ee ee nen REI IP NSTI IY NEO ee emen=onne Thought For Today Real measure of a man's wealth is how much he'd be worth if he lost his money, ° VOL, 93---NO, 27 es Ripe ane shat Gune eis. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1964 A AP Re MOINGIN, Oe foe of | MOON APPROACH OF RANGER 6 J LONDON (CP)--Greece and Turkey formally told the British today they have accepted a NATO peace force pian for Cyprus. But the feuding Cyp- riots were still holding out against it, Common wealth Secretary Duncan Sandys afinounced the) moves, which strengthen his| hand in trying to persuade the delegations of Greek-and Turk- ish-Cypriots to allow their is- land nation to be policed by troops from the North Atlantic alliance, Turkish Foreign Minister Fer- Erkin said as he left: "T hope this idea will materialize very soon and that peace and tran- quility will return to Cyprus." The Turkish government had already announced jts accept- ance early today in Ankar afol- lowing three cabinet meetings Friday, In Athens, cabinet ministers, military leaders and party chiefs met for four hours after midnight with the caretaker premier, Ioannis Paraskevopol- ous, However, a Greek - Cypriot spokesman at London negotia- Greeks, Turks Okay NATO Force in Cyprus "There is very little hope of our accepting the proposals," he said. "There is very little ground for manoeuvring." HAVE OTHER VIEWS Turkish-Cypriots at the Lon- don peace conference also have objected to the plan, but for dif- ferent reasons, They claim the proposal would not permit re- inforcement of Turkey's 650- man garrison stationed on Cy- prus under treaty. It appeared the next step would be for Turkey and Greece to join the United States and Britain to present the plan for- 0 Pear ee i is Weaiher Report Few snowflurries and a little | cooler. Winds northwest at ij 15 mph, yi Sitawe "end "fer™*peymont of "Pope tn Can SIXTEEN PAGES fi 3 SHOTS FIRED NEAR MONTREAL ARMS SITE. Youths Flee Army Guards MONTREAL (CP) -- The extra security measure men fired shots early today near|was taken on the onder of De- the armory of the Canadian fence Minister Hellyer Army Quebec Command guarded The army secu rity by members of the Royal 22nd Regiment, No one was injured,|#0ns for the Montreal area in+ Police said 10 army men do-/Stallations are greater than ing guard duty at the armory|they were during the wave of did not shoot at the intruders| terrorism last spring. who escaped after the shots} This doesn't necessarily mean the army it taking the possible men got away in a car of their own and the other fled on foot.|bomb LEARNS FRENCH tries audio equipment at the Inected with any terrorist or- were fired, The guards gave chase i, a 'anges ie et py & the Com- ' e Revolutionn car, ice said, but two bem da | br gred f said the men were ; scale Vatitaay ware aanhis to First information that a raid : An unidentified reporter |say whether they were con-/had taken place was phoned to idun Cemal Erkin called on'tions described the plan as 5 ally to Makari .| official opening Friday of the 'a radio stations by a Fren : Sandys this morning. totally en "ae Paxil Kut Hoe g re pte Federal Government's Lang- "a eel on Atwater Ave-(SPeaking man who said Le Co- This montage indicates how cameras My will return anything on earth but rough He came to inform us that) 'The leader of the Greek: i uage training school, The ey Re had car. go ~~ honey cn BhIY |the 'Turkish government have\Cypriot delegation, Glafkos|Cypriot vice-president, nue is one of several in the spacecraft Ranger @ is ex- pictures to earth until the comparable to California's ted thee plan." SandysiClerides, used the same phrase| The U.S.British plan, pre-| French-English school 48 jMrontreal area with additional| "ed out the pected to approach the moon instant of impact. The Sea of Death Valley - - a vast sand [@¢cepled the pian, = Sandys)© Bede N sented at the London conference) Under the supervision by the 'riday from