Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Feb 1964, p. 13

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RCAF Band To Play At College She Oshawa Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1964 PAGE FIFTEEN: The band of the 411 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force (Auxiliary) will present a concert Saturday evening, Feb, 15, at the Kingsway Co! Aud: itorium. The program will com: mence at 8 p.m, Comprising of 40 musicians, drawn from all walks of life, the band will entertain with a varied program encompassing all, types of music, or excerpts from the pens of suc masters as Weber, Handel, Brahms, the Broadway team of Lerner and Lowe, as well as a Euphonium solo and the Weber Clarinet Concerto, Interspersed with the more classical num- bers of course, will be the nec- Liberals Hold Genosha Meet - City, district and members of the ts headed "today" distant for the Rows Genosha for the mam: moth dinner + meetin; dance sponsored by t district riding associations, A capacity turnout was ex: pected fe and + three Mrs, Frances Jones, Norman Thom holds a Ba Arts degree from Queen's } versity and a Master's a Soe in Social Work from the Univers. sity of British Columbia, He is, presently servi his ! term at Queen's Park as MPP, For some time he has. been a Special Assistant to the Rt, Hon, Lester B, Pearson, Several functions will be essary military marches and the hymn tune "Sandon," The director of music of the band is Flying Officer Bernard H, Clark, CD, Mr, Clark has had a varied career in the band field, During the war, FO|> Clark played trumpet with ono] > of the RCAF entertainment]? groups, Upon his discharge, he]? became a member of the To- ronto Garrison Artillery band, In 1953 he transferred to the// Band of the Irish Regiment of! Canada where he assumed the}! rank of Sergeant and the duties of Assistant Bandmaster, In|{ 1955 he took charge of the band|/ as bandmaster with the rank o! WOl, In September of 1957 Mr, Clark was given the rank of Flying Officer and authorized to organize a band for 411 Squad: ceeding at the same time, RS .m, all meetings and recep lons will be adjourned to the Piccadilly Room for the dinner meeting, After the dinner a further influx of guests will arrive to: join in the dance at 9 Ra The entire Ist floor of the has been reserved, ; Dancing will be confined te, the Piccadilly Room; the Mleet- wood Room will be turned inte & lounge and refreshment bat} the Corvair Room will serve as game room; all large suites will serve as sitting rooms, The main timetable is as follows? Ontario Young Liberals - Fleet wood Room, 3 p.m; Reception of Headtable Guests . Corvair Room, 4 p.m.; Public Reception » Main Dining Room, § p.m. Dinner = Piccadilly Room, 6:18 Pm; Dance and Ente ment + Piccadilly Room ané@ Ast Floor, 9 p.m, District Realtors To Host Party The real estate a é@xpanding industrial centres: such as Oshawa will be discus sed at a convention to be in Toronto Feb, 8 to Feb, 11, The Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards will holé its annual convention at the Royal York Hotel. More than: 4 members of the Oshawa trict Real Estate Board are ex pected to attend the three + day gathering, The Oshawa delegation will will be host to real estate dele Cafik and Sam Hollingsworth, Party candidates in recent Fed: eral and provincial elections in this district, will be on hand, as / will Hon, J, R, Nicholson, re- cently +» appointed Postmaster General, and Keith Davey JOSEPH WOOD IS HONORED during which he rose from the rty held in his honor at the position of laborer to superin- anadian Corps building. tendent of Oshawa's Board of From left to right: AM. Walter night. He was presented with Works department, The pres- Branch, chairman for the eve- an engraved wristwatch com- entation was made on behalf ning, Joe Wood, guest of hon: memorating 44 years work of Local 250 CUPE, during a or; Jack Johnston, general Bowmanville Committee [10 Accidents Makes Recommendations [Reported rn Ten city car owners drove into|of existence, the bandsmen look do you operate to maintain), 'g9 49: yin bill during the}forward to, a bright and inter them? last 24 hours when they were in-jesting future for this young and 6. Do you hold joint meetings? | volved in accidents, Road con-|progressive band, The Assist YES . For what purpose: Dis-/ditions in many parts of Osh-jant Conductor of the band is cussion of budget, awa are bad dc ite a great ef-/Flight Sergeant W. Askew, CD, How often; Annually, fort by workmen using sanders . toga a " po by na : . i ves and snow clearers, strative officer is Flight Ser. ce esc : i a Vipeal baliding pol ; Four persons were slightly in-/geant T, McEwan of Toronto, Capital expenditures ...X.../gram? Yes, And is it plannea|/Ured in fed geste ta Bene Other .. in co-operation with your council!" ie Hoye? ge pe pte hs 3. Of free choice, which re-jin advance of requirement nary. © wad y ; , Bruno Roininen, 1060 Somerville sponsibility would you prefer to|}dates? Yes, How far in ad- street, crashed off the roadway retain and which relinquish tojvance? during consideration of on Valley. drive causing $800 a higher, outside authority? [five-year Capital forecast. damage. : Over operating expenditure?