Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 20

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Poche 24, Helen Gourlle 225, Al Hill 217, |Mara MeNell 213, Estelle Patterson 212, | Bert Sutherland 211, Myrna Baiawin 206. |Edna Bowers -" Rose Stovin 204 and aa 26 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Thureday, January 30, 1964 e Ville 33, " pune Tailors 33, cane. Ap (246, 224), Bud Owen 656 (218, 245), Percy pal 0, Allen's BA 27, Richmond T Neal 631 (265, 202), Jack Wilson 629. (290,|20, Rosebow! 18 Motor City 18, 238), ne Bremner 646 (201, 241, 204),/ 204). Clothing 12. one in 641 (215, 239), Joker Gavas| High Games -- Harry Bennett 277, Ron| With two weeks left LR this section it 143,| 636 (225, 215), Steve Gyurke 630 (226, 258).| Flewell 248; aay Clark 242, Gord Wherry & good clos There 7 Bill Byre 623 (255), Murray Butler 622 (21,/228, Almond 8 aol a irene Rehme winners as yet, The Whitt @ Oliver 614 (212, 229), Ruth/221, and Betty Lov have a real battle on there fort his sec- Third section pviliny ln 'Thursday ever 609 233) and Ed Rose 607 (208, ning, which should be an inspiration for (213, 226), 200's: -- Dorothy Gilbert 262, Eleanor) all the teams. bg "ho Dart, @ very|Herbacko 236, 203, Gloria Claus 231, Mur-| Total pinfall by merit for ve sections what happened in game |,/ray O'Reilly 226, 202, Pat Gyurka 225, 212,|Zingers 57,485) Squirts 56,798; Wonder |, Greene 631, M. Ernie Pattman 224, Harry Irwin 217, Mae! $5,805; Beatnicks 55,304) Odd Balls 54,418, /808, J. V. "R. i va my, 3. == Don Robinson 262, Fran- ory 214, Zena Sheridan 213, AnniGo Getters 53,890) Smilers 53,074 and) Schwartz 770, D. Laas Yaa a owd 288, Bill Elliott 243, Dorothy cores a, thy Geen 210, Ralph ime|Sting Rays 53,062. 73), Al. Scott 730, H, initeky Bill Mc clelland 227, George) son ermner 208, Brian Hen- Francis 707,.R, Cooney ie Se Patraboy Fig de ge Boyce orven ah nie 'Brown 05 Mort Scott) wn a best bggrctagoe Leneus 703. and B, Pool 701, m You! , a en Rosamund j struggle is over @ Jetsons, es Bob 206, Morris winners of the first section, also won the High Single (900) Here we he ers ay Pascoe 205, Cecile Bran: OSHAWA MEN'S MAJOR Yecond with 22 points, The Globetrotters, | Webel! Prize winner posi 'gtd ray. ex. N ay ogg 203, Lucky Strike Grill racked up the high) who came up with 4 points and 5 bowler Others Int his section: bell' 500 taken this week -- Hicks 3,/team total of the night with a brilliant ble to te the Astrapauts! scnnoider 336 and. R eNom Pf 0) Dak's . Helfers 0) Jays 2/4070 score, which included the best team However the Astrapauts Oscars 2, Pi effort of the season for this club, Joe Lemon League -- A real good night, Team standings In Ristich led his club with his best night of fellows -- no visitors! the campaign and was closely followed by teammates Jim Sullivan, Pamer Knight, Sel Himes, Dave Reynolds and). Rascals Bob Gallagher, The victory placed Lucky| Hillbillies Strike in a three-way tie for first place,| 600 Scores --- B. Allen 672 (ere 230), J.