Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Feb 1964, p. 22

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ee Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings TORONTO 1) A.M, STOCKS e e TY Net " Vi Net BIATES Horticultural Societ Sd 5 "See lene eee |e Ae ' $574 57a 57% Wd GH pr 2108100 100 100 Hastings 1000 116 116 16 2 Fe BC Forest 500 $24Ve 24% Ld 175Va 175V2 \75Va+ Va) Wood J 1580 $13% 1344 13% pg 320 3200 +20 3--Odd 42 1SVe 15¥e 15a + $224 22% 22% i CROSS -- |, Linde Anne Cross, would Woodwd 400 100 $28 28% "weg arrival on Saturday, i' rights, xw--x-warrants, Net change |s BC Phone 100 $56 $3 WwW A "a ger Va 28Ve pr 45 $90 9 9 Wdwd A w 920 700 65 700 +50) H 8. Ss 861% 61% 6%-- = from' previous board! losing. sul.) 100 $154 152 154-- Vo wo ine 92 Wn 9 1 Sra wees! Revi S ful Y Mi tenet ib. IV4 or. U 00 $5 rey me Stamp 12% 12% Irish 1000 Ce, es ie ahd eviews successiu ear INDUSTRIALS -- | Stress, os'tou au tae toe ae OILS tron cop ito Sor "Mople Street East, Whitby, Ontario.) 125 W755 178 sigh Am Lede 000 1 mH oe T would ike of thank OF 1» who grace Salen Web Law ose: conn) On Wire B10 Sime tame 10m + ' Ang. U Dev $0. 25% ov see val Jacobus 2000 16 16 16 1 seslsted when needed, and all those cor-| By NIRS. R. HOLMAN Mrs. Lorne Crawford gave the)Trees and one Crimson King ayehevaet grcrtaghaad FE pe) ff 2 99 msi] Bp 600 $184 1814 1814 + Expl 6000 WV 10Vs 10a fected with the fourth floor, Thank you, 5 High- Abititt OO $139% 19% 19% C Brew B pr Me Re 53% Home 50 $12% 12% 12% CS Pete 1400 440 430 430 0700 7% he ™ ood bye, and good luck. BROOKLIN -- The annualjreport of the pes a com-|Maple at a of High-|) Ackind Bee S| Set oe oe Horne Pt 0 250 25) 280 C Den WS 08 os os ae mo 18 1a a + sim {meeting of the Brooklin Horti.|miltee, The following oer home et = vl te Crone tal vail 2m, 2 950, € (Collerien 600 311 tom +) Husky mw om om | Coben men en Kerr aaa "Goo 73s ; fe me eo Cultural Society was held re-\dent, Mrs. N. Alves; president,|toresiry Station; September, a| Alumini Found «$465 $5 SSH Wl Imp ON" "aap sas rH bern pew i " Detoh m0 cently in the Christian Educa-/Mrs, Eric Green; first vice-/talk on Japanese Flowering Ar-| Av", ae Ml C Found pr 45 $16 16 16 -- Ya 1000 $12% 12%4 12% -- Vo] Gridoll 1500 0 0 «0 eT ee " uilding of Brooklin United|president, Mrs. E, Acton; sec-lranging by Mrs. T. Izuimi; CP pr S Ye SEC Bie Mie Oe Wl IN aCe ne eine in im HS O8 ©. ee Fie 1 oe Yoo 14s 14s 14s 4 br. Ross|Church. A potluck supper was|ond vice-president, Mrs. Allan|November, Mrs. Cyril Wick eve PR 5 436 Inland Ges 280 964 64 64 | Murny San dam ae Fp soo 197 195. 7 fourth for staff. attended by 40 members and/Jackson; secretary, Mr8. G.|won the Silver Vase, donated by| pane ne" °4S $6, ome 64 'dn Pet pr 100 12% Inland @ pr 100, $194 ee 19M -- Ml Davies 44 oltre =, Kevin and iris (nee ewan a ae mee Stevenson; treasurer, Mrs.|the T, Eaton Company for the 300 290 290 m0 +5 | © WG ne is $708 76 784 + preneed te announesd D 0 *|Lorne Crawford; pianist, Mrs.|highest number of points gained 3s 225 295 5 | chemoell 270 $12% 12% ts Pilkey, and Mrs. E. Acton were/s, Lockyer; assistant pianist,|in the shows throughout the| Brazil pr 210 $3 68 68 en: aaa ee ee ie ne te are Beas Place HI a iin tin Hy Mancke ms Tis f art .