BOA AND BLONDE | Vonnie Von Helmolt, 19, ®ays she thinks people either like snakes or they don't, She likes them. The Winnipeg blonde stepped forth Thursday and had a boa constrictor BRITISH BRIEFS By M. McINTYRE HOOD SPecial to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- British Oversea Airways Corporation has ar nounced big cuts in cargo rate for trans-A ic freight, in ai effort to compete with steam- freight traffic. For some items the cuts, effective April 1, will amount to over 5¢ r cent on shipments from ritish airports to Montreal, THAMES HAS WANDERED GRAYS, Essex -- Evidence of the old course of the River Thames have been uncovered at Grays, two miles away from its 'present banks, Chalk and gravel deposits indicate that a building site there was once part of the river bank, HORSES TO COURSES ENFIELD, Middlesex -- Stables in a 00-year-old coun- try mansion in Enfield are to as part of a council scheme to make the old mansion a '"cul- tural, recreational and educa- tional centre." = |FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS warp itself around her neck during a department store show of birds, reptiles, fish and animals, (CP. Wirephoto) 220 GE Workers Suspended For Long Break GUELPH (CP) -- About 220 day-shift workers at the Cana- dian General Electric Co..pany Limited plant here were sus: ed Wednesday until Feb, 3/°"" ause they didn't return after 'their lunch , the company said When the mployees failed to return to thier work stations they were suspended until 8 a.m. next Monday, Thomas ag personnel manager, 4 : Officials of Local 541, United Biectrical Radio and Machine Workers of America (Ind.), rep- the workers, were ealled to Guelph from a meet- in Toronto where they were contract negotiations with CGE officials, Malcolm Gulliford, president of Local 541, said the men had not refused to return to work, The night shift, on the advice of union officers, reported for work as usual, said Mr, Gulli- ford. "The union intends to follow local grievance procedure pro- vided in their collective agree- LONDON -- Twenty-six for- eign governments are offering British students over 170 schol- arships at their universities and colleges this year, These schol- arships through -- to the Brit- ish Council. $30,000,000 HOSPITAL EALING, Middlesex -- Plans for the rebuilding of the Kin Edward Memorial Hospita at an estimated cost of $30 mil- lion, are being submitted to the minister of health, The new hos- pital will be 10 storeys high with over 800 beds, RE-HEAR INQUIRY CLACTON-ON-SEA, Essex -- A local government planning in- ment and process a grievance for lost time as a result of this) isuspension," he added, | FRIDAY | ROBBIE LANE | end the | DISCIPLES | Dencing 9 p.m. tt} alted te Admission $1.50 | ace Calas THIS WEEK GET "Count Victors" | | j | 11:30 i} TIMES--1:40 ~ 3:35 - 5:30 MEMBERS 40c -- NON-MEMBERS 60c | DOORS OPEN 1:00 P.M. DAILY S cceimeanianeaaiinian be converted into a restaurant), ; Trans-Atlantic Cargo Rate Cut \uiry at Clacton-on-Sea is to be @ , because a parcel of 1oney was sent to the inspector sho conducted it, The inspector mediately reported the mat- ver to his superior officer, who dered a new inquiry. MAC'S OPPONENT BROMLEY, Kent -- Bromley Socialists have chosen Joseph Binns, a 32-year-old insurance broker as candidate to oppose Harold Macmillan in the next election, In 1959, Mr. Macmillan had a majority of 15,452, RETIRING AT 60 BRENTWOOD, Essex -- A widow, who is believed to be the oldest charwoman in Essex, Pach morning Mrs, Rose Crozier gets up at 5.30 and travels to clean the offices of a real estate agent lu the town, CANADIAN GALA LONDON--The Queen Mother is to go to Colchester, Sussex, on April 24 for a gala penform- ance of 'Love's Labor Lost" by the Canadian Shakespearean Festival Company of Stratford, Ontario, SCOT AS SKIPPER SANDBANK, Scotland --Rob- ert Bruce, 54, of Sandbank, has been chosen as skipper of the $120,000 