| Over 600 were: Ben Bracey 645 Aged Repa' with Dutch Treats and Jo Jo's, Hurst 658 (213, 258), 1. Kehoe 612 bend be Ray Brown 630 (221, 221), AG creek Used Fut ' Fred t gril ed really not for Sus 217), M, Weroski 600 (216), |Johnaon 625 (200, 223), Betty Black m ellable| Jays, Big Six cashed in for a two Pon') 200 Scores -- H. Brown 258, R. Tushing:| \iao. urniture, 44, Pickwick Cleaners' 43, Civb| pickup against Dutch Treats, with ROY nam 24%, 222, C. Gilbert 230, R. Crawtord) Over 200: Blleen Smith and | Karnie Dunn's Clothing $3 and Oeh-| Nesbit, Bob Strutt and Reg Hickey belbs] 271, M, Gilkes 22 4. Fulling 212, 200, M./Hale, 237, Doug Nolan 224, 200, Bie 'Mon's High Averages = Yvon RegimballOzzle Keeler, y Bawks 210, D, Starkey 208, Helen 225, Tab Parish 222, Ted Roberts e Gar oy 207, J. Smith 203, M. Ferguson 202 2M, Bee ~ Rozneak and Earnist ccay 205, Lionel Dignard 202, Robert Lavergne| Mann pe : and 'ad Bols 201, lmissed ge Y. hig ons yt McKeegan 219, Lou Black 217, Jim Claus 682 (232, 261), Joan Patiman| 677 (2\3, 247, 217), Jack Mann 665 (272, People om Wes Stata 695 (240, 242, tata 65 (243, 227); Barb 29m, 21 a0 mi | Stata 616 2433 +: i 5 Harvey oe z z z ~ > efi wil take the Congratulations girls, and a big hand to the Globetrotters, who strugged along si: nights out of nine with only five bowl inded up with 17 points 'and the Hootenanni » = section == Hicks Pips |, | LEGION SUNDAY LEAGUE | There was @ much better turn out this} jweek, Thank youl 3, Dak's 3, Oscars 2, Jays 2% Colts 1, Kayo's 0 ond Heifers 0, CLUB DOF QuiLias ACADIEN aoe General Tire 72, lr 72, Aca the chief marksmen Bert prin Cleta Wellman 216, z 20, Aces" 20, Top Ten -- Effie Baldwin 266, Sophia Lakes 248, Bev Rogers 232, Marg MeNel| Rose Siovin 2 Anne Furey brim Norah Baron 216, jazel Rumpel 215, and Frank Alexsnder emon League -- Jean McPherson 83, have ye Pritcnerd " y. Anne Reece 95, Team Standing -- ites 4, Mont, a ery's 3, Saywell's 3, a Henderson's 2, Mitchel Esso |, Bint's 1 and Nesbit's 9. BUSH LEAGUE Points Taken - Len and Lou's 1, City) Yards 3) Beatty's 4, Acme Haulage 4 Tony's 4, CNR 0; George's TV 2, Doyle's Construction 2. High Triples -- i. Childerhose 2%, D, Crawford 690, Burgess 758 (280), A. on ea 703 321) and F, Stewart 738 Singles -- R. Graham 256 and N, watt jeld 253, Lemon League -- P. Daniels 6) ond) F, Watts 96, | ALBERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE Congratulations to the Wizards, the wine ners of th second section with 28 points, Tops 26, Larks 23, Robins 21, Ramblers Hawks 19 Hustlers M1] Beavers 16 a : ty Men 600 -- in) 8 high bowler tor the night Sythe. nice. 827, (259, ns, 353), G, Shemilt 08 (253, 246, 209), W, Down 680 (223, 263), B, Pike 655 (263,| 234), E. Jacklin 647 (241, 220), G. Mauny der 639 (205, 215, 219), K. Pike 616 (255), J, Scott 614 (217, 227) and 0, Mountien) af Nght 208). -- &, Holland 240, P, Clark 27,| A, Nien 218, F, Cooper 213, R. Plancke| Ay F, Coleman 211, 20) and Gord. Ford ae - J, Morrison 248, P, Mar- lowe 226, BE. Hawley 224, G, Locke 204, M, Jacklin 203 and B, Grandy 202, Points Taken This Week -- Beavers 3, Jets 1, Ramblers 3, Aces 1, Wizards 2, convert In the final frame, 'emon League -- M. Datoe 98, D 'Havel 'Dovinish end Bill Smith 212, Aelva s High