|conveners, ; Mrs. N. Alves. year; Mrs. E. Green won the 138 $31¥e 2% 31% Jett "igh 2100 315 315 315 2000' 16Vb 1614 169 -- Ve ir nd wa ene Teatnean meeting was) tS ak oe tas w 10 198 110 Jockey $25 325 328 325 0007 Suet ' rs for one year --|second prize -- a $5.00 voucher 2 ae ate Oe, Directo © Be, Tet inom Saoees « fears: Doomer IODE Grou ; Bak elt ae" 6 ee ee Oe 56a Sola SNe 100 $1194 4 IM % wh nh oe 1 president, who extended a spe-| wick, Mrs. N. McFadden, Mrs.|ber, a visit to the CBC televi- 2 Sse si Feet wh Coan" © Hs Sig J Dee 00 134 134 Oe a Race DEATHS face dae Rev. and Mrs./Mhos: Bailey, Mrs. L. Par-|sion program, "Country Time." D Bridge 7 Wy Lakeland wt 2100 Rs ns 2s foie i Yo 1 mentor one BM By 4 di rot; -- for two Peele BEST ROSE PRIZE Makes Reports 15 $68 68 nt 125 Bley ou mM eae "a -- Metal Mine 1500 115 112 114 +1 SATS, heute ~ Sealpn yore yd Mrs. C. §. Thompson won 1476 $18%6 tev to Tree Ad poe 6h la AY? Toronto Generel Hospital , "Ithe prize for the best rose of the Loeb M 200 $234 Me 234 a " attic nen CLASSIFIED --[p,&, Hauner, Mrs. Lat. Hall reat whe' atte frank Brey] At Port Perry | fost » "vient *"| teen 2 hae ee [tee om, | Met le Sumer of hs g, J : %*/showed the best gladiolus Fed 00 43). 40 aso +10 | MB PR time tu amt wl Ar 4 New Hence 2200 195" Oh we 3" Elton Bays and deer . Fed Farms 'po 0 E | ADVERTISING [2% 3 asnoanalstn ie absence-of Mrs, Chas| ams. cm. REESOR | Fa com" cra gh ae 1" | Mutt mn ao ee We EL) A Lean 2 ise J's, Be B She y Wilson, treasurer, who suffered PORT PERRY -- The annual Maxwell! sem 190 i 190 yeep 600 nh ER feral 11000 12 11% 1 (Continues from Page 21) j|which had graced the dinnerjan accident. Mr. Heal Mid-West hapa Soe ruresy et 30 a.m. interment ag were -- to members, | the 'auditor's repott, ealy SAC! -eports of the various conveners Classified Ads Molson A 26 $200. 20¥6 28¥6 : Norv go ae a mee rs, 8. son, Mrs. S. 26 $30 3 Northcal 5000 nono Phe acto Cha After the business meeting Mr.|0f the Scugog Chapter, IODE yi sep ag Fiery Northgate 2 07, mm 32--Articles for Sale . a es for Sale Lockyer and Mrs. L. Parrott. |Mowbray showed colored slldes.|for the year 1963.showed a busy Said B. ackbone 525 -- ol ney a Noverias $40% 40 Le, F. John -- 333 3 Cote hy Ontario, on _ Wednesday, |SKATES -- New 'and used. All sour | rue secretary, Mrs, Lorne} "he next meeting of the year under the leadership of the od ed 41700 276 O'Leery 20000, 18 ie 8 +8 190 415 415 Opemiske 4 per cent, Used skates from Norai February 12, 1964, F. John Cole aged 76/anpiy Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond east,|Parrott, gave the Annual Re-|Horticultural Society will be/Regent, Mrs. George Rennie, of Of R ] Estat yh » 155 $980 1904 98 Sronker 7h oe Orchan 50 00 0 years, husband of the late Nora Marg@r-/open evenings. port. A very successful 1963/Monday, Feb, 24, in the Chris-|port Perr 200 $15 15 15 Orenada 1000 10 'and Margaret (Mrs, J. Perris) all|CHESTERFIELD and chal, wines eurly}was reported with an increase|tian Education Centre, Brooklin A 820 $20V2 202 20%2-- Ve} CAMP Chib 600 365 3465 36 Patino 141 690 690 690 Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, service IM|teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, -- te newspaper advertising is the 1500 7) pst Delmage and dear father of Jack, 2 $222 2 ah Brunswk. r? 44 50 49 ake in) We red o Bowmanviie Walter, Oshawe, and | matialrs $35, Telephone. 7 in membership of 17. There|United Church. Mr. Dellow,| he following slate of officers 1950 $11%4 114 N94 + ve} Camflo COO 10. 