Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 16

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- NEW PLASTERING 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jenvery 30, i966 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday fo Frida BUSINESS SERV Accountants Dressmaking 1 Mortgages Sales and Service ec ag orice, ae Bond] making EXPERIENCED, alterations, repairs and new drapes, Please call 728-9515. IKAIPE, CZ, crarrea, acu ant : 2 ane LL) Accountants, 728-7527; Hd Shopping nyrtr' on 21SE; 203|Gardening and Supplies TREES REMOVED, trimmed, build lots © Power equipment. Free esti- mates. Cail Ajax Jea-1824; Oshawa +) 725-9450, Oshawa Ajax 942-0890; Whitby 668-4 DER aN Fl pa perrernn i eee bankruptcy 64 King Street East 728-7371, 'DLE AND fered Accountants, 187 King Street East, Soews. Ontario. 725-3509. WILSON AND etd CHARTERED Accountants, 114 Street East, Oshawa; Ronald on Dd. gg CA; G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-; @, Edmond Burrows. CA, 720-7554. __ LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, me 205W, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. PROSSER, Chariered 906 br ete North, hye de Accountant, Whitby. T ' ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- 'ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. Barristers THOMAS H. GREER, Solicitor, Notary, Suite Building, 86 King Street East. 728-6209. Mortgage funds available. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14¥a King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. BA, Barrister, 303, The Times WILD BIRD FEEDS Wild Bird Mixture Wild Bird Feeders Sunflower Seed Millets Small Cut Grains WATER SOFT SALT Crystal No. 2 Salt Rox Brand Pellet Common Fine Salt COOPER SMITH 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 ¢? fF 3DDS AND DONALD, Barristers and Solicitors, etc, 69 King Street East, Telephone 723-2201. MCGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for: Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. ages, 20 Simcoe Street Ni McGibbon, QC; tedo, QC; Norman H, LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance, peers Satur days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. JAMES A, M, DONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- tic. The Commerical Buliding, West, awa, Ontario. Client parking available. 725-4716 or Ll ' CREIGHTON, DRYNAN A BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing. Taps ballet, jazz and baton. Knights of Columbus Hall, 728-7902. WILSON AND LEG Music Store. Rental ter now for ac ion lessons, Barristers, Solicitors, Molar, Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street ., Icey ape ig oot T. K. Creighton, at G. K, Drynan, QC, 728-9554; accordions for beginners, Dial 725-4706, Money to Loan 'Murdoch, QC, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, was7ins Mortgages and Agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged. Louis s. ag oe QC, Barrister, ae tor, ~ agg 305, _ The Building, king y Street East, m8. Clients nis 'available for mortgages. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥2 King Street East, Oshawa, R. B. Humphreys, QC; Boychen, QC; W. H. Hillman, way : 725-1177. Residen 728-43; Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and pins mortgage funds available, MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan, Henry Block, 26% King Street East. 723-4697, Residence, dial 723-4029. GREER Ane cay, Barrister, Sollci- tors, $i . Dial : Greer, * Terence V. Kelly, BA. BCL, BRUCE V. MACKAY, BA, Barrister, Soli- » Notary Public. Mortgage funds available. 