Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 8

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emer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 13, 1964 E. A. Lovell School Sponsors H&S Leadership Course Prior to the actual work of the evening, Mrs. J. T. Gaskell, leadership training chairman, School Council Associations with a council president's pin on be- half of all the associations. Upon making the presentation, RASPBERRY jam swirls through this tender, yeast- Mrs, Gaskell extended the good wishes of ail to Mrs Moss, and congratulated her on the fine and conscientious manner in many and varied duties. another excellent workshop for all members of Home and School executives in and around Oshawa. This was a follow-up of previous ones held for the purpose of all interested people gaining more knowledge of the new structure of Home and |School. This particular meeting raised coffee cake which is topped with a pale pink glaze. Fi25 and 26; and that consisted of various groups dis- cussing programming, duties of the president, of the secretary, and of the treasurer, proper parliamentary procedure, new method of the election of offi- cers, correct way to introduce and to thank a speaker, Each group was led by an executive member of Council. Following the discussions, the members returned to the open meeting where a "mock busi- ness meeting" took place, show- _ jing the correct methods of hand- ling the many situations which can arise at a regular meeting of a Home and School Associa- tion. Mrs. Moss reminded the members that 12 associations have not sent in their bylaw to Mrs. William Goyne, 1020 Fare- well avenue, that the Home and School Convention at the Royal York will be held on March 24, } "Educa- tion Week" is from March 1 to '/March 7. The next meeting will iibe on Tuesday, February 25, at 8.00 p.m. at E. A. Lovell School. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES Pink and Pretty Coffee Cake Mother's Valentine to the Family A Raspberry Sweetheart, the recipe makes two, is a thought- ful and personal way to express your own Valentine wishes to the family, They'll particularly appreciate the idea that you've baked something special for the occasion, and, of course, this yeast-raised delicacy is a real treat for dessert or evening ffee. Raspberry jam runs through the coffee cake in jelly-roll fash- ion, and a pale pink icing forms a shiny glaze for the heart- Let stand 10 minutes; then stir to tuck away for a bridal shower or anniversary party as well. RASPBERRY SWEETHEART (Makes two) % coup milk % cup margarine or butter % cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons salt ¥% cup lukewarm water 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 2° envelopes fast-rising active dry yeast 2 eggs, well-beaten 4% cups (about) pre-sifted all- purpose flour Soft margarine or butter tablespoons (approx.) raspberry jam Scald milk; stir in the 4 cup margarine or butter, % cup sugar and salt, Cool to luke- warm, Meanwhiie, measure the luke- warm water into a large mix- the flour, beat until smooth. Work in sufficient additional flour to make a soft dough, about 244 cups more. Turn out on lightly floured board or canvas and knead until smooth and elastic, Place in lightly greased bowl, Grease top with soft margarine or but- ter. Cover, Let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1% hours, Punch down dough. Turn out on lightly floured board or can- vas. Divide dough into 2 equal portions. Roll out one portion into an 8 x 20-inch rectangle. Spread with 3 tablespoons of raspberry jam. Starting at long edge, roll up, jelly-roll fashion; seal long outer edge. Place, seam side down, on greased baking sheet. Make a dent with side of hand at the centre f roll, Shape each into "heart" with crease at point. Seal ends together. Repeat with second jportion of dough. Brush lightly with soft margarine or butter. Cover. Let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about one hour. Bake in preheated moderate oven, 350 deg. F., for 20 to 25 utes, then carefully lift onto cooling racks. If desired, deco- jrate, while still warm, with |Confectioners' Glaze. Confectioners' Glaze: Blend together 1 cup sifted icing sugar, about 2 tablespoons milk or cream, % teaspoon vanilla ing bowl; stir in tht 2 teaspoons sugar. Sprinkle yeast on top. Let stand 1 minutes; then stir well, Stir in lukewarm milk mixture and eggs. Add 2 cups of) UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES and a few drops red food color- jing (optional). (Use just enough jliquid to make a smooth paste). Drizzle on top of hot '"'sweet- jhearts"', letting glaze drip down |sides, minutes, Let stand a few min-|; SOUTHMEAD LADIES' AUX. The monthly meeting of the Southmead Ladies' Auxiliary was held in the form of a pot luck supper at the home of the president, Mrs. Jack Shearer. Mrs. Shearer presided. Mrs. Frederick Dewsbury read the secretary's report followed by Mrs, Thomas Kidd who gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Daniel Nicholls read her annual report on the year's expenditures re- lating to the correspondence. A voluntary group was organ- ized to phone members request- ing their attendance at the 1ext meeting. It was announced more co-operation is urgently needed if there is to be a South- mead Park. Unless there are re- sults, those who will suffer greatly are the children. Hock- ey, baseball teams will be dis- continued unless more interest is shown, and the money now on hand will be turned over to the Oshawa Recreation Com- mittee, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mts, Gorden Whyte, 68 Grassmere street, Monday, February 24. CHEESE STICKS . (Suddenly High-Style Again) . 