the} Im army circles. the theft of for a crash landing into the Tranquility is great flat and salt desert rimmed b said, "The Greeks have already/on his arrival in Nicosia from civil service guards Friday from ti 0 'ang a 8 esert rimm ¥ Jaccepted." London today. Friday, would station a force of "OP Wi ranks 'of the Royal 22nd. a lange quantity of weapons Fi Sea of Tranquility on Sunday, basin some ay alles across, rugeed 1 mountains, sais : not fewer. than 10,000 men from st rephoto) names canenbiins and -- ang the arm- apacecraft's levision a target e unlike _ irephoto Montage NATO countries on Cyprus, The RE! NFLI ory Fusiliers Mont-Royal H e United States would contribute! "Three Children Die nr? ae ee, amelie considered more serious than URGES INVESTIGATION Viet Nam Leader '=:: inhacine on rl aS Besides the United States and shots were aimed, One reportiories and other federal proper- | . |Britain, reports said the peace-| In Bus-Car Crash {haa the shots fired into the alr,/ties during 10-week period | . e ° keeping force would come from 49, they said. last spring. A als For Ai Turkey, Greece, West Germany,|,/ ORT HURON, Mich. (AP)--| ne men were first seen Loss of a single weapon--even } In Sor ur a S p : Italy and possibly France, Brit-|10r0° children were burned t0| sanding on Piquet Road near|in action--is most ser- } ain, Turkey and Greece are the nc a" 14 others baa a the armory, located in the west-|iously by the army. The lose i | SAIGON (AP) -- MajGen,/George Perruche, and told him:|guarantors of the independence| red when & car rammed Into! otra part of Montreal. of as large a number as taken =i ) e Nguyen Khanh, South Viet] "You are welcome with us to-/of Cyprus under the island's|® Seno. yoo ~~ pe 'The shooting occurred after|of the midtown Montreal. arm: 1a Nam's new military strongman,|day, but I hope all the world/1060 constitution and the agree- in Wreides 5 en © the guards spotted the trio, poyory and the circumstances . ' lappealed today for Western is aware of the North Vietnam-/ments which made it indepen-|'"S party y night, the theft. "has ae pert. of bis country's warlese aggression."" dent, The dead were identified as ico om. had taken up/the flaps. in and ' the Communists. South Viet Nam's deposed) 'The Turkish government. an-ligcNamara 107 and Bill Sump (sentry duty, at the history," one army } WINDSOR, Ont, (CP) -- Alas'"Dr, Hett's serum" for Gan-| "2. No licensed physician is French President de|premiet, Nguyen. Ngoc Tho, approval" in. Ankara) oon 11 all of Port Huron military installations PY coroners Jury has recomjor ithe Hatt ce ery, tee te ee eeeee a pact wililibe. receplisn, "Knee caid, hel Aneta Port Huron boy, Soha/a weapons raid Thursday at the py He one me E " t-Royal armory mended wee investigation bejclinic wes established bs De. istered nurse is in aitandenan Communist China, ._Khanh Seis vould 7. Tho in office -- . m penne, 26, wee te critical oom -- -- Avenue. Tt was og HF army hwunohed the R wha died in 1956. hours of. business, the Saigon a tew is form Babi Gi _ circles com: the Heat Cancer treatment and The jury agreed that the a The tactic et nizinis (wes eonmbeat Oe "Victegmsses Tho, Who has been in govern- es Wiven pee Of the crack 3nd Research Foundaion, and serum did not contribute in any|tering the serum is highly in and the rest of the free/ment continuously for 30 years, ne Royal 2and its charter be revoked. lway to McConnil's death im YJ will continue material/said he expects to return to pri- Lethal Shots, ou as um s : Regiment sent to Montreal is to The jury's recommendation / Ty! "they found to have re| The jury further decided thejand moral support of thejvate life ina week to 10 days, ---- inotaile at Thursday Night inte, the destnjeulted from cancer, However, Physician attending the McCon-|struggle ageinet "communism er nik Ge ceseke UF te : "tell case . Alex Rubenstein/here." 4 ' , of Heyearold Donaid McCoo-|te, verdict added: lot Windsor, "did 'not complete| Although repetition ot the! Ge 5S Man Says M R which successtully raided i nell Cedar Point, Kansas,| "'The Hett Cancer Treatment!) i, quties according to the Cor-|French proposal at de Gaulle's ast rmany FRANKFURT erger umors the armory. The army's i who died of cancer last Julyjand Research -- is! oner's Act, in not reporting the|press conference in Paris Fri- wine hactce 'bees Wee prime concern is to a 2 1 at Windsor's Hotel Dieu hos-/very tidcading to me peblic ciroumsances of the death to alday drew no official comment, Says U S Jet IScherpe, former Shiet orderly) TORONTO (CP)--New Dem-ilieve that party is the party of pias ates the or any Geekestat WHA What wes'der|. "2, No rensarch is being done|"ORt:" ae ee ee ik Jat the hospital of the Nazis'/¢cratic Party Leader T. C./reform and wants to change Wane --* 'ait: daleials 4) scribed by the clinic mandger|in the clinic, war De CV Nils. 'Dn Rub. nar \fueleed Some sources Was Spying page egg | ~-- i Fegan A ny ofan Some of the worst parts of OUr/Corps co-operates with civilian ; ' enstein said he was the personal/predicted a break. lala to. the Mira Pig A a alliance between the NDP and/"og-eat-dog economy, police ferces the ROMP, Gem : physician of Mrs, Beatrice Hew-| After the champagne recep) macr BERLIN (Reuters) --|when he leamed oF S the Liberals, DIDN'T FOLLOW THROUGH bec provincial and Montreal po i '/son of suburban Tecumseh, who|tion, Khanh told reporters @ 4®-/an Rast German "air force ex-|child ne o~ He advised an audience of}" sy § tease feel have|Uce--the, military's prime con- i i ass @) TO e [described herself as head of thelcision of his country's relations| on charged today the Unitedliniections or, to be given fatal party workers to remember atin Of these Velcern is internal security, line ' is would be "extremely/2r aged ban nited}injections of phenol, that out-of-olfice Liberals have|r", ty wih te NDP. Oat t happens outside the in- clinic with Paris States Air Force T-39 jet 'i at OUt-Ol-OrEice I say to them that the histo : She said the "serum" was dis-/difficult, brought down over East Ger But when the doctor insisted talked reform, but when in of/5> the Liberal fo! TY/stallations cam be looked after 1 Hospital Death crc nde Ssh rere pesmi teciy war corse ne mam, Wo, Sethe oe, wasn rote yer rat Wa peal cian ae ory wae ' $ s yer since, de Gaulle himser, 38) spving. . . tablishment" a talked progress said, "'ai no f N p ' she ges pe "rgathered year-old 'strongman added: "Wel "ie "said the plane was de-/% bottle of phenol to one of two wie put 'up campaign "rund, -Iwhen out of office, rei when in/°! interfering with what is pro- i i P Attorney:) Dr. Shulman said Dr. Kens(Strength . . , aged, so to speak,/shall handle our enemies and) troved because it disobeyed trusty' prisoners who actually! His remarks constituted &M/ pice the command of the|Perly & police matter." | nas eed Goat Frida wale neth' Brown, Miss Morgan's|With time," ithe friends of our enemies in/orders to land and was clearly|**"* we Sijections, obvious dissociation from €inarty has been taken over by| The Royal 22nd infantrymen "ne tion wil be madelfamily doctor, was operating on| Records at the clinic showed|our own way." on a planned espionage mis-|, Scherpe, 55, is one of 22 de-jported recent approaches be-/the establ and by those|Were dispersed to the various es aoe ina Toronto. hos-|the Woman for stomach cancer/MeConnell was given a total of| Khanh was far more blunt)sion. ifendants. at West Germany's)tween some members of the U-lwho put up the funds,"" Montreal area establishments F November. to deter-iwhen a senior hospital official/10 intravenous injections of the/ Friday, About the time 4) In an article in the Commun-/Diggest war crimes trial here./per levels of the Ontario/ "sn any of the so-called left-|2lmost immediately after arri- 4 pital last Novem ad him | } n between June 18 and July/Gautle made his statement