18 Pamour 20 110 10 No g y: B. F, GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat| wer, r ' Malte. : - ( Cc Astori Herbert, sriwere 403 entries in 10 flower|Goodwood, who specializes in|Was brought in by the nomin-| TORONTO (CP) -- Classified m am mm |S ae Ce Pax int a the Chapel on Saturday, at 2 o'clock. IM! vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, shows. chrysanthemums, will showl/ating committee: honorary re- ferment Bowmanville Cemetery. ' 8 TY Te-!hackbone of the real estate busi-| °°" win ee tui cee: eS. 8 wapg ke APR TV TOWERS--Special, 40 ff. tower struc: HIGHLIGHTS OF YEAR slides. gent, Mrs, Wm. H. Harris; vi.e ith all 1 antenna, | ' q ness in Canada, delegates to th 7% 7% Cand 34500 Aftar a *protonged. linens, at the Sunny|%30. Oshawa TV Supply Uide 241 Giobons| Highlights of the year were as : hon.-regent, Mrs. I. R. Bentley; /49nq annual convention of the . or 0 sts 105 05 re 20 tas 32 tier @ prolong 4 Brae Nursing Home, Whitby Township, | Street, 728-8180, follows: February, a talk on RADAR AND RADIO regent, Mrs. George Rennie; G 63 w 7240 385 385 385 en Tysedey, February Ti 164, William SUNWORTHY wallpaper at halt price. Dutch Elm Disease; March.| LONDON (CP)--Trains of the first vice-regent, Mrs, Storey ee oud ee now Revelstoke 0.9 8 8 + Whitby), beloved husband of the ee by -ene Pao f op fren Maser slides of the Dale Estates at|future may be controlled by|Beare; second vice-regent, Mrs. Donald B. Kirkup of the T Revelstk pr 225 $20Va 20Vs 20Ve herine Jean Bone, dear father oflang sons, 34 King West. Telephone| Brampton, Ontario; April, Plant|radar and radio, says a British|Arthur W. Brock. ache Meol Saute Moore saul tan. Goma mee" 7% Harry and Willlam G., both of Whitby, | 799 735), : 7) . in his 9th year, Resting at the W. C. Auction: May, Erection of ajRailways spokesman, But first] Recording secretary, Mrs. E. Bank 125 $72% 77% Ton Panera Chere, nh, faerie oar wea hs Spoarind cer, "ome elortculture sign in the comner|the equipmnet must 'be proven|s. Linstead; corrseponding sec-|"eat' estate sales in Canada ny ion, io i on" Hy 3 pm. Temporary 'enta Union| block west of Four Corners In Whitby. |@@rden in the Brooklin Park;/safe, reliable and reasonably/retary, Mrs. J.C. Whitby; trea- are directly proportionate to 1800 275 270 270 --8 ichol 0 675 102, 9 , Oshawa. Interment later in St./Buy and sell, good used furniture ena|Planting of Flowering Cr a bicheap. surer, Miss M. Jarrett; echoes classified advertising expendi- S rts 250 10 oe ry 8 % rs in, (Vieiors com Furnitures' 464" 'simeoe Sourn "7ayasri" * secretary, Mrs. D. C. MacMas- ures." , 240 si, 1 ae My an ke We ive 10 oh 16h 16 mencing 2 p.m. Thursday.) yrEWwoitent. me sn aan.|36--Legal 36--Legal ter; educational secretary, Mrs.|" He estimated newspaper ad-| somville pr BS Baa 1M Wa Vs JOHNSON, Walter cators, --_ chequewriters, segimptometers,| -- a go MB Dymond, vertising revenues in 1964 would| s2t™,, »5 Sats is 24 + Ml res 000 1s i =" Ge Raceerial, Lioneely Bemmaee ac lrects esrvica, Hamilton Grrice Bautement, Standard bearer, Mrs. John) top $30,000,000 for the first time +" Weert mens oped "at yours," tus-| 197, Brock South, Whitby. oo ee : ' DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, |Orde; service at home andjand membens of real estate ut Adi L444 We 14 ey band of the late Mary Cole Johnson. KELVINATOR two - door retrigerator, : ONTARIO abroad, Mrs. W. Thomas Har-|} ,ards would invest $20,500,000 ¥ $62V2 62% Windfall ge A A hl . W. Irving! Westinghouse washer, GE four-burner 4 -- We tis; Empire and world affairs,|to sell $500,000,000 worth of real A Deer Hi o 8 yr tere A range, lawn mower and children's swing Mrs. I. Stein. phate 25 99 6 6 1% = enmac set. Allin good condition. Apply 708 King A U C T | O N S A L Councillors, Mrs; " a 4 ot = » qr Gan 138 835 3a i ed Zulapa 1500 rs. Harry Car-| "Realtors are the largest buy- FOREIGN TRADING Chapel Pridey. at 2.90 pam. Int t/sireet_East after 7 p.m. é ye 4 q mee ois wile basa, y Wy! OF TIMBER PILING CUT-OFF'S |negie, Mrs. John Murray, Mrs.