36% King Street East. 723-1107. Res., 728-1285, Building Trades Al CARPENTRY, cabinets, bathroom, kitchen remodelling, 'wall and floor tiles. G. Lehman, and ain re a YES, YOU CAN pa 'CHICKEN OUT" AT CRESCENT We're reasonable people. If you become dissatisfied with Crescent loon within 30 days, We won't hold you to it, Return your loan and we'll cancel it with no ques- tion, no charge to you, Rea- sonable? Yes, and, we're dis- creet, friendly ond fast, too. Come in anytime and ask about our Guaranteed Money Service. PHONE 728-7311 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "Ond Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, hg 1a its purchased and sold. ick Hennick, Barristers, 31 ing Street East, 723-7232. ae FOR SALE $7,000 FIRST MORTGAGE ON RANCH HOUSE AT 7% INTEREST WRITE BOX 548 OSHAWA. TIMES Need A Mortgage Loan Private party to invest in Ist and 2nd mortgages. Agree- nents for sale, Mortgages purchased. Low rates. Your mortgage problems gladly dis- cussed. No fees, no. waiting. Immediate service for quick results. or 723-3211 725-2529 Up To $10,000 Available To Homeowners INTEREST RATES FROM: 1% TO 1%4% PER MONTH 12% TO 15% PER AN- NUM). NO BONUSES NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BROKERAGE FEES PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N. 25 Superior Offices In Ontario |SPECIAL: $2.50 sewing machine tune-up. len-| Any make. Whitby Textile, phone 668-5046. |GUARANTEED repairs to all bear oc! Mig rig and ranges, Free estimates. I] Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor. ares jal blue prints, 11 Ontario Street, H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land i Faded 11} Elgin Street East. Phone CE DIRECTORY |= a7 TV--Radio Repairs Lone VISTA TV Towers, lal Serv- ice and television repairs, 480 Phillip Murray Avenue, Telephone 728-6879, Lo, agers hg pote alg to all makes) radio, car radi Elec tenes 157 Elliott, TS97¥2 Fred. TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA 17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted bates peter pert e pe Ne ge Sey y. Saturday $ to 12 _|23--Wanted To Rent By R J. SCOTT prover OR Ie ARAL, Con : gs dap pu ing 4 ie Telegraphers and Agents. business. Pr month, Pension and Sey ae ae y machine to learn Ieorn Waeare Y¥, and self-teaching books to eni Street,|" Whitby, Ont, 668-4607. RAILWAYS need young men trained as They hans actical careers w Com able | ------ Wes you to qualify at mall cost, "Graguates| cna -- Must have full knowledge of Yelephone. 728 ed to positions, F: folder. Write} > no MAN WANTED to work in plogery Apply Mr. J. Lusted, Station. Road, Pick- ering, MEAT CUTTER WANTED newiaiery: in person. Buehler's ir ore 12 King Street East, cunee, ari small Lee March 1, ville area preferred, After 4 pum, Bowmanville 623-2692, THREE-ROOM unfurnished va AB sek eo Ben » After 4 pms ONE OR TWO - bedroom peeriment or ating. small kitchen, 6 days, hts or Sundays, English speakin abstalner, Write Box 538, Oshawa and imes, THREE-BEDROOM home or main floor apartment woneree Linge os can RAWLEIGH business now open in awa, Osh|78----Male or Female Help Wanted Supply references, oo argre to Pesetyd need le media @ home fami Ons, nove A} wn WITH EXPERIENCE APPLY GENOSHA HOTEL 70 KING ST. WANTED SUPPLY pers consider five-room Lge hi spit Write He full particulars. such size, price in first letter, cinta Box 531, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, WANTED -- three-room furn on ment, Immediately. Telephone 5 - ELECTRONICS Service Calls $2.50 9 am.--9 p.m. Daily New 21" Picture Tubes As Low As $19 66 All Work Guaranteed Dominion Television 1206 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY 668.5971 TV TOWERS ANC Antenna Repair 3--Pets & Livestock 16--Female Help Wanted GERMAN POINTER, long haired, fe- male, registered, three years old, excel- lent bird dog. $60. After 6:30, telephone 7256, PART-TIME kitchen help, weekly, experienced preferred. ity of full 'me, Apply Oshawa Shopping Centre. three days Possibil- HORSE -- Four years old, color biack, Western broke, Quiet and sound, Bred to registered quarter horse stallion, 728-0769 5--Farmer's Column Bs WATER FOR SALE --- 1000 10 gallons, $8 delivered. Telephone Roland Bail, 725-5916. Lae peape Need ure Call = "Bil DUE TO INCREASE of business we need more part-time heip for weekends. Apply in person. Envoy Restaurant, 522 Ritson Road South. WANTED AT ONCE experienced gir! or woman in children's and misses' cloth- ing. Must have pleasing personality; for evening work, 6 to 10 p.m. Please wie Stating full particulars to Box 949, awa _Times, ¥08-6511 or evenings ane ty "725-7263. CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- phone collect. Hampton 263-2721, Marg- will Pur Farm, Licence 245-C-63. 