} 8. In the operating budget.) In another accident this morn: . » » Over Capital Expenditure,/what item poses the greatest/ing at the intersection of Athol . ., Or would you prefer to re-|problem and causes major anx- pinhagy east fan ore stron, tala Beth? ee Beeiy iety? cars driven by John Puskedra, 4. How would you rate com-| 9. What suggestions would you/568 Centre street, and Ronald munications bet ween schooljmake to improve relations gen- sage Council? Excellent/erally between school board and nm tional organizer of the Liberal Party foreman who made the official presentation; and Mel Ander- son, past president of the cal, The appearance together of the ep ean for the Pro. vinclal Liberal throne is proving to be an added interest, Vernon M, Singer and Robert F. Nixon are well known throughout On- tarlo, "Andy" Thompson, of Toronto, a native of Ireland who A saw war service with the Royal : Canadian Navy, has for -years organized probation services jbeen known for his work for the British Columbia gov» lthroughout Western Canada and ernment - Hv later organized lOntario in the fleld of establish: Citizenship offices in Western ing probation offices and as Canada before becoming Sen- Senior Citizenship Officer, He jor Citizen Officer for Ontario has also been very active in Red during the period in which he [Cross work and on behalf of the served the Department of Citi- |International Institute, Mr, zenship and Immigration, He is a native of Ireland, ' No Pollution Is Found Bowmanville (Staff) -- Sam- ples taken from Soper Brook and Bowmanville Creek in 1963 by the Ontario Water Resources Commission have shown that both waterways are free from pollution, The reports indicate that the samples taken from Bowman: ville Creek indicate the quality of the water is generally satis- factory and there are no specific! recommendations to be made, The Soper Brook report indi- eate a slightly excessive chlor. Veteran city employee Joseph (Joe) Wood was hon- ored for his service Frida Oshawa Times Photo ANDREW THOMPSON, 30- year - old member of the Pro- vincial Legislature for Toron- to - Dovercourt, He is a for. mer special assistant to Prime Minister Lester B, Pearson He has been active as a lead- er in Canadian Citizenship con: ferences in Ontario and West- ern Canada. For two years he Rev. Quesnelle Guest Speaker duced by Ivan Wallace and thanked by Mrs, C, Allen, Mrs, Kenneth Broadbent. introduced Miss Teresa Cole, a former pupil of St. Gregory's school, now a Grade 13 student at OCVI, She played two piano se- lections; Beetho\.a's Sonata Opus Fourteen, number one aud Chopin's Nocturne in F Minor, 1, How do you rate the rela- tions between school board and council in your community? Excellent... . Good... ; Poor. . Bad... 2. If there are problems do BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A special committee of council met on Wednesday, January 22, to consider the problems be- coe Councils and School rds. The following is the recom- mendations of the special com- mittee, Counci]. should inform the board automatically, and as early as possible, of any subdi- visions proposed; Location; Size; No. of homes; Name of Subdivider; and anything known about start and finish of build. Apartment buildings; indus. trial expansion as soon as such information may be promulgat- ed, together with information re = ble number of employees The Board should inform Coun- At a combined meeting for) the months of January and Feb- ruary, held recently in St. Greg: ory"s Auditorium, St. Gregory's CPTA was pleased to have the Rev, A, G. Quesnelle describe his last summer's tour of Europe, Father Quesnelle was chap- lain to a group of 15 which left Pieroski, 568 Devin street, were in collision, Total damage amounted to $175, » X/council? See Schedule A. - Three people received treat: Poor Wi at the earliest possible date @ the reason for any propos- @ capital expenditure (enrol- t figures, homes under con- , ete.); some estimate capltel wvllay, together 'ith tal , together w "amount of grants to be ex- copy of the request to the -- asking for tentative fResesthantal approval should be sent to Council at same time it is sent to Inspector, CAPITAL OUTLAY A copy of sketch plans angjaod reducin architect's estimate of co should be sent to Council for its information; Final plans and tenders should go to Council be- fore application for approval to issue debent -res is submitted to! OMB. It is also suggested that ex- ary repairs or altera- tions, even if they are within capital outlay, should be brought to the attention of neil ahead of time, It is hoped that sometimes the Board May not spend all its operating budget. A questionnaire on the rela- tionships between School Boards and Councils was also an- Swered by the special commit- tee The following is the answered did you promote them and how Opened Hydrant a wrench to open a fire hydrant, flooding a road on an icy night Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Ds ee . 