|ers of classified advertising," he tn' Bis 1000. $22%% 22Ve 22 i) % ¢ Demi 200 685 685 8S +30 --® | Geco Fal Cemetery. WEDDING Gown, complete wil hoop, { vel wreath si 12 Chant lace with! APDWN WA Oh sAiLe NO. SD 63-243 Mabel Chapman, Mrs. Stewart|said. "A home is the highest 375 paw Sa are | Rare Ae Wa 28" 26 "hs +3 KIVELL, John R. rhinestones. Good buy! Telephone 728-8367 é Se arr tocatay etternoon. Pe Feb, 11, 1964, TELEVISION tower special, 40-ff, struc <e - Hye gma veal mahal sie ied seen a Weta 70°80 890. "0 Hard Rock 5670 5670 "NIMs a a ag BR rr ¢ So 148 14s ws us +10 John R. . Kivel 'of Solina In his 83rd year ete Including all Ror org antenna, In| rye Depottment of Highwoys offers for sole oan est Aw vel Upper Can by Tala Bll Bf We years experience, 80. 'rio Television| Tender a quontity of Timber Piling Cut-Off's (156 Pieces) a SESE brother Cameron (Alice) A , ; of rine. ee wiltem of Owen Sound. | telephone ranging in lengths from 8' to 18' locoted ot the Deport- | Resting ance pond ang ye any iat ee oe oneanene all makes.) ment of Highways Patrol Yard, on the South side of Sheppord aay. stternoon, Interment Lang Vault, pel ala aco era pesreeaee "eng Sp Avenue, Toronto, Y2-mile west of Highwoy No. 2. | | chines, Rentals. i | Orono Comeery Call anytime 228-0591 NU SPFVIC®) = Seated Tenders on forms supplied by the Department will be re- | MOONBY, Harel Huribert RN AIR TANKS, rary gee ol ceived by the Manager, Tenders Section, Department of High- | Seered tnto rest, ot Lake Placid, New |suitable tor 'building compressors, reeson;| Ways, Downsview, Ontorio, unti! 12:30 P.M., E.S.T. | 4 f able, Floor jack, mas. Welding machine 1 Hae Mrert Mooney, tea The iil 0, Fen, eS, eng THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1964 . C. Whall e soa me Eav-clalre,, On- BOY'S sult, size 14, $10 i | Pic; Rev Hurlverhs of Wiltrid. Ontarlo|size. 40, 851 boil In ocod covaition' Unoer| Terms: Cash or Certified Cheque (cheque to be made payoble | and Earl Hurlbert, of Oshawa, Ontarlo.|wood No. § typewriter, $30 or nearest] to the Treasurer of Ontario) | » offer, 30 square feet grey wall file, $2. | Lake Placid. Service from the Commun-|A A few antique china pieces. Bulk scalen, Material to be sold 'AS IS WHERE IS'. os a lot on @ lump sum tty Church at 1) @.m. on Friday. $100 when new, make offer, 728-1) basis, subject to O.R.S.T. of 3%. fonasy CAL'S Furniture and A\ rm os women Fe worvary +e) 19806 seones ances. Name brands at biggest 'aiscounts Material may be inspected ond Tender Sets obtained by con- | . an re. le car estonic ai tocti 4 \ Cecil. beloved son of Arthur and Anna iy 'mattress furniture aes. Your. author, oe | ficore, in his ih year. Resting at Me-lized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal' Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home for ser-|o,, OF, Geaier., Contact, Honest Cal's ha Cooper, ' Material Contro! Unie, strict Supp Department of Highways, yice on