Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jan 1964, p. 16

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16TH SOAWA TIES Pitter, donner #1, 1900 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] Dressmoking TV--Radio Repairs EXPERIENCED, alterations, repairs and yee By kies TV Towers, Aerial Serv- making new drapes, Please call 728-9515. television repairs, 480 Pre! jroty Avenue, Telephone 720-6879. TEED REPAIRS to ail 4 TV, radio, car radios, Thompson Elec tronics, 15? Elliott, 723-9792, Fred, TV SERVICE DAY OR haa * _ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12, 17--Male Help Wanted 23--Wanted To Rent 26--Rooms For Rent RAILWAYS need young men trained a3/ THREE-BEDROOM ag od ed Ercracst cay ea eda are ose, ele eR a" bur he Pan w tm al Sor in Can. i DREW STREET, two have you? Near Oshawa, write|ed reomar thie Meer win = phone number to Box S44, OshawalTV antenna, Reply between Tale a small con, Graduates WANTED by Systems, aaecn street /ene, baths In private yasyree Cassan Whitby, Ont, "Cetslerten Cnet sl on to bu iy» S-bedroom | Cob TRUCK driver or warehouseman, pled "atime and -- roa mechanically inclined. State| brick pene and salary required, to Whitby, area, imes, 24.-Houses For Rent NICE nin By R 2 SCOTT rian home, Op Telephone Mortgages PRIVATE and corporation monies for a mortgages; mortgages : oi sale pur Murdoch (See "Barristera") FOR SALE . $7,000 FIRST MORTGAGE ON RANCH HOUSE AT 7% INTEREST WRITE BOX 548 OSHAWA TIMES 2nd Mortgages Up To $10,000 Available To Homeowners INTEREST RATES FROM 1% TO 1%% PER MONTH 12% TO 15% PER AN. NUM), aes aa cerca," Boal ma me mage ene oc St Whitby, Ontario, Nerepnone| LOE ncaa iS Ses 7M ae gw B eu 258; YAL®, saiepLane® AND oa Th. Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Bast. Rien y PPLE tree Apely Pallock Orchards, Whitby, COOK WITH EXPERIENCE APPLY fog GENOSHA HOTEL 70 KING ST. EAST MACHINIST For tool and die maker, For @ growing in the electronics industry, repairs, Men's, weer, ALTERATIONS | ond 'MSiladies' and children's after 4 pim,, 7204213. Gerdening and Supplies i|raaas REMOVED, trimmed, _ building . Pree ree Call Alax sane 'Oshawa 725-9450, WILD BIRD FEEDS Wild Bird Mixture Wild Bird Feeders Sunflower Seed Millets Small Cut Groins WATER SOFT SALT Crystal No, 2 Salt Rox Brand Pellet Common Fine Salt COOPER SMITH co 16 CELINA ST, 723-2312 Instruction HARVEY DANCE Tap, RAD Ballet, now, Oshawa --t MAB MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character, ot] pre-Schook, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. Nein, |BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing. Tap, ballet, ts of in! ey baton. Knights of Columbus Hall, mite north OSHAWA ELECTRONICS ~ TV TOWERS ANC Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, £, OSHAWA 728-5143 GEORGE WILSON|: T.V. SPECIAL $42.50 up 22.50 up woPK! DLE AND CO. Char feed, acronis a7 xing Street East, WILSON AND py CHARTERED 14 King «Street East, » Ronald F, BD. Wilson, CA; G, Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554, TBONARD ag Hh, got Chartered Accountant, Suite Oshawa Shoppi 725-9953. ing Centre, RAYMOND 8. PROSSER, ore tare te 906 Centre Street ALBERT HosmaR, Chariered Account ant, 4? Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario, Telephone 723-122) Barristers THOMAS HW. GREER, BA, Garriatr, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Buliding, 86 King os Bast. mano, Mortgage funds availiable, Jesarn Pp, HANGAR, QC, Barrister . Money to loan. Office, 14ve King Street t East, Oshawa, 720-8232, F2ODS AND DONALD, Barristers and Solicitors, etc, 6 King Street East. Telephone 723-220). . T {ue MONTHLY, 97 Nasiau Street, no furnace, igs Sea, Tek ener 6 pm, 723-9210, | HOUSE --Siorey and a hall with tire- place and garage, - Warren Avenue, Janu january 3 728-3088. House