5. If excellent or good, how 10, Bo you consider present le- gislation and practice adequate ment at Oshawa General Hos- pital following a crash Friday at to maintain good relations? Yes, 4 Youths Four Oshawa youths who used the water pres: sure available in case of a fire were each fined $25 and costs in Friday, for what the court ter- med their "most foolish and dangerous action," Eric Jude McNab, 20, 749 Glencairn street, Paul Alexan- der Hastings, 20, 177 Rossland] road west; Lynn Eric Dudley, 19, 772 Glencairn street and Bruce Ainslie Foy, 1563 Simcoe street north, all pleaded guilty to causing mischief. WRENCH FOUND Crown Attorney Bruce Af- fleck said the boys were picked up as they drove around town in a car. The wrench they used to. open the hydrant was Fined He said water flooded onto the road when the accused open- ed a hydrant, and froze causing a very dangerous ice patch. Mr, Affleck added: "The in- herent danger was two - fold: First there was the icy roads which could have caused an ac- cident but there was a greater danger in the event of a fire in the area. "The local fire fighters would have had difficulty putting out a fire because there would have been no water pressure coming from their hoses. It would just have been a trickle," SANDERS CALLED He pointed out the PUC had to be called to attend to the hy- drant, and the city sanders were called to cover the ice patch, "This was a most foolish and dangerous action, It could have been very serious in the case of found near the car and all ad- questionnaire, mitted the offences. an. emergency," Magistrate Ebbs said, Voters Quiet In By-election Area MONTREAL (CP) -- If the voters in the Montrea! ridings of Laurier and St. Denis are excited about the current fed- eral byelection campaigns, they are keeping it a secret until they go to the polls Monday. | Nevertheless there are two questions attracting the atten- tion of political observers here: 1. Are the Liberals still the unbeatable champions of Laur- jer and St. Denis? 2. Is Real naga stacks up or down in Quebec? wt Denis, created in 1917, and Laurier, created in 1933, have always been represented by Liberals, The most recent incumbents were former postmaster-general Azellus Denis and justice minis- ter Lionel Chevrier, whose re- tirements last month caused the! current vacancies in the 265- seat Commons. Mr. Denis was -- to the Senate and Mr. vrier is high commissioner in London. TWO LIBERALS RUN Seeking to hold the two seats 50, a publicist, in Laurier. has entered Mrs, Rejeanne Din- elle, 43, a mother of two and dropped to 20 seats, however, from the 26 they had won in 1962, and this is their first elec- toral test since then, The party leader's son, Gilles Caouette, 24, an industrial de- signer, is the Creditiste stand- ard-bearer in Laurier and Henri Paquet, 34, an auto parts dealer in St. Denis. Both were Social Credit candidates in 1963. The byelections will not pro- vide any test of strength be- tween the Creditistes and Rob- ert Thompson's Social Credit party, from which they broke away after the 1963 election. Al- though Mr. Thompson retained the allegiance of seven mem- bers in Quebec province, his party did not field candidates here. The Progressive Conserva- tives are represented by Rod- olphe Sauve, 42, a haberdasher, in St. Denis and Rene Paquin, ENTER HOUSEWIFE The New Democratic Party Grenier, 55, a real estate broker who has unsuccessfully con-| tested 10 eartier elections at} municipal, provincial and fed-| eral levels, Now running under the banner of the Human and Family Party (parti humain) familial), he began his political) activity by campaigning for} mayor in Trois-Rivieres, Que.,| in 1939, | In approximately three weeks of campaigning, there have been 10 public meetings alto- gether in the two ridings--four each for the Liberals and Cred-/ itistes and two for the Progres- sive Conservatives, Amid a general feeling in all parties here that campaign meetings are going out of style, at least in by-elections, the bulk of the campaigning has been done through posters, broad. the junction of Wilson road and Olive avenue, Edward Marceau, 569 King street, Jean Ester- brook, 15 Division street, and Rejeanne Marceau, street east, were all treated for cuts, The cars involved in the crash were driven by Rejeanne Mar. ceau and Elinore Hanna, "201 Guelph street, total damage! amounted to $1,900, Athol street west at Simcoe street was the scene of a col- lision between cars driven by Kalman Kiraly, 286 Cdear Val- ley and Clarence Shurtliff, 218 Valencia road, There was 40 property damage but a passen- ger in Kiraly's car, Rose Hajdu, 286 Cedar Valley, received treat- neck, Russell Wilson, 740 Glencairn street, and Angus Nicolson, 163 Eastdale street, were the dri- vers of cars that collided at the intersection of Albert street and Bruce street, Total damage was $95. Leslie Sweet, 208 Centre street, was the driver of a car that collided with a city vehicle in Kaiser crescent, Sweet's car suffered $300 damage, Two cars driven by: Everard McGrath, 644 Somerville av- enue, and.Charles Morgan, 718 Glengrove street were in collision at Simcoe street north and Alma street . intersection. Damage amounted to $225, ment from a doctor for a sore! Whit GUEST SPEAKER Tra G. Needles, chairman of the board of governors of the University of Waterloo, who will be the guest speaker Feb. 12 at the professional devel ment conference of District of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, The conference will be held in = High Sehool at vhitby, Indian To Speak At Dinnner Here Plans for the annual Brother. hood Week banquet of the Cana- dian Council of Christians and Jews were made Friday by the Oshawa Inter + Service Club Council. The council met at the Lan- caster Hotel with Reg Lancas- ter, representative of the Osh- awa Kiwanis Club, as chairmaa, The banquet will be held at the Hotel Genosha Feb, 17. The Skate Program Is Scheduled One of the highlights of a busy skating season will take place at the Oshawa Children's Arena on Sunday, Feb, 9, 1964, beginning at 9 a.m. Skaters from Oakville, Peter. borough, Lake Shore, Credit Valley, Granite and Oshawa Skating Clubs will vie for honors in a_ variety of competitions ranging from novice solos to Senior mixed pairs dances, This event promises excite- ment, skill and precision, It offers an opportunity for the citizens of Oshawa to watch the future Canadian and perhaps World Champions at work, The admission is free and the competitions will be in progress until 6 p.m, Another reminder -- The An- nual Carnival will be held on Sunday. March 22 at 2 p.m. owned b guest speaker will be William Wuttunee of Calgary, president of the Federation of American Indians, The interservice club council is composed of representatives of eight service clubs in Oshawa. The members present at the luncheon = meeting discussed ticket sales arrangements and other business relating to the banquet. Gives Talk About Horses Bowmanville (Staff) -- Mor. gan horses are one of the two horses developed in the United States, Rotary Club members were told by George Chariton at Friday's luncheon meeting, Mr, Chariton, a Morgan horse owner and also a member of Rotary, went on to say that the! original Morgan horse was an American school teacher Justin Morgan, and it is from him they take their casts and house-to-house visits MEETINGS SET However, five meetings are planned Sunday, last day of the campaign -- a joint rally for both ridings .by the Conserva- tives and separate meetings in each riding by the Liberals and CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to residents of Osh- awa and district who are celebrating their birthdays name, "Morgan horses are to be found nearly everywhere. They are used as trotting horses, fer light farm work and the. U.S. cavalry once used them as re. mount horses." "They are owned by practi: cally everybody in all walks of other money apart from that in Malton on July 26 and visited first at the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal where! there was a large basilica and a gs vend as large as St. Peter's in Rome, .. They toured the restored church of St, Dominic in Lis: bon, the Valley of the Fallen near Madrid -- a monument to all who fell in the Spanish Civil War, and the Royal Palace in gh = a rich tourist attrac: jon, In the cathedral at Toledo, the group saw the largest mon- strance in the world, one which weighs 400 pounds, In Rome, the party stayed at a hotel two blocks from the Vat: jean, While there, Father Ques- nelle was privileged to say Mass at the Tomb of St, Gregory the Great, at St, Peter's Tomb and at the altar of Pius Tenth, The group also saw constant Grade 2. The special prize or Grades 3 and 4 Refreshments in the Valentine Theme were served in the ban- quet hall by conveners Mrs, Jean O'Donnell and Mra, Rita McArthur, They were assisted by the mothers of Mrs, M, Treatment Plant, recommended close su- the sewage treat: ion of ment plant and training school, ine content below the Training School and at the Sew- Boys' gates from all parts of Ontarie at a coffee party and entertain. panel di ion On Smythe's kindergarten children and Miss A, Germain's Grades 3 and 4, Two lucky draws' were won by Mrs, Hugh Coll and