Friday, February eae i am. formerly Avalon Dance Hall. Telephone' j in On. |72 Downsview, Ontario, | D tarlo at a later date. WE buy, sell and exchange ~ a coe map ey Tel es 248-3318. NOT JUST PRIME NOT 34" THICK Supervisor, Temporary entombment U: Com 728-9191, oma of Highways, OR =n or anything you have, as S$ NORTON, Elle Trading Post Stores, Entered Into re " Fairview Lodge, | South, 723-1671, The Highest or Any Tender not necessarily occepted | 3/, C El "Norton 'beloved wite of Rev.133----Market Basket DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO § BUT FULL 42" WASHABLE: DOUBLECOAT 4 Norton, below J, N. peak Norton of 7 --* St. Alax, Ont. end dear Alice (Mrs.|CAPONS, dressed, oven sont, ibs. Stir ese eemereaes COMING EVENTS 12" x 12" OR 16" x 16" WHITE per $4. .|8ave. Also Cortland and Spy applies by Con-|the bushel. For free delivery . rs, evenings, Brooklin 655-4963, A ' 3 foot and All Rg rere ; "4 NOVEL BINGO | CAL Homer 38 'Kingston ma aed for, tetera. Fresh ronsting, chickens 3] THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 | MRS. WALTER BRANCH Ganrcay, Fax 1h OF 220 pum, tetermentiorders of or more, Cal Nowcastin oe. powrprre dS Agel | EASTER HOLIDAYS Woodbridge Cemetery. 987-4353; Oshawa 728-5291. pict So $12. 520" EUROPE IN '64 In at' Memorial Havpitel, Bowmanvitie, on|34--Lost and Found 70 bled ox teoled 668-3304 725-1328 Cat tons Wednesday, February 12, 1964 Ira F. omy Pearce, 'od 101 years, husband of the fom Sarin Meacten eikelty, bonaey oe Door prize ~ penne Trovel servile of 64 late Emma Barker; dear father of es Henry, Bowmanville and Gordon, To-| Monday. Child's pet, Reward, T | grandfather of Gordon Jr., and : ' | joan (Ars. David. Morris). Resting at|BEAGLE, brown and white, av) monthe| ' | Sec caromemsiaser teach ere eet pen ne wc. ACCOUSTIC & PATTERNED om. r LOST -- Four-year-cld German Shepherd ( > ) | v | LOCKE'S FLORISTS |v -Rig-"ScRtaea'" wat 'NereSl Comer Bloor ond Simcne i sid ie gs TILES AVAILABLE TOO | | Funeral arrangements and Danc 'ds, tabi ts, ina, cords, le tennis. | AT LOW Low PRICES! floral requirements for all |LOST -- registered Beagle, black, brown] Fridgy February 14th | come egg ag BR Ke lla ds 199 CENTRE STREET __ OSHAWA SHOPPING _ |%é-##02. 7:45 P.M. ENTRE Lost -- Pair of lady's black gloves in OSHAWA JAYCEES the vicinity of Olive Avenue directly} 20 games -- $10 ond $15 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE across from Bakery. Reward. Please call 728-6555 B | N G 0 a. Shore the Wealth NAME BRAND BEAUTIFULLY MILLED Kindness beyond Price, yet, SUM OF MONEY $150 Jockpots to | ee | CRS | wae acess, | TONIGHT AJAX YARD FULL 2.6 AMP PICKWICK" PATTERN FUNERAL HOME ween Fond nar Doe ae sean th see ON ROWE STREET SOUTH (not 2.0 amp) ' ® R Hearing Ais liraentiy needed. | VALENTINE | ot 802-3150 Jockpor OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 K tty P P l 9 390 KING STREET WEST _ ac s meee |i, | cauce | wiektnele AT INTERCHANGE 66 ELECTRIC || ANOUly rine Fafeuin een AT THORNTON'S |. OO PHONE 942-1221 DRILLS At just 143 |" t, Wiltiam John Neill, of 308 King just 14 4c a board foot! IN MEMORIAM _ .:..0ex, 5,.5"i%,0%."@| COMMUNITY end RED BARN WITH KEY CHUCK ep fof RIE sponsible for any debts contracted in my bape ed -- In loving memory of a name by anyone on or after this n ey| Round, Squore and Modern. 