yacht Sovereign, the probable challenger for the American's cup. He has been appointed by the owner, Anthony Boyden. COLOR BAR AT CLUB ACCRINGTON, Lancashire -- A working men's club at Ac- crington, has barred all colored people from membership, At a club meeting of the Old Ban Club, with 1,000 present, a two- third majority voted in favor of is retiring, at the age of 80, the ban, BOTH FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS "Seducers" et 7:20.10:10 p.m, "Kerate" ot 6:45---8:50 P.M, TONIGHT! BILTMORE New Executive Elected At Brooklin By MRS, R, HOLMAN BROOKLIN -- Following an old-fashioned sleigh-ride recent: ly, the members of the United Links Couples Club, of Brooklin United Church, returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hamer for the first business meeting of the new year, President-elect Donald Dun- can took charge of the business meeting. letter Plan ag from the Foster Parents that the child, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, January 31,1964 13 Chan W! living in been su' longer Ait that the group were now ign. ed a nine-year-old Korean girl, Song Soon Hi. The members of the 1964 exec- utive are as follows: honorary presidents, Rev, and Mrs, George Mundy; past-presidents, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Lehman; esidents, Mr, and Mrs, Donald ncan; vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs, John Medland; secre- taries, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Hol- man; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. George Moreau; nominating, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Hamer, Mr, , a Chinese boy ong Kong, who had by the club, no ance and Mrs, Bruce Lehman read a and Mis, Bruce Hannam. DANCING CLUB CAMELOT (formerly VARCOE'S) @ ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING @ SATURDAY, 9 P.M. ADMISSION -- 2.00 PER COUPLE KING STREET EAST, 1 Block East of City Limits DOORS OPEN | 6:30 P.M, | are made available|- NEW 5S AT. Harvey Dance Academy OPENS STUDIOS IN THE Oshawa Shopping Centre Come in and See Our New Home @ Visit Ballet Classes 10 o.m.--12 Noon @ Baton Twirling Classes 2 p.m.--4 p.m. ¥ RENIE HARVEY 725-6122 to the music of DOUG WEEKS BAND at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall CENTRE ST. -- OSHAWA SAT., FEB. {st-9 PLM. ADMISSION 2.00 PER COUPLE CANADIAN ODEON BAY RIDGES JOINS... PREMIER! NEW YORK, PARIS and TORONTO IN PRESEN- Oshawa's MOST Newesz and MODERN | | et Taunton Rd, WATCH ... For Official CRITICS * Yi - cs Ry ACCLAIM! ... NOW SHOWING... |r» TING THE FILM TOP MAGAZINES AND PE OEY Sea S| DrStrangelov 'Ad Love The Bom LAREN ": a \ "a =e" Sterling Hayden: Keenan Wynn Slim Pickens srmaestan title watepaan Stary Kubrick, Peter George & Terry Southem Stone A | Lso Glen Ford in "CRY FOR HAPPY" -- Color FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATER © NITELY FROM 7:30 starr SULLIVAN: warm HYER © PLUS @ (2 FIRST RUN THRILLERS) CLEARANCE By Popular demand we are extending our sale for two more weeks. -- MONO and STEREO Including These FAMOUS ARTISTS: @ Pat Boone @ Andy Stewart -- Reg. to 4.98 @ Johnny Maddox Scottish Soldier @ Billy Vaughen Ella Fitzgerald @ David Carroll Si Zentner @ .Connie Francis Cal Tjader @ Bobby Rydell Dee Dee Sharp @ Lewrence Welk Mills Brothers @ Judy Garland Keely Smith @ Ahmed Jamal Jan August @ .Anne Marie Dick Contino Alberghetti Frankie Avalon @ Brook Benton -- Louie Prime Golden Hits Arthur Fiedler @ Jimmy Rodgers MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION DISC SHOP OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5341 @ OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. @ 7:35 - 9:35, LAST COMPLETE H SHOW 9:25. ~ a Grand Opening Coming Soon NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE | GD Today, Give yourself a break: "take five" for fifty ale! try Canada's fastest. growing ale--Labatt's 50 Ale--more people like it every day.: a