1,000 BALES of ng oi ieee 45c per bale. Call Hampton 21 TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 GEORGE WILSON NEED MONEY? TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without obli- tion, your financing plans: Our 10 or 15 Year long- term 2nd mortagge with low interest ond small repayments =a rescent modelling, rec. rooms. Free estimates. A. Woods, 728-3420. | CORPORATION LIMITED | Mortgages ALL TYPES of building repairs, po Gordon Gordon May, 728-0394, "lsale purchased. Creighton, PRIVATE and corporation monies for all) jages; mortgages and agreement of| Drynan and (See '"Barristers") PLASTERING, pity 3 and remodel- tng new and old work. Telephone 723-4871 f no answer, "all 723-9258. YOUP LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- built and repaired, gas linings In- pela furnaces va vacuumed. Free esti- \. 723-2997. aaa ALL ge oye needs, cupboards, femodeling etc. Call Don Brooks, Hamp- MASONRY CONTRACTOR ibe Le block, stone. We are ree winer work. Estimates free. ROOFING, concrete floors, ae ein @ur specialty. New work and repairs. Large and small jobs. L. and H. Rooting) @nd construction, 725-6937. General Electric CUSTOM KITCHEN : on display Wayne Appliances 7 Simcoe St. North Telephone 723-1411 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661. secomating DRESSMAKING -- Alterations, repairs. Bto5 Gally, Mrs. lezzi, 652 Ritson Road South. 725-8562. EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuth and alterations. Reasonable rates, Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476, HAJDU'S Toiloring and Dressmaking Professional designer of ladies wear. Bridal, formal, cocktail, suits, coats. All kinds of alterations and fur remodeling. Fit right guar- MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages. Fast service. . F. SWARTZ 26 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association SUMMERLAND moy prove much easier for your. budget. CORONATION INVESTMENT CO. LTO. e Conadian Public Company In Oshawa erea call SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 King St. West 723-2265 (after hours, 728.3376) Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe and electronle organ tuning and repair, instruments ap- praised. A. Hiddunk, Ajax 942-1664, Painting and Decorating GENERAL painting, papernanging and repairs. Furniture finishing old and new, Sign painting all kinds. H. Brown 92 Wil- kinson Ave. 728-0225, W. G. Scott and Son Experienced painters ond de- corators in all branches of the trade. Interior and ex- terior. 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 728-6815 DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING ana heating supplies, Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials, Reasonable rates. Estimates free, Dial J. Fol Foley. 723-1191, SECURITIES LIMITED Onteed. BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 | PHONE 728-3112 | 112 Simcoe St, North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described offers get taster results. 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days Count each word, initial, figure IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES; 15¢ While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box mumbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. Protessional listings only, 3 Eoch additional line per month (Not applicable for merchandise ta DEADLINES WORD ADS Cvebecces Cards of Thanks ....s00.- In Memoriums .... Lost ond Found ... Births and Deaths bude x ete AND CORRECTIONS 8:30 A.M, Day of Publication REGULA The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than One incorrect insertion of any advertisement. price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to Its proper classification. Im the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability ot advertisement if any inor- --~'~ Telephone the Direct to Calssified a 23-3492 Classified ices --- For Al i Gat The Times Simdtend soa perenne Number . 8:30 a.m. Bay of Publication Cash 3.75 4] 2.25 2.48 or abbreviation as one word. Cha rge . 