6 WIDTHS 8" WIDTHS eee = S.A IS SPM se oeocaron | BROORLIN YARD | $0.88 | - | =e remem Be PRzes LUNCH SERVICE R : a * lengths *3.10 --iensths *4.13 Fe cares a) | BR i ADMISSION $1. each oe NOTICE outs a of the NEW CORNER HIGHWAYS No. 7 and No. 12 RIMAR | tO creptrors «| Glee 2 | CHRISTIAN wit ee . 7 'ou | - -- lengths 3.54 "-- 4 72 | \S MEMORIALS | AND OTHERS -- |_te sd EDUCATION CENTRE PHONE 655-3313 WHILE THEY LAST | In the Estate of 152 SIMCOE ST. S SUNNYSIDE OF THE sa beni OFFICE eau PA tt tt MONS piv ORONO UNITED . yrigsge 728-6627 TER BINGO | CHURCH 3 Good Colors -- Vinylflex [J MILL SURPLUS sa bow cen 'A"" GRADE 723-1002 All persons having claims against the estate of CASI- CLUB CAMELOT JAN NAZUK, lote of the ee OF tees Fores | ot en om ceased, who died on or obout FRIDAY, FEB. 14th eta HE as VINYL First Grade AND SAVE THE First GRADE | PLUMBING AT 2:30 P.M. ASBESTOS ARBORITE ~------~~~~*_ MAHOGANY § R. T. Toilet $26.85. ae -- 1 wish to express my 4 REV. A. E. LARKE, Pres. @ thanks to my many relatives, the Ist day of April, 1963, | $1200 in prizes Bay. of Quinte Conference oe ; Bas 8 Z pond No. 1 Solid Core Chipboard & In I ERIOR 19" x 17 in 15 4% TAX INCREASE BIFOLD DOORS | DOORS 5' Bathtub 44.65 t Would also iike to thank Dr. C. Mctiveen| the 20th day of February, Free Tronsportation from Toilet Seat 2.88 the nurses and staff of 4F for their won-/ 1964, full particulars of ili | Followed b house ond gn : Gertul. care and canoideration. comebel their claims ginmediately ----s ---- Bus ot | pel se 26c 2'0" x 66" 7 §8 16 $3.96 Basin Centre Set 4.65 GAMLYN--The fomily of the late Mrs.) Dorconal Reo Sinica EVERYBODY WELCOME 26" $8.88 s 18" $4.16 Je Persona presentatives will meee iia J 0 Plug 1.25 trignds, relatives and neighbors for the| distribute the assets of the oe _Ber_squere foot 3'0", $10.65; 5'0", $17.75 110" $4.34 ee mY tc ster, vies) deceosed heving regard enly | Oshawa & District Old Country Club 4'0", $15.75, 6'0", $21.35 "** | Bath FillerSet 8.75 wi \ to cloims of which they s! " G O] egyee Sphciel thanks "to Dr, "ation then have notice i presents 3/4 Cc mw" x 4' xB : 2'0' $4.59 Waste & Overflow 5.48 i Maroosis, e ev. ark. ic DATED t o hy * On 4 see i he We ens ons ened cr ca ®| the 28th Gay oF Jomuory, ST. VALENTINE'S DANCE | tose MAHOGANY AROMATIC ii ip NAME BRAND QUALITY = EMIT = The folly of the tate Aor coret-Pentescul end THE NEW KINSMEN HALL | ; : es 092 CEDAR : OR SAVE AN EXTRA in Lot ang neighbors for their many acts of} Manning F. Swartz é 2'6" $5.18 [eviricemtaisteads! ecules MacMILLAN DRIVE, OSHAWA eonena CLOSET LINING 2'8" $5.41 5% cans i All Eight Pieces feipeciors 0.,f5. Mia end'C. 3. Camp-| BY thelc valicitors: SATURDAY, FEB. 15th 8-12 P.M. 20 FOOT CARTONS 210" $5.62 poo wa Genefal Hospital, the Venerable) R. L. SWARTZ : ge x, gg ragga " ""ne| Barristers & Solicitors DANCE TO CAVALIERS | $ sachsen $ ee eee = . ea. BUY THE BEST! 97. sonic Lodges' and the Armstrong Fu-/ agement of the vervica "$1.50 PER PERSON sonal Representatives of the Oshawa Genera! Hospital. To Canon F. | ; Chi r, Os P. Is kl said deceased on 'or before Door Prizes A i airmea hawa resbytery G.'Ongley for his kind visit and prayers. L es Admission 50¢ will take part in the service. es low a8 t js and neighbors for the thoughtful] are hereby notified to serid $250 Jackpots Nos, 57, 56 » gifts, flowers, visi inquiries | i : Ole pone Set Scale eae ong si | 12,c0 phe underioned Per. | ty Bird Games 7:45" pm. | REV. €.S LINGTEAD, LO OR ee Fi ssie Hamlyn would like to thank/

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