Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Feb 1964, p. 8

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'#2 aes 8 &.*> Wemer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Girls' Auxiliary Serves Banquet The Girls' Auxiliary Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mark's Anglican Church held its annual Mother and Daughter banquet in the Church Hall on Thursday. The Reverend Alfred Woolcock asked the blessing. The girls prepared and served @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Februory 1, 1964 the delicious cold ham dinner. Mrs. P, S. Lawrence brought A; of games was enjoyed, Mrs. W,| | greetings from the JA Branch, Mrs. Walter Meens brought greetings from the Afternoon '|Branch of the WA and spoke on "Prayer Partners", Following the banquet a round W. Cross and Mrs. R. Lioyd Harding, G. A. leaders ex- pressed their thanks to the mothers for their attendance and to the GA's for their prep- aration and serving for the banquet, BEST COTTON PICKER HAVANA (AP)--A pretty bru- nette from Matanzas Province & has won a free trip to the So- viet Union and the Eastern Eu- ropean satellites as the best woman cotton picker in Cuba, Ramona Docampo, 20, hand- ® ipicked 155 pounds in 10 hours Sunday, Her nearest competitor among the 50 finalists bagged 140 pounds. The. boy with the teasing eyes is Terry David MacInally who was nine months old when this photograph was_ taken. Terry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Maclnally, Crom- well avenue, and the grandson |ANN LANDERS Divorced Dad Deluding Daughter Dear Ann Landres: Fifteen years ago I divorced my hus- daughter two years old at the time. I went to work because the sup- port cheque always seemed to get lost in the mail. Three years ago the Tom Cat married a woman with a big house and a healthy inheritance. | |Our daughter spends every , other weekend with her father and his wife, Of late the girl _|has become critical of me, my clothes, our home, our furniture and the meals, She tells me | |they live graciously "over ' |there" (two servants) and that '|I could take lessons from her ' |father's second wife on how to of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Caine, Oshawa, Also of Osh- awa are his great grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smart and Mr. arid Mrs, Gor- don Cox. --Aldsworth Photography HOME SWEET HOME be charming. This morning she informed me her father was a wonderful man and that I was a fool to let him go. How do you tell a 17-year-old girl that her father was a chaser and a louse? -- OUT- CLASSED Dear Friend: You don't tell a girl of any age that her father was a chaser and a louse. You tell her that you have band because he was a Tomidon't | | | @ done your best and that furni- ture, servants and fancy meals "t necessarily a home . Some of the world's lone- lest people live a miserable ex- istence in elegant homes. Dear Ann Landers: Our grandfather is 86 years old. The doctor said there wasn't any- thing more they could do for him in the hospital and he sug- gested an old folks' home where grandpa could get nursing care. Every night after supper our patents insist that my brother and I go with them to visit grandpa, I am 16 and my brother is 14, We don't seé any point in killing two hours every evening sitting in a room with somebody who. doesn't even know who we are, Mom says the least we can do for grandpa is to be. with him during his last days. Mean- time. we aren't getting our homework done because by the time we get home the evening is shot. If you say we should BUILDING . a emodeling be Excused id Z at and just go Sundays we'll show your advice to our folks and it will help us a hot.--WALL-PA- PER 5 ERS Dear Studiers; It makes no sense whatever for teen-age kids to spend two hours every evening someone doesn't know they are there. If your mother and dad feel they must go, fine, But you and your brother should stay home and do. your school work, ae. 0 be Mgdd bb How 8 an t? I anette ayn: tneie ak Waele ten dress and my folks think I should stick to flats, I am 17 = of age and five feet eight inches tall, My folks keep tell- ing me I will be taller than most of the boys if I wear heels. I say, 'So what?" I love the way heels look and I don't care if they do make me' taller than the boys, Will you heels: or not?