2c. sifted flour % tsp. salt ¥ tsp. baking powder 2-3 c. shortening % c. fine-grated sharp Cheddar cheese ege yolk 4 tbsp. cold water Sift dry ingredients together. Add shortening and chop in with pastry blender until mixture looks like coarse meal. | Add cheese, then egg yolk, slightly beaten and mixed with water. Mix with knife until dough cleans bowl of flour. If neces- sary, add few drops more water, as little as possible. which she is performing her Mrs. Gaskell was in charge of| ? MARRIED IN TORONTO --Eaton's Portrait Studio Uwe Lynen Takes As Bride Sylvia Rundle of Oshawa The Reverend W. J. Johnston, DD, officiated at the double- ring, candlelight ceremony uniting in marriage Sylvia Rose- mary Rundle, Oshawa, to Uwe Lynen, Toronto, in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, To- ronto, recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Charles Rundle, Oshawa, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr' and Mrs. Nickolaus Lynen, Toronto. The wedding music was: played by Mr. David Outchterlony, organist of the church. Owing to the iliness of the bride's father, the bride's broth- er, Mr. Raymond J. Rundle of Detroit gave his sister in mar- riage. The bride walked down the aisle in an original floor- length gown of satin-faced peau de soie, in Empire style with the line accented by Guipure lace and re-embroidered with crystals and seed pearls, This was topped by an Empime jacket with elbow-length sleeves trimmed with lace crystals and| pearls. Attached to the waistline} of the jacket the flowing cathed- ral train fell into rich folds. A| self wedding band headdress, with re-embroidered lace, crystals and pearls, held her bouffant, full-length veil of im- ported French silk illusion tulle and she carried a sheaf of | Calla lilies and pine. The matron of honor, Mrs. Raymond McElligott, Gera'\on, | formerly of Oshawa, wore a iull-) length Empire gown of cherry-| red peau de soie, the bodice of| cut velvet featuring trumpet) sleeves. She carried a bouquet; of holly berries and leaves on 2) background of white carnations) and stephanotis. | The best man was Mr. Ingo) Lynen, RCAF, Ottawa, and the, ushers were Mr. Richard Wien- holtz, Mr. Michael Curtis and) Mr. George Knight, all of To- ronto. For the reception at the Celebrity Club, the bride's mother received wearing a jacketed floor-length sheath of) mink toned brocade, with a matching tulle and mink hat, | matching accessories and 4) corsage of Corondo red roses) and holly leaves. The bride-| groom's mother assisted, wear- ing a deep green French wool dress with matching hat and accessories and a corsage of| sweetheart roses. | ° | roll dough scant %4" thick, Cut! in very narrow finger - length| strips. Dust with paprika. Bake | in hot oven 400 degrees F. from) * On slightly floured surface, 10 to 12 min. Do #<! over-bake. Serve cold, but fresh-baked. | Mr. and Mrs. Lynen will live in Toronto. x Guests attending from Osh- awa were Mrs. James Col- lett, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Littlefield and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ferries Jr. Other out-of- town guests were Mrs. Kyle Squair, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Weir, Caledon; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McElli- gott, Geraldton; Mr. R. J. Run- dle and Miss Helen Stafford, Detroit, Michigan. A shower for the bride-to-be was given by Mrs. Raymond McElligott at the home of Mrs. John Scott Wallace, Rossland road east. Mrs. Samuel Charles Rundle entertained for her daughter at an afternoon tea, prior to her wedding. Receiving with Mrs. Rundle were the bride-to-be and her prospective bridegroom. Mrs. James Collett, grandmother of the future bride, poured tea. Serving in the din- ing room were Mrs. Alex Fer- ries, Mrs. Raymond McElligott, Mrs. Howard Mundy and Mrs. David Jobb. Relatives Friends Mark Birthday Of Mrs. E. McMullen Mrs Elias McMullen was the guest of honor recently when many neighbors and friends gathered at her home to extend hearty congratulations as she celebrated her 88th birthday. Her daughter, Miss May Mc- Mullen, received the guests and Mrs, McMullen's only sister, Mrs, Albert Lott, assisted in opening the many gifts, flow- ers and cards. Many well-wishers who were unable to attend phoned the day and e: sincere good wishes. Mrs. McMullen is very alert and is enjoying good health and was delighted with her birthday party arranged by her daughter. During the evening Miss Judy Strong entertained with selec- tions on the piano. Mrs, Clay- ton Lee recited and Mrs. How- ard Timms displayed costume jewelry, showing new ways of arranging it, using the guests as models. Mrs. Lee and Miss Strong as- sisted the hostess in serving re- freshments, with the centre of attraction being the beautiful pink and white birthday cake. Many friends called in the af- ternoon and those attending in the evening were Mrs. Albert Lott, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Peel- The