8,50 1.60 lines per month. seseees 5 p.m. Day Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous 5 p.m, Day Previous : ing. 75 Charles Street 723-7212. T.V. SPECIAL $42.50 up 22.50 up Towers ... Roof Antennas .. TREATMENT for Calf Scours, Mastitis, Shipping Fever, and Pig Anemia, Vitomin A. D,. E. deficiencies. SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN Mon., Wed., Fri, & 655-3301 Rotor Lead installed .. $10. Lead Wire Installed . 8.50 New all channei head 12.50 Guy wires installed 9.50 For Fast Service Call 11--Articles For Rent CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital or walkers, reducing machines, sick supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, "Ta5-1644, Oshawa 728-3334 Whitby 668-8344 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted WANTED TO BUY -- Bass guitar, In good Pela eg After 6 p.m., please telephone 1585, wanTes = Round dining room table, with centre pedestal type leg. In good Condition, Call 728-5518, WANTED -- Antiques, glassware, paper weights, Call 728- 4185. 728-8180 Well Drilling--Digging ELL by PH BeAr tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut ir Ng PO Box 329 Whitby, 668-2563 ps r ¢6b-2009 WILLIAM KROONTJE, weil digging, compressor work, clean-out and deepen- ing ase 468 Park Road South, 728-3864, 1--Women's Column OLD ANTIQUE guns wanted, siso old shells, Telephone 72 725-8183, Nt ERY chest of drawers, natural fin- Ish, In good condition, Call 728-5640, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311-89 BLOOR E. PERMANENTS on -- Page Hair dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 13--Business Opportunities 725-5363, 2--Personal iF YOU have a drinking probiem, write Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034, WANTED ride from North-west | Whitby to Oshawa, arriving at 8 or 8.30 a.m. Telephone 668-4988. ONE PASSENGER wanted for trip to Bahamas in twin engine aircraft. Leav- ae February. For further details, WISH TO thank gentieman who saw small black dog -killed on Church Street Friday evening please call 5-0577 Marie Murduff will be in BUSY RESTAURANT, 333 Simcoe |household duties, RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to look after seventeen - month - old child, pd with housework. Must live in, Good home for right person. 725-0575. CAPABLE experienced young woman for household cleaning. References. Phone between @ and 8 p.m. Bowmanville 623- 3. 509. HAIRFASHION enced hairdresser, with or without clien- tel. Must be neat, polite and energetic. Apply 79¥a Simcoe North. BABY SITTER for one child and some while mother works, five-day week, Apply 157Va Olive Avenue. WAITRESSES, full or part time. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, FULL TIME cashier, 3 p.m. to 1) pm. five-day week, Also cashier for part in Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel, BECOME STENOGRAPHER in 10 weeks SALON requires experi- |home-study, Save expense day or er School by purchasing Zeller's Ltd, ACCOUNTANT Between the ages of 21-30. Three to five years banking experience a must, Salary to commensurate with exper- lence and education, Apply in own handwriting to GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 32 KING ST. EAST __OSHAWA __ ~ MACHINIST For tool and die maker, For a growing company in the electronics industry. APPLY MR, LEE HART CROVEN LTD. 500 Beech St, Whitby -- 668-3325 TEACHER Qualified teacherr wanted for supply work--St, Bernadette's Separate Sctool--Ajax. Con- toct Mr. K. Gubb; tel. Ajox 942-2215, 3 Ambitious Men Previous experience selling ks, brushes, vaccums, etc. Highest weekly, If 'reliable, we will train you cormmissions paid shorthand books, which are approved by Dept. of Education, Our 50 years' experi- ence insures results. $30, cash,' or $4, payable $10. a month. Typing $15. extra. Free folder. 