FoR ¥ RENT -- East end, three bedroom, semi-detached. Available Feb- ruary a $80, monthly, Children welcome. beg APPLY MR, LEE HART CROVEN LTD. 500 Beech St, Whitby -- 668-3325 ~ ASSISTANT MANAGER Young mon 22-28 to work in @ Beoneh aie Ae Toten! NO BONUSES NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BROKERAGE FEES PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET SXECUTIVE'y WOME. "Large twostorey ick home, centrally located. tio room with ti apa Large. dint room with window seat and beamed cele Ing. Large kitchen wth plenty of cup. |board space. Three large bedrooms and bin on second floor, Hardwodd through: Garage and TV antenna, San or 723-1358, 25--Apartments 3» ROOM apartment in new apartment buliding tnelades new rte refrigerator and drapes. Also ig extras, No dren. Telephone Mg Pe Telephone it chi ONE-BEDROOM suitable for one girl, APARTMENT with rel refrigerator, taal and drapes included, Please call call 728-4283 DIVISION STREET, 25 -- Furnished pune room for two gentlemen, Apply .16--Female Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to look after seventi = month + old child, help with hous: Must live In, Good home for right . 725-057: et TIME cashier, 3_p.m. to 1! p.m, five-day week, Also cashier for part time.) _ Apply. 'Mr. + Campbell, Genosha Hotel, HAIRDRESSER, with or. without cllen- full rt-time, Call Marie Mar- lowe, 72881000 17--Male Help Wanted CHER -- Must ye full knowledge of re small . kitchen, Br 6 days, or Sundays, English speaking and toetainer. Write Box 538, Oshawa 1a_ Times. PART TIME INVESTIGATOR For o few hours work daily. Must have cor, Typing ability an asset, No objection to re- tired person. Write to 12--Articles Wanted WANTED Tor Buy =~ Bass guitar, In good erat til After 6 p.m. please telephone 5-1 S85, WANTE weights, rca 728-4185, 13--Business Opportunities |APly_! BUSY RESTAURANT, 333 Simcoe), Street South, for sale, Telephone Joe Cyr, 728-439), THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N. 25 Superior Offices In Ontario Musical Services PIANO, - jae "wet electronic organ tuning instruments ap. Preieed, of Wideonky alien 942-1664, Painting and Decorating GENERAL painting, papernanging and repairs. Furniture coe old and new, --s ewe all -- . Brown 92 Wil Ave, 728-0225, W. G. Scott and Son Experienced painters and de- paper Roof Antennos .. Rotor Lead installed .. $10, Lead Wire 'Installed . 8.50 New all channe| head 12.50 Guy wires installed .. 9.50 For Fast Service Call Oshawa 728-3334 Whitby 668-8344 Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING | by achive » specializing! ew. in 30-inch t WwW. Ward, Chestnut Street Wesh "So Box 329 Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. WILLIAM pein ggg hack well digging, | compressor Ky Mg oe and deepen: ing, 468 Park | Road South, 728 BOWLING ba 2 in Oshawa area, Can two persons for winter only if ceelred. ¢ Good _ return Douglas J. M. Bullled, Realtor, TaN, WILL FINISH" basement. New commer clal building, 463 Ritson. Road mess Accommodate beauty parlor, jshop, Ample parking, Sargeant's, 730388 | Why Shouldn't You Enjoy A NEW HOME ,.. NEW CAR... NEW POSITION? You can EARN MORE PAY JAMES A.M, DONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister an& Solicitor and Notary Pub lie, The Commerical Buliding, 4 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, gaa parking avaliable, 725-4716 or 725-4717. EREIONTON, DRYNAN Al AND AU Murdoch Barristers, Solicitors, Not Commerce Building, om, soeneees 723-3446; T. IC. G. K. Drynan, Baton, 'ead Highland. R Centre, 725-61 ELOIN Street East, tumished room, = ponte fe. pe private peers saan oe . Rerstones y iter 4 aie = Mite. central. Teiphene week each, - PORNIIED. rear room for me ran, a aaa sublet, | 91500, three-bedroom brick bungalow, Ae 4 Lovaty ieodor gee Wen 100% 200, PRIVATE. moder kitchen, Oil heat. Cleon . Very ae etc, Asking $8,500 = 4 stantial dow ONE 728-5060 _ REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. ARE YOU A HANDYMAN? Buy for a price ond finish off 'hen rd: igotion ans Rat ives $10, 900. with low down Poy- rh Col}. now - it won't BORNE STREET EAST--At Simoce, RNISHED | men, two se ll -- 728-6697, 27--Real Estate For Sale peel i and screens, north end, Tele 3 bedroom brick home. Large to schools, urches, PHONE Dial 728. 