Ae Se AND THIS dainty little lady '| is Miss Shelley Lynn Connell, '| and Mrs. | Whitby, She Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Steffen and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Robinson, all of Oshawa, --Aldsworth Photography THIS BRIGHT young lad is Bradley Scott Steffen, the one year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Larry Steffen, Mary _ street. His proud grandparents are age one year, daughter of Mr. Ronald Connell, is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Former Federal Candidate Frederick Connell, Oshawa, and of Mrs. Frederick Fusco, Whitby. Shelley has two great- grandmothers, Mrs. . Robert MacDougall, California and and Mrs, E. Brew, Ireland. | Addresses Liberal Women Mrs. C, Alexander DaCosta, of cards, February (20 at Radio Jo Aldwinckie. Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 The Canadian Ukrainian Women's Association Barvinok Branch held its first meeting of the New Year at the home of Mrs, John Kostuk with Mrs. Walter Grigorenko - pre- siding, She welcomed all pres- ent and thanked everyone who THE OSHAWA ' TIMES, Friday, January 31,1964 7 had assisted with the many re-; cent projects. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES The officer's reports were read by Mrs. Steven Gonta, secretary, Mrs, Nicholas Sem- PIONEER BUTTON CLUB | The regular meeting of the Pioneer Button Club was' held at the home of Mrs. E. H. Anderson, Simcoe street north, last Monday afternoon, Therc was a good attendance of mem- bers, and several visitors were welcomed to the meeting,. and to button collecting The president, Mrs. Marie Gartshore, Newcastle, conduct- ed the business meeting. It was! decided to donate suitable but- tons to the Henry House Mus- eum. Each member agreed to contribute to this project. The club is interested in col- lecting old buttons. For each month: a subject is chosen and appropriate buttons are mount- Students Recount | Visit To New York Sponsored By Lodge Oddfellows Corinthian Lodge \61 held an open night last week for friends and relatives after enuk and Mrs. Lawrence Skira- tow, treasurers. A most pleas- ng financial report was given by Mrs. John Kostuk, New Year's dance convener. It was unanimously decided to repay the loan to the St. John's Church executive and in this way com- plete Barvinok's building project of the Sunday School rooms. Mrs, Walter Kuch gave notice that a bake sale, featuring Uk- rainian pastries will be held at Motor City Bowling Lanes on Thursday, Feb. 6 at 1 p.m. Also that Ukrainian dancing in- structions will commence on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 4 p.m. at St. John's Hall. The Instructor will be Mr. Nicholas Worobetz. Anyone interested regarding these lessons may contact Mrs. Steven Hercia. A tobogganing party for mem- bers and school students will be held at soon as weather con- ditions allow. Mrs. Paul Plishka Mrs, Joseph Maga and Mrs. Ro- bert Sholdra will arrange a ed on display cards. The Janu- ary cards showed many beauti- ful black glass buttons trimmed with gold or silver lustre, Nexi month the project will be in- lays. This type of button 'was dis- cussed to better acquaint the newer members with the con- struction of an inlaid button, and help them to choose suitable buttons for their own cards. Mrs. Hughbert MacPherson, Uxbridge, on behalf of all the members, thanked the past president, Mrs. Orville Osborm, Bowmanville, and the past secretary-trasurer, Mrs. D. H. Rice, Oshawa, for their ex- cellent work during the early years of the club. The present secretary, Mis. Lily Burleigh, Pickering, sup- plied the visitors with copies of research work done by various members during the past months. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her members to their Valentine Dance on Feb, 15 at St. John's Hall. Mrs. John Dutchak and Mrs, Walter Kuch announced plans for the program to be held Feb. 23 in commemoration of Lesia Ukrainka and Otha Kobylanska. the former a poetess and the latter an author of Ukrainian literature. Mrs. George Tokaryk of Ham- ilton, dominion president of Ca- nadian Ukrainian Women's As- sociations has been invited as the guest speaker. A cultural Program has also heen arranged. The February meeting will be vice-presidenits' night and will be held at the residence of Mrs. Robert Sholdra. At the conclusion of the meet- committee. @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING WHY HAVE A HOME PERMANENT? Professional and Style HOME COST ian =----- Ukrainian} Youth Association has invited Mrs. Robert Sholdra to act as daughter, Mrs. Rice. The February meeting is to Mrs. HAIR CUT .. When You Can Have a Permanent for Less! HUYCK'S CUT, PERM Barvinok Branch Fulfils Pledgey's'tetee'na Sivan To Complete Sunday School ' Toronto, was the guest speak- pia Mrs. Everett Warne, as- at the January meeting ofjsisted by Mrs, Mervyn Allin, |,.. the Oshawa Liberal Women,|Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mrs. oo Poa aS toner Nuloat held in the drawing room of|K, M. Broadbent, will convene teak last wushiner s [Adelaide House. Mrs. Daca othe next Miss Catharine Van der Ven lis one who speaks from a life] The next meeting will be held), rae . a nbd "3 lof association with the politics|March 24 at 130 King street} aehtat outa: air. reves of Canada, She is the daughter east. Pie ; ries . ST eco Reet yh Xa of the late Senator James Mur-) It was announced that the| Bruce " oe A dg ao doch. She was herself,a federaljannual meeting of the Ontario|t sb raigie by candidate for York Humber Rid-|Federal Riding would be held| oes iy 'nant : ing. Mrs, DaCosta is a world|March 5 at the Kathleen Rowe| he three students spoke on 8. . Se j ; \their trip by bus to Ottawa and traveller, who is well read and|School in Whitby. It was also New Vouk: ond ti : is a most interesting speaker. hoped that all would try and to "he ork and re! "en in- She is chairman of the com-|attend the gala dinner and cluding ea Mine pr mittee for Status of Women|dance to be held in Hotel Gen- hatten Island. tilie an der for the Ontario Womens' Liber-|osha February 8, when the guest Ven a a feted from al Association, and convener of/speaker will be the Honorable the lodge, one of whi 800s to political education on the na-|J. R, Nicholson, PC, OBE, MP,|@!! students going to the UN. tional executive. In stressing the|the former federal minister of/She thanked the lodge for mak- Status of Women, Mrs, DaCosta/Forestry, and now Post Master|!"8 the trip possible. said Canada runs behind, and)General. Mr. Bruce Hotta showed col- Canadian women should take| The absence of the secretary, ored slides and musical enter- the initiative and make the ty a Clifford McKnight who is|tainment was provided by Gor- of their potentials, They should|confined to Oshawa Hospital don McRae, . David Glide and not be content to serve tea, butjand the membership convener, Jerry Manilla, Refreshments should educate themselves to|Mrs. William Clarke, who is in were,served by members of the take their place in politics.|Bowmanville Hospital was noted Rebekah lodges. : : They must be more active and|with regret. Corinthian Lodge will again push themstlves to the limit)" ------|sponsor an outstanding student of their ability, They must rea-| | DEVELOP NEW ROPE from one of the high schools lize that politics is a part of] BRAMLEY, England (CP)--|this year and two from the their lives, it is an art and a A new type of synthetic rope/district on a visit to the United science, has been developed by the Aire-|Nations Assembly. Mrs, Ralph Jones gave a re-|dale Rope Company here in port of the national conference | Yorkshire, Made basically from which she attended in Ottawa.|Polyethylene monofilament _fi- She said she found it both in-|bres, it has been developed for be held at the home of Edwin Ball, RR 4, Bowman- ville. SA HOME LEAGUE The meeting this week was held as follows: a chorus period and prayer on behalf of the sick and shut-ins. Birthdays were remembered and the Sun- shine chorus was sung while the flower money was fe- ceived, Mrs. Frank Bullen made the announcement of com- ing events, the Valentine tea, February 7 from a_ 2.30-5.00 p.m. at the Citadel was an- nounced. Mrs. George Beard read the minutes of the previous mest- ing at which the Missionary Group had taken the devotional period. Mrs. William Allison led the devotional period for this week's meeting with the follow- ing taking part: Mrs. Arthur Holmes gave a reading, Mrs. Wilbert Clarke a vocal solo, "The Beautiful Garden of Pray-| er," Mrs. Charles Langfield) gave a reading, after which| Mrs. William Allison gave a| message on '"'Gardens and Sun- lodge closed to hear addresses representative, and Barvinok|}f STYLE SET ........ $1.95 GIFT TO eveoe. $1,00 "$6.25 ASK FOR DORIS HUYCK'S 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA PHONE 723-2912 ANN LANDERS Did Girls Steal 'Shirley' From Boys? ating conversation, good food and warm friendship. When these three ingredients are present no one misses alcohul. Only when the hostess has failed must she turn to the liquor cabinet for help.--Firm Believer Number Two Dear Firm: Welcome to my corner, friend. I've never bought the idea that liquor is a must at a party. I've seen too many evenings ruined be- cause nice people got drunk and became unruly, maudlin, belligerent, foolish, sloppy, am- orous, sick, insulting and just plain stupified. It's bad enough when this happens to ordinary folks but when it happens to brilliant, lovely people, it is truly pathetic. Dear Ann Landers: When our eldest daughter became en gaged she informed us that she wanted to be married in the STYLE SET ASK FOR MOLLY shine. A chorus was sung, "Jesus, Lily of the Valley." Next week the members of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Union will conduct the devotional period. Home League m s were) asked to be at the Citadel! around 1.30 p.m. for a group) picture to be taken, j Members were asked to re- member the prayer meeting in| which all may take part, at 2.00) p.m., every Tuesday, before) the regular Home League meet-| ing. | Refreshments were served. NOW AT PARKWAY ... 1964 cA VICTOR New Vista Dear Ann Landers: I did not care for your smart aleck re- marks about boys who are named Shirley. A dear friend of mine had a son named Shir- ley. I admired the boy a great deal. He was the type of young man every mother wants her son to be. So, when the Lord blessed us with a boy I named him Shirley. That was 40 years Beauty Spot 102 BYRON SOUTH WHITBY PHONE 668-3679 ago. in son Shirley never had to fight his way through school or anywhere else, In fact I can't recall that he was ever in a fight. For your information, Ann, there were very few girls named Shirley until Shirley Temple came along, about 35 years ago. Before that time there were more male Shirleys than female. I think you owe all male Shirleys an apology.-- Plain Jane Television Dear Plain Jane: I didn't realize there were so many male Shirleys around until the letter appeared in print.. The didn't write to me-- Shirleys their mothers did. Thanks to all home of her fiance's parents. My husband and f wanted Marge to be married in her own home, but we were unable to persuade her to change her mind. When she said, 'Their home is nicer than ours and I} want as beautiful a setting as| I can have," we had nothing more to say. Now, our second daughter is planning to do the same thing She will be engaged in Febru-| ary and already she's talking] about coming down the spiral) staircase in the Smith home. We are not paupers, Ann. jOur home is lovely, and we can jafford to have a beautifui wed-) of you. Dear Ann Landers: May I be you for just a moment and re- spond to "firm Believer'--the couple who has never served liquor in their home because it is against their religious teach- ing? They feared since they were movng to a new city and would be travelling with a fas- ter set this practice might hurt them in business. My husband and I have been married over 20 years. We have she said, that the panel dis- cussions were the highlight. | These stressed the importance} of good organization at all times.