'Write Cassan Systems, 805 Beech Street, Whitby, Ont, 668-4607, Advertsing Agency . Requires 21 to 35 years of age to call on clients with Advertis- ing material. Must be free to travel Southern Ontario. Car is essential. No experience YOUNG WOMAN| * for Branch Office Manager. Write stating qualifications Classified Box 537 Oshawa Times Oshawa, Ontario Attention: Mr, Douglass PART-TIME necessary, For interview write Photo Ads Agency Postoffice Box 11, __Whitby, Ont. CLERK- STENOGRAPHER Required by Insurance Company Branch Office 5 day week, Permanent _posi- tion. Applicant must be a Grade 11 or preferably a Grade 12 graduate. State age, marite| stotus, experi- ence if any. All replies treat- ed confidentially. Write BOX 239 OSHAWA TIMES pereet South, for sale. T Joe Cyr, 28-4391. sowie ALLEY In Oshawa area. Can be operated by two persons for winter months only if desired. Good return. Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor, 723-4391. EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE avaliable for Brick and Stone Sidings, now being manu- factured in Canada, Excep- tional Rare a iead to build money business. LEMEX CORPORATION, 390 Lemoyne Street, Montreal, 1. Quebec. Oshawa, Feb. 3rd, 4th and 5th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS YORK PLUMBING AND HEATING Specializing in repairs. 328 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-1731 After Hours Pickering 839-1556 Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS _re-upholstered re-styled. Free estimate. See our ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Upnolster- CUSTOMCRAFT'S Upholstering De Depart- ment. Experts in re-covering, _re-styling. | ©: Chrome chairs a specialty. mates. Dial 728-7271 Free = esti- Covered tike new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. HAVE YouR chesterfield suite factory re-built. Low price. and CHESTERFIELOS and oid chairs re|4 1;| Broad, 114 Elgin € 723-4641 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- 14--Employment Wanted -- STENOGRAPHIC service -- Resun presentations, manuscripts, Will hoy pnd and deliver, Quailty and fast service. WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED For appointment call Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Bowmanville 623-3373 Accuracy guaranteed. Whitby. T 668-8033. PETER PAN DAY NURSERY qualified day care, 7 a.m, to 5.30 p.m, 58) Simcoe 2604. » 728- EXPERIENCED woman requires house cleaning or baby sitting by the hour. Telephone from 9 to 9 p.m. 723-7257. tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 3--Pets & Livestock CHIMUAHUA pupples for sale, register- from champion stock. Telephone 16--Female Help Wanted Leigiesse Ln GIRL wanted to baby sit, live preferr Room and board plus). pt Telephone 728-4955. ~~ TWO FULL TIME OFFICE CLERKS 726-6512, COCKER SPANIEL puppies, parti color, months, permanent shots, Mo 5d aha Excellent temperament, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking" Fa Apply Mrs. 728-328) evenings 728-2439, Kennedy Uphoistering Limited, RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Ex-| perts established 17 years. Complete/&!! range of materials. Workmanship guar- anteed 5 years, Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built. Furniture re- fini . Oshawa | ing Company, ONE ONLY! a black toy, male, registered, poodie. Pet only, very affec- tionate, seven months, Will save for Val- entine' It 728-6992, REGISTERED De Daschund Puppy, standard type, female, reasonable. Tele- Phone Bowmanville after 5 p.m. 623-3430, 10 Bond West, 725-0311. Sales and Service 8:30 a. 4 Day of Publication p.m. Previous Day TIONS in writing, not for more than nor beyond the than thot in which the actual mAntained serein GLASS AND SCREEN Repairs to aluminum win- dows and door inserts -- 1 day service --- cid your frames into our fac MINIATURE' poodies, white, five weeks old, Registered, papers, needles. Apply ™ Hortop St Street. ent POODLE -- while, male, 3% months will be Me ig des no when fully grown. Has all needies, Registered $150, 725-4858. bd REQUIRED Must be neat and a. with figures. Apply CANADIAN' TIRE 115 SIMCOE SOUTH BOOKKEEPER SALESLADY Experienced bookkeeper and typist with sales experience Preferably in home furnish- ings, good wages, permanent position. References neces- sory. Application by appoint- only. 725-6559 Rutherford's Furniture ~ EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER To take complete charge of small set of books, Five day