4678 the hardwood floors and kit- @ real opportunity ot t, ONE AND Two = BEDROOM apariments in new building, all latest conveniences supplied. $105-$118 monthly, 720-1544, HARMONY ROAD SOUTH -- ss hae mS " Telephone ly vi entrance, el 720-8885, required. sine Sherwin Williams Co. LTD. 16 BOND ST, EAST Phone For Appointment, 725-1362 BARGAIN Price $13, a but will self for $12,600. if you hove $2,600 coh to UN, mort- goge. Real nice 3 bedroom bungalow, clay brick ond Louis Ss. HYMAN, @ ae, Be Barrister, Solici- Sui The Times) ~, wetery. % King Street" East, 723-4943. chteste! funds available for mortgages. eee AND LOE Music Store. Regis), now lessons, Rental! © anaes avellable for beginners. Dial MELAUONLIN BL BLve. turni: ferred, 728-6115, 7 | apartment, working couple pre- $75. monthly. cane 725-2540 as HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN,| Barristers, Solicitors, _. King Street at Oshawa, R, B. ec: ls » QC: W. n viitenene LLe; Oftice: Nsw, Residence 728-4324. Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other available, E.Z.E. METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshowa Branch PHONE 728-0881 Mortgages MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. coal pohlgg oh Solicitors, Notaries. Money to fe Bhat Block, 26¥a -- 723-4029, lel AND os, ho oll See ee Ns 14 King ¥ East. er Dial »jagreements |. Hen) nick and Barristers, 3 King Street East, 723-7232. Need A Mortgage Loan Private party to invest in Ist bane J. M, Greer, -- Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, skuc vce V. MACKAY, BA, debe Mr 8 Solt- citer, Not Mi ary .. Mla King Street East. ation. Res, 726-1285. se McCGIBBON and , BASTEDO, Solicitors. a first gant a purchased, Low rates. mortgage problems glodly dis. cussed, No fees, no waiting. 1 diate service for quick wor 723-3211 725-2539 ~~ MORTGAGE LOANS ys for first mortgages Interest ot 7% Open No bonus No charge for valuations © Mortgages ond Agreements purchased, Moneys for second mortgages. Fast service. M, F. SWARTZ 26¥ King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Building Trades Al CARPENTRY, cabinets, arborite, bathroom, Krittehen ' remodelling, ceiling, wall and floor tiles, G. Lehman, 728-3836. WEW PLASTERING ond repairs, re Modelling, rec. rooms, Free estimates. A 728-3420, ALL TYPES of buliding sce ton sidewa! stoops, Gordon May, 728-0394, BLASTERING, PATCHING and remodel tng new and old work. Telephone 723-487) W no answer, call Peys bullt eset py repal -- aes ecoumned. Free esti. bors a BUILDING, vent fen 260 M General Electric CUSTOM KITCHEN on display Wayne Appliances 78 Simcoe St. North Telephone 723-1411 Cartage JORNT MOVING AND CxRTACE, Whitby, Reasonable r: S Taeesl Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND | Members Ontario | Mortgage Broker's Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe St, North Oshawa, Onterio--725-3568 Oshawa, Wh Dee equipped and insured. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING Alterations, ---- @ fo S daily, Mrs. lezzi, 682 Ritson Road! South. ca Re | EXPERIENCED dressmak ng and alterations. Ressanntie reter| mr Eldridge, & Montrave, 725-646. RAIDU'S Toiloring ond Dressmaking Professional designer of ladies weer. Bridal, formal, cocktail, suits, coats. All | | | i kinds of alterations and fur oratenne: Fit right guor- BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 PHONE 728-3112 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described otters get tester results, Cesh Cho 6 consecutive days. ..... eaeseces vous R98 ain 3 consecutive dovs 2.25 2. =. Count each word, initial, figure 'er abbreviation os one 1F NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon os possible we accept ne Nability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however coused gp vod by negligence or otherwise. fessiona! list ly, 3 lines per month...... oe Tine per month ee _-- ase tao for hi ise odver DEADLINES 8:30 a.m. og of Publication 8:30 a.m, Day of Publication : 3 pm. P CANEELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS pee 8:30 A.M, Day of Publicetion ae REGULATIONS imes will not be responsible for errors, in adve: ments submitted otherwise than: in waite, not Renee (om One incorrect insertion of any odvertisement, nor beyond the price charge for @ single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. Seach ee eimes reserves, the right to clamity advertising reproduce al! odver- mage. _ correctly. but assume no liability of em Hhaerll coh yy 'ine - bs 4 sherein, Telephone the Direct = ciate For Classified Panna ian portmen 'oF ices -- For All piv Coli The Times Suttchbeerd. se FIRST AND SECOND hae Sale! purchased coretors in all branches of the trade, Interior and ex- terior, 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 728-6815 DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING ' oral eth -- S$ 'ainting, Paper! U re Mu aint! 107 BYRON ST. SM DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Plumbing and Heating ad PLUMBING ana heat supplies. | Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Lid. Plu » Heating and Engineer! 285) mio os TEES ot = repairs and remodelling, materials. Reasonabie| rates "Eine free, Dial 723-1191.) YORK PLUMBING AND HEATING Specializing in repairs. 328 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-1731 Atter Hours Pickering 839-1556 ing, rals |cRESTERPIELES Rug-Upholstery Service reupnolstered estimate, See our ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Upnolster-|} ing, 7S Charles Street 729-7212. CUSTOMCRAFTS Uphoistering Depart- Experts in reewverNe peeve: cree chairs & specialty. es mates, Dial 728-7271. | 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special, Pi dressing, 39% Pine Avenue, 725-5343, age Hair. 'elephone 2--Personal |tF YOU have a "or call kobsnse problem, write Box 333, Whitby, or call WANTED -- transportation trom Oshawa jte Dunlop (Canada) Ltd, Whitby, arriv- Ing for 8.30 a.m, Please call 723-9387, Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Feb. 3rd, 4th and 5th, Phone Genosha Hotel » . It's so very simple. Success' comes fast and easy with Show's step-by-step, easy to leam Home Study training. Commercial Training * Ac- counting * Retail Merchan- dising * Stationary Engineer- ing * Short Story Writing. LEARN MORE . . . EARN MORE . . . call or write for FREE Career Catalogue. Shaw Schools Dept. O.T. 55 Charles St. W., Toronto | Post Office Box 356 | OSHAWA, ONT. "OPPORTUNITY -- IN PAINTS A national maonufocturer re- quires a young man to learn inside work in their direct sales outlet, Excellent op- portunity for future advence- ment, Experience in paint and on advontage on these dates for appoint- ment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) __ LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altero- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations | | | North, YOUNG MOTHER will give dey care | 19 Bond W. -- 723-4922 (bon Street area, Telephone rsa. |T4--Employment Wanted | STENOGRAPHIC service -- Reeves presentations, menuscripts, Will and deliver, Quality and fast serv m \denaosy" guaranteed, Whitby. braun pick ul ice. 4 |PeTER PAN DAY NURSERY < qualified jday care, ? a.m. to 5.30 p.m. $81 Simcoe 728-2604. home to-one or 10 PRINCE ST, 728-5311 '1é--Female Help Wanted | STENOGRAPHER in 10 pe j 3--Pets & Livestock home-study. Save expense day or "I Schoo! by purchasing self-teaching Al eh pe books, which are approved by Our 9 years CHINUAHUA puppies for sale, register- from stock, T T4512, COCKER SPANIEL puppies, parti color, months, permanent shots, registered carom Excaltent temperament. 