ini party news Neues! He told the court he believed/branches of the Liberal and/yin Liberals," val Friday. i mine ms gy on Bee pega oon ory Bll gp nego i '. various doses ranging/Paris, Khanh accused the Deutechiand, the gooeek said. (the children who were killed|NDP parties, The reports said said "T say that rn ae During the FLQ bombings the -- 32, died 18/ identified doctor closed the inci-/from a quarter of a drop to French leader of attempting '*)phe last doubts were removed] "Nad no idea what was happen-ithese groups, whose combined!:, go in the next 12 months or|militia units provided extra se- ger om cag cane itwo drops limpose a brutalizing policy cr when the air space intruder did/ime." forces are heavily ete so is to watch how the (fed. curity for the armories. They 2 pee © Mag thas recon tee econ --|South Viet -- i . _ not obey the optical signals."| The witness, a former SS by Progressive Coereny eral) Liberals carry out the/are doing the same now but are + gael oe a ok antly interfering. in ae nh an|ete, Signals were given by aj(elite guard) sergeant, agreed|the legislature, were néjeleetion commitments they|strongly reinforced by the Royal q mortem re of . oft At the reception Khanh eX-/soviet fighter pilot, |with the court when it was sug-|into the possibility of peg made to the people." [22nd company, J ae ---- pe changed rere Phe | ----/gested camp inmates killed Mr, Douglas, ft wis | peers a em orate? See Car Hits Bri after reporting sick at the hos-|Metropolitan Toron' oF PANES . i Mr, Cass - any ore er oe ar ts ridge pial could have recovered if page ee Tks ae S OvV1 e ir ' der unusual circumstances) jgiven something to eat, ve sr os t t i ould be vestigated. | State Tax On | Two Men Killed "Strve: succesded so:yearou pat oe ee ee ae ers i 4 . Merten Shulman, Me! : é ioe foronto chtet Bovey 2 ST. CATHARINES (CP)-- Two eee Kiehr as camp hospital gested that a merger should be i. : e had asked the attonney-gener/ garettes S. Geeemee oe vere i Hike told We cout Billi myn 4 They had the right '@) al . ~ permission! and a thin ritically inju x ~ |to Go this, fF fe mreasigate the 'scath: He said Sh D i jearly today when thelr' Cre tee ee te ce Stee) nas 1 weet vou te Paes MI he learned the woman died al: ows Decline |struck & concrete abutment on|Wer they knew it probably|ber," he said, "is this: There) I WNSBRUCK, Austria (CP)--jtonen, a Helsinki secretary, won | ithe Queen Elizabeth Way about! Vowkd bring death, have always been sincete Pe0-/Russia's indefatigable Lid althe in the f ter an operation in which there " The Iinois! Qu th y about) . s a iver 500 metres and was a switch of surgeons half CHICAGO (AP)--The Illinois}iy, miles east of here. | "Their fate was a matter of/ple among the Liberals who be-/c.oblikova today became ajis the only skater who has been f te Bese matey Dea, te PMID oweing inference te tem." Ki ee noel ay ice ae ee ¥ : S C- rnard Rooney, . sald, ® women's ating. At G aig te gonene ron death) Bae an st aan at sada [Robert Boldt, 21, suffered ex-| All the defendants are former} Mayor Gifford same. time her teammates : was not reported to COTOR: . & the firs ys @ Hulman|tensive head injuries, members of the staff of the swept the women's nordic ski " ¢ i en's office at that time Director Harry L. Hulman) pojice said the car hit the/Auschwitz camp in Poland.) a race to give Russia a total of R f The chief coroner has been said Friday tax collections &S/anotment, in the centre of the|where mass executions took | In Hospital five gold medals so far in the ussian a deeply involved with the prov of Jan. 30 were wr ens morpitighway, after the driver lest|place during the Second World| Winter Olympic Games and : ince's senior coroner and - than ye a "he (Contre! War, F 0} ti Hy Mag = first since we, A ] ill my porch Sng oo sf overcome same period in 1963 or erva on co Ma Bly 7 e- er e wn conaacting inquests into hos- Hulman said the drop was Mayor Lyman