---UP OR DOWN Dear Up: And that's my ad- with your shoulders and get up on those heels if you want them. decide this for me? Do I get who/fim: "A man is rich in just fine. So congratulations and enjoy your new slippers. Contidentiat to 'OF THE RAT-RACE: Your _ hus- band has a false set of values. Try this little bit of Thoreau on Ir tion to the number he of can afford to let alone." HOUSEHOLD HINT When entertaining fill a big ocean shell with flowers and use as a decoration in bathroom, vice. Up with your head, \ up|' WORLD OF AWAITS YOU HERE! moles and permanently Removes worts, superfluous hoir and painlessly by ELECTROLYSIS New Kree Imperial Machine LACK and WHITE 'OR COLOR * DONE ON PREMISES FOR PROMPT SERVICE height that counts, and you feel .. nf WATERLOO, Que. (CP)--"Of| all the beautiful big castles I PERSONALS record player and radio, and eN-/as big or beautiful as the Chat- ls Happy to Announce tertained them in the eveningleay Frontenac at Quebec seen that he is now with at the Town and Country Club in|tnom the boat coming back," -- gs ic a. 8 en said Norman Singfield, 14, who MODERN odian 0) estmoun UDLIC! spent five months i st Ger-| School and in 'the afternoon ony bt se his Grunipacecte HAIR. STYLING the principal and staff presented/and other relatives. He took his 13 Prince St. - 728-1132 the anniversary pair with a bou-|picycle and spent much of his Oshawe now installed for your con- venience. MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa et the Genosha Hotel, Feb, 3, 4, S. PHONE 723-4641 HANS ... DON'T MISS the General Electric Custom KITCHEN DISPLAY WAYNE'S 78 Simcoe North 723-1411 Builder Enquiries Welcome Introduced last year with iimarked success, the Rotary Club President's Ball promises 'ito be a highlight of the social season, President J, Murray Macleod and vice - president Stanley Lovell and their ladies will receive from 9.00 p.m. and NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 728-1619 251 KING ST. &. "4 pasa RAE . x AWK: RS. WILLIAM MASULKA MR. AND Simittee chaired by Mr. Barnard --Oshawa Times Photo Complete Bridal Party Present For 25th Wedding Anniversary A surprise 25th wedding anni- versary supper was held for Mr. and Mrs. William Masulka on Saturday, January 25, at the home of the Reverend and Mrs. Nicholas Siblock, Dean avenue. The complete bridal party was present including Mrs. Nicholas Tomen, the former Mary Sheo- chuk, maid of honor; Mr. Peter, Maxymuik, best man; Miss Martha Masulka, bridesmaid; the Reverend Nicholas Siblock, usher; Mrs. Ernest Jenkinson, mee Vicki Sytnyk; Mrs. Grace Woods, nee Grace Litovchik, and Mrs. Alex Melnychuk, nee Nettie Golow, the flower girls. Mrs. Masulka is the former Dorothy Maxymuik of Oshawa, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Onofrey Maxymuik. Mr. Masulka was born in Montreal, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Masulka. The couple was married in Oshawa at the Ritson Road Pentecostal Church by the Reverend Ernest- Pctipco, Feb- ruary 4, 1939. Mr. and Mrs. Masulka have five children, David, Ronald, Debra, Kathy and Karen. The bride of twenty-five years ago wore a blue peau de soie dress trimmed with lace and a corsage of deep pink roses. A hot turkey' supper was served and a toast proposed by the Reyerend Ernest Potipco On behalf of the assembled guests Mr. Siblock presented an oil painting to the couple and a crystal chandelier was pre :nt- ed to them from their: children. Mr. and Mrs, own business since 1941. LED THE WAY Mrs. Barbara Hanley became Canada's first woman mayor in 1936 when she was elected mayor of Webbwood in northern Ontario. '|ments at Oshawa Golf Club for Masulka have lived in Oshawa most of their lives and have operated their} a buffet supper will be served at 11.00 p.m. A special com- Lewis is completing arrange- next Friday night when the dis- trict governor, Mr. Robert Day guests. | ' Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wright have left Oshawa to take up residence in Jacksonville, Flor- ida, During the past few weeks they have been much entertain- ed by their many friends and neighbors who will miss them sincerely. Mr. and Mrs, Wright also received numerous parting gifts which they will treasure as remembrances of their happy time in Oshawa over the past 14 years. Vice-chairman of the Board of Education and president of the Women's Christian Temper- will be among the distinguished c Mr, and Mrs. Reid were mar- ried in St. Ninian's Manse, Ar- broath, Scotland, by the Rever- end Evan Campbell and came to Oshawa soon afterward. | Mr, and Mrs, Edward Fox, arnegie avenue, were enter- tained at a family dinner last} Sunday evennig at the King} Edward Sheraton Hotel in To-| runto, The happy occasion was} their 60th wedding anniversary on January 27, This week they! have been receiving flowers.