week. Apply manager SHELL HANDY ANDY ONE STOP AUTO SERVICE CENTRE Cor. King and Stevenson Rd. PHONE 728-9421 COLLECTOR Mon to collect small month- ly current accounts, No sell- ing involved. Must be mor- tied. Dependable. Have good cor and be free to work even- ings and Saturdays. No shift workers need apply. Please write the manager advising phone number to "POST OFFICE" BOX 86 TERMINAL STATION N. TORONTO 14, ONTARIO "OPPORTUNITY _ IN PAINTS A national manufecturer re- quires a young man to learn inside work. in their direct soles outlet. Excellent op- portunity for future advance- ment, Experience in paint and wallpaper an advantage but not essential. Full ire benefits. Apply PRESTON Decorating Supplies 19 Bond W. -- 723-4922 ~ YOUNG MAN Required in office of rap- idly expanding manufac- turing company. Aptitude for figure work will be helpful. Excellent oppor- tunities for energetic adaptable young mon. Previ- ous experience not necessary, as training will be given. Re- ply giving details of education (experience if any) and salary required. BOX 747 OSHAWA_TIMES FARM or house and small barn or what have you? Near Oshawa, Please write + Rag tapas api a3 ONE- oR byte ge wanted, Park R Wore ee ned pa smal iment BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced in Burroughs and Underwood Bookkeeping machines. Salary range $3,753.00. Applications close February 4th, 1964, Apply giving ex- perience, education, age, marital status, to: Personnel Officer, City Holl, Os'iawa, Ontario, 20--Room and Board : ROOM AND BOARD in clean comfortable! home. Gentleman preferred, Shift work: ers welcome. Telephone 728-4112. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, lunches packed. Parking. Telephone) 723-7267, WHITBY -- Room and board, lunches packed, parking. Apply 301 Rosedale Drive, _ Whitby. Siar 668-8230, ROOM and board in clean, comfortable home, located near Ajax, Phone collect 839-3937 NEWCASTLE he room and board, sult- able four people, three meals dally or lunches packed. Parking, $15, week each. Newcastle 987-4675, $3,354.00 to 24--Houses For Rent NICE nine-room veniences, two batman ocd two-car garage, on Beal Bowmanville and Sin rete rer iy family. fe i: Atte sa hed Ki tT preferred. 7 4 shed, working couple MD pm, 002 Phillip wurray. EIGHT-ROOM house to rent, ean GubIOy Redecorated. Near ree ag $190, a month, Write Box Oshawa mes, $50. 80, MONTHLY, "V0? Nassau Trea ae six home, no furnace, Vacant, after 6 p.m, 723-9210, 25--Apartments 3 = ROOM apartment in _ buliding includes new rai and drapes, Also yg § oun children, Telephone 725 ONE-BEDROOM arises Ra, suitable for one girl, Telephone 728-8339. mer. APARTMENT with relrigerator, range and drapes Included, 1, Please call DIVISION STREET, 35 -- Furnished remen, double room for. two gent! Apply above. ONE AND TWO- 88D apartment in new buliding, all 4 ae conveniences: supplied, $105-$118 monthly, 728-1844, HARMONY ROAD SOUTH = Comore able three good sized rooms heated, private entrance. 728-8685. riaeraney extras, ROOM and board for one Apply 748 Gifford Street, 26---Rooms For Rent 17--Male Help Wanted PART TIME INVESTIGATOR For a few hours work daily, Must have car. Typing ability on asset. No objection to re- tired person. Write to Post Office Box 356 OSHAWA, ONT. 156 Simcoe Street South 16--Female Help Wanted BEAGLE puppies, nine months, male, $20. Please call 725-5110. SHEEP -- five bred ewes, -- February and March. Telephone 725- NASH ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST. EAST TELEPHONE 728-1633 ea YOUR LAWN MOWER | | Have your Lown Mower, |ee. Tractor, Tiller, or Outboard | Serviced now. Parts and service for Teco Mowers, Stratton, Clinton, Lauson, Moto Mowers, Briggs and Lawn Boy. Any make serv- iced, free pick up. Dial 728- 2791 or 725-4633. OQ. OLAN 74 BARRIE AVENUE FOR SALE -- German ene akard dog, | black and tan, male, $40. or best offer. Telephone 728-9372. PEKINGESE puppies, charming pets, Srglish Reemee, Reasonable. Register- Dial Whitby 668-3923, Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash STENOG RAPHER We require a young man with junior matriculation for general stenographic