| A visit to the home of the) Prime Minister was a feature of the visit. : During the business portion of the meeting, conducted by the president, Mrs. Gordon Varnum, it was decided to hold a night) lcs ey Rt he aR wishes--even if you lived in a pup-tent. It's too bad you let Number One get away with it. Now I hope you have better luck with | Number Two. | ding. We paid for the first wed-/ ding and we plan to pay for the second one as well. We just do ness. We have never served|/not want to be asked to go to liquor in our home and our par-|someone else's house again ties are fabulously successful |Are we wrong?--Mom and Dad Why? Because what makes a| Dear Mom and Dad: Your) really great evening is stimul-ldaughter should respect your entertained nationally - known figures -in politics, education, medicine, law, religion and bus- Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | CHIROPRACTOR Nervous Headaches Low Back Pains 100 King St. E. 728-5156 By KING . . . FOR Distinction . . . FOR Comfort . . . FOR Savings The BARON 65 Styles, Shapes and Colors To Choose From Now a European-styled frame improved upon and made in North America. The "Baron"' is a new type contour bridge frame. Better fitting, requires practically no ad- justment; made to fit the hard-to-fit. Featherweight, in beautiful smoke colors, it is the best engineered, most modern and distinctive frame in the optical world. ALL Glithas one LOW PRICE REPAIRS a al lenses duplicated. Fraofhe repaired, frames re- placed while you wait. Low- est prices! 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd FLOOR PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA Brenches In Toronto, Hemilton, Lo: Seult Ste. Marie, Nigar WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY WED. indon, Kitchener, Sudbury, Peterborough, 'a Falls, Orillia and Chatham. We Believe Them To $20-$25 Values Price Now Only, SINGLE VISION $11-95 Complete with Fremes, Lenses ond Cese BIFOCALS 17-95 Complete with Frames, Lenses ond Case {NATIONAL BRANDS} teresting and inspiring. She felt, seine-net fishermen and it's be- lieved it wil' cut the rope bill of skippers by more than 10 per| cent. Bonnie Jayne HAIRSTYLING (formerly Budget Beauty Bar) 72 CHURCH STREET FOR. APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4212 Your HAIR Will Look LOVELY! a 15 King $ Furniturre, Draperies, Broadloom CUSTOM MADE DRAPES treet East Phone 725-2686 CHAMBERS FRIENDSHIP MONTH FREE BUFFET! tenance than all hand-wi red circuitry. MODEL TC818 WITH SPACE AGE CIRCUITRY The circuitry that is more dependable, more precise and requires less main- ONLY 1 DAY LEFT THIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Ist FROM 2 P.M. TO 5 P.M. This is your opportunity to visit any of our four plants and see for yourself why over 18,000 families enjoy shopping the modern way--THE CHAMBERS WAY -- Top Quality Food and Savings and Convenience. ENQUIRE ABOUT THE MANY OTHER BENEFITS THAT NO OTHER FOOD ORGANIZATION --RETAIL OR WHOLESALE--HAS EVER OFFERED TO THEIR CUSTOMERS. * This smart new Television set by RCA VICTOR delivers a picture $0 clean, clear and in such sparkling detail you have to see it to believe it. Equipped with New Vista Tuner; 16 tubes (26 tube func- tions); 20,000 Hi-Volt; Keyed A.G.C.; Picture Stabilizer Circuits; Transformer; 2 speakers. See it and enjoy it... ot PARKWAY. NOW ONLY ..« : . 239.95 WITH TRADE RCA VICTOR STEREO "The Imperator' Model SHC-876 An exquisitely fashionable mdsterpiece in cabinetery design. . . enclosing the very finest in electronic workmanship. AM/FM - 6 speak- ers - Garrard Type "A" Changer - 60 watts of power. : PRICED TO SELL LIFETIME GUARANTEE on Space Age Sealed Circuits FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE On NuVistor Tuner Tube PHONE THE PLANT NEAREST YOU FOR A FREE PASS AND ENJOY A BUFFET OF FINE FOOD MAIN PLANT SCARBOROUGH 421-9393 COOKSVILLE PLANT 277-3643 PETERBOROUGH PLANT 745-2461 OSHAWA PLANT 723-1163 933 RITSON SOUTH--CORNER OF WENTWORTH IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THE WEDNESDAY OR SATURDAY BUFFET, VISIT US ON REGULAR OPEN EVENINGS, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M, @ "SEE YOU AT THE BUFFET" e CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB © Convenient I.A.C. Budget Terms @ You Always Get Full Value For Your Trade "YOUR COLOR TV STORE" PARKWAY 918 TELEVISION SIMCOE NORTH Open Fri, Till 9 P.M. 723-3043 "We Service What We Sell . .. OURSELVES"