723 jence. bles results, experi) $30, cash, or $4.) payable $10, a month, Typing SiS. extra,| will tell you its easy to pEATTFG baby budgies, tor training, talking strain, ready Apply Mra. Broad, 114 Elgin Gast, CHESTERFIELDS and old re covered tike new, Get the best at Mode rn Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-645). Free estimates. ONE ONLY! Ten-inch black toy, male, isos Pet only, very affec- Hlonate, seven months. Will save for Val- entine's. 'Call 728-4992. REGISTERED Daschund puppy, small| WAVE YOUR chesterfield suite Ba rebduillt, Low price. Telephone 728-2439, ing | Limited. | REUPHOLSTERING we yer nox iperts established 17 Complete jrange be materials. Workmanship quar. anteed $ years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, Furniture re finished. Oshawa venete Company, © Bond West, 725-031). Sales and Service SPECIAL: $2.50 sewing machine tune-up. |Any make, Whitby Textile, phone 648-5046. |@UARANTEED repairs to all wringer bagi hy and ranges, Free estimates. Call | POODLE -- white, male, 3vk months wl pe, female, reasonable. Tele- phone f Bowmanvitie after § Bm, 623.3430. p| MINIATURE penile, white, ave weeks Registered, needies, Apply! Te Werte street | be very small miniature when fully grown, Has had all needies. Rectores $190, 7 725-4858. i SHEEP -- five bred ewes, due y February in and March. Telephone 7 723-747. FOR SALE-- German n Shepherd doo, black and tan, male, $4. or best offer. Telephone 728-9372, PEKINGESE | puppies, < charming pets, English breeding. Reasonable, Register- ed. Dial Whitby 668-2923. POINTER, tong ne halved, te te GLASS AND SCREEN [i Repairs to aluminum win- dows and door inserts --- 1 ov service += Rint J your mes into our NASH ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST. EAS TELEPHONE yiets33 YOUR LAWN MOWER _ Have your Lown Mower, Tractor, Tiller, or Outboard Serviced now, end service for Teco Mowers, Stratton, Clinton, Lauson, Moto Mowers, Briggs and Lawn: Boy. Any. make serv- iced, free pick up, Dial 728- 2791 or 725-4633, OQ. OLAN 74 BARRIE AVENUE } Veconea [Su Sonevan ane FLEISCHMANN, [Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial i Ni Ontario Street, T2S-S6R2. i. FL _ FROLLOPE, ore, Land) savaare 9 Elgin Street East. Phone three years old, excel- for bre pes ig fatter. 6:3 6:™, 728-7256. WORSE -- Four years old, color black, | Western broke. Quiet and sound. Bred to registered quarter horse stallion, 728-0769 5--Farmer's Column | i products, full or Profitable! Write P.O, Box SIZ Oshawa or phone 728-5883, rT need more parttime help for Aeely In person. Envoy 'Restaurant, 522 Ritson Road South, |WAIRFASHION SALON requires experl- tel. Must be neat, -- and energetic, Apply 79% Simeoe North. o PART-TIME kitchen ae Three da week prefer Vy of full Oshawa 5S! WANTED AT ONCE experienced girl 5 | woman in ening » 6 Stating full Sartbeslate to Box 49, by ona awa Times, RELIABLE ¢ P GIRL Ww wanted to | Baby ait, live in wages. Tueaane 728-4056 sell tine full part time, it's TO INCREASE of busines stusiness : Ww wearer. heirdresser, with or without clien- says] red. Peet) ly, experienced Apply Zeller's Lid. me, hopping Centre, board plus TWO FULL TIME OFFICE CLERKS REQUIRED Berge bc dege He neat = agent el CANADIAN TIRE 115 SIMCOE SOUTH WATER hae: SALE = 1000 gallons, $8) delivered. Telephone Roland bane S916. FARMERS! Need tires? Call "Bill" your