Averages -- Emma Malo} Jo Jo's scored a shut-out over Ypicers) @ ig 2 Yvonne Duguay 18S and Marie! while Perry's Pets [mecarmey Yu J, Jackson #7. Hill 210, Jean, Robinson 207, Fred. Tay- imbal 18 eran. -oistg FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL eee ia Triples <= Robert Leverane| Rockets droped a twoo-one decision| Poin Taken -- Homes by Harrison 2,|4ut"sg Reta Nolen Tec dack' Dodds Ban Bastarache 778 and Conrad to Flintstones In Group 2 and now lead) Gillards 1) Motor City 2 Westmount 1)/ asiad 90, Reta Nolan 70, Jack Dodds | Mouses. Tops 2, Hawks 2 Larks 2, Robins 2 and Hustlers 2. bal ihe = grou p by three points. Quality Fuels 2, Acadian 1; Genosha 2, Worgan's. fen Pit py rae Du- tension Lucky Six, Knockers beat cia | Qual Queen}. Rai gaa' ea ne Reve Mae) |SIx and, Newcomerse edged Cyclones.) High Triples -- R. Richard 719 (276, 224, Ne eh tree) 1, 198, 268), Men's. High, Singles -- Emery Basta-li) ue ate th do Jo's tl, Bio SIX] ee: omit, 67 ae THE THIRTY-SIX CLUB | rache 330, in ton imbal 31) and Aur: + RUERY | Str LB ' Solomon 682 (21% 236, 227), |. Welch 676| Doubles --- Rose Anderson 416 (241)/ 'Naleneen bd |10, lve Jays 9 Perry's Pete % Spleers} (213, 240, 239), J. Sharp 464 (20, 277, 157), Picay stale nee in ir te on m 6 and Mouses 5. (209, 215, 23 Women's High 31 -- Yvonne Moss 660 (209, 215) 236), H. Canfield) O14 209 scores -- Nellie Ricketts 204, bu: Ree, Erne Malo 24 end Gilbert L Ore 2 x Rockets, 14, Wherty's Ue |685°(270, 182, V1), F. Nayward 648 (133, guey oe 1 Be on "| Newcomers 11, Flintstones 10, Lucky Six} 240, 275}, L. Arp 638 (247, 166, 228), R.| Busy Bees took three points from Maple| took two points from This-| dea. Veutour etast Six. 6, Knockers Cyclones $./Doyle 431 (249, 222, 160), R. Smith 626) Buds, Rockets 656 (261, 224), Art, Robicnava 442 (240, Individual High Scores = Joe Ristich| (179, 180, 267), V. Claus 625 (191, 254,/tles and Try Hards took two points from 204), Levis Deveaux 46, 199), Con-/057. (305), Jim Sullivan (325), Fred] 190), G. Osbourne 624 (150, 237, 237), J,|Rose Buds rad 628 (220, nN) Delphis Dignara| Harding 819 (387), Ding G 807 (323),| Bell 622 (174, 228, 220), F, Tihit 611 (210; Team Standings 425 (292, 198), Yvon Regimbal 624 (226,| Ozzie Keeler 796, Al Perry 786 Joe Kast- |263, 138), J. Laverty 606 (261, 165, 180)! Buds 8, Rockets 7 219), ree, Bestorecne $7 (223, 208), | Nr eed hen ae ta Map Rite | and P, Cormier 600 (214, 219 Buds Donald Bastarache (221, 218) and|775, Doug Harding 77% Roy Nesb! High Singles -- 1, Leblanc 214 B./ Evolin Losier 606 (ae Vs), (305), Reg Hickey 770, Lloyd Sabins 764,| gatiant om, D. Witlems 28, C LADIES MAJOR "BY League | women's, Trips over 900 ~ |Bob Strutt 737, Al Stovin, 736 (208), Hank] Wegks 246, 'D. Wilson 205, 228, R. Sprovil High Triples Mary McKnight 681 Deveaux 697 (257, 220), Alice Boveher ssa] Brown 732 (336): Joe Vasko 758, Bob Gal-io79 a Legere 208, 211, D, Chatterton| (281, 241), Wilma McQuaid 666 (261, 226),| (34, oe Taose MacNell 557 (211, 198),/!