anniversary cake in the upper Risebrough. In the lower pic- nicture with, left to right, ture the past presidents are, Mrs. Gordon Garrison, Mrs. seated Mrs. Earl Southern, field. Morley Robinson, president; Mrs. Arthur Stone and Mrs. Pollard and Mrs, H. M. Cran- |Hugh Revell. % (0) pap ches to feature pancakes at some point on Shrove Tuesday, which Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 728-3474 Serve Pancakes ay --, ad For Family Supper falls on February 11 this year. Herbed Tuna Pancakes admir- ably fil! the bill for such an oc- casion and would provide the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 10,1964 J necessary nutritional elements The new 10964 executive of the Oshawa General Hospital Aux- iliary Even! Chapter was in- troduced at the annual banquet held recently at the Oshawa Golf Club. The new executive is as follows; chairman, Mrs. Stephen Heney; 1st vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Eric Sutherland; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Henry A. Bickle; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. James Hepburn; secretary, Mrs. Dean Kelly; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Smyth; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Bruce Affleck; Kinette Past Presidents Honored ) At Anniversary Dinner Meeting The Oshawa Kinette Club re-,various-committee chairman. cently celebrated its 24th an-| , Mrs, Peter Melch reported a niversary and past - presidents'|bowling night will be held Mar. night at the Hotel Genosha. 23, Mrs. David McCann outlined Eleven past - presidents were|activities planned for the "Lad- seated at the head table whichlies Night Out" to be held Feb. was beautifully decorated on/27 at the Kinsmen Community a Valentine theme, featuring|Centre. This will include a red and white hearts and flow-|"Quick Tricks" cooking demon- ers. stration, dessert, tea, and hat Past - president, Mrs. Gordon) fashions. Garrison, introduced the past-| Mrs. Boris Melch reported the presidents as follows: Mrs. Ray-/Kinettes will serve refreshments mond Hobbs ,1945; Mrs. Jackjat Hillsdale Manor following Risebrough, 1952; Mrs. Thomas|the party given by the Kins- ~ Pollitt, 1953; Mrs. Alden Pollard,}men February 5. 1954; Mrs. Monty Cranfield,| Mrs, Ronald Wilson advised tat 1955; Mrs. Richard Donald,|the next date for the club to 1957; Mrs. John MacCean, 1959; |staff the tuck shop at Hillsdale Mrs. Earl Southern, 1960; Mrs.|Manor will be February 13. Arthur Stone, 1961; and Mrs.| Mrs. Douglas Carmichael re- Douglas Lowe, 1962. One other|ported the Kinettes assisted the guest was Mrs. William Hub-|Kinsmen to treat the children bell. from the Children's Aid Shelter Mrs. Morley Robinson, presi-|to a bowling party recently. ' dent, proposed a toast to the| Following the business ses- . past - presidents and the Associ-jsion Mrs. Gordon Garrison in- * ation. Mrs. Richard Donald re-|troduced Mr. William Holland 4 plied to the toast. of Pan American World Airlines ' An anniversary cake complete|who spoke on travel today and _ with 24 candles was cut to com-jyesteryear. He also showed a <3 memorate 24 successful yearsifilm on South America, Mr. PRESIDENT IN 1945, Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Pollitt, Mrs. John MacLean; standing Mrs. }{r, the Kinettes. Ray Hobbs is seen cutting the Douglas Lowe and Mrs. J. R. Richard Donald, Mrs. A. O. Holland was thanked by Mrs. Head table flowers were won|Donald Lake. .- by Mrs. Bruce Caverly and Mrs.| Refreshments were served to complete a successful evening. During the business session --Oshawa Times Photo reports were presented by thejtroduced "Esmerelda", played by Mrs. Elmer Burton, accom- UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES and "Take My Life" were sung.|panied at the piano by Miss Psalm 742 was read in unison.|/Hazel Rundle. Mrs. Burtoa en- Mrs. Wilfred Anthony sang/tertained the group with her "Just One Day at a Time". amusing stories and songs and St. Women held their first meeting|Ralph 'White, Mrs. 8ST. STEPHEN'S -UCW «Nellie Dearborn Unit) next rummage sale. Names/23. The Nellie Dearborn Unit of|drawn for daily prayers wee 's United Church|Mrs. Thomas Madigan, Mrs. Kenneth of the New Year at the home of|Johnson and Mrs. Leo McCar- Mrs. S. G. Saywell recently. thy. ee. Serves Rag eg ant B ge Jonas etre. ney Pg eg Oe oS oe m on a 0 pray-| duc: rs. Walter Bra iT, an . y Grayia dessert juncheo: , ee had arranged ee a ong oo " -- ont cua logue in the lower" hall 'Tickets| holdin Fi repo. on be-|Spain. Mrs. Brai n luc otion: . } i half of the nominating commit-|Mr. Thomas Charles who show-/The presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Se Tie wel -be uxenenes hem eek: tee as follows: leader, Mrs. Car-jed two films on Spain, one of/Pric Jacklin, presided for the ¢on Heard; secretary, Mrs.