Dominion Tire representative 728-6511 or evenings @ after 6, 725-7263. CASH on the spot. 4 send oe Sachets ease i will Fur Farm, Wicenee 268-6 [ame BALES of hay. tor sale, GE pr] |bate, Cant _Mampton 26 TREATMENT for Calf Scours, a. Shipping _ Fever, a Anemia, Vitamin x os deficiencies. SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN | j i \TV--Radio Repairs Service Calls $2.50 9 am--9 p.m. Daily New 21" Picture Tubes \As Low As $19.66 i All Work Guaranteed Dominion Television 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668.5971 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 Mon., Wed., Fri, Evenings 655-3301 |11--Articles For Rent | CHAIRS, card and love Fox 'Ren . cg ps en! aisle heen. on | Simooe Street | WHEEL pies beds, watkers, reducing machines, si room supplies. jAid Rentals. WOS Beatrice, 725-1644, | Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns | | Advertsing Agency Requires aeYOUNG WOMAN 21 to 35 yeors of age to call on clients with Advertis- ing material, Must be free to travel Southern Ontorive Cor is essential, No experience necessary, For interview write Photo Ads Agency Postoffice Box Ti, Oe Smt 5, WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED Port and Full Time For appointment coll | | ' } Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Bowmanville 623-3373 Monday, February 3 but not eee Full fringe benefits. "Apply PRESTON Decorating Supplies YOUNG MAN Required in office of rap- idly expanding manufac- turing company, Free folder, Write Cassan Systems, 0S Beech Street, Whitby, Ont. 668-4607. Aptitude for figure work will AVON for tun and good earnings. Avon be helpful. Excellent oppor- tunities for energetic and adaptable young man. Previ- ous experience not necessary, a8 training will be given. Re- ply giving details of education (experience if ony) and salary required, BOX 747 _OSHAWA TIMES _ Circulation Representative Wanted by Torcnto Daily Newspaper SALARY EXPENSES CAR ALLOWANCE We wish to employ a mon good character to assist our circulators, i ' You must have @ good cor a ee ee day to Friday each week PART-TIME COLLECTOR Man to collect smell month- ly current accounts, No sell- ing involved, Must be maor- ried, Dependable. Have good car and be free to work even- ings ond Saturdays. No shift workers need apply. Pleose write the manager edvising phone number to "POST OFFICE" BOX 86 TERMINAL STATION N, TORONTO 14, ONTARIO BROCK STREET Wasy. 3 5, Oshawa, two-room turnished n %, it, close to hospital and downtown. or couple. Available February 1. T 723-7096. Suit two SIMCOE NORTH, ge hospital and schools, three or ' rooms, complete ty furnished, attractively, Parking. TV outlet, Adults, 723-3537, 26----Rooms For Rent FURNISHED en FON 4 lady. Al ply 265 Albert S' J ROOMS FOR sans = a and $6, nightly. $10. weekly. Queen's Hotel, Osh- awa Litd., 67 Simcoe Street North, 723-7012 |ROOM, single or double, for gentleman jonty, quiet clean home, five minutes to |Four Corners. After 1 p.m... apply 135 Celina Street, ROOM for rent, wre close to North GM and hospital. 725-8702. OSHAWA vty = Single and ane rooms, heated, television, showers, ing, weekly rates. Telephone Taal. 118--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED SUPPLY TEACHER Qualified teacherr wanted for supply work--St. Bernodette's Separate School---Ajax. Con- tact Mr, K. Gubb; tel. Ajax 942-2215. HAMMOND -- ORANGIST REQUIRED FOR LOCAL HOTEL Ladies and Escorts Beverage Room Reply Stating Age ond Experience BOX 417 OSHAWA TIMES '20--Room and Board ROOM ~ BOARD in clean comfortable home. Shit work- paanygetnawn, Telephone 728-4012. Telephone} TARGE furnished bed ~ sitting room, kitchen privileges, Central, Terephone 728-9268 after 4 p.m. One memes Svan for gentleman, in private home, wi ih private bath. Apply 444 | Fernhill Setlererd: Call 723-7070. |sinete furnished housekeeping igo ga entre, Telephone "orrer 330 am. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 stone front, north end - Act Quick ~ Sure to sell fost, PRICE - QUALITY « COMFORT All are assured in this de- a $11,700, Asking $13,700. 3 bedroom clay brick and stone bunge- low - East: End - Heights, Nicely decorated, - Enquire todoy. TAXES GO ON PRICES GO UP SAVE $1,000 NOW 3.models to choose from in Golfview Heights -- New Homes to be built by S. -- & Son Ltd. - priced from $13,695, to $14,875- from poyments " 400 - $1,600 on 6%% N.H.A . Order now before Feb. 7th deadline, ond save $1,000. on your new home. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Hann Joe Mage Dick vorraee Bob Johnston Jock Osborne OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS home, located near Ajax. Phone collect ay NEWCASTLE room and able four three meal |. Parking, $15. week each, 987-4675, board, suit is dally or Requirements--Morried, age 24 to 45, and hove exper. jence in meeting the public os clerk, direct or route sales- man. pags ogi ae 1 P.M. TO 6 P.M. To Mr. George Clarke /GENOSHA HOTEL |-- 16--Female Help Wanted Silver Tea Service | Silver Candelabra } | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | | 725-3338 |12---Articles Wanted NURSERY chest of drawers. natural tah, In good condition. Call 720-5640. OLD ANTIQUE guns wanted, alse aelts, Telephone 725-818. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, ete. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone ' 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. | | -- od) STENOG We require a young man with junior matriculation aphic duties. ve one or two years office exper- for general stenogr: Applicants rout te ience. Good typing speed. telephone voice. "Dictaphone" hand" desirable. Excellent starting salary--a APPLY IN WRITING TO CONSUMER'S GAS CO. 29 Celina St., e"' experience and a knowledge of "short RAPHER Pleasant and distinctive ll employee benefits. Oshawa ~~ Store at 23 Prince St. approximately 1500 sq. ft. will decorate to suit. $70.00 PER MONTH Call OX 4.2945 a after 5:00 p.n FACTORY ~ FOR RENT 1200 SQ. FEET at Station Road Pickering, Ont. After 6 p.m. PHONE 723-7683 - | PICKERING 942-9460 'iweave, embroider, quilt, smock. '|Send 25c right now, jnusual Crochet By ALICE BROOKS Ideal pick-up work! Many jbeautiful matched accessories) jof crocheted squares, | Slightly different i these 2 PRINTED PATTERN By ANNE ADAMS Wraps in an instant to the |squares add fascinating variety|sleek, slim lines you love! Very --|to scarf, spread, cloth, Patternjeasy to fit -- 17990: charts; crochet: directions, back | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)! T jfor this .pattern (no stamps, jplease) to Alice Brooks, care of| |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft |Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ostario) residents add Ic sales tax. plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 26 HANDICRAFT HITS in our big, big, new 1964 Needle- craft Catalog, out now! See toys, fashions, crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- everything to crochet, knit, sew, r ( ic ac. SIZE, STYLE NUMBER, ideal for begin- Higher front, low square ck are fashion news. Printed Patiern 4726: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 equires 3% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins no stamps, please) for this Ontario residents add sales tax. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, are of The Oshawa Times, t., Oshawa, Ontario, Pattern Dep' DO YOU KNOW HOW TO* GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- LY pnt It's simple -- order our including FREE COUPON to get any one of 250 design ideas, Send 50c. today. Summer Catalog

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