Mrs, Joan Taylor. A short business meeting in- cluded a treasurer's report and was conducted by Vice-Presi- dent Mr. Paul Delaney, This was due to the indisposition of the president, Mrs, William A, Clarke, The monthly prize for paren'; count went to Mrs, Mary Cole's the first half of the won by Miss ear was ermain's A match, Germany Nips Finland 2-1 INNSBRUCK (CP) -- Ernst iTrautwein scored the winning goal in the last period today to give Germany a 21 upset we tory over Finland in an Olym- pie hocke The victory put Finland and Germany in a tie for fifth Lowe Hg the championship round, Tt was the last match of the) Olympics for both teams. ment Sunday night. A well + know Oshawa Paul Ristow, will take boyy e the RW acpects of the business in urban and communities will be debated, not charged with The Oshawa Times 'wishes apologize' for any embarase ment caused to Mr, Weala, Communion being given at the ment, Rome was an attendance at an outdoor performance of the opera Aida, great faith and devotion exhibit. ed by the thousands of pilgrims at the shrine of Our Lady: of Lourdes, where a chapel will be built to hold over forty thousand people, There was a short stopover in weather, that readily accepted in any coun- tr), He showed his audience some Italian lire bearing the late Pope John's papal coat of arms which he obtained in Rome, The last three days of the tour were spent in Ireland where St. Patrick's and Christ Church Cathedrals were visited in Dub- lin, The return journey was by jet from Shannon via New York, Father Quesnelle was intro. Twins Steal Milk Money Seventee-year-old twin broth- ers were remanded in custody until Monday for sentence at Oshawa Magistrate's Court,' Fri- day, when they pleaded guilty to stealing $1 and 5@ cents from milk bottles, They were Ronald and Donald Cory, 497 Ortona avenue, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said the boys took the money from two different milk bottles as they: delivered a week- ly newspaper, The two denied taking any the charge, Altar of The Blessed Sacra: ' A highlight of the wit tol! They were edified by the! | Paris en-route to Lourdes where}! the travellers enjoyed all the | tourist attractions including the! | Father Quesnelle stated that money was a problem but found) | American dollars were! | -- BAY y : BM QW veteran labor organizer, in St. Denis and Gerard Picard, 57, the party's Quebec leader, in Laurier. A new group calling itself the Rhinoceros Party is also in the fight, with Dr. Paul Ferron, 37, a physician, in Sf. Denis and ished second under the Social/Andre Goulet, 27, a printer, in Credit banner in both ridings/ Laurier. im the federal general election) Most experienced of the com-|Pearson's Nebel peace prize" last April 8 Their Quebecibined total of 11 candidates injand "Queen Victoria's bloom: gitength in the Com monsithe two ridings is Henri-Georges ers." for Prime Minister Pearson's minority government are Mar. cel Prud'homme, 29, a political scientist, in St. Denis and Fer- mand Leblanc, 46, a chartered accountant, in Laurier, Real Caouette's forces, now known as the Creditistes, fin- Creditistes. In addition, the NDP plans a parade through both ridings Sunday. Only public appearance by the Rhinoceros candidates, who say they are out te lampoon the traditional parties, was a mock auction in an art gallery Thurs- day night. Items put on the block included "Prime Minister Magistrate Frank Ebbs com- mented after the case: "The Oshawa News should be noti- fied these boys should not be delivering newspapers." this weekend: Those who celebrate on Saturday are: Charles Reeson, RR 1, Raglan; Mrs. Alma Williams, 329 Adelaide street. Those who celebrate on Sunday are: Mrs, Lena Eazowski, 28 Tecumseh' ave- nue; Joanne Richard, 1400 Simcoe street north, Phone 723-3474, life, Napolean III owned one as did Presidents Garfield and Ros- evelt of the U.S. A." "In July, the National Morgan Horse show is held in the United States and last year over 406 entries were shown in 86 class- es. This is the largest breed shown in the country." Mr, Chariton concluded the speech by showing stides that were taken at the horse show. a : INN MBA ARAMA Ws SPEAKING OF SNOWMEN -- made her way home from Cor head toppled to the ground, enation School Friday at noon. Barbara is the daghter of Mr. Later in the day, the mild and Mrs. P. F. Gilbert, 298 weather proved a real match Richmond street east. for the leaning tower and its Oshawa Times Phote ' \ TESTED IN CANADA A lightweight electromagnetic ground prospecting instrament ---tested extensively in Canada during the last year--has been veloped by a Stockholm firm. Barbara Gilbert, age eight, isn't small for her age. . . she's just standing beside an un- usually tall snowman. She dis- covered the big fellow on Osh .t awa boulevard north as she

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