@aher 720, Hank Sarnovsky 715 «ait, | b02, ) Mart 205, 209, B, Scot 214, R,/tsobel Wilson 689 (308, 207), Irene Severs Marie Therese Regimbal S45 (215, Ie, Bave Reynolds 710 (307), Bert Harding| pingman 206, J. Jefferson 225, C. Wine: 646 (250, 224), Hazel Weddup 624 (245,| mma Malo $45. (227, 162) and Marie! 70%, Ed Johnson 704 (300), Ray Mann 701/ con" o12, p, Hercla 20%, J. Goodes 236,| 202), Mildred Wittrick 616 (227, 208), Dian) Louise Richard S42 (22), 199), and Eddie F, Brown 700, 1B. Gledhill 202, P. Chase 206, F, Linley/ma Charuk 615 (238, 223) and Olive An-| |= Don't forget our next dance, Feb, 22.8 Come and bring your friend, | vergne 277, Men's triples over 600 - Busy Bees 9, Rose Try Hards 6, Maple 5 and Thistles | Therese SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliohle Ges Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 Group 2. John Cardinal 744, Bill Web- i ish 7 jderson 604 (242, 192 NICKLE PLATE Leacue ip 256, D. Skinner 209 and B, Fisher 20 ds |ster 725, Gord Brown 710 (313), John Mc | ee RT gt ot ig? dag Including }Conkey 707, Jack Strank 700, Sonny MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE » bowler for week was/ Schwartz 699 (275), Ray Cooney 697, Fred) Last game of the second section com That) | Schneider 694, Chas, Taylor 697, Haroldiing up and two teams are tied Jury lowing | Clarke 679 (279), Jim White 677 (271) and and Lovell 17, Thomson Kernaghan 17 George Pappas with a a triple. rest certainly did George Good. Fo! ibs ee Pare tims arey. Soreniale, R./Vin Conlin: 04. Kinloch's 18, People's 12, Gold Medal 12, 35, 11, Jordon's 10, Nu-Way 10, Angus act Thernbury 715. | WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH CLUS See NN eee Uae A es 683, | Winners of the second section o L 77, &. Behm 672, H. Traynor 669, J, In. Yhe Zingers by reversion the Won High Double was rolled by Mabel Moss Dalby 658, G. Glover 636, ./ a 604 tro, 324), Odle White S01 (266, 235), M, Carl 428, &, Derceurt 610, tI "sranditig of teams in points --- |Mary Frobel 494 (216, 278), Ada Tonkin) and m9 Sosnowski! 605, a7, Wonders 26, Squirts 24, Go Getters 19/09 Yo72, 221), Edna Elviot 488 (247, 241), . Shob-! RB a aie 1 sting Rays 17, Odd Balls 15, ey Siblock 456 (328), Anne Gwilllams 440 land Smilers } 44), Marion Hutchins 428 (262) and Lena iy am Ken Cobb 791. (206, 298), Nicholls 2a (233) High Triples 4 joe | Ward | 707 (25% 208), Les 'Barony wa _igh Singles -- Zingers! ee. yee * Betty Black 258, Merle 2 3 end. |. Morrison 210. " = Automatics 4,.An- Mixers 0) Tankers) Shiners |, There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN For personal use or for @ ACADIAN Other Telephone -- FROM -- McLaughlin's Your Home Better with FUEL OIL 723-3481 Company uso there ere @ PONTIAC -- Medet @ BUICK . pon oe Prompt Delivery ! | 24-Hr. Service you lease @ new... No insurance costs . . . No maintenance costs . . . One rote «Phone or come . @n one or two year lease ite oe for fall "aeteth, ule ceaa MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD, 266 KING ST, WEST 1 700s: -- Joyce O'Reilly 749 (333, yt Art Brown 702 (21), 207, 284) and (247, 290,223), 0's: -- Jigger Northey' 485 (248, McLaughlin Coal 110 KING ST. W. 265), Budget Plan -- Automatic Weether-Controlled Delivery "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat" & Supplies Lid. OSHAWA SAL y SUITS DRESSES "BE SMART --BE THRIFTY" FULL P be dodehedediodededs ' ee tk tt tt a (Formerly Radiant Cleaners) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SEA h Ap Ae lipid dia tindin dp Madina th PRET TT OT TT TTT VADIANT CLEANERS ARE HAVING THEIR ANNUAL DRY CLEANING QDcllar Days (Feb. 1 to Feb. 15) FOR SAME DAY SERVICE -- VADIANT CLEANE 1.00 . 