| cards and telegrams of best wishes from their many friend | and relatives. They received) congratulations from Her Ma- jesty Queen Elizabeth, Prime| Minister Lester B. Pearson, the | Right Honorable John Diefen- baker and Mrs. Diefenbaker,| Mr. Michael Starr MP and Mrs Starr, Mr, Russell Honey MLA and Mrs. Honey and from ance Union of Oshawa, Mrs. /Clayton Lee will speak on the/ \life of Frances Willard next} Tuesday when the members of; the WCTU will be guests of the Salvation Army Home League. Frances Willard was a pioneer worker in the interests of the WCTU. Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, |Margaret street, who attained ithe 35th anniversary of their 'wedding on Thursday last were pleasantly surprised when their json, Robert, and their daughter, |Mrs. Gordon Barney (Margaret) jand Mr, Barney presented them 'with a floor model, combination Mayor Lyman Gifford. Mayor Lyman Gifford was ac- companied by Mrs. Gifford and members of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coates and their daughter, Phyllis, at the. 'Ice Follies" show on Monday. night) in the Maple Leaf Gardens. The many friends of Mrs.| James A. Moore will be pleased to learn that she is re-) cuperating at her home on Bruce street following a*stay in| Hotel Dieu: Hospital, St. Cathar- ines. While there Mrs. Moore} spent the holiday season with her son, Mr. David Moore, Mrs. | Moore and family, Woodelm) drive, | Mrs. Clayton Lee entertained| +jwith several readings and hu-| _|morous recitations at the 4th ) |birthday party of the Humor- Sjesque Club for the Blind, re-| 5 | cently. Patrons and patronesses of) the Knights of Columbus Mardi| Gras dance next Saturday in St. Gregory's Auditorium are Mr. Michael] Starr MP and Mrs. Starr; Mr. A. V. Walker MLA j|and Mrs. Walker; Grand Knight) '|of the Peterborough Council Au- brey Allen and Mrs. Allen;) @ |Faithful Navigator 4th Degree > |Knight. David Dumais and Mrs. © |Dumais and Grand Knight of} the Oshawa Council Anthony ,|Meringer and Mrs, Meringer Some of Oshawa's prettiest) girls will face a panel of judges) next Saturday night, when, in a} contest arranged by the Polish Friendly Alliance, the Polish Community will select a Miss Polonia for 1964 at a gala dance. FIVE GENERATIONS SPAN 92 YEARS % Mrs. George A, Raines of Port Perry, seated, who will be 92 years old tomorrow is the matriarch of the five gen- | Ritter of Oshawa, holding great - great - grandson Rob- ert Lewis Ritter. Standing be- side his great - great - grand - mother is Stephen John Ritter Now's the Time te Beeutity Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 ' erations represented. Left to right behind her are her | daughter, granddaughter and | great - granddaughter, Mrs. Lloyd Midgley and Mrs. Rob- ert Pickard, both of Port MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Carry 4 Me. Service 8 Hour Service Pree Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Fomily's Friend" Perry, and Mrs. Herbert © PHONE 725-0643 NU-WAY RUG eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee quet of yellow chrysanthemums.|time sightseeing. Your Chance to Save on The Finest in Name-Brand Propane and Natural Gas Appliances O hoor ¢ INGLIS * COLEMAN ¢ BEACH UP T0 ¢ MOFFAT eGAS DRYERS ¢ GAS RANGES ¢ CLARE HECLA An Excellent Selection Of eGAS SPACE HEATERS | ¢ FINDLAY @¢ MARTIN Low, Low Down Payments UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Soles & Service Genuine Hoover Seles, Service & Ports Mothprooting and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the oe Institute of Rug ee ~ FE III Camp Oconto Established 1925 For Girls -- 5 to 17 Years Resident & % LIMITE 728-944] SHORGA Corner of Celina and Athol Sts. -- Oshawa Riding, land sports, safe woterfront groduote physician and two nurses 40 MILES NORTH OF KINGSTON Directors --- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Labbett, 3 Pine Forest Rd., Toronto 12 FULLY ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE SENT ON REQUEST. "oo VISITORS WELCOME Why Teke Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery @eeeeveeeveeveeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees cclania Teeth a on: H

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