A. -Gifford is} Canada's two-man bob of Vic ' pital deaths whenever there is) jdefinitely caused by the U.S NEWS FLASHES in St. Michael's Hospital inj/Emery of Montreal and Peter any question about the cause of] po Ep EE Toronto for observation, it was|Kirby of St. Jovite, Que, placed] LX ECUL death. y learned Friday. as a pa talian) made public Jan, 1 - : Ald. Walter Branch made/teams captured the silver and) yy: Reuters Bp h ay bak Agente sy no! --! Bank Employees Must Quit Smoking On Job the announcement last night as/bronze medals for second and/killer Vee io ~ j cotener bad had the opportu! Man Hits Daughter GARDEN CITY, NY. (AP) -- Stockholders of jhe [he read the | mayor's. mes:/"iS Pl ove, whoin fans/deet stot for the murders of | || ity to view the bedy : Franklin: National Bank have decided to ban smoking! on inane Sure _ bg dn wile is Siectionnhaly oe "hae: three boys and two women, the ig Hospital Administrator Bric With Belt, Fined the job. About 450 stockholders, many of them smoking, weaorerson nt Joseph Wood's|dah," won the 1,00) - metre Soviet news agency Tass | an- : Witicocks said = Beate | or} TOR (CP) -- Ronald voted for the ban Friday. Employees in the bank's 50 [testimonial dinner. championship, her third gold) yop, \ weer - kage aye Penney ny of Toronto was) Pranches may smoke in the washroom | Acting Mayor Hayward Mur att Oat Sys, ged Cie cal syan, a Becra nae nanted » corener's H ah" We : doch said His Worship tried to a we. © Se cM y ' the time because "under the cir fined $100 Friday for beating . . . De Olympic mark set 1960 by/{oSCOW with his killings, which 5 cumstances we did not feel it pa rower ng daughter with) Jackie Robinson Joins Rocky's Team Ret peraleston te, come = Fe bs alieee Ru sn te ™ y were, considerably exaggerated : was necessary : | Magistrate' Oharles Fassel NEW YORK (AP) -- Jackie Robinson, whose play pull- [doctors wouldn't allow him to). The 24-year-old school teacher Ae et a the "maniac baler" ; . er lsaid the force used went far be, -ed plenty of games out of the fire for the old Brookiyn leave the hospital. [thus is placed in the position off. was said in pres reports to ' EMERGENCY ines. pe ee yond the discipline power al) Dodgers, has announced he's joining the presidential cam- "He is under observation at cod tor gan pee gy have passed himself off as a - YPCs READY PROGRAMS |i. eke. stesees mal OE So Soremee Neon ect: te Rost, ote, Deo Ya tveite fn the Shanta, tga SU PHONE NUMBERS |guilty' te assault said he only] ("He dictated his message for|?%ce Sunday. a = . s : . . ssage for Doug Leatherdale of Winni- the YPCs prepare programs: /used what force he donsidered Passenger Train Rams Into Freight Train \Joe to me over the telephone|TEAMMATE SECOND ie - said the ex-ballerina girl LICE 723-1183 peg, (left) vice-president of for their anndal convention, Inecessary for discipline when BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- A passenger train rammed (ts afternoon - (Friday) and) Teammate Irina Yegorovajfriend whe Ionesyan had sup- the You ee a Opposition Leader "Diefon- ithe child disobeyed an order to standing f ta 83 mil said he never felt better." jwon the second-place sil in/ported with the of his d ~ Ser ere ¢ oung Progressive Con shor is schedeled to adress Neighbo: ho into a standing freight train al Alamirano, miles south Ald M at ond: Sliver jn/P< BARE DEPT. 725-6574 cervatives and Carl: Mesers menet_'s scheduled to address ine te. bed. Neighbors --w of Buents Aires, today. First reports seid several. pereens . Murdoch 'said the mayor/1:34.3 and Kaija Mustonen ofjkillings, Alevtina Dmitrieva, | SMOsPITAL 723-2211 tien es the. greup ledey. [peer the Aaa "crits called) =. ilies and injered ome would definitely be away all/Finland took the third ~ place|was sentenced to 15 years im- 4 . (et Fredericton, president of (GP Wirephote 'police Dec. 7. i and injured, inext week. jbronze in 1:34.8 Muss Mus-|prisonment as his : : '