Pilot Club of Oshawa is holding a telephone party, The object is to raise funds to sup- port the club's community proj- ects which include transporting wesidents of Hillsdale Manor and Fairview Lodge to the Gol- den Age Club weekly; support- ing an eight-year-old crippled child; collecting and wrapping Christmas gifts for Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby and packing kits for the Cancer Society canvas- ng and helping with canvass- Mts. J. W. Edwards, presi- dent explains the party plan this way. "We hope hostesses throughout the city will enter- tain in their own homes at vari- ous kinds of parties, bridge, euchre, showing of slides or just a friendly get-together. In turn, the Pilot Club will see that each hostess has a gift, a table prize, cookies, many favors and all "We suggest at before the party on Thursday, Oshawa Pilot Club Introduces A New Idea 'Telephone Party': MRS, J. W. EDWARDS (Pilot Club President) her guests will have a chance/ffom a central switchboard, Pi- at the major prize, a $50 bond.|lots will call the hostesses to least four|announce the prize winners, The guests. Each guest will be ex-|major prize will be delivered to pected to donate one dollar./the hostess that night for de- Each hostess supplies the names/livery or presentation to the of her guests to the Pilot Clubjwinner." Miss Mary MacLean is the at-Home" undertaking. ther information may be obtain- ed from Miss MacLean, 725 6515, or Mrs. Fred Lioyd Donald Mitchell Marilyn Powell Exchange Vows King Street United was the se' n.urriage Towell to the son of- Mrs. Blake Mitchel, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Mit- chell of Aspen. ' The 'Reverend Wesley H bert officiated at the double ries cememony. The bride chose a powder blue suit with white accessories and her only attendant, Mrs. Roy Mitchell, was wearing a suit with white econ ag The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Roy Mitchell and the reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Chiplick, Bloor street east. After a short honeymoon to points east the newly married couple will make thelr home in February 20, and at 10 p.m.!convener of this "Night-of-Cards- 'Oshawa. ing, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peel- ing, Mrs. John Chatterson, Mrs. William Van Allen, Mrs. Rob- ert Owen, Mrs. Kay Pomeroy, Mrs, Howard Timms, Mrs. John P-rry, Mrs. Elgin Bray, Mrs. George Cuthbert, Mrs. Herbert Wilson, Mrs. Fred Perry, Mrs. Daniel Morrison, Mrs. Clayton Lee, Mrs. Hilda Memelka, Mrs. Lena Dixon, Miss Elsie Dixon, Miss Judy Strong, Mr. and Mrs. George Strong, Mrs. Douglas Elderkin, Mrs. Opal and Mrs. Jack Mercer, + HOUSEHOLD HINT A small amount of rice added to your salt shakers prevents lumping. Women's World Day of Prayer ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH 71 SIMCOE ST. S$. Friday, Feb. 14 | 2:30 and 7:30 P.M. CHINA ALBERT STREET UCW The regular meeting of UCW. was held recently j the) the) friendship room at Albert Street) United Church. Mrs. James Scott, president opened the meeting with a poem | followed) dish Sk Sus Se Mo Sole Sh Sk He SM ls Bak Ba ¥ | WMP LEETELLELIVUULILILET EER EEE CECE EE PATTERN EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED ALL OPEN STOCK. A -- AT -- SAVE 9.97... . REG. 29.95 STYLE Exceptional: Value stab! y Pieces A MALKER'S Your 'SIN" If Your Shift Sports Your Initials! Be the first in your crowd with this new look. 'Shirt styled shift of broadcloth with self-tie belt. FREE set of gold colored metal, clip-on initials with every purchase! Sizes 8to 14 Pink « Blue ¢ Maize 0 spring gets off to a beautiful start at nly 8.98 YOUNG MISS "THE INITIAL SHIFT" 50-PIECE SERVICE Red and White Flowers gram convener, reported the) monthly programs for the en-| tire year. Mrs. Wilbur Down) read the correspondence. | Unit 1 was in charge of the) worship service. Mrs. Down) read a paper, "Let us take time| to do all things" and closed with) a poem "When I Have Time". | Mrs. Stewart Tippett read the saiphare Tare } 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER Refreshments were served by) Unit DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ton Lee, Mrs. Wilbur Down, cor-| and Hilisdale Manor. Mrs. Alex) y a nl t S$ 8 DINNER PLATES has been changed to March 8. OPEN AN ACCOUNT -- NO MONEY DOWN responding secretary, read the) Maracle reported for the quilt} 8 FRUIT NAPPIES February 13.the Presbyterial t FOR EIGHT minutes, Mrs. Percy Boville| gave the financial report. Mrs. | committee. | "a The members were reminded| In 5' Pot . pots a meeting will be held in St ] 4 = Mark's United Church, Whitby CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST 723-7022 isi 8 CUPS AND SAUCERS George Ford reported on visits that Sunday, February 23, was! 1 PLATTER Registration is at 9.15 a.m. @ LIMITED QUANTITY e@ caeaaianins "Let Me Keep Lent", . by the theme hymn. SPECIAL In the absence of Mrs. Clay-/ made to the hospital, shut-ins, | 8 BREAD AND BUTTER PLATES scheduled as UCW Sunday and) 98 Mrs. Gordon Shemilt, pro- ONLY : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED Unit 2 will be in charge of| the March meeting, Unit 1 hos-/ pital visits, and Unit 5 Hillsdale) Manor. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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