duties. Applicants must have one or two years office exper- ience. Good typing speed. telephone voice. "Dictaphone" experience ai hand" desirable. Pleasant and distinctive ind a knowledge of "short Excellent starting salary--all employee benefits. APPLY IN' WRITING TO CONSUMER'S GAS CO. 29 Celina St., Oshawa 2 JUNIOR DRAFTSMEN CITY OF OSHAWA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Plot surveyor's field notes, calculate earthwork quonti- ties, set grades ond check locations, make tracings of municipal maps, check local improvement petitions, pre- pore sewer information for builders. Full high school including fundamentals of mechanical drawing. Applications giving full de- tails of education, og gt marital status, ete., be submitted by Svs Ath, 1964, to: Personnel Officer City Hall, ' Oshowe, Ontorio. 22 Offices, Stores, Storage FOR RENT -- office space with working area, Suitable for small business, 475 square feet, Telephone 725-8245, WILL FINISH basement. New commer- cial building, 463 Ritson Road South. Accommodate beauty parlor, barber shop. Ample parking. Sargeant's, 725-3338 Store at 23 Prince St. opproximotely 1500 sq. ft. will decorate to suit. $70.00 PER MONTH Call OX "4-2945 Toronto ofter 5:00 p.m. OFFICE Small, Heated, upstairs office Excellent downtown location. To inspect call Mr, Gutsell, Oshawa 723-4523 Mr. Parcels, Toronto 481-3443 | _ Eastern and | Chartered Trust Company ~ FURNISHED re een out lady, Ap ply 265 Albert Street, ROOMS FOR RENT, $3 -- = and $4. nightly. $10, weekly, Queen's Motel, Osh- awa Ltd., 67 Simcoe Street North, 723-7012 ROOM, single or ee for niyo only, quiet clean a minutes te Bm, apply 135 Four Corners, After Celina Street, ROOM for rent, furnished, close to North GM and hospital, Telephone 725-8702, ELGIN STREET, 6§ -- Single furnish ed bedroom, suit gentleman, work. er, Centrally located, Phone 146, OSHAWA MOTEL -- Fiend end double rooms, heated, television, showers, ing, weekly rates, Telephone nea is 728-9268 after 4 p.m, Fernhill Boulevard, Call all 723-7070, 5,30 pm, 723 23-2434, siohine "eer Telephone' 72-1244 TV antenna, Apply between $8 p.m. LARGE furnished bed - silt kitchen privileges. Central, lophone ONE furnished room for gen! aman Te private home, with private in" Apply SINGLE furnished ¢ Housekeeping room, near Shopping Centre, TWO furnished rooms, upstalra, soulte east district, working" lady preferred. @ DREW STREET, two par turnish- ed housekeeping rooms, third » sinks Couple preferred, ELGIN Street East, furnished room, re trigerater, parking, private entrance, $12 ~| weekly, Preterred, 725-1497. Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N,. Ads 728-8671 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS A MASTERPIECE By ALICE BRCOKS Your handcraft has great value when you embroider a masterpiece like this picture, "Tht Lord's Supper" by the great master, Leonardo da Vinci is one of the best-known pictures. Pattern 7072: transfer 14 x 19 ins., color chart. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern' (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario: Ontario residests add Te sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in our big, big, new 1964 Needle- craft Catalog, out now! See toys, fashions, _ crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- everything to crochet, knit, sew, weave, embroider, quilt, smock. Send 25c right now. Want-Ads Dont' PRINTED PATTERN A Deepen enewreiee 4748 SIZES 124-22% HALF-SIZER By ANNE ADAMS - Bring spring closer -- sew this soft, slimming dress mint-fresh pastels or versatile navy. Note smart skirt shape highlighted by pleat. Printed Pattern 4748: Half Sizes 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 2044, 22%. Size 16% requires 4 yards 35-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern, Ontario residents add 2e. sales. tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, bo YOU KNOW HOW TO GET 'A PATTERN ABSOLUTE. LY FREE? It's simple -- order our Spring - Summer Catalog including FREE COUPON to get any one of 250 design ideas. Cost -They Pay Send 50c, today, np Ne ey

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