|the island of Majorca and one |business meeting. Lloyd A. Jewell; treasurer,|/of the Canary Islands. The Rev-| Two new couples, Mr. March 20- is the date of the|at Hillsdale Manor on February|were appointed -- communion, The January meeting of the : Albert Street ri Doubles Sydney Gedge; press reporter,jold Barker in charge of tele- The following representatives) her Ln playing of the tam- Mrs. R. Martin; program, Mrs. Plans were discussed for the FRIENDLY DOUBLES CLUB 'Ross Courtice; kitchen, Mrs.|Father and Son banquet, to be Ross Smith; catering, Mrs,jheld in February, with Mrs. J. Frank Baker; visiting, Mrs.|R. Perry convening. Mrs, Har- Mrs. R. J. Cordick. phoning and Mrs. R. J Man- On April 8 the UCW will hold|ning, decorations. group committee are a dance in Centennial turday, March 14, with any member of the UCW. Orville Sellech's orchestra, tick- The ways and means commit-|ets are $3.00 per couple. tee asked the members to bring} Plans were made for an out- and/in suggestions at the next meet-|ing by the group for the May airs, Alex Ferries Jr.; program,jerend Norbert Gignac was pre-|Mrs. Harold Ellis and Mr. andling for building up the alloca-|meeting and Mrs. R. J. Man- for a more balanced meal than Evening Chapter, OGH Auxiliary tro" Holds Installation Dinner Light textured, they're none- the-less filling, and suitable for luncheon or supper just about ar oe, of the year, Tuna fish, delicately accented with tarra- gon and poultry seasoning, gives the cakes substance ana unusual flavor, Mushroom sauce {s a complimentary accompani- ment, or you might enjoy a cheddar cheese sauce made from cheese soup, for a really rich touch. To keep the pancakes hot, so that they may be served to the family all at once, as they're cooked, spread the pancakes 'out on a plate or cookie sheet, then cover with a tea towel and store in preheated moderate oven while the rest of the pan- cakes are being cooked. HERBED TUNA PANCAKES (Yield) 10-12 Medium Pancakes 1 7-ounce can tuna 1% teaspoons vinegar or lemon juice . % teaspoon tarragon leaves, : 3 ' finely eberr 8 \ 1%cups once-sifted all-purpose MRS, STEPHEN HENEY 'oor _ OR (Chairman) 2 cuns once-sifted pastry flour press secretary, Mrs, Charles|o1 teaspoons baking powder Root; membership, Mrs. G. A.|1'". teaspoon salt Rundle; sewin, convener, Mrs.!114 teaspoons granulated sugar Allan Jones and Mrs. B. A.!'/ teaspoon poultry seasoning Bicknell; knitting conveners,|9"" eggs, well-beaten Mrs. Keith Claxton-Oldfield, 1% cups. milk Mrs. Garth Gillespie; scrapbook}, tablespoons peanut or other convener, Miss Gloria Robson; vegetable oil social convener, Mrs. Harry 1 0-ounce can oes Church was the setting recent- Kowalik, Poland, ly for the marriage of Wanda bridegroom is the son of Mr. Kowalik, Oshawa, recently of and Mrs. John Czekaj, Osh- Poland, to Idzi Czekaj, Osh- awa. awa. The bride is the daugh- POLISH NUPTIALS St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic ter of Mr. and Mrs., Stanley and her --Mary's Studio Cruwys; play room convener,|" cream of mushroom soup sectstant, Mrs. Gordon Cur'ey, | jotertiré te 4 cop milk Mrs. Stephen Heney welcomed Baier y mee a agate ong on the members and grace was top. Drain thoroughly. Flake THE STARS SAY November month, Just one ad- spending By ESTRELLITA also in April and May. said by Mrs. A, W. Armstrong. 