words th - at werent theset coon Cemeters, Worth (Frances) of Whithy, He/(Frances), two. sons, George ernment legislations tha ba . | hart " . we (me FT Can or cannot shop at a _ | a480 Weaves four sisters, Mrs./and Charlie, and a sister, Mes, BR i LOCKE'S FLORISTS | Witiam Leckner (Daisy), Mrs./Amy Barker, all of Oshawa, |store beta COUPONS ke i Wiliam Laws (Rose), Mrs, John/Blewen grandchildren also sur a¥ay's discount stamps or 0 Pearson (Betty) and Mrs, Jack/ vive types of premium, merchanse: eecauiere [Duggan (Tilly), alt of Oshawa, The remains are at the Gor ins." The CAC believes that the OSHAWA SHOPPING | Three grandchildren also sur/row Funeral Chapel for the fu. forms should investigated} CENTRE 16 rRemuvuinniRieyMH Minister Sees | Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings ts nl Astoria » Aualral ver MO Eoniagae fon haw Diseov 5 2 225- a se oon* +2) wy 1, . a m) ~ nn ry ue ue hahah i tak . Mm 0 4 i ! % tr vi N othive ' Pa Mm i 8 er i - 2 233 i cy " g a g fists i z 3 Sei = 5: i Heit =$=5*3= offi df se s*335 £5223* "2 il tats $2332F#=383 pa z = se 332 > +338 2238782 z 3283 Ss< Ova w= We 80 900 817 17 17 A wie 451 018 O18 018 20 + so 3? => as 53 + + = st - 38 es Vs~s5<seFse =slec= 3 Libiges = = é: Bec Ezaa ai 352 = . = 3$s 3 ""288Ses -Fzssges $2 L i4t a Pa se*5 se Ras ei 23g*0§"35" 22533995275" 32 x Ss ese FF $2.25 < oe Pe a tii 2225322 =2st. _s = --_ a38 tSes=sees3 Lbs Lei uw i is MANAG s 3222 g8e2 3332 Es E52; Li = tah 3282 52233 2-323 +1 est gs32c3_ 3a5353- 3339322 Zz > Sead pe i = A IZ izete pill c §82$23232g2*55 i+! see 2.5 nee = S _ ed +15 sss 2 Feus- Hs 18-5: i+ 3g Ze = = 52°32 = FA 2 J F oS eae $= eS ++ P-4 i 4 2 3*2=3 s Ssss 5 se 3 Ze s. 33 s2e=s ee & 1408 2 = <= 2s 22 F + + ia ae .> 5 22 << £3 Zot: Zoe A sz z £8. zs 338, = = e+ 2585-832 os 2g 32g < o Lt 00 ws 100 8218 | o | ra 1400 9? "8 1 m0 w Me Yom tae Be elie atte ate + a mR ee" BH I AR BRE Be BAY) AP Seana ey yh © 10 We We thes " 5 i? "ange i a #5 32 3 5398 i : i +44Li+ ffi Hi 3~=5 tH "? i i Seles 1 * ¢€ ro nel 2 B3g2p%8o28 i e2gzece L it zge i itt fi H eis i ii ay! 327 = i it : z i ij i ef z3 ti if, I lf Hie iE i ia! i smite Hl hin Fs ; ide! gg he was predeceased ineral service which will be held -- thére is no such legisla, ONE iby, two brothers, Ernest and/in the chapel on Tuesday, Feb.) 8°" a4 OR, Een SRV | Samuel 18 at 2 p.m. Major Fred Lewis % we ws } The remains are at the Arm-jof the Oshawa Salvation Army " mae * we eh at yey istrong Funeral Home for the/will conduct the service and in Ri hts Code memorial service in the chapel/torment will be in Union Come:| g GERROW Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 2 p.m, tery, Oshawa, Rev, R. J, Osborne, of Christ FUNERAL HOME _|Momeriat Anglican Church, will]. LORNE F. WILSON | Forces Change et ~ EE ~ . RAN {gama 9 , | Tre death of Larne FL Wilson 390 KING STREET WEST conduct the: service. Interment) . < Rabel : ra U Some. occurred at the Oshawa General In 3 b F TELEPHONE 728-6226 [tl be & Orhawe Union Comeeniital on Sunday, Feb. 18 op rorms ss after a short Hiness, Mr. Wilson i ae MRS, JAMES B. FROST resided at 10? Cadillac avenue) OTTAWA (CP)--The City of The death occurred Saturday, South and was in his Ged year Ottawa said Saturday its job Fed, 15, at the Oshawa General) He Was dora at Coe Hil, application forms constitute a Hospital of Bertha M. Copeland, Ont, and was the son of the "technical breach" of the On. * ® netoved wife of James B. (lake) tate Mr. and Mrs, Christopher tarie Taman Rights Code, and > Frost, 344 Athol street east, She Wilson, Mr. Wilson was a resis they will be changed. had Been a resident of Gshawa Gent of Oshawa for 33 years Tris announcement ended a for 4? years and was ah employee of Gorm homan neghts commission. inp "Phe Youngest daughter of the ral Motors of Canada during quiry, begun a month ago over late John H, Copeland and Ida Mat period complaints that the cily vie Douglas, the @eceased was born He is survived by oné daugh- ated the cade by asking applh at Lindsay and received hor/'eh Mes, Robert Manning (Lis) cants for information on. thelr ta temiiee, edtucation at the Alexandra Pub-|ot Preria, yn and 8 Soh nationality, citizenship, religion, > MONUMENTS -- MARKERS ca antag Colors, Mrs. Charles Johanson (Ste wire = yes ne hearing ' ' RIMAR Mrs, Frost was an actives) of Oshawa and Mrs. Core sca. Ghartotte Whitton admit Mrs y > + . ayor Charette Whitton iS lmember of King Street United Guater, of Coe HR alse sur t that the f i " MEMORIALS church ana a: member of Sun Ss, Ne alse leaves elght Rrands cr the code, but ake aad 1S2 SIMCOE ST. S$ Ream Chaptee, Order OH eae remains are at the Atm _ bere =o = Mainly, our dealers are i business to sell new tate and resell, They go over the car from front to Some day you'll be In the market for a new car, oRFice a we wine She is survived by her hus./SONE Funcrat Home for the oo an guch fields as sectall Volkswagens, (So for, they've sold 250,000) back, from top to bottom, We want it to be @ Volkswagen, 723.1002 720-6627 dard and a daughter, Rameyarmomecin service = A vidhg ong service and welfare it was im But all makes of cars are traded in for VWs, 80 Then, when @ used cor ts in almost new car And even if you don't wont @ used cor this i Faye are two sig Leonard Ware, rector of Holy ee teas ee they find themselves with all types of used carson condition, they puta Verified Warranty stickeron week, why not visit your Volkswagen dealer any- tera, Mrs, Violet Stevens anajrinty, Anglican Church, will 1a'tais was lmapossible with their hands, the windshield, way, R could be worth the trip just to hear him CLASSIFIED atts: Laila Copetane, of Torani re score cena (Out asking applicants about The bad ones are shipped off toa lest resting And fill out @ guarantee In writing, rave about @ Valiant, Or @ Rambler. Or ony of and two brothers, Brace Cepe-iery their racial and language back place, (Our dealers are sour on lemons) Why do our dealers go to all this trouble to those strange cars with the engine fend of Tivaming and Dougias srends ADS Ss ee oo mentee on aroun ae The really good cars they renovate, rehabil sell a five-yearold Volkswagen or Ford or Chev? tn the front. ao) emmes ) he ¥ sey -- age J, C. Anderson of Belle- "a oS Tre memorial service K. be} . Bg SEPACE ville, commissioner fr the ik May de soil, Wey ee 'held at the Armstrong Funeral igh Requiem Mass wasin = powerful toa, when it iitome at 3 pum. Tuesday, Feb sung bh, Rev, LT McGough at WN) Cpumission, lawyer getting thi M8, conducted by Rev, L. Wes/St. Gregory's Roman Catholic) Charies Dubin, Mayor Whitton ley Herbert, minister of Kiag --s, oa Bey at Wand city Soliciter Donald Ham- jStreet United Chured, Interment) ae, the late Frank Gerace ging spent more than twe hears jwill be in Mount Lawn Come/Who died at the Oshawa Ger- pogemtors sien nee the tery eral Hospital Thursday, Fed. 1." co ae Chapter, No, 72) Interment. at St Gregory's We Bad Deon setted Saadbea Now /O8S, will conduct a service ai Roman Cathelic Cemetery fe Judge Anderson said the it tae funeral home at 7.38 p.m, wed the service a ended in a "very satis teday. The pallbearers were TORY. ow on ; Gerace, Tony Bsposite, Maurice Stee" Tesalt, and there was CHARLES ALFRED RESTER/ang Broie Salvati, Tom Soa? Point im Dearing aay further {The death of Chartes Alfred'etta and Sam Catalane. jevidenca \334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE; 723-3461 2 ian a OH ip Ate MR A 3b

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