1,00 AND UP RICE Save 3.96 sq. yd.! Ordinarily 14.95! Wool-Pile Hardtwist Broadloom Exclusive with EATON'S, this is specially selected, heavy quality carpet with a deep, densely woven, wool pile, The hardtwist "'kink" in each tuft gives a springy resilience thot fairly fights footmarks and smudges so it keeps its well groomed took with little effort on your part, In 9' 12 and EATON 15' widths and twelve serene colours. Semi-Annual Sale sq. yd. @ Mink @ Sand Beige @ Amber Gold colour 10.99 Rug Under-Cushioni ug Under-Cushioning @ Sandalwood @ Aqua @ Sage Green @ Doeskin @ Old Gold colour @ 'Light Beige @ Buoyant cushioning (about: 14" thick\ helps prolong life and give a luxury feeling of extra depth to rugs, oe Fused fibre backing lends strength and helps prevent spreading, MATCHING 27" HALL AND STAIR CARPET Sale, lin. yard e Ph rh ons eat vd 106" widths, On room-size rug cushion wider than 106" there is an extra moke-up chorge EATON Semi-Annual Sale, sq. yd. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 272 Ys to Y2 OFF! "TABLE LAMPS PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY -- (Please, No Telephone or,Mail Orders) Here's an excellent selection of lamps from which to choose! Many exciting styles . . . suit- able for living room, den, rec' room or bedroom. In the group are pottery, metal and wood- en bases . . . each with its own comple- eS 96 t 29. 95 =~ mentary shade. Many one-of-a-kind extra) EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 377 @ Avocado Green e Nutmeg @ Copper Glow See eee meme eet tt eee ewesesenes Fibre-backed Sponge Rubber 98 PHONE 725-7373 Smee meee ee eee eee eee eeeeeeeeee Seeeeeeeees . . . do shop early! Ends-of-lines. EATON Special Price, each 20% SAVINGS! "BLUE SEAL" Spine @ Exterior and Interior Finishes EATON Semi-Annual Sale, 13 1 @ House Paint @ Floor Enamel! @ INTERIOR LATEX AND SEMI-GLOSS @ Semi-Gloss @ Quick-dry Enamel Ordinarily 1.55 and 5,20! Matching Colours For Wells end Ceilings @ Nassau Green White @ Elf Green @ Primer Seoler @ Ivory @ Bright Red @ Tile Red @ Powder Blue @ Cadet Grey "e Light Ivory @ Turquoise @ Shutter Green @ Soft Yetlow © Lavender Pink @ Sandstone @ Petal Pink @ Light Turquoise © Seo Green e 20% Off! PAINT BRUSHES Bristle brushes for every type of paint and almost every job. . Sizes range from 1" to 4". Reg. 69 to 3.25! Sale, each ....++. 55 to PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 Friday Is The Last Day... The Big Climax ... EATON'S 2-DAY MID-SEASON SALE : 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights uhtil 9 Interior Latex HOUSE PAINT e@ White @ Light Grey @ Basecoot @ Golden Brown @ Battleship Grey e @ Coral A)

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