5ltuna finely with a fork. Stir in Reports were given and Mrs. vinegar or lemon juice and tar- A. P. Robson, membership con- ragon. Let etand while prepar- vener announced that 1964 fees hy Sates wen noe Sift together into a bowl the Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, past-lnoue baking powder, salt and president of the Auxiliary, intro- sugar. Stir in poultry seasoning duced Mrs. C. D. Russell, newly with q fork. Make a well in dry pene ed president, who brought ingredients; add all at once the mrocungs. ups milk and oil. Stir Miss Wright conducted mem- fienti 1% cups bers on a tour of the children's|should be slightly lumpy. Fold ward at the Oshawa Generallin reserved tuha mixture. FOR TOMORROW Personal relationships will be under generally aspecte Present planetary influences|for the next 12 months, with suggest a need for checkingjemphasis on romance in late and re-checking plans, since|March, mid - June, carelessness or haste could re-|and December. If you a sult in costly error. Don't worry|ful to avold friction di if you don't accomplish every-|latter part of this thing on your schedule, Better|in October, you should have ex- to do less and do it well. ly but thoroughly. Batter\roR THE BIRTHDAY tremely smooth sailing on the domestic seas, May, July, Au- gust, November and December If tomorrow is your birthday,|\i1 be notable for travel op- this next year in your lifelnortunities and stimulating so- Hospital, February 1. Mrs. C, R.|_ Using % cup batter for eachishould prove highly stimulating] (iq) experiences, and those who Lunn reported the party held for the Candy Stripers. Eight/nancakes on one side until tiny girls having worked two hun- Pe are and ig ae is dred hours or more were pre-|dry, then rn and continue sented with silver bracelets and|Coking till browned. Serve with mushroom sauce, made by 48 others. received awards ac- Iplending and heating together cording to the number of hours|myshroom soup and remaining worked. milk. Mrs. Keith Clayton-Oldfield in. HOUSEHOLD HINT troduced Dr. Claude Vipond who) 1, you soak a lemon in warm where excellent influences gov- ern these interests, and will continue to so govern until the end of March. Other propitious periods along these lines will occur in mid-April, mid-June and throughout the September- pancake, cook on heated griddlelon practically all counts. If or greased frying pan. Cooklbusiness and financial matters|i2ve, cre" ane Osten = have been somewhat on thelysually inspiring slow side for the past couple of 4 months, do not be disheartened. | LADIES No boby sitter, no cor fore Mr. Bernard ©f Leading Toronto. Salone Experienced: Hair Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS 728-9317 You have just entered a cycle spoke on his experiences in| water before using it, the maxi Malasia and answered mem- bers' questions. Dr. Vipond was|mum amount of juice will be thanked by Mrs. C. R. Lunn and brought out. I ee Claxton-Oldfield and her com- mittee for organizing the dinner. SLIM Now's the Time to Mrs. S. G. Saywell; bazaar con-|sented with a musical box and|Mrs. Murray Burgess were wel- vener, Mrs. Arthur Ferguson. (three flight bags were given as|comed into the club. Mr. Eric Mrs. John Cook and Mrs. Ar-idoor prizes. The winners were|Jacklin was elected as represen- thur Ferguson, consented to)Miss Sandra Lack, Mrs. Gerry|attive to the Committee of Unit- serve on the social functions|Cole and Mrs. Gregory Carter.jed Church Men. The Club made committee of the UCW under] Mrs. Edward Beauchampifinal arrangements for the an- = leadership of Mrs, S. C. Run-/thanked Mrs. Branch and Mr.|nual Turkey. supper February Charles. Refreshments wer e/29. Group leaders are Mrs. Bruce|served by Mrs. Bernard Jones} Mr. Stanley Gray showed two Vaillancourt, Mrs. James Ran-\and her committee. dall, Mrs, Aylmer Ward. It was decided to meet in the, CENTRE STREET UCW 2 homes for the coming year. | Members offered their homes|2 was held in the Chapel with a films after which refreshments |were served. The regular meeting of Unit) NORTHMINSTER UCW NO, 3 The first meeting of the new and the groups in charge for|good attendance, Mrs. Mansell|year of Unit 3 of Northminster each meeting were named. Gerrow had charge of the De- UCW took place recently in the An announcement was made|votional period, Her theme being}|adies' lounge. The meeting was of the Annual Presbyterial|"The Door". meeting at St. Mark's United| 4 silent prayer was said by Church, Whitby, on Thursday,|ali for the past president, Mrs. February 13. The World Day of. Prayerjin hospital in Florida and Mrs. opened by the group leader, Mrs V. S. Cubbitt, who also led the devotions. {Leonard Goldsmith, who is il) The theme of the meeting was "Are you getting enough out of meeting will be observed in St.|Aubrey Weeks, the president,|your life?" The members were Stephen's United Church on Fri-;who is convalescing at her day, February 14, with Kedron,|home after an illness in Oshawa all urged to do something bene- ficial for a neighbor or a friend, tion for 1964. the Holy Land. Street United Church. Miss Betty Leask was a guest|meeting on a possible tour. and showed her colored slides of| Refreshments were served by 13TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. The regular monthly meeting of the ith Scout Group Aus.) Ronald W, Bilsky, D.C, iliary was held recently in King The program convener, Mrs. R. J, Manning, led the members in a rousing sing-song. She in-|] 100 King St, E. 728-5156 ning is to report to the next pouty Joe ewe CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Mrs. George Rutherford and the Green Patrol. CHIROPRACTOR Nervous Headaches Low Back Pains GORDON AT 0. D. H. See Wed. Ad 10-DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER --u0-- AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS Columbus and Raglan charges/Hospital. ; and to make each day a bright as the guests Mrs. Roy Lick read the scrip-|and happy one during 1964 Refreshments were served by|tuie ana Mrs. Robert Suiley| Group reports were given by last year's executive. A vote of/gave a humorous reading "'The/Mre, Wilfred Anthony and Mrs. thanks was tendered Mrs. Say-|Week after Christmas". Mrs./Ross Smith after which the well for the use of her home./Gerrow gave a reading "The hymns "Standing at the Portal' ST. MARY'S CWL Hope of the World". A general meeting of st. Mrs, Fred Graham presided) Mary's Catholic Women' s\fo the business. Many cards| 7.13 Gets You A League was held recently with|@™d calls were reported to the| BOUQUET PHONE 723-1411 WAYNE'S 78 Simcoe North | -- -- --Sy @ For | ' Men @ For Women @ For Children Mrs. Max Coleman presiding. |Sick and shut ins. A rummage] Mrs. Harry Lack, education|S2'e wiil be held February 12 at convener reported that a public|!® a.m. A St. Patrick's Tea and) speaking contest, sponsored by|bake sale were planned for] St. Mary's Council was held at|March 17 for 2.3° p.m. at tne} St. Christopher's School on Jan-|Church. Mrs. Percy Fletch»;, uary 30. Students of Grades 7\the UCW president, was wol-| and 8 from St. Christopher's|comed and plans were discussed and St. Paul's Schools compet-|for the annual fall bazaar and) Seal Neket bese." commend loi. Ta ae Ae e en ater. NTS. ce al Mrs. Hart Williams, rummage] batt, Mrs. Leaonrd Rogers wil! | Sale convener announced that'be in charge of the Tuck Shop THE CORINA CANADA'S MOST POPULAR LADIES' GLASSES The Corina ts the latest eddition to our line of becutifully styled ladies' frames. The soft-luxurious colors blending from dark to light in the one frame, coupled with: the flattering matching stones make It o joy to behold -- a thrill to wear, ALL GLASSES ONE PRICE -- $11.95 All glasses sold King are sold at only the one price for the complete Eg $11.95. ty pe of frame, ony correction that you require will cost you the one low $11.95. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS! f ir ha dish-of-tea thei choose Aig Botte on to arainn comrtenent of 65 other tyes, pie Ae and + colors, We are sure we can please you. WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND Frames repaired; OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT le you welt. THE SAME LOW PRICES. WE BELIEVE THEM TO BE $20 --$25 VALUES OUR PRICE NOW ONLY Penny-Watchers' Delight The $1 GOTHIC Bra SINGLE VISION $11.95 Complete with Fromes, Co ee Run short'on cash but never on curves! This Gothic bra is made to rate a much higher price tag. Cups are both shaped and stitched to give lovely uplift. Easy-care broadcloth is rettily embroidered, has what it takes to fast thru countless washings and ---. Separate elastic in band lets you b easily. At just a dollar, why not buy several? Sizes 30-40.AA-A > Band C cups T.M. RE0'G. BIFOCALS $17.95 Complete with Frames Lenses end Cese. | Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri.-A.M. & Early Thurs. & Fri. P.M.' Hairstylists, Capable and Experienced at | Braemor Beauty Salon 385 Stevenson Rd. North at Annapolis PHONE: 728-3781 JUST SAY "Charge-It" 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS ZELLER'S Broadloom CUSTOM MADE DRAPES OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor [HOURS: MON. TO SAT.: ? 9AM. -5 P.M. PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA | c1.04 ait Dey Wednesdey